Expand your community

Our developer community spans across the globe. Connect through chapter-hosted events, join a program to fast-track success, or simply explore this space to learn something new from the community.

Impact story

Evolone Layne was a shy software engineering student. Then, she became a mentor to others like her – and learned she could be a leader in the field.

Access a global network of developers

Join a group chapter to meet other developers from a diverse set of backgrounds, companies, and industries.
For professionals
Meet local developers virtually or in-person with similar interests in technology.
For women professionals
Be part of a world where all women can thrive in tech.
For mentorships
Apply to join a global network of tech experts to support other developers.
For students
Connect and build projects with other university student developers.

Jump into action

Find a program that can put your skills to the test, help you build your career or business, or allow you to help others in impactful ways.
Access dedicated mentorship and resources to build and scale a startup.
Solve for one of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Hear from developers from all over the world on the challenges they faced, the problems they solved, and the projects they’re proud of.
Google developer student clubs

Dang’s story as a Google Developer Student Club lead

Women techmakers
Sign up for the Community Leads Platform, a hub for community organizers to connect online and find and share resources.