В этом руководстве объясняется, как загружать ресурсы объявлений и создавать ресурсы Creative
Display & Video 360 с помощью сервисов advertisers.assets
и advertisers.creatives
API Display & Video 360.
Предварительные условия
Выполните следующие шаги, прежде чем создавать креативы с помощью API Display & Video 360.
Убедитесь, что ваш профиль пользователя Display & Video 360, идентифицируемый по адресу электронной почты пользователя или учетной записи службы, имеет разрешения на чтение и запись для рекламодателя. Если у вас нет разрешений на чтение и запись , обратитесь к существующему администратору в вашей команде.
Создайте новый креатив
Для создания нового креатива с новыми объектами с помощью API Display & Video 360 требуется как минимум два запроса API. Первый загружает творческий ресурс, а второй создает творческий объект.
Загрузите актив
Чтобы загрузить необходимые креативные assets
в Display & Video 360, вызовите метод advertisers.assets.upload
Ресурс должен быть назначен тому же рекламодателю, что и креатив.
После загрузки актива API возвращает ответ , включающий объект asset
. Вы не сможете снова получить этот объект asset
позже, поэтому запишите соответствующий mediaId
. mediaId
этого ресурса используется для назначения ресурса креативу.
Определенные типы объявлений принимают в качестве ресурсов только определенные типы файлов в определенных ролях ресурсов. Дополнительную информацию о выборе правильных типов файлов для ваших объявлений см. в Справочном центре .
Вот пример того, как загрузить ресурс:
// Create the asset upload request content.
CreateAssetRequest content = new CreateAssetRequest();
content.setFilename(asset-filename );
// Create input stream for the creative asset.
InputStreamContent assetStream = new InputStreamContent(
getMimeType(asset-filename ),
new FileInputStream(asset-path ));
// Configure the asset upload request.
Assets.Upload assetRequest = service.advertisers().assets()
.upload(advertiser-id , content, assetStream);
// Upload the asset.
CreateAssetResponse assetResponse = assetRequest.execute();
// Display the new asset media ID.
Asset asset = assetResponse.getAsset();
System.out.printf("The asset has been upload with media ID %s",
В этом примере используется следующая вспомогательная функция для поиска типа MIME файла:
import java.net.FileNameMap;
import java.net.URLConnection;
private static String getMimeType(String fileName) {
// Parse filename for appropriate MIME type.
FileNameMap fileNameMap = URLConnection.getFileNameMap();
String mimeType = fileNameMap.getContentTypeFor(fileName);
// If MIME type was found, return it.
if (mimeType != null) {
return mimeType;
// Otherwise, return a default value.
return "application/octet-stream";
# Create the request body.
body = {
'filename': asset-filename
# Create upload object.
media = MediaFileUpload(asset-path )
if not media.mimetype():
media = MediaFileUpload(asset-path , 'application/octet-stream')
# Upload the asset.
response = service.advertisers().assets().upload(
advertiserId=advertiser-id ,
# Display the new asset media ID.
print("Asset was created with media ID %s." % response['asset']['mediaId'])
$body = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_CreateAssetRequest();
$body->setFilename(asset-filename );
$optParams = array(
'data' => file_get_contents(asset-path ),
'mimeType' => mime_content_type(asset-filename ),
'uploadType' => 'media'
// Call the API, uploading the asset file to Display & Video 360.
$result = $service->advertisers_assets->upload(
advertiser-id ,
// Display the new asset media ID.
'Asset was created with media ID %s.',
curl --request POST \
'https://displayvideo.googleapis.com/upload/v3/advertisers/advertiser-id /assets?uploadType=multipart'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer access-token ' \
-F "data={\"filename\": \"a sset-filename\"};type=application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
-F "file=@asset-path ;type=asset-mime-type "
Создайте креатив
После загрузки ресурсов и получения их медиа-идентификаторов вы можете создавать полноценные объекты Creative
с использованием этих ресурсов.
Используйте метод advertisers.creatives.create
, чтобы создать новый Creative
. Для каждого типа креатива требуется только часть полей Creative
Подробную информацию о сопоставлении полей пользовательского интерфейса с соответствующими полями API для каждого типа объявления см. в приложении к этому руководству.
