این راهنما نحوه آپلود داراییهای خلاق و ایجاد منابع Creative
Display & Video 360 را با استفاده از سرویسهای advertisers.assets
و advertisers.creatives
API Display & Video 360 توضیح میدهد.
پیش نیازها
قبل از ایجاد خلاقیت با استفاده از Display & Video 360 API مراحل زیر را کامل کنید.
مطمئن شوید نمایه کاربری Display & Video 360 شما که توسط آدرس ایمیل حساب کاربری یا سرویس شناسایی شده است، دارای مجوز خواندن و نوشتن برای تبلیغکننده است. اگر مجوز خواندن و نوشتن ندارید، با یک کاربر مدیریت موجود در تیم خود تماس بگیرید.
یک خلاقیت جدید بسازید
ایجاد یک خلاقیت جدید با داراییهای جدید از طریق Display & Video 360 API به حداقل دو درخواست API نیاز دارد. اولی یک دارایی خلاقانه را آپلود می کند و دومی شی خلاق را می سازد.
یک دارایی را آپلود کنید
برای آپلود assets
خلاقانه لازم در Display & Video 360، با روش advertisers.assets.upload
تماس بگیرید.
دارایی باید به همان تبلیغکنندهای اختصاص داده شود که آگهیدهنده است.
پس از آپلود یک دارایی، API پاسخی را برمیگرداند که شامل شیء asset
است. بعداً نمیتوانید این شی asset
دوباره بازیابی کنید، بنابراین mediaId
مربوطه را یادداشت کنید. mediaId
این دارایی برای تخصیص دارایی به یک خلاق استفاده می شود.
انواع خلاقانه خاص فقط انواع فایل خاص را به عنوان دارایی در نقش های دارایی خاص می پذیرند. برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد انتخاب انواع فایل مناسب برای خلاقیت های خود به مرکز راهنمایی مراجعه کنید.
در اینجا مثالی از نحوه آپلود یک دارایی آورده شده است:
// Create the asset upload request content.
CreateAssetRequest content = new CreateAssetRequest();
content.setFilename(asset-filename );
// Create input stream for the creative asset.
InputStreamContent assetStream = new InputStreamContent(
getMimeType(asset-filename ),
new FileInputStream(asset-path ));
// Configure the asset upload request.
Assets.Upload assetRequest = service.advertisers().assets()
.upload(advertiser-id , content, assetStream);
// Upload the asset.
CreateAssetResponse assetResponse = assetRequest.execute();
// Display the new asset media ID.
Asset asset = assetResponse.getAsset();
System.out.printf("The asset has been upload with media ID %s",
این مثال از تابع کمکی زیر برای یافتن نوع فایل MIME استفاده می کند:
import java.net.FileNameMap;
import java.net.URLConnection;
private static String getMimeType(String fileName) {
// Parse filename for appropriate MIME type.
FileNameMap fileNameMap = URLConnection.getFileNameMap();
String mimeType = fileNameMap.getContentTypeFor(fileName);
// If MIME type was found, return it.
if (mimeType != null) {
return mimeType;
// Otherwise, return a default value.
return "application/octet-stream";
# Create the request body.
body = {
'filename': asset-filename
# Create upload object.
media = MediaFileUpload(asset-path )
if not media.mimetype():
media = MediaFileUpload(asset-path , 'application/octet-stream')
# Upload the asset.
response = service.advertisers().assets().upload(
advertiserId=advertiser-id ,
# Display the new asset media ID.
print("Asset was created with media ID %s." % response['asset']['mediaId'])
$body = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_CreateAssetRequest();
$body->setFilename(asset-filename );
$optParams = array(
'data' => file_get_contents(asset-path ),
'mimeType' => mime_content_type(asset-filename ),
'uploadType' => 'media'
// Call the API, uploading the asset file to Display & Video 360.
$result = $service->advertisers_assets->upload(
advertiser-id ,
// Display the new asset media ID.
'Asset was created with media ID %s.',
curl --request POST \
'https://displayvideo.googleapis.com/upload/v3/advertisers/advertiser-id /assets?uploadType=multipart'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer access-token ' \
-F "data={\"filename\": \"a sset-filename\"};type=application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
-F "file=@asset-path ;type=asset-mime-type "
خلاقیت را بسازید
پس از آپلود دارایی ها و به دست آوردن شناسه های رسانه ای آنها، می توانید اشیاء Creative
کامل را با آن دارایی ها بسازید.
