Access location details and start navigation

When users need more detailed information about a location, a Navigation or Map + Content template lets you present that information with buttons for users to act.

In this example, because the app is not a navigation app, the Navigate button opens a separate navigation app, ending the task flow.

Sample flow

User action Where action is performed Step count after action
The user opens your app, then selects a submenu. List template included in the Map + Content template

List template included in the Map + Content template with Work charger, Nearby stations, and Saved submenus

The user selects a location from the submenu. List template included in the Map + Content template

Map + Content template with embedded List with list of charging locations

The user reviews details about the location and decides to navigate there. Pane template included in the Map + Content template

Map + Content template with embedded Pane template with details about the location and primary and secondary buttons

A separate navigation app opens and routing begins. Navigation template in new app

New navigation app with routing instructions