在特定情况下,处于“有效”状态的实体数量是有限制的 展示广告与Video 360 资源。这些账号限制 相对较好且很少接触到,但您可以主动避免接触 请按照本指南中概述的步骤进行操作。
本页介绍如何使用 展示广告与Video 360 API。
可通过 advertisers.audit
计数包括无法通过该 API 检索或修改的类型,例如
Gmail 订单项。
下面的示例说明了如何审核和显示 广告客户:
// Create read mask to restrict audit results to // the relevant account limits. String auditMask = "usedInsertionOrdersCount,usedLineItemsCount,negativeKeywordListsCount"; // Configure the audit request. Advertisers.Audit request = service.advertisers().audit(advertiser-id ); // Set the read mask for the request. request.setReadMask(auditMask); // Execute the request. AuditAdvertiserResponse response = request.execute(); // Print resulting advertiser used entity counts. System.out.println("Advertiser Audit:"); if (response.getUsedInsertionOrdersCount() != null) { System.out.printf("Used Insertion Orders: %s of 9999 \n", response.getUsedInsertionOrdersCount()); } else { System.out.println("Used Insertion Orders: 0 of 9999"); } if (response.getUsedLineItemsCount() != null) { System.out.printf("Used Line Items: %s of 9999 \n", response.getUsedLineItemsCount()); } else { System.out.println("Used Line Items: 0 of 9999"); } if (response.getNegativeKeywordListsCount() != null) { System.out.printf("Negative Keyword Lists: %s of 20 \n", response.getNegativeKeywordListsCount()); } else { System.out.println("Negative Keyword Lists: 0 of 20"); }
# Create read mask to restrict audit results to # the relevant account limits. audit_mask = 'usedInsertionOrdersCount,usedLineItemsCount,negativeKeywordListsCount' # Build and execute request. response = service.advertisers().audit( advertiserId=advertiser-id , readMask=audit_mask ).execute() # Print resulting advertiser used entity counts. print('Advertiser audit:') if 'usedInsertionOrdersCount' in response: print('Used Insertion Orders: %s of 9999' % response['usedInsertionOrdersCount']) else: print('Used Insertion Orders: 0 of 9999') if 'usedLineItemsCount' in response: print('Used Line Items: %s of 9999' % response['usedLineItemsCount']) else: print('Used Line Items: 0 of 9999') if 'negativeKeywordListsCount' in response: print('Negative Keyword Lists: %s of 20' % response['negativeKeywordListsCount']) else: print('Negative Keyword Lists: 0 of 20')
// Create read mask to restrict audit results to the // relevant account limits. $optParams = array( 'readMask' => 'usedInsertionOrdersCount,usedLineItemsCount,negativeKeywordListsCount' ); // Call the API, getting the account limit audit counts for the identified // advertiser. $response = $this->service->advertisers->audit(advertiser-id , $optParams ); # Print resulting advertiser used entity counts. print('Advertiser audit:\n'); if ($response->getUsedInsertionOrdersCount()) { printf( 'Used Insertion Orders: %s of 9999\n', $response->getUsedInsertionOrdersCount() ); } else { print('Used Insertion Orders: 0 of 9999\n'); } if ($response->getUsedLineItemsCount()) { printf( 'Used Line Items: %s of 9999\n', $response->getUsedLineItemsCount() ); } else { print('Used Line Items: 0 of 9999\n'); } if ($response->getNegativeKeywordListsCount()) { printf( 'Negative Keyword Lists: %s of 20\n', $response->getNegativeKeywordListsCount() ); } else { print('Negative Keyword Lists: 0 of 20\n'); }
为了确保不达到账号限制,请在以下情况下删除或归档资源: 您不再需要它们。
如果广告客户审核表明,排除的 关键字列表接近该上限, 删除没有使用的否定关键字列表,以腾出空间 创建新的否定关键字列表。
下面举例说明了如何识别和删除指定广告客户的否定关键字 目前没有使用的关键字列表:
// Create constants for input variables. Long ADVERTISER_ID =advertiser-id // Create empty set for negative keyword lists (NKLs) // that are currently used in targeting. Set<String> targetedNKLs = new HashSet<String>(); // Build line item list request LineItems.List request = service .advertisers() .lineItems() .list(ADVERTISER_ID); // Create the line item list response, assigned targeting option list // response, and nextPageToken variables. ListLineItemsResponse response; ListLineItemAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse atoListResponse; String nextPageToken = null; do { // Create and execute the list request. response = request.setPageToken(nextPageToken).execute(); // Check if response is empty. if (response.isEmpty()) { System.out.printf( "List request returned no line items for Advertiser ID %s.%n", ADVERTISER_ID); break; } // Iterate over retrieved line items and retrieve all assigned negative // keyword list targeting. for (LineItem lineItem : response.getLineItems()) { atoListResponse = service .advertisers() .lineItems() .targetingTypes() .assignedTargetingOptions() .list( ADVERTISER_ID, lineItem.getLineItemId(), "TARGETING_TYPE_NEGATIVE_KEYWORD_LIST" ).execute(); // Check if response is empty. if (atoListResponse.isEmpty()) { continue; } // Add all negative keyword list used in targeting to set. for (AssignedTargetingOption ato : atoListResponse.getAssignedTargetingOptions()) { targetedNKLs.add(ato.getAssignedTargetingOptionId()); } } // Update the next page token. nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken(); } while (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)); // Retrieve all negative keyword lists under the given advertiser. ListNegativeKeywordListsResponse nklListResponse = service .advertisers() .negativeKeywordLists() .list( ADVERTISER_ID ).execute(); // Iterate through all available negative keyword lists and delete those // that are not in the set negative keyword lists used in targeting. if (nklListResponse.isEmpty()) { System.out.printf( "Advertiser ID %s has no negative keyword lists.%n", ADVERTISER_ID ); } else { for (NegativeKeywordList nkl : nklListResponse.getNegativeKeywordLists()) { if (!targetedNKLs.contains(Long.toString(nkl.getNegativeKeywordListId()))) { service .advertisers() .negativeKeywordLists() .delete( ADVERTISER_ID, nkl.getNegativeKeywordListId() ).execute(); System.out.printf( "Unused negative keyword list %s deleted.%n", nkl.getNegativeKeywordListId()); } } }