Вот примеры создания нативных медийных, HTML5 и видеокреативов:
Родной дисплей
// Create a creative object.
Creative creative = new Creative();
creative.setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set native creative type.
// Create a dimensions object.
Dimensions dimensions = new Dimensions();
dimensions.setHeightPixels(creative-height-pixels );
dimensions.setWidthPixels(creative-width-pixels );
// Add the dimensions object to the creative object.
// Create list for asset associations.
List<AssetAssociation> assetAssociations = new ArrayList<AssetAssociation>();
// Assign the image asset to a role.
AssetAssociation mainImageAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
mainImageAssetAssociation.setAsset(new Asset().setMediaId(image-asset-media-id ));
// Assign the logo asset to a role.
AssetAssociation iconAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
iconAssetAssociation.setAsset(new Asset().setMediaId(logo-asset-media-id ));
// Create and assign advertiser name asset.
Asset advertiserNameAsset = new Asset();
advertiserNameAsset.setContent(advertiser-name );
AssetAssociation advertiserNameAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and assign headline asset.
Asset headlineAsset = new Asset();
headlineAsset.setContent(headline );
AssetAssociation headlineAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and assign body text asset.
Asset bodyTextAsset = new Asset();
bodyTextAsset.setContent(body-text );
AssetAssociation bodyTextAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and assign caption URL asset.
Asset captionUrlAsset = new Asset();
captionUrlAsset.setContent(caption-url );
AssetAssociation captionUrlAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and assign call to action asset.
Asset callToActionAsset = new Asset();
callToActionAsset.setContent(call-to-action );
AssetAssociation callToActionAssetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
ExitEvent exitEvent = new ExitEvent();
exitEvent.setUrl(landing-page-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Configure the create request.
Creatives.Create request =
service.advertisers().creatives().create(advertiser-id , creative);
// Send the request.
Creative response = request.execute();
// Display the new creative.
"Creative %s was created.\n",
# Create a creative object.
creative_obj = {
'displayName': display-name ,
'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE',
'hostingSource': 'HOSTING_SOURCE_HOSTED',
'creativeType': 'CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE',
'dimensions': {
'heightPixels': creative-height-pixels ,
'widthPixels': creative-width-pixels
'assets': [
'asset': {'mediaId' : image-asset-media-id },
'asset': {'mediaId' : logo-asset-media-id },
'asset': {'content' : advertiser-name },
'asset': {'content' : headline },
'asset': {'content' : body-text },
'asset': {'content' : caption-url },
'asset': {'content' : call-to-action },
'exitEvents': [
'url': landing-page-url
# Create the creative.
creative = service.advertisers().creatives().create(
advertiserId=advertiser-id ,
# Display the new creative.
print("creative %s was created." % creative["name"])
// Create a creative object.
$creative = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Creative();
$creative->setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set native creative type.
// Create a dimensions object.
$dimensions = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Dimensions();
$dimensions->setHeightPixels(creative-height-pixels );
$dimensions->setWidthPixels(creative-width-pixels );
// Add the dimensions object to the creative object.
// Create list for asset associations.
$assetAssociations = array();
// Assign the image asset to a role.
$imageAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$imageAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$imageAsset->setMediaId(image-asset-media-id );
$assetAssociations[] = $imageAssetAssoc;
// Assign the logo asset to a role.
$iconAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$iconAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$iconAsset->setMediaId(logo-asset-media-id );
$assetAssociations[] = $iconAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign advertiser name asset.
$advNameAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$advNameAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$advNameAsset->setContent(advertiser-name );
$assetAssociations[] = $advNameAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign headline asset.
$headlineAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$headlineAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$headlineAsset->setContent(headline );
$assetAssociations[] = $headlineAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign body text asset.
$bodyTextAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$bodyTextAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$bodyTextAsset->setContent(body-text );
$assetAssociations[] = $bodyTextAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign caption URL asset.
$captionUrlAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$captionUrlAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$captionUrlAsset->setContent(caption-url );
$assetAssociations[] = $captionUrlAssetAssoc;
// Create and assign call to action asset.
$cToAAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$cToAAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$cToAAsset->setContent(call-to-action );
$assetAssociations[] = $cToAAssetAssoc;
// Set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
$exitEvent = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ExitEvent();
$exitEvent->setUrl(landing-page-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Send the create request.
$result = $this->service->advertisers_creatives->create(
advertiser-id ,
printf('Creative %s was created.', $result['name']);
// Create a creative object.
Creative creative = new Creative();
creative.setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set standard creative type.
// Create a dimensions object.
Dimensions dimensions = new Dimensions();
dimensions.setHeightPixels(creative-height-pixels );
dimensions.setWidthPixels(creative-width-pixels );
// Add the dimensions object to the creative object.
// Assign the HTML5 asset to a role.
AssetAssociation assetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
assetAssociation.setAsset(new Asset().setMediaId(html5-asset-media-id ));
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
ExitEvent exitEvent = new ExitEvent();
exitEvent.setName(exit-event-name );
exitEvent.setUrl(exit-event-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Configure the create request.
Creatives.Create request =
service.advertisers().creatives().create(advertiser-id , creative);
// Send the request.
Creative response = request.execute();
// Display the new creative.
"Creative %s was created.\n",
# Create a creative object.
creative_obj = {
'displayName': display-name ,
'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE',
'hostingSource': 'HOSTING_SOURCE_HOSTED',
'dimensions': {
'heightPixels': creative-height-pixels ,
'widthPixels': creative-width-pixels
'assets': [
'asset': {'mediaId' : html5-asset-media-id },
'exitEvents': [
'name': exit-event-name ,
'url': exit-event-url
# Create the creative.
creative = service.advertisers().creatives().create(
advertiserId=advertiser-id ,
# Display the new creative.
print("Creative %s was created." % creative["name"])
// Create a creative object.
$creative = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Creative();
$creative->setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set standard creative type.
// Create a dimensions object.
$dimensions = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Dimensions();
$dimensions->setHeightPixels(creative-height-pixels );
$dimensions->setWidthPixels(creative-width-pixels );
// Add the dimensions object to the creative object.
// Assign the HTML asset to a role.
$htmlAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$htmlAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$htmlAsset->setMediaId(html5-asset-media-id );
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
$exitEvent = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ExitEvent();
$exitEvent->setName(exit-event-name );
$exitEvent->setUrl(exit-event-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Send the create request.
$result = $this->service->advertisers_creatives->create(
advertiser-id ,
printf('Creative %s was created.', $result['name']);
// Create a creative object.
Creative creative = new Creative();
creative.setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set video creative type.
// Assign the video asset to a role.
AssetAssociation assetAssociation = new AssetAssociation();
assetAssociation.setAsset(new Asset().setMediaId(video-asset-media-id) );
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
ExitEvent exitEvent = new ExitEvent();
exitEvent.setName(exit-event-name );
exitEvent.setUrl(exit-event-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Configure the create request.
Creatives.Create request =
service.advertisers().creatives().create(advertiser-id , creative);
// Send the request.
Creative response = request.execute();
// Display the new creative.
"Creative %s was created.\n",
# Create a creative object.
creative_obj = {
'displayName': display-name ,
'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE',
'hostingSource': 'HOSTING_SOURCE_HOSTED',
'creativeType': 'CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO',
'assets': [
'asset': {'mediaId' : video-asset-media-id },
'exitEvents': [
'name': exit-event-name ,
'url': exit-event-url
# Create the creative.
creative = service.advertisers().creatives().create(
advertiserId=advertiser-id ,
# Display the new creative.
print("creative %s was created." % creative["name"])
// Create a creative object.
$creative = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Creative();
$creative->setDisplayName(display-name );
// Set video creative type.
// Assign the video asset to a role.
$videoAssetAssoc = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AssetAssociation();
$videoAsset = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Asset();
$videoAsset->setMediaId(video-asset-media-id );
// Create and set the list of creative assets.
// Create an exit event.
$exitEvent = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ExitEvent();
$exitEvent->setName(exit-event-name );
$exitEvent->setUrl(exit-event-url );
// Create and set the list of exit events for the creative.
// Send the create request.
$result = $this->service->advertisers_creatives->create(
advertiser-id ,
printf('Creative %s was created.', $result['name']);