از روش advertisers.creatives.create
برای ایجاد یک Creative
جدید استفاده کنید. هر نوع خلاقیت فقط به زیر مجموعه ای از فیلدهای Creative
نیاز دارد.
برای جزئیات مربوط به نگاشت فیلدهای UI به فیلدهای API مربوطه برای هر نوع خلاق، به پیوست این راهنما مراجعه کنید.
در اینجا نمونه هایی از نحوه ایجاد نمایشگر بومی، HTML5 و خلاقیت های ویدیویی آورده شده است:
صفحه نمایش بومی
// Create a creative object.
Creative creative = new Creative();
creative.setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set native creative type.
// Create a dimensions object.
Dimensions dimensions = new Dimensions();
dimensions.setHeightPixels(creative-height-pixels );
dimensions.setWidthPixels(creative-width-pixels );
// Add the dimensions object to the creative object.
// Create list for asset associations.
List<AssetAssociation> assetAssociations = new ArrayList<AssetAssociation>();
// Assign the image asset to a role.
AssetAssociation mainImageAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
mainImageAssetAssociation.setAsset(new Asset().setMediaId(image-asset-media-id ));
// Assign the logo asset to a role.
AssetAssociation iconAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
iconAssetAssociation.setAsset(new Asset().setMediaId(logo-asset-media-id ));
// Create and assign advertiser name asset.
Asset advertiserNameAsset = new Asset();
advertiserNameAsset.setContent(advertiser-name );
AssetAssociation advertiserNameAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and assign headline asset.
Asset headlineAsset = new Asset();
headlineAsset.setContent(headline );
AssetAssociation headlineAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and assign body text asset.
Asset bodyTextAsset = new Asset();
bodyTextAsset.setContent(body-text );
AssetAssociation bodyTextAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and assign caption URL asset.
Asset captionUrlAsset = new Asset();
captionUrlAsset.setContent(caption-url );
AssetAssociation captionUrlAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and assign call to action asset.
Asset callToActionAsset = new Asset();
callToActionAsset.setContent(call-to-action );
AssetAssociation callToActionAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
ExitEvent exitEvent = new ExitEvent();
exitEvent.setUrl(landing-page-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Configure the create request.
Creatives.Create request =
service.advertisers().creatives().create(advertiser-id , creative);
// Send the request.
Creative response = request.execute();
// Display the new creative.
"Creative %s was created.\n",
# Create a creative object.
creative_obj = {
'displayName': display-name ,
'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE',
'hostingSource': 'HOSTING_SOURCE_HOSTED',
'creativeType': 'CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE',
'dimensions': {
'heightPixels': creative-height-pixels ,
'widthPixels': creative-width-pixels
'assets': [
'asset': {'mediaId' : image-asset-media-id },
'asset': {'mediaId' : logo-asset-media-id },
'asset': {'content' : advertiser-name },
'asset': {'content' : headline },
'asset': {'content' : body-text },
'asset': {'content' : caption-url },
'asset': {'content' : call-to-action },
'exitEvents': [
'url': landing-page-url
# Create the creative.
creative = service.advertisers().creatives().create(
advertiserId=advertiser-id ,
# Display the new creative.
print("creative %s was created." % creative["name"])
// Create a creative object.
$creative = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Creative();
$creative->setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set native creative type.
// Create a dimensions object.
$dimensions = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Dimensions();
$dimensions->setHeightPixels(creative-height-pixels );
$dimensions->setWidthPixels(creative-width-pixels );
// Add the dimensions object to the creative object.
// Create list for asset associations.
$assetAssociations = array();
// Assign the image asset to a role.
$imageAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$imageAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$imageAsset->setMediaId(image-asset-media-id );
$assetAssociations[] = $imageAssetAssoc;
// Assign the logo asset to a role.
$iconAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$iconAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$iconAsset->setMediaId(logo-asset-media-id );
$assetAssociations[] = $iconAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign advertiser name asset.
$advNameAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$advNameAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$advNameAsset->setContent(advertiser-name );
$assetAssociations[] = $advNameAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign headline asset.
$headlineAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$headlineAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$headlineAsset->setContent(headline );
$assetAssociations[] = $headlineAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign body text asset.
$bodyTextAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$bodyTextAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$bodyTextAsset->setContent(body-text );
$assetAssociations[] = $bodyTextAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign caption URL asset.
$captionUrlAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$captionUrlAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$captionUrlAsset->setContent(caption-url );
$assetAssociations[] = $captionUrlAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign call to action asset.
$cToAAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$cToAAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$cToAAsset->setContent(call-to-action );
$assetAssociations[] = $cToAAssetAssoc;
// Set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
$exitEvent = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ExitEvent();
$exitEvent->setUrl(landing-page-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Send the create request.
$result = $this->service->advertisers_creatives->create(
advertiser-id ,
printf('Creative %s was created.', $result['name']);
// Create a creative object.
Creative creative = new Creative();
creative.setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set standard creative type.
// Create a dimensions object.
Dimensions dimensions = new Dimensions();
dimensions.setHeightPixels(creative-height-pixels );
dimensions.setWidthPixels(creative-width-pixels );
// Add the dimensions object to the creative object.
// Assign the HTML5 asset to a role.
AssetAssociation assetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
assetAssociation.setAsset(new Asset().setMediaId(html5-asset-media-id ));
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
ExitEvent exitEvent = new ExitEvent();
exitEvent.setName(exit-event-name );
exitEvent.setUrl(exit-event-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Configure the create request.
Creatives.Create request =
service.advertisers().creatives().create(advertiser-id , creative);
// Send the request.
Creative response = request.execute();
// Display the new creative.
"Creative %s was created.\n",
# Create a creative object.
creative_obj = {
'displayName': display-name ,
'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE',
'hostingSource': 'HOSTING_SOURCE_HOSTED',
'dimensions': {
'heightPixels': creative-height-pixels ,
'widthPixels': creative-width-pixels
'assets': [
'asset': {'mediaId' : html5-asset-media-id },
'exitEvents': [
'name': exit-event-name ,
'url': exit-event-url
# Create the creative.
creative = service.advertisers().creatives().create(
advertiserId=advertiser-id ,
# Display the new creative.
print("Creative %s was created." % creative["name"])
// Create a creative object.
$creative = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Creative();
$creative->setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set standard creative type.
// Create a dimensions object.
$dimensions = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Dimensions();
$dimensions->setHeightPixels(creative-height-pixels );
$dimensions->setWidthPixels(creative-width-pixels );
// Add the dimensions object to the creative object.
// Assign the HTML asset to a role.
$htmlAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$htmlAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$htmlAsset->setMediaId(html5-asset-media-id );
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
$exitEvent = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ExitEvent();
$exitEvent->setName(exit-event-name );
$exitEvent->setUrl(exit-event-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Send the create request.
$result = $this->service->advertisers_creatives->create(
advertiser-id ,
printf('Creative %s was created.', $result['name']);
// Create a creative object.
Creative creative = new Creative();
creative.setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set video creative type.
// Assign the video asset to a role.
AssetAssociation assetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
assetAssociation.setAsset(new Asset().setMediaId(video-asset-media-id) );
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
ExitEvent exitEvent = new ExitEvent();
exitEvent.setName(exit-event-name );
exitEvent.setUrl(exit-event-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Configure the create request.
Creatives.Create request =
service.advertisers().creatives().create(advertiser-id , creative);
// Send the request.
Creative response = request.execute();
// Display the new creative.
"Creative %s was created.\n",
# Create a creative object.
creative_obj = {
'displayName': display-name ,
'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE',
'hostingSource': 'HOSTING_SOURCE_HOSTED',
'creativeType': 'CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO',
'assets': [
'asset': {'mediaId' : video-asset-media-id },
'exitEvents': [
'name': exit-event-name ,
'url': exit-event-url
# Create the creative.
creative = service.advertisers().creatives().create(
advertiserId=advertiser-id ,
# Display the new creative.
print("creative %s was created." % creative["name"])
// Create a creative object.
$creative = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Creative();
$creative->setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set video creative type.
// Assign the video asset to a role.
$videoAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$videoAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$videoAsset->setMediaId(video-asset-media-id );
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
$exitEvent = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ExitEvent();
$exitEvent->setName(exit-event-name );
$exitEvent->setUrl(exit-event-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Send the create request.
$result = $this->service->advertisers_creatives->create(
advertiser-id ,
printf('Creative %s was created.', $result['name']);