Les éléments de campagne disposent de nombreuses ressources parentes dont ils héritent des paramètres et le ciblage. La plupart de ces ressources peuvent être créées, récupérées et mises à jour à l'aide de le Réseau Display et l'API Video 360. Cette page décrit la hiérarchie des ressources et donne des exemples sur la création de ces ressources à l'aide du module l'API Video 360.
Hiérarchie des ressources
InDisplay et dans Video 360, il existe une hiérarchie des ressources dont les paramètres tiennent compte à la diffusion d'annonces. Chaque ressource a un objectif distinct dans la diffusion publicitaires. En partant du niveau hiérarchique le plus bas:
- Les éléments de campagne sont des ressources qui contrôlent quelles annonces sont diffusées, au moment où elles le
et à qui elles sont diffusées.
- YouTube et Les éléments de campagne de partenaire comportent également des groupes d'annonces et les ressources enfants Ads. Elles offrent un niveau supplémentaire avec un seul budget d'élément de campagne. YouTube et Ligne Partners les éléments, les groupes d'annonces, les annonces et leur ciblage ne peuvent pas être modifiés à l'aide API.
- Les ordres d'insertion contiennent plusieurs éléments de campagne. Elles fournissent des valeurs par défaut en cas d'absence des paramètres d'élément de campagne.
- Les campagnes contiennent plusieurs ordres d'insertion. Ils n'appliquent pas de paramètres sur leurs ordres d'insertion. Leurs paramètres servent de cadre mesurer la progression et le succès des annonces diffusées sous celles-ci.
- Les annonceurs possèdent plusieurs campagnes publicitaires. Elle fait respecter la brand safety le ciblage et d'autres paramètres généraux sur les annonces qui y sont diffusées. Ils possèdent également les objets de création utilisés dans les annonces diffusées sous celle-ci et donnent accès utilisées pour le ciblage.
- Les partenaires possèdent plusieurs annonceurs. Elles renforcent la brand safety le ciblage et d'autres paramètres sur ces annonceurs. Elles donnent également accès ressources utilisées pour le ciblage et les activités Floodlight utilisées pour la conversion le suivi. Les partenaires ne peuvent pas être modifiés via l'API.
Les éléments de campagne héritent de nombreux paramètres et accès de leurs ressources parentes. Lorsque vous gérez des éléments de campagne et la diffusion des annonces, vous devez prendre en compte les qualités héritées:
- Créations et activités Floodlight disponibles:les éléments de campagne n'y ont accès que
à des ressources qui appartiennent à leurs partenaires parents ou à leurs annonceurs. Créations
sont créés au niveau des annonceurs et les activités Floodlight appartiennent à des partenaires.
Ressources attribuées à
champs de ressourcescreativeIds
doit partager le même parent l'annonceur et le partenaire, respectivement. - Entités accessibles pour le ciblage:ressources telles que channels, audiences combinées et d'autres sont utilisés pour le ciblage. Les éléments de campagne ne peuvent être ciblés qu'à l'aide de ressources accessibles à ses un partenaire ou un annonceur parent.
- Ciblage axé sur la brand safety:les éléments de campagne héritent du ciblage défini au niveau du partenaire.
et de l'annonceur. Impossible de supprimer le ciblage hérité. Ce modèle existant
le ciblage peut être identifié par le paramètre
, ce qui aura une incidence sur le ciblage peut être appliqué.
Créer des ressources
Toutes les ressources listées ci-dessus peuvent être gérées à l'aide du module l'API Video 360. En dessous sont des exemples de code simples qui montrent comment créer chacune de ces ressources à l'aide des ressources bibliothèques clientes.
