Alerts Schema Reference

Exported Object: Your Google Alerts subscriptions
Exported Object represents: A list of subscriptions to Google Search queries.
Object is exported in these formats: JSON
Exported object has the following fields:
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described.
Data Field * Field Definition Data Field Type
query The search query. string
language The ISO 639-1 code that represents the query language. string
country The ISO 3166-1 code that represents the geographical region that the query targets. string
apply_language_restrict Whether strict filtering should be applied on the search results for the language. boolean
apply_region_restrict Whether strict filtering should be applied on the search results for the country. boolean
source Sources of search results that are used for retrieval. List of strings. The source is either NEWS or WEB.
quality Minimum quality of the search results allowed. The quality may depend on multiple factors including topicality and prominence. List of strings. The quality is either LOW or HIGH.
delivery_method How the results are delivered. String. The delivery method is either EMAIL or RSS.
delivery_frequency Determines how frequently the search results are delivered. String. The delivery frequency is either HOURLY, DAILY, or WEEKLY. This field is present only if the delivery_method is set to EMAIL.
delivery_time Time at which the search results are delivered. Populated only if the delivery_method is set to EMAIL. Time of day and day of week in a specific timezone.
email_address The email address where the search results are sent. String. Populated only if the delivery method is set to EMAIL.
A table representing Resource Groups and the objects that are exported with it.
Resource Group * Description Exported Objects
alerts.subscriptions This resource group contains data for Google Alerts subscriptions, including the associated filters.
Your Google Alerts subscriptions
* To obtain the OAuth Scope Name for a particular Resource Group, append "" to the Resource Group. For example, the OAuth Scope Name for the "" Resource Group is "".