Activate Line Item

All line items created using the Display & Video 360 API are initially created in a draft state. In this draft state, line items don't serve ads, so you are free to adjust settings and targeting without those changes affecting any current ad serving. This page describes the steps you should take to confirm that your line item is ready for serving ads, and how to update its status to active.

What to do before activation

Given that line items are the manner in which your ad revenue is spent through ad buying and serving, it is important to make sure that the line item will serve ads as intended when activated. Below are a few things to consider before activating your line item:

  • Make sure the flight settings are correct: Check the line item's flight field to make sure that the flight window for the line item is set correctly. The flight window of a line item may be custom to the line item or inherited by the parent insertion order.
  • Verify that there are no warnings blocking the serving of the line item: Use advertisers.lineItems.get to retrieve a line item resource and check the field warningMessages to verify that the line item has no warnings that may hinder the serving of the line item. The LineItemWarningMessage enum notes the impact of each warning.
  • Confirm that all parent resources are also active: An active line item will not begin to serve ads if its parent advertiser, campaign, or insertion order are not active. Retrieve these resources using the GET methods in the Advertisers, Campaigns, and Insertion Orders services.

Activate a line item

Activate a line item by updating its entityStatus field to ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE. You can update this field for an individual line item using the advertisers.lineItems.patch method and for multiple line items within a given advertiser using advertisers.lineItems.bulkUpdate.

Here's an example of how to use bulkUpdate to activate multiple line items:


// Create the line item structure.
LineItem targetLineItem = new LineItem();

// Create the bulk update request body.
BulkUpdateLineItemsRequest requestBody = new BulkUpdateLineItemsRequest();

// Configure the bulk update request.
LineItems.BulkUpdate request = service.advertisers().lineItems()
    .bulkUpdate(advertiser-id, requestBody);

// Update the line items.
BulkUpdateLineItemsResponse response = request.execute();

// Display the line items that were updated, failed, and skipped.
if (response.getUpdatedLineItemIds() != null) {
      "The following line item IDs were successfully updated: %s.\n",
if (response.getFailedLineItemIds() != null) {
  System.out.printf("The following line item IDs failed to update: %s.\n",
  if (response.getErrors() != null) {
        "The failed updates were caused by the following errors: %s.\n",
if (response.getSkippedLineItemIds() != null) {
      "The following line items IDs were skipped in the update: %s.\n",


# Create a line item object with only updated entity status.
line_item_obj = {
    'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE'

# Build the bulk update request.
bulk_update_request = {
    'lineItemIds': line-item-ids,
    'targetLineItem': line_item_obj,
    'updateMask': "entityStatus"

# Update the line items.
response = service.advertisers().lineItems().bulkUpdate(

# Display the line items that were updated, failed, and skipped.
if 'updatedLineItemIds' in response:
  print("The following line item IDs were updated: %s"
        % response['updatedLineItemIds'])
if 'failedLineItemIds' in response:
  print("The following line item IDs failed to update: %s"
        % response['failedLineItemIds'])
  if 'errors' in response:
    print("The failed updates were caused by the following errors:")
    for error in response["errors"]:
      print("Error code: %s, Message: %s" % (error["code"], error["message"]))
if 'skippedLineItemIds' in response:
  print("The following line items IDs were skipped in the update:: %s"
        % response['skippedLineItemIds'])


// Create request body.
$body = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_BulkUpdateLineItemsRequest();

// Create target line item with updated fields.
$lineItem = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_LineItem();

// Set update mask in request body.

// Call the API, updating the entity status for the identified line item.
$response = $service->advertisers_lineItems->bulkUpdate(

// Display the line items that were updated, failed, and skipped.
if (!empty($response->getUpdatedLineItemIds())) {
    printf('The following line item IDs were updated:\n');
    foreach ($response->getUpdatedLineItemIds() as $id) {
        printf('%s\n', $id);
if (!empty($response->getFailedLineItemIds())) {
    print('The following line item IDs failed to update:\n');
    foreach ($response->getFailedLineItemIds() as $id) {
        printf('%s\n', $id);
    if (!empty($response->getErrors())) {
        print('The failed updates were caused by the following errors:\n');
        foreach ($response->getErrors() as $error) {
                'Error Code: %s, Message: %s\n',
if (!empty($response->getSkippedLineItemIds())) {
    print('The following line item IDs were skipped in the update:\n');
    foreach ($response->getSkippedLineItemIds() as $id) {
        printf('%s\n', $id);