Google 搜索中的生成式 AI:让 Google 替你搜索
利用 Google 旗下最实用的 AI 助理,尽情挥洒创意并提升效率
Supercharge your creativity and productivity with our most helpful AI assistant
生成式 AI:开启更轻松、更智能的搜索方式
A simpler, smarter way to search with generative AI
Conquer the blank page by turning a few keywords into an email
在 Google 相册中使用"魔术修图"工具,发挥创意改造照片
Reimagine your photos with Magic Editor in Google Photos
在 Pixel 8 Pro 中使用"视频提升"功能,让视频画质自动调优
Automatic adjustments for improved quality with Video Boost on Pixel 8 Pro
利用依托 AI 技术的配音功能,消除视频语言障碍
Tackle the language barrier in videos with AI-powered dubbing
利用 Google 旗下最实用的 AI 助理,尽情挥洒创意并提升效率
Supercharge your creativity and productivity with our most helpful AI assistant
生成式 AI:开启更轻松、更智能的搜索方式
A simpler, smarter way to search with generative AI
Conquer the blank page by turning a few keywords into an email
在 Google 相册中使用"魔术修图"工具,发挥创意改造照片
Reimagine your photos with Magic Editor in Google Photos
在 Pixel 8 Pro 中使用"视频提升"功能,让视频画质自动调优
Automatic adjustments for improved quality with Video Boost on Pixel 8 Pro
利用依托 AI 技术的配音功能,消除视频语言障碍
Tackle the language barrier in videos with AI-powered dubbing
利用 Google 旗下最实用的 AI 助理,尽情挥洒创意并提升效率
Supercharge your creativity and productivity with our most helpful AI assistant
生成式 AI:开启更轻松、更智能的搜索方式
A simpler, smarter way to search with generative AI
Conquer the blank page by turning a few keywords into an email
在 Google 相册中使用"魔术修图"工具,发挥创意改造照片
Reimagine your photos with Magic Editor in Google Photos
在 Pixel 8 Pro 中使用"视频提升"功能,让视频画质自动调优
Automatic adjustments for improved quality with Video Boost on Pixel 8 Pro
利用依托 AI 技术的配音功能,消除视频语言障碍
Tackle the language barrier in videos with AI-powered dubbing
"Responsible AI 理念,
Responsible AI is woven into the fabric of our work
我们以大胆创新和高度负责的态度开发 AI,并与专家、合作伙伴和其他组织密切合作,竭力打造更安全、更包容的模型、产品和平台,从而造福社会。
We approach AI boldly and responsibly, working together with experts, partners and other organizations so our models, products and platforms can be safer, more inclusive, and benefit society.
Google DeepMind 开发的 AlphaFold 成功攻克了一个困扰科学界数十年的难题,为全球数百万科研人员提供了一款强大的工具,助力解决研发新药物、分解一次性塑料等关键问题。或许,在未来的某一天,它甚至能帮助揭示生命本身的奥秘。
By solving a decades-old scientific challenge, Google DeepMind's AlphaFold gave millions of researchers a powerful new tool to help solve crucial problems like discovering new medicines or breaking down single-use plastics. One day, it might even help unlock the mysteries of how life itself works.
据估计,全球有 2.5 亿人说话不标准。Project Relate 是一款尚处于 Beta 版测试阶段的 Android 应用,旨在提供个性化的语音识别功能,为人们的日常生活创造便利。
Around the world, it is estimated that 250,000,000 people have non-standard speech. Project Relate is a beta Android application that offers personalized speech recognition to empower people in their everyday lives.
绘制完整的人脑图谱将有助于我们了解自身的更多奥秘,例如疾病的起因以及记忆的存储方式。然而,使用当今技术绘制人脑图谱会耗费数十亿美元和数百年时间。为帮助科学家在未来的某一天轻松实现这个目标,Google 研究团队正在行动。
Mapping the entire human brain could help us understand a lot about ourselves, from the causes of diseases to how we store memories. But mapping the brain with today's technology would take billions of dollars and hundreds of years. Learn what Google Research is doing to make it easier for scientists to-someday-reach this goal.
Google DeepMind 开发的先进 AI 模型可超越当前行业标准,更快速、更准确地提供中期天气预报,甚至能更早地预警台风、洪水和气温骤变等极端天气。
Google DeepMind's state-of-the-art AI model provides faster, more accurate medium-range weather forecasts than the current industry standard, including earlier warnings for extreme weather events like cyclones, floods, and temperature spikes.
Google DeepMind 开发的 AlphaFold 成功攻克了一个困扰科学界数十年的难题,为全球数百万科研人员提供了一款强大的工具,助力解决研发新药物、分解一次性塑料等关键问题。或许,在未来的某一天,它甚至能帮助揭示生命本身的奥秘。
By solving a decades-old scientific challenge, Google DeepMind's AlphaFold gave millions of researchers a powerful new tool to help solve crucial problems like discovering new medicines or breaking down single-use plastics. One day, it might even help unlock the mysteries of how life itself works.
据估计,全球有 2.5 亿人说话不标准。Project Relate 是一款尚处于 Beta 版测试阶段的 Android 应用,旨在提供个性化的语音识别功能,为人们的日常生活创造便利。
Around the world, it is estimated that 250,000,000 people have non-standard speech. Project Relate is a beta Android application that offers personalized speech recognition to empower people in their everyday lives.
绘制完整的人脑图谱将有助于我们了解自身的更多奥秘,例如疾病的起因以及记忆的存储方式。然而,使用当今技术绘制人脑图谱会耗费数十亿美元和数百年时间。为帮助科学家在未来的某一天轻松实现这个目标,Google 研究团队正在行动。
Mapping the entire human brain could help us understand a lot about ourselves, from the causes of diseases to how we store memories. But mapping the brain with today's technology would take billions of dollars and hundreds of years. Learn what Google Research is doing to make it easier for scientists to-someday-reach this goal.
Google DeepMind 开发的先进 AI 模型可超越当前行业标准,更快速、更准确地提供中期天气预报,甚至能更早地预警台风、洪水和气温骤变等极端天气。
Google DeepMind's state-of-the-art AI model provides faster, more accurate medium-range weather forecasts than the current industry standard, including earlier warnings for extreme weather events like cyclones, floods, and temperature spikes.