Créer un annonceur
Voici un exemple de création d'un annonceur:
// Create an advertiser object. Advertiser advertiser = new Advertiser(); advertiser.setPartnerId(partner-id); advertiser.setDisplayName(display-name); advertiser.setEntityStatus("ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE"); // Create and set the advertiser general configuration. AdvertiserGeneralConfig advertiserGeneralConfig = new AdvertiserGeneralConfig(); advertiserGeneralConfig.setDomainUrl(domain-url); advertiserGeneralConfig.setCurrencyCode("USD"); advertiser.setGeneralConfig(advertiserGeneralConfig); // Create the ad server configuration structure. AdvertiserAdServerConfig advertiserAdServerConfig = new AdvertiserAdServerConfig(); // Create and add the third party only configuration to the ad server // configuration. advertiserAdServerConfig.setThirdPartyOnlyConfig(new ThirdPartyOnlyConfig()); // Set the ad server configuration. advertiser.setAdServerConfig(advertiserAdServerConfig); // Create and set the creative configuration. advertiser.setCreativeConfig(new AdvertiserCreativeConfig()); // Create and set the billing configuration. AdvertiserBillingConfig advertiserBillingConfig = new AdvertiserBillingConfig(); advertiserBillingConfig.setBillingProfileId(billing-profile-id); advertiser.setBillingConfig(advertiserBillingConfig); // Configure the create request. Advertisers.Create request = service.advertisers().create(advertiser); // Create the advertiser. Advertiser response = request.execute(); // Display the new advertiser. System.out.printf("Advertiser %s was created.", response.getName());
# Create an advertiser object. advertiser_obj = { 'partnerId': partner-id, 'displayName': display-name, 'entityStatus': "ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE", 'generalConfig': { 'domainUrl' : domain-url, 'currencyCode' : 'USD' }, 'adServerConfig': { 'thirdPartyOnlyConfig' : {} }, 'creativeConfig': {}, 'billingConfig': { 'billingProfileId' : billing-profile-id } } # Create the advertiser. advertiser = service.advertisers().create( body=advertiser_obj ).execute() # Display the new advertiser. print("Advertiser %s was created." % advertiser["name"])
// Create an advertiser object. $advertiser = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Advertiser(); $advertiser->setPartnerId(partner-id); $advertiser->setDisplayName(display-name); $advertiser->setEntityStatus('ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE'); // Create and set the advertiser general configuration. $generalConfig = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AdvertiserGeneralConfig(); $generalConfig->setDomainUrl(domain-url); $generalConfig->setCurrencyCode('USD'); $advertiser->setGeneralConfig($generalConfig); // Create the ad server configuration structure. $adServerConfig = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AdvertiserAdServerConfig(); // Create and add the third party only configuration to the ad server // configuration. $adServerConfig->setThirdPartyOnlyConfig( new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ThirdPartyOnlyConfig() ); // Set the ad server configuration. $advertiser->setAdServerConfig($adServerConfig); // Create and set the creative configuration. $advertiser->setCreativeConfig( new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AdvertiserCreativeConfig() ); // Create and set the billing configuration. $billingConfig = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_AdvertiserBillingConfig(); $billingConfig->setBillingProfileId(billing-profile-id); $advertiser->setBillingConfig($billingConfig); // Call the API, creating the advertiser. $result = $this->service->advertisers->create($advertiser); printf('Advertiser %s was created.\n', $result['name']);
Créer une campagne
Voici un exemple de création d'une campagne:
// Create a campaign object. Campaign campaign = new Campaign(); campaign.setDisplayName(display-name); campaign.setEntityStatus("ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED"); // Create a campaign goal object. CampaignGoal campaignGoal = new CampaignGoal(); campaignGoal.setCampaignGoalType("CAMPAIGN_GOAL_TYPE_BRAND_AWARENESS"); // Create and add a performance goal to the campaign goal object. PerformanceGoal performanceGoal = new PerformanceGoal(); performanceGoal.setPerformanceGoalType("PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC"); performanceGoal.setPerformanceGoalAmountMicros(1000000L); campaignGoal.setPerformanceGoal(performanceGoal); // Set the campaign goal. campaign.setCampaignGoal(campaignGoal); // Create a campaign