Message template

Messages present a brief message and optional relevant actions.

This template is useful for communicating error messages, permission prompts, and other information about UI states.

This template can be embedded in the Tab template to provide tabbed navigation.

This template can be included in the Map + Content template to display a message on a map.


  • Optional header (header is replaced with tabs when this template is embedded in the Tab template)
  • Up to 2 lines of wrapping text
  • Image, icon, or loading spinner (optional)
  • Up to 2 buttons in template body (optional), where one can be designated as primary
Wireframes of the Message template

Message template examples

Map + X with included Message template with primary and secondary action buttons
Message template included in the Map + Content template containing primary and secondary action buttons
Message template with action buttons
Message with two actions

Message template UX requirements

App developers:

MUST Include message text.
SHOULD Designate a primary action when providing 2 actions.
SHOULD Place the primary action closest to the driver (on the left for left-hand-drive vehicles) when there are 2 actions.
SHOULD Include a header with an optional title and primary and secondary actions.
MAY Include an image or icon asset.
MAY Include up to 2 actions.
MAY Use this template to prompt users about app permissions and open related flows on the phone when parked (as shown in Grant permissions on phone).