# Create constants for input variables. ADVERTISER_ID =advertiser-id # Create empty set for negative keyword lists (NKLs) # that are currently used in targeting. targetedNKLs = set() # Create the page token variable for list request loop. nextPageToken = "" # Iterate through all line items, retrieve their NKL targeting, and save the # NKLs currently used in targeting. while True: # Request the line items list. lineItemListResponse = service.advertisers().lineItems().list( advertiserId=ADVERTISER_ID, pageToken=nextPageToken ).execute() # Check if response is empty. if not lineItemListResponse: print('List request returned no line items for advertiser ID %s.' % ADVERTISER_ID) break # Iterate over retrieved line items. for lineItem in lineItemListResponse['lineItems']: # Request the NKL targeting assigned to the line item. targetingListResponse = service.advertisers().lineItems()\ .targetingTypes().assignedTargetingOptions().list( advertiserId=ADVERTISER_ID, lineItemId=lineItem['lineItemId'], targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_NEGATIVE_KEYWORD_LIST" ).execute() # Check if no NKLs are used in targeting. if not targetingListResponse: continue # Iterate through assigned NKL targeting options, add them to set. for targetingOption in targetingListResponse['assignedTargetingOptions']: targetedNKLs.add(targetingOption['assignedTargetingOptionId']) # Break out of loop if there is no next page. if 'nextPageToken' not in lineItemListResponse: break # Update the next page token. nextPageToken = response['nextPageToken'] # Request the NKL list. nklListResponse = service.advertisers().negativeKeywordLists().list( advertiserId=ADVERTISER_ID ).execute() # Iterate through NKLs under advertiser and delete if they are not present # in the list of NKLs currently used in targeting. if not nklListResponse: print('Advertiser ID %s has no negative keyword lists.' % ADVERTISER_ID) else: for nkl in nklListResponse['negativeKeywordLists']: if nkl['negativeKeywordListId'] not in targetedNKLs: service.advertisers().negativeKeywordLists().delete( advertiserId=ADVERTISER_ID, negativeKeywordListId=nkl['negativeKeywordListId'] ).execute() print('Unused negative keyword list %s deleted.' % nkl["name"])
// Create constants for input variables. const ADVERTISER_ID =advertiser-id ; // Create empty array for negative keyword lists (NKLs) // that are currently used in targeting. $targetedNKLs = array(); // Create the line item list response, assigned targeting option list //response, and page token variables. $response = null; $atoListResponse = null; $nextPageToken = null; do { // Build the query params for the line item list request $optParams = array('pageToken' => $nextPageToken); // Call the API, retrieving all line items under the advertiser. $response = $this ->service ->advertisers_lineItems ->listAdvertisersLineItems(ADVERTISER_ID, $optParams); if (empty($response->getLineItems())) { printf( "List request returned no line items for Advertiser ID %s.\n", ADVERTISER_ID ); break; } // Iterate over retrieved line items and retrieve all assigned negative // keyword list targeting options. foreach ($response->getLineItems() as $lineItem) { $atoListResponse = $this ->service ->advertisers_lineItems_targetingTypes_assignedTargetingOptions ->listAdvertisersLineItemsTargetingTypesAssignedTargetingOptions( ADVERTISER_ID, $lineItem->getLineItemId(), "TARGETING_TYPE_NEGATIVE_KEYWORD_LIST" ); // Add each negative keyword list ID to array as key to associative // array foreach ($atoListResponse->getAssignedTargetingOptions() as $option) { $targetedNKLs[$option->getAssignedTargetingOptionId()] = true; } } // Update the next page token. $nextPageToken = $response->getNextPageToken(); } while (!empty($nextPageToken)); // Call the API, retrieving all negative keyword lists under the advertiser $nklListResponse = $this ->service ->advertisers_negativeKeywordLists ->listAdvertisersNegativeKeywordLists(ADVERTISER_ID); // Iterate through existing negative keyword lists and check if they are in // the associative array of negative keyword lists used in targeting. // If not, delete the negative keyword list. if (empty($nklListResponse->getNegativeKeywordLists())) { printf( "Advertiser ID %s has no negative keyword lists.\n", ADVERTISER_ID ); } else { foreach ($nklListResponse->getNegativeKeywordLists() as $nkl) { if (!array_key_exists($nkl->getNegativeKeywordListId(), $targetedNKLs)) { $this ->service ->advertisers_negativeKeywordLists ->delete( ADVERTISER_ID, $nkl->getNegativeKeywordListId() ); printf( "Unused negative keyword list %s was deleted.\n", $nkl->getNegativeKeywordListId() ); } } }