flight object. // This object details the planned spend and duration of the campaign. CampaignFlight campaignFlight = new CampaignFlight(); campaignFlight.setPlannedSpendAmountMicros(1000000L); // Create the date range for the campaign flight. DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(); // Set the start date to one week from now and the end date to two weeks // from now. Calendar calendarStartDate = Calendar.getInstance().add(Calendar.DATE, 7); Calendar calendarEndDate = Calendar.getInstance().add(Calendar.DATE, 14); dateRange.setStartDate( new Date() .setYear(calendarStartDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) .setMonth(calendarStartDate.get(Calendar.MONTH)) .setDay(calendarStartDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); dateRange.setEndDate( new Date() .setYear(calendarEndDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) .setMonth(calendarEndDate.get(Calendar.MONTH)) .setDay(calendarEndDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); // Add the planned date range to the campaign flight object. campaignFlight.setPlannedDates(dateRange); // Set the campaign flight. campaign.setCampaignFlight(campaignFlight); // Create and set the frequency cap. FrequencyCap frequencyCap = new FrequencyCap(); frequencyCap.setMaxImpressions(10); frequencyCap.setTimeUnit("TIME_UNIT_DAYS"); frequencyCap.setTimeUnitCount(1); campaign.setFrequencyCap(frequencyCap); // Configure the create request. Campaigns.Create request = service.advertisers().campaigns() .create(advertiser-id, campaign); // Create the campaign. Campaign response = request.execute(); // Display the new campaign. System.out.printf("Campaign %s was created.", response.getName());
# Create a future campaign flight start and end dates. startDate = date.today() + timedelta(days=7) endDate = date.today() + timedelta(days=14) # Create a campaign object. campaign_obj = { 'displayName': display-name, 'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED', 'campaignGoal': { 'campaignGoalType' : 'CAMPAIGN_GOAL_TYPE_BRAND_AWARENESS', 'performanceGoal': { 'performanceGoalType': 'PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC', 'performanceGoalAmountMicros': 1000000 } }, 'campaignFlight': { 'plannedSpendAmountMicros': 1000000, 'plannedDates': { 'startDate': { 'year': startDate.year, 'month': startDate.month, 'day': startDate.day }, 'endDate': { 'year': endDate.year, 'month': endDate.month, 'day': endDate.day } } }, 'frequencyCap': { 'maxImpressions': 10, 'timeUnit': 'TIME_UNIT_DAYS', 'timeUnitCount': 1 } } # Create the campaign. campaign = service.advertisers().campaigns().create( advertiserId=advertiser-id, body=campaign_obj ).execute() # Display the new campaign. print("Campaign %s was created." % campaign["name"])
// Create a campaign object. $campaign = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Campaign(); $campaign->setDisplayName(display-name); $campaign->setEntityStatus('ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE'); // Create a campaign goal object. $campaignGoal = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_CampaignGoal(); $campaignGoal->setCampaignGoalType( 'CAMPAIGN_GOAL_TYPE_BRAND_AWARENESS' ); // Create and add a performance goal to the campaign goal object. $performanceGoal = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_PerformanceGoal(); $performanceGoal->setPerformanceGoalType('PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC'); $performanceGoal->setPerformanceGoalAmountMicros(1000000); // Set the campaign goal. $campaignGoal->setPerformanceGoal($performanceGoal); $campaign->setCampaignGoal($campaignGoal); // Create a campaign flight object. // This object details the planned spend and duration of the campaign. $campaignFlight = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_CampaignFlight(); $campaignFlight->setPlannedSpendAmountMicros(1000000); // Create a date range object for the flight. $dateRange = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_DateRange(); // Create and assign a start date one week from now. $startDateTime = new DateTime('today + 7 days'); $startDate = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Date(); $startDate->setYear($startDateTime->format('Y')); $startDate->setMonth($startDateTime->format('n')); $startDate->setDay($startDateTime->format('j')); $dateRange->setStartDate($startDate); // Create and assign an end date two weeks from now. $endDateTime = new DateTime('today + 14 days'); $endDate = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Date(); $endDate->setYear($endDateTime->format('Y')); $endDate->setMonth($endDateTime->format('n')); $endDate->setDay($endDateTime->format('j')); $dateRange->setendDate($endDate); // Assign date range to flight. $campaignFlight->setPlannedDates($dateRange); // Assign flight to campaign. $campaign->setCampaignFlight($campaignFlight); // Create and set the frequency cap. $frequencyCap = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_FrequencyCap(); $frequencyCap->setMaxImpressions(10); $frequencyCap->setTimeUnit('TIME_UNIT_DAYS'); $frequencyCap->setTimeUnitCount(1); $campaign->setFrequencyCap($frequencyCap); // Call the API, creating the campaign under the given advertiser. $result = $this->service->advertisers_campaigns->create( advertiser-id, $campaign ); // Display the new campaign. printf('Campaign %s was created.\n', $result['name']);
Créer un ordre d'insertion
Voici un exemple de création d'ordre d'insertion:
// Create an insertion order object. InsertionOrder insertionOrder = new InsertionOrder(); insertionOrder.setCampaignId(campaign-id); insertionOrder.setDisplayName(display-name); insertionOrder.setEntityStatus("ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT"); // Create and add the pacing setting. Pacing pacing = new Pacing(); pacing.setPacingPeriod("PACING_PERIOD_DAILY"); pacing.setPacingType("PACING_TYPE_EVEN"); pacing.setDailyMaxMicros(10000L); insertionOrder.setPacing(pacing); // Create and set the frequency cap. FrequencyCap frequencyCap = new FrequencyCap(); frequencyCap.setTimeUnit("TIME_UNIT_DAYS"); frequencyCap.setTimeUnitCount(1); frequencyCap.setMaxImpressions(10); insertionOrder.setFrequencyCap(frequencyCap); // Create and set the key performance indicator (KPI). Kpi kpi = new Kpi(); kpi.setKpiType("KPI_TYPE_CPC"); kpi.setKpiAmountMicros(1000000L); insertionOrder.setKpi(kpi); // Create a budget object. InsertionOrderBudget insertionOrderBudget = new InsertionOrderBudget(); insertionOrderBudget.setBudgetUnit("BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY"); // Create a budget segment object. InsertionOrderBudgetSegment insertionOrderBudgetSegment = new InsertionOrderBudgetSegment(); insertionOrderBudgetSegment.setBudgetAmountMicros(100000L); // Create the date range for the budget segment. DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(); // Set the start date to one week from now and the end date to two weeks // from now. Calendar calendarStartDate = Calendar.getInstance().add(Calendar.DATE, 7); Calendar calendarEndDate = Calendar.getInstance().add(Calendar.DATE, 14); dateRange.setStartDate( new Date() .setYear(calendarStartDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) .setMonth(calendarStartDate.get(Calendar.MONTH)) .setDay(calendarStartDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); dateRange.setEndDate( new Date() .setYear(calendarEndDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)) .setMonth(calendarEndDate.get(Calendar.MONTH)) .setDay(calendarEndDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); // Add the date range to the budget segment. insertionOrderBudgetSegment.setDateRange(dateRange); // Add budget segment list to the budget. insertionOrderBudget .setBudgetSegments(ImmutableList.of(insertionOrderBudgetSegment)); // Set budget. insertionOrder.setBudget(insertionOrderBudget); // Configure the create request. InsertionOrders.Create request = service.advertisers().insertionOrders() .create(advertiser-id, insertionOrder); // Create the insertion order. InsertionOrder response = request.execute(); // Display the new insertion order. System.out.printf("InsertionOrder %s was created.", response.getName());
# Create a future budget segment start and end dates. startDate = date.today() + timedelta(days=7) endDate = date.today() + timedelta(days=14) # Create an insertion order object. insertion_order_obj = { 'campaignId' : campaign-id, 'displayName': display-name, 'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT', 'pacing': { 'pacingPeriod': 'PACING_PERIOD_DAILY', 'pacingType': 'PACING_TYPE_EVEN', 'dailyMaxMicros': 10000 }, 'frequencyCap': { 'maxImpressions': 10, 'timeUnit': 'TIME_UNIT_DAYS', 'timeUnitCount': 1 }, 'kpi' : { 'kpiType': 'KPI_TYPE_CPC', 'kpiAmountMicros': 1000000 }, 'budget': { 'budgetUnit': 'BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY', 'budgetSegments': [ { 'budgetAmountMicros': 100000, 'dateRange': { 'startDate': { 'year': startDate.year, 'month': startDate.month, 'day': startDate.day }, 'endDate': { 'year': endDate.year, 'month': endDate.month, 'day': endDate.day } } } ] } } # Create the insertion order. insertionOrder = service.advertisers().insertionOrders().create( advertiserId=advertiser-id, body=insertion_order_obj ).execute() # Display the new insertion order. print("Insertion Order %s was created." % insertionOrder["name"])
// Create an insertion order object. $insertionOrder = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_InsertionOrder(); $insertionOrder->setCampaignId(campaign-id); $insertionOrder->setDisplayName(display-name); $insertionOrder->setEntityStatus('ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT'); // Create and add the pacing setting. $pacing = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Pacing(); $pacing->setPacingPeriod('PACING_PERIOD_DAILY'); $pacing->setPacingType('PACING_TYPE_EVEN'); $pacing->setDailyMaxMicros(10000); $insertionOrder->setPacing($pacing); // Create and set the frequency cap. $frequencyCap = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_FrequencyCap(); $frequencyCap->setMaxImpressions(10); $frequencyCap->setTimeUnit('TIME_UNIT_DAYS'); $frequencyCap->setTimeUnitCount(1); $insertionOrder->setFrequencyCap($frequencyCap); // Create and set the key performance indicator (KPI). $kpi = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Kpi(); $kpi->setKpiType('KPI_TYPE_CPC'); $kpi->setKpiAmountMicros(1000000); $insertionOrder->setKpi($kpi); // Create a budget object. $budget = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_InsertionOrderBudget(); $budget->setBudgetUnit('BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY'); // Create a budget segment object. $budgetSegment = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_InsertionOrderBudgetSegment(); $budgetSegment->setBudgetAmountMicros(100000); // Create a date range object for the budget segment. $dateRange = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_DateRange(); // Create and assign a start date one week from now. $startDateTime = new DateTime('today + 7 days'); $startDate = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Date(); $startDate->setYear($startDateTime->format('Y')); $startDate->setMonth($startDateTime->format('n')); $startDate->setDay($startDateTime->format('j')); $dateRange->setStartDate($startDate); // Create and assign an end date two weeks from now. $endDateTime = new DateTime('today + 14 days'); $endDate = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Date(); $endDate->setYear($endDateTime->format('Y')); $endDate->setMonth($endDateTime->format('n')); $endDate->setDay($endDateTime->format('j')); $dateRange->setendDate($endDate); // Assign date range to budget segment. $budgetSegment->setDateRange($dateRange); // Set budget segment. $budget->setBudgetSegments(array($budgetSegment)); // Set budget object. $insertionOrder->setBudget($budget); // Call the API, creating the insertion order under the advertiser and // campaign given. $result = $this->service->advertisers_insertionOrders->create( advertiser-id, $insertionOrder ); printf('Insertion Order %s was created.\n', $result['name']);
Créer un élément de campagne
Voici un exemple de création d'un élément de campagne:
// Create a line item object. LineItem lineItem = new LineItem(); lineItem.setInsertionOrderId(insertion-order-id); lineItem.setDisplayName(display-name); lineItem.setLineItemType("LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT"); lineItem.setEntityStatus("ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT"); // Create and set the line item flight. LineItemFlight lineItemFlight = new LineItemFlight(); lineItemFlight .setFlightDateType("LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_INHERITED"); lineItem.setFlight(lineItemFlight); // Create and set the line item budget. LineItemBudget lineItemBudget = new LineItemBudget(); lineItemBudget .setBudgetAllocationType("LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED"); lineItem.setBudget(lineItemBudget); // Create and set the pacing setting. Pacing pacing = new Pacing(); pacing.setPacingPeriod("PACING_PERIOD_DAILY"); pacing.setPacingType("PACING_TYPE_EVEN"); pacing.setDailyMaxMicros(10000L); lineItem.setPacing(pacing); // Create and set the frequency cap. FrequencyCap frequencyCap = new FrequencyCap(); frequencyCap.setTimeUnit("TIME_UNIT_DAYS"); frequencyCap.setTimeUnitCount(1); frequencyCap.setMaxImpressions(10); lineItem.setFrequencyCap(frequencyCap); // Create and set the partner revenue model. PartnerRevenueModel partnerRevenueModel = new PartnerRevenueModel(); partnerRevenueModel .setMarkupType("PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM"); partnerRevenueModel.setMarkupAmount(10L); lineItem.setPartnerRevenueModel(partnerRevenueModel); // Set the list of IDs of the creatives associated with the line item. lineItem.setCreativeIds(creative-ids); // Create and set the bidding strategy. BiddingStrategy biddingStrategy = new BiddingStrategy(); biddingStrategy .setFixedBid(new FixedBidStrategy().setBidAmountMicros(100000L)); lineItem.setBidStrategy(biddingStrategy); // Configure the create request. LineItems.Create request = service.advertisers().lineItems().create(advertiser-id, lineItem); // Create the line item. LineItem response = request.execute(); // Display the new line item. System.out.printf("LineItem %s was created.", response.getName());
