After you determine the top-level navigation tabs for your app, you must consider the browsable content views and how they are organized.
Because car makers and Google take care of the content-view styling and the browsing navigation, your only design task with respect to browsing is to plan what’s in each view.
Specifically, you need to decide the following:
- How many levels deep your content goes
- How each top-level and lower-level browsing view will be formatted (grid or list)
- Whether the content in any browsing view will be grouped into subcategories
- Whether you want to implement search within your app as an aid to browsing (strongly recommended to make it easier for the app to be used in the car)
As you decide how to structure your content, remember that having fewer levels is better, to minimize cognitive load on drivers. Grouping content into subcategories within a browsing view (with subheaders) can help you to make your hierarchy flatter.
If you choose to implement in-app search, you won’t need to design the voice and keyboard search interface. Car makers design both the voice search affordance and the keyboards. For details, visit Supporting voice actions and Displaying search results.
Browsing view examples

Browsing view requirements
Keep in mind the following requirements and recommendations:
Requirement level | Requirements |
MUST | App developers must:
SHOULD | App developers should:
MAY | App developers may:
- Avoid driver distraction: Minimize cognitive load required to browse content.
- Optimize content display: Use grid or list as appropriate for the content category.