Managing Guardians

A Guardian resource represents a user, such as a parent, who receives information about a student's courses and work. The guardian, who typically isn't a member of the student's Classroom domain, must be invited using their email address to become a guardian.

This invitation creates a GuardianInvitation resource with a state of PENDING. The user then receives an email prompting them to accept the invitation. If the email address is not associated with a Google account, the user is prompted to create one before accepting the invitation.

While the invitation has a state of PENDING, the user may accept the invitation, which creates a Guardian resource and marks the GuardianInvitation with a state of COMPLETED. An invitation may also become COMPLETED if it expires, or if an authorized user cancels the invitation (for example, using the PatchGuardianInvitation method). A Guardian relationship may also be broken by a guardian, a Classroom teacher, or an administrator, using either the Classroom user interface or the DeleteGuardian method.

Who can manage guardians

The following table describes the actions that can be performed with respect to guardians, according to the type of user currently authenticated:

Table of guardian-related ACLs by user type


There are three scopes that allow you to manage guardians:

Common actions

This section describes some of the common guardian actions that you may want to perform using the Google Classroom API.

Create a guardian invitation

The following example shows how you can create a guardian invitation using the userProfiles.guardianInvitations.create() method:

GuardianInvitation guardianInvitation = null;

/* Create a GuardianInvitation object with state set to PENDING. See
for other possible states of guardian invitations. */
GuardianInvitation content =
    new GuardianInvitation()
try {
  guardianInvitation =
      service.userProfiles().guardianInvitations().create(studentId, content).execute();

  System.out.printf("Invitation created: %s\n", guardianInvitation.getInvitationId());
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
  // TODO (developer) - handle error appropriately
  GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails();
  if (error.getCode() == 404) {
    System.out.printf("There is no record of studentId: %s", studentId);
  } else {
    throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
  throw e;
return guardianInvitation;
guardianInvitation = {
  'invitedEmailAddress': '',
guardianInvitation = service.userProfiles().guardianInvitations().create(
print("Invitation created with id: {0}".format(guardianInvitation.get('invitationId')))

The result includes a server-assigned identifier that can be used to refer to the GuardianInvitation.

Cancel a guardian invitation

To cancel an invitation, modify the state of the invitation from PENDING to COMPLETE by calling the userProfiles.guardianInvitations.patch() method. Note that this is currently the only way to remove an invitation.

GuardianInvitation guardianInvitation = null;

try {
  /* Change the state of the GuardianInvitation from PENDING to COMPLETE. See
  for other possible states of guardian invitations. */
  GuardianInvitation content =
      service.userProfiles().guardianInvitations().get(studentId, invitationId).execute();

  guardianInvitation =
          .patch(studentId, invitationId, content)
          .set("updateMask", "state")

      "Invitation (%s) state set to %s\n.",
      guardianInvitation.getInvitationId(), guardianInvitation.getState());
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
  // TODO (developer) - handle error appropriately
  GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails();
  if (error.getCode() == 404) {
        "There is no record of studentId (%s) or invitationId (%s).", studentId, invitationId);
  } else {
    throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
  throw e;
return guardianInvitation;
guardian_invite = {
     'state': 'COMPLETE'
guardianInvitation = service.userProfiles().guardianInvitations().patch(
  invitationId=1234, # Replace with the invitation ID of the invitation you want to cancel

List invitations for a specific student

You can get a list of all invitations that have been sent for a specific student using the userProfiles.guardianInvitations.list() method:

List<GuardianInvitation> guardianInvitations = new ArrayList<>();
String pageToken = null;

try {
  do {
    ListGuardianInvitationsResponse response =

    /* Ensure that the response is not null before retrieving data from it to avoid errors. */
    if (response.getGuardianInvitations() != null) {
      pageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
  } while (pageToken != null);

  if (guardianInvitations.isEmpty()) {
    System.out.println("No guardian invitations found.");
  } else {
    for (GuardianInvitation invitation : guardianInvitations) {
      System.out.printf("Guardian invitation id: %s\n", invitation.getInvitationId());
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
  GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails();
  if (error.getCode() == 404) {
    System.out.printf("There is no record of studentId (%s).", studentId);
  } else {
    throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
  throw e;
return guardianInvitations;
guardian_invites = []
page_token = None

while True:
    response = service.userProfiles().guardianInvitations().list(
    guardian_invites.extend(response.get('guardian_invites', []))
    page_token = response.get('nextPageToken', None)
    if not page_token:

if not courses:
    print('No guardians invited for this {0}.'.format(response.get('studentId')))
    print('Guardian Invite:')
    for guardian in guardian_invites:
        print('An invite was sent to '.format(guardian.get('id'),

By default, only PENDING invitations will be returned. As a domain administrator, you can also retrieve invitations in the COMPLETED state by providing a states parameter.

List active guardians

If you wish to determine which users are active guardians for a specific student, you can use the userProfiles.guardians.list() method. Active guardians are guardians who have accepted the email invitation.

List<Guardian> guardians = new ArrayList<>();
String pageToken = null;

try {
  do {
    ListGuardiansResponse response =

    /* Ensure that the response is not null before retrieving data from it to avoid errors. */
    if (response.getGuardians() != null) {
      pageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
  } while (pageToken != null);

  if (guardians.isEmpty()) {
    System.out.println("No guardians found.");
  } else {
    for (Guardian guardian : guardians) {
          "Guardian name: %s, guardian id: %s, guardian email: %s\n",

} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
  GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails();
  if (error.getCode() == 404) {
    System.out.printf("There is no record of studentId (%s).", studentId);
  } else {
    throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
  throw e;
return guardians;
guardian_invites = []
page_token = None

while True:
    response = service.userProfiles().guardians().list(studentId='').execute()
    guardian_invites.extend(response.get('guardian_invites', []))
    page_token = response.get('nextPageToken', None)
    if not page_token:

if not courses:
    print('No guardians invited for this {0}.'.format(response.get('studentId')))
    print('Guardian Invite:')
    for guardian in guardian_invites:
        print('An invite was sent to '.format(guardian.get('id'),

Remove guardians

You can also remove a guardian from a student, using the userProfiles.guardians.delete() method:

try {
  service.userProfiles().guardians().delete(studentId, guardianId).execute();
  System.out.printf("The guardian with id %s was deleted.\n", guardianId);
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
  GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails();
  if (error.getCode() == 404) {
    System.out.printf("There is no record of guardianId (%s).", guardianId);