# Create an line item object. line_item_obj = { 'insertionOrderId' : insertion-order-id, 'displayName': display-name, 'lineItemType': 'LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT', 'entityStatus': 'ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT', 'flight': { 'flightDateType': 'LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_INHERITED' }, 'budget': { 'budgetAllocationType': 'LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED' }, 'pacing': { 'pacingPeriod': 'PACING_PERIOD_DAILY', 'pacingType': 'PACING_TYPE_EVEN', 'dailyMaxMicros': 10000 }, 'frequencyCap': { 'timeUnit': 'TIME_UNIT_DAYS', 'timeUnitCount': 1, 'maxImpressions': 10 }, 'partnerRevenueModel': { 'markupType': 'PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM', 'markupAmount': 10 }, 'creativeIds': creative-ids, 'bidStrategy': { 'fixedBid': { 'bidAmountMicros': 100000 } } } # Create the line item. lineItem = service.advertisers().lineItems().create( advertiserId=advertiser-id, body=line_item_obj ).execute() # Display the new line item. print("Line Item %s was created." % lineItem["name"])
// Create a line item object. $lineItem = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_LineItem(); $lineItem->setInsertionOrderId(insertion-order-id); $lineItem->setDisplayName(display-name); $lineItem->setLineItemType('LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT'); $lineItem->setEntityStatus('ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT'); // Create and set the line item flight. $flight = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_LineItemFlight(); $flight->setFlightDateType('LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_INHERITED'); $lineItem->setFlight($flight); // Create and set the line item budget. $budget = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_LineItemBudget(); $budget->setBudgetAllocationType( 'LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED' ); $lineItem->setBudget($budget); // Create and set the pacing setting. $pacing = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Pacing(); $pacing->setPacingPeriod('PACING_PERIOD_DAILY'); $pacing->setPacingType('PACING_TYPE_EVEN'); $pacing->setDailyMaxMicros(10000); $lineItem->setPacing($pacing); // Create and set the frequency cap. $frequencyCap = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_FrequencyCap(); $frequencyCap->setMaxImpressions(10); $frequencyCap->setTimeUnit('TIME_UNIT_DAYS'); $frequencyCap->setTimeUnitCount(1); $lineItem->setFrequencyCap($frequencyCap); // Create and set the partner revenue model. $partnerRevenueModel = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_PartnerRevenueModel(); $partnerRevenueModel->setMarkupType( 'PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM' ); $partnerRevenueModel->setMarkupAmount(10); $lineItem->setPartnerRevenueModel($partnerRevenueModel); // Set the list of IDs of the creatives associated with the line item. lineItem >setCreativeIds(creative-ids); // Create and set the bidding strategy. $biddingStrategy = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_BiddingStrategy(); $fixedBidStrategy = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_FixedBidStrategy(); $fixedBidStrategy->setBidAmountMicros(100000); $biddingStrategy->setFixedBid($fixedBidStrategy); $lineItem->setBidStrategy($biddingStrategy); // Create the line item. $result = $this->service->advertisers_lineItems->create( advertiser-id, $lineItem ); printf('Line Item %s was created.\n', $result['name']);
Générer des éléments de campagne par défaut
Les éléments de campagne peuvent être générés avec des configurations par défaut
déterminé par un élément LineItemType
donné, ainsi que par
de l'ordre d'insertion parent. Contrairement à la ligne d'API standard
les éléments de campagne par défaut se voient attribuer le même ciblage que
un ordre d'insertion parent lors de sa création, comme dans l'UI.
