Policy perspectives
与其他技术一样,AI 技术的使用也引发了新的政策问题,涉及治理框架、应用领域、经济影响等方方面面。欢迎深入了解我们对这些问题和其他具体问题的看法。
As with other technologies, there are new policy questions that arise with the use of AI, from governance frameworks, application areas, economic impact, and more. Learn more about our points of view on these and other concrete issues.
我们对 AI 政策的看法
Our views on AI policy
Google 对 AI 治理的总体思路和看法
General thoughts and views from Google on AI governance
安全人工智能 (AI) 系统的概念框架
A conceptual framework for secure artificial intelligence (AI) systems
Google 重点聚焦并负责任地发展量子计算
Our focused and responsible approach to quantum computing
打破 6 大 AI 迷思
Exploring 6 AI myths
构建负责任的 AI 监管框架
Building a responsible regulatory framework for AI
负责任地开发 AI
Responsible development of AI
对 AI 治理问题的看法
Perspectives on issues in AI Governance
Doing our part to share open data responsibly
利用 AI 推动社会公益事业发展
Accelerating social good with artificial intelligence
安全人工智能 (AI) 系统的概念框架
A conceptual framework for secure artificial intelligence (AI) systems
Google 重点聚焦并负责任地发展量子计算
Our focused and responsible approach to quantum computing
构建负责任的 AI 监管框架
Building a responsible regulatory framework for AI
对 AI 治理问题的看法
Perspectives on issues in AI Governance
AI 原则更新:
Updates on our AI Principles:
Google 对 AI 治理提案的回应
Google responses to AI governance proposals
Official submissions and replies to government agencies
JAN 14th, 2022
Google 就生物识别技术对美国白宫科技政策办公室 (OSTP) 信息征询书 (RFI) 的回应
Google Response to OSTP RFI on biometric technologies
DEC 15th, 2021
Google 的意见:关于美国-欧盟贸易和技术委员会 (TTC) 如何助推 AI、量子和新兴技术领域合作
AI, Quantum, and Emerging Tech Cooperation in the US-EU Trade & Technology Council
AUG 30th, 2021
Google 对美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST) 的 AI 风险管理框架信息征询书 (RFI) 的回应
Google Response to NIST AI Risk Management Framework RFI
JUL 28th, 2021
Google 的意见:回应欧盟关于调整责任规则以适应数字时代和循环经济的初步影响评估意见征询
Google Comments on the EU Consultation on the Inception Impact Assessment for Adapting Liability Rules to the Digital Age and Circular Economy
JUL 15th, 2021
对欧盟《AI 法案》提案意见征询的回应
Consultation on the EU AI Act proposal
OCT 15th, 2020
Google 对 NIST《可解释人工智能的四项原则》的意见
Google Comments on NIST's Four Principles of Explainable Artificial Intelligence
SEP 9th, 2020
Google 对欧盟委员会的 AI 初步影响评估意见征询的回应
Google Response to the EC's Consultation on the AI Inception Impact Assessment
AUG 10th, 2020
Google 对印度国家转型委员会 (NITI Aayog) 的负责任 AI 工作文件的意见
Google Comments on NITI Aayog's Responsible AI Working Document
MAY 28th, 2020
Google 对欧盟委员会《AI 白皮书》的回应
Google Responding to the European Commission's AI white paper
MAR 12th, 2020
Google 对美国行政管理和预算局 (OMB)《人工智能应用监管指南》的回应
Google Response to OMB's Guidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications
NOV 30th, 2019
Google 对关于管制特定新兴技术的《拟议规则制定预先通知》(ANPRM) 的回应
Google Response to ANPRM on Controls for Certain Emerging Technologies
JAN 14th, 2022
Google 就生物识别技术对美国白宫科技政策办公室 (OSTP) 信息征询书 (RFI) 的回应
Google Response to OSTP RFI on biometric technologies
DEC 15th, 2021
Google 的意见:关于美国-欧盟贸易和技术委员会 (TTC) 如何助推 AI、量子和新兴技术领域合作
AI, Quantum, and Emerging Tech Cooperation in the US-EU Trade & Technology Council
AUG 30th, 2021
Google 对美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST) 的 AI 风险管理框架信息征询书 (RFI) 的回应
Google Response to NIST AI Risk Management Framework RFI
JUL 28th, 2021
Google 的意见:回应欧盟关于调整责任规则以适应数字时代和循环经济的初步影响评估意见征询
Google Comments on the EU Consultation on the Inception Impact Assessment for Adapting Liability Rules to the Digital Age and Circular Economy
JUL 15th, 2021
对欧盟《AI 法案》提案意见征询的回应
Consultation on the EU AI Act proposal
OCT 15th, 2020
Google 对 NIST《可解释人工智能的四项原则》的意见
Google Comments on NIST's Four Principles of Explainable Artificial Intelligence
SEP 9th, 2020
Google 对欧盟委员会的 AI 初步影响评估意见征询的回应
Google Response to the EC's Consultation on the AI Inception Impact Assessment
AUG 10th, 2020
Google 对印度国家转型委员会 (NITI Aayog) 的负责任 AI 工作文件的意见
Google Comments on NITI Aayog's Responsible AI Working Document
MAY 28th, 2020
Google 对欧盟委员会《AI 白皮书》的回应
Google Responding to the European Commission's AI white paper
MAR 12th, 2020
Google 对美国行政管理和预算局 (OMB)《人工智能应用监管指南》的回应
Google Response to OMB's Guidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications
NOV 30th, 2019
Google 对关于管制特定新兴技术的《拟议规则制定预先通知》(ANPRM) 的回应
Google Response to ANPRM on Controls for Certain Emerging Technologies