API Reference

This API reference is organized by resource type. Each resource type has one or more data representations and one or more methods.

  1. AchievementConfigurations
  2. ImageConfigurations
  3. LeaderboardConfigurations

For AchievementConfigurations Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1configuration, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /achievements/achievementId Delete the achievement configuration with the given ID.
get GET  /achievements/achievementId Retrieves the metadata of the achievement configuration with the given ID.
insert POST  /applications/applicationId/achievements Insert a new achievement configuration in this application.
list GET  /applications/applicationId/achievements Returns a list of the achievement configurations in this application.
update PUT  /achievements/achievementId Update the metadata of the achievement configuration with the given ID.


For ImageConfigurations Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1configuration, unless otherwise noted
upload POST
Uploads an image for a resource with the given ID and image type.


For LeaderboardConfigurations Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1configuration, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /leaderboards/leaderboardId Delete the leaderboard configuration with the given ID.
get GET  /leaderboards/leaderboardId Retrieves the metadata of the leaderboard configuration with the given ID.
insert POST  /applications/applicationId/leaderboards Insert a new leaderboard configuration in this application.
list GET  /applications/applicationId/leaderboards Returns a list of the leaderboard configurations in this application.
update PUT  /leaderboards/leaderboardId Update the metadata of the leaderboard configuration with the given ID.