Gérer cela à l'aide de l'ordre d'insertion
Service AssignedTargetingOptions
L'exemple ci-dessous montre comment générer un élément de campagne par défaut:
// Create a default line item generation request. GenerateDefaultLineItemRequest defaultLineItemRequest = new GenerateDefaultLineItemRequest(); defaultLineItemRequest.setInsertionOrderId(insertion-order-id); defaultLineItemRequest.setDisplayName(display-name); defaultLineItemRequest.setLineItemType("LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT"); // Configure the request. LineItems.GenerateDefault request = service .advertisers() .lineItems() .generateDefault(advertiser-id, defaultLineItemRequest); // Generate the default line item. LineItem response = request.execute(); // Display the new line item. System.out.printf("LineItem %s was created.", response.getName());
# Create a default line item generation request. default_li_request = { 'insertionOrderId' : insertion-order-id, 'displayName': display-name, 'lineItemType': 'LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT' } # Generate the default line item. line_item = service.advertisers().lineItems().generateDefault( advertiserId=advertiser-id, body=default_li_request ).execute() # Display the new line item. print("Line Item %s was created." % lineItem["name"])
// Create a default line item generation request. $defaultLineItemRequest = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_GenerateDefaultLineItemRequest(); $defaultLineItemRequest->setInsertionOrderId(insertion-order-id); $defaultLineItemRequest->setDisplayName(display-name); $defaultLineItemRequest->setLineItemType('LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT'); // Generate the default line item. $result = $this->service->advertisers_lineItems->generateDefault( advertiser-id, $defaultLineItemRequest ); // Display the new line item. printf('Line Item %s was created.\n', $result['name']);
Éléments de campagne en double
Les éléments de campagne existants peuvent être dupliqués, et donc un nouvel élément de campagne. avec les mêmes configurations et paramètres de ciblage que l'élément de campagne existant dans le même ordre d'insertion.
L'exemple ci-dessous vous montre comment dupliquer un élément de campagne existant:
// Create the duplicate line item request body. DuplicateLineItemRequest requestBody = new DuplicateLineItemRequest(); requestBody.setTargetDisplayName(target-display-name); // Configure the request. LineItems.Duplicate request = service.advertisers().lineItems() .duplicate(advertiser-id, line-item-id, requestBody); // Duplicate the line item. DuplicateLineItemResponse response = request.execute(); // Display the line item ID of the new duplicate line item. System.out.printf("A duplicate line item with the ID %s was created.", response.getDuplicateLineItemId());
# Create the duplicate line item request body. duplicate_request = { 'targetDisplayName': target-display-name } # Duplicate the line item. response = service.advertisers().lineItems().duplicate( advertiserId=advertiser-id, lineItemId=line-item-id, body=duplicate_request ).execute() # Display the line item ID of the new duplicate line item. print("A duplicate line item with the ID %s was created." % response["duplicateLineItemId"])
// Create the duplicate line item request body. $requestBody = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_DuplicateLineItemRequest(); $requestBody->setTargetDisplayName(target-display-name); // Call the API, duplicating the line item. $response = $service ->advertisers_lineItems ->duplicate( advertiser-id, line-item-id, $requestBody ); // Display the line item ID of the new duplicate line item. printf( 'A duplicate line item with the ID %s was created.', $response->getDuplicateLineItemId() );