Google Apps Script 快速入門

快速入門說明如何設定及執行呼叫 Google Workspace API 的應用程式。

Google Workspace 快速入門會使用 API 用戶端程式庫處理驗證和授權流程的部分細節。建議您為自家應用程式使用用戶端程式庫。本快速入門導覽課程會使用簡化的驗證方法,適合測試環境使用。如要使用正式環境,建議您先瞭解驗證和授權,再選擇適合應用程式的存取憑證

建立Google Apps Script,向 Google Drive Activity API 提出要求。


  • 設定環境。
  • 建立並設定指令碼。
  • 執行指令碼。


  • Google 帳戶
  • 存取 Google 雲端硬碟


  1. 前往 建立新指令碼。
  2. 使用下列程式碼取代指令碼編輯器的內容:

 * Lists 10 activity for a Drive user.
 * @see
function listDriveActivity() {
  const request = {
    pageSize: 10
    // Use other parameter here if needed.
  try {
    // Activity.query method is used Query past activity in Google Drive.
    const response = DriveActivity.Activity.query(request);
    const activities = response.activities;
    if (!activities || activities.length === 0) {
      console.log('No activity.');
    console.log('Recent activity:');
    for (const activity of activities) {
      // get time information of activity.
      const time = getTimeInfo(activity);
      // get the action details/information
      const action = getActionInfo(activity.primaryActionDetail);
      // get the actor's details of activity
      const actors =;
      // get target information of activity.
      const targets =;
      // print the time,actor,action and targets of drive activity.
      console.log('%s: %s, %s, %s', time, actors, action, targets);
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle error from drive activity API
    console.log('Failed with an error %s', err.message);

 * @param {object} object
 * @return {string}  Returns the name of a set property in an object, or else "unknown".
function getOneOf(object) {
  for (const key in object) {
    return key;
  return 'unknown';

 * @param {object} activity Activity object.
 * @return {string} Returns a time associated with an activity.
function getTimeInfo(activity) {
  if ('timestamp' in activity) {
    return activity.timestamp;
  if ('timeRange' in activity) {
    return activity.timeRange.endTime;
  return 'unknown';

 * @param {object} actionDetail The primary action details of the activity.
 * @return {string} Returns the type of action.
function getActionInfo(actionDetail) {
  return getOneOf(actionDetail);

 * @param {object} user The User object.
 * @return {string}  Returns user information, or the type of user if not a known user.
function getUserInfo(user) {
  if ('knownUser' in user) {
    const knownUser = user.knownUser;
    const isMe = knownUser.isCurrentUser || false;
    return isMe ? 'people/me' : knownUser.personName;
  return getOneOf(user);

 * @param {object} actor The Actor object.
 * @return {string} Returns actor information, or the type of actor if not a user.
function getActorInfo(actor) {
  if ('user' in actor) {
    return getUserInfo(actor.user);
  return getOneOf(actor);

 * @param {object} target The Target object.
 * @return {string} Returns the type of a target and an associated title.
function getTargetInfo(target) {
  if ('driveItem' in target) {
    const title = target.driveItem.title || 'unknown';
    return 'driveItem:"' + title + '"';
  if ('drive' in target) {
    const title = || 'unknown';
    return 'drive:"' + title + '"';
  if ('fileComment' in target) {
    const parent = target.fileComment.parent || {};
    const title = parent.title || 'unknown';
    return 'fileComment:"' + title + '"';
  return getOneOf(target) + ':unknown';

  1. 按一下「儲存」圖示
  2. 按一下「Untitled project」,輸入「Quickstart」,然後點選「Rename」


啟用 Google Drive Activity API

  1. 開啟 Apps Script 專案。
  1. 按一下「編輯器」圖示
  2. 按一下「服務」旁的「新增服務」圖示
  3. 選取 Drive Activity API,然後按一下「新增」


在 Apps Script 編輯器中,按一下「Run」


  1. 按一下「查看權限」
  2. 選擇所需帳戶。
  3. 按一下「允許」

