我们的先进 AI 模型:让你利器在握、成竹在胸

Learn about our leading AI models

探索最具影响力的 Google 创新成果背后依托的 AI 模型,了解这些模型的功能,并在准备就绪后找到合适的模型,轻松打造你自己的 AI 项目。

Discover the AI models behind our most impactful innovations, understand their capabilities, and find the right one when you're ready to build your own AI project.


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  • Gemini 1.0 Ultra

    Gemini 模型Gemini models 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 多模态Multimodal 文本生成Text generation 代码生成Code generation

    Gemini 1.0 Ultra

    Gemini 1.0 Ultra

    Google 旗下最大的模型,用于处理非常复杂的任务。

    Our largest model for highly complex tasks.

    性能卓越Performance excellence

    无论是理解自然图像、音频和视频,还是推理复杂数学,这款模型都驾轻就熟。LLM 研发领域广泛采用 32 项学术和多模态基准测试,其中 30 项测试都见证了这款模型的出类拔萃。

    From natural image, audio, and video understanding to mathematical reasoning, performance exceeds current state-of-the-art results on 30 of the 32 widely-used academic and multimodal benchmarks used in large language model research and development.

    高级推理Advanced reasoning

    这是第一款在大规模多任务语言理解测试中超越人类专家的模型。测试涵盖了数学、物理、历史、法律、医学、伦理等 57 个学科,旨在评估对全球各类知识的掌握程度以及解决问题的能力。

    The first model to outperform human experts on massive multitask language understanding, which uses 57 subjects such as math, physics, history, law, medicine, ethics, and more for testing both world knowledge and problem solving abilities.

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  • Gemini 1.5 Pro

    Gemini 模型Gemini models 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 多模态Multimodal 文本生成Text generation 代码生成Code generation

    Gemini 1.5 Pro

    Gemini 1.5 Pro

    Google 旗下在各种任务中总体表现最优异的模型。

    Our best model for general performance across a wide range of tasks.

    对海量信息进行复杂推理Complex reasoning about vast amounts of information


    Can seamlessly analyze, classify and summarize large amounts of content within a given prompt.

    具有更强的跨模态推理能力Better reasoning across modalities


    Can perform highly sophisticated understanding and reasoning tasks for different modalities.

    可从容处理更长的代码块Problem-solving with longer blocks of code

    遇到包含 >100,000 行代码的提示时,这款模型能更出色地跨示例推理、提供有用的修改建议,并说明代码各个部分的运作方式。

    When given a prompt with more than 100,000 lines of code, it can better reason across examples, suggest helpful modifications and give explanations about how different parts of the code works.

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  • Gemini 1.0 Pro

    Gemini 模型Gemini models 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 多模态Multimodal 文本生成Text generation 代码生成Code generation

    Gemini 1.0 Pro

    Gemini 1.0 Pro

    Google 旗下适应性最强的模型,可自如处理多种多样的任务。

    Our best model for scaling across a wide range of tasks.

    复杂推理系统Complex reasoning systems


    Fine-tuned both to be a coding model to generate proposal solution candidates, and to be a reward model that is leveraged to recognize and extract the most promising code candidates.

    高级音频理解Advanced audio understanding

    在所有 ASR 和 AST 任务中,无论是英语还是多语言测试集,这款模型的表现都明显优于 USM 和 Whisper 模型。

    Significantly outperforms the USM and Whisper models across all ASR and AST tasks, both for English and multilingual test sets.

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  • Gemini 1.0 Nano

    Gemini 模型Gemini models 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 多模态Multimodal 文本生成Text generation 代码生成Code generation

    Gemini 1.0 Nano

    Gemini 1.0 Nano

    Google 旗下适合执行设备端任务的最高效模型。

    Our most efficient model for on-device tasks.

    推理、功能和语言理解Reasoning, functionality & language understanding

    这款模型不仅善于处理设备端任务,能轻松完成总结、阅读理解、文本补全等任务,而且在推理、STEM、编码、多模态和多语言任务方面展现了惊人的能力 - 小身材,大能量,不外如此。

    Excels at on-device tasks, such as summarization, reading comprehension, text completion tasks, and exhibits impressive capabilities in reasoning, STEM, coding, multimodal, and multilingual tasks relative to their sizes.

    力求普适普惠Broad accessibility

    Gemini 模型能在更多平台和设备上运行,极大地扩展了适用范围,方便所有人体验它们的各项精彩功能。

    With capabilities accessible to a larger set of platforms and devices, the Gemini models expand accessibility to everyone.

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  • Gemini 1.5 Flash

    Gemini 模型Gemini models 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 多模态Multimodal 文本生成Text generation 代码生成Code generation

    Gemini 1.5 Flash

    Gemini 1.5 Flash

    Google 旗下的一款轻量级模型,在速度和效率方面经过专门优化。

    Our lightweight model, optimized for speed and efficiency.

    天生高速Built for speed

    对于绝大多数开发者和企业用例,处理首个词元时的平均延迟时间 <1 秒。

    Sub-second average first-token latency for the vast majority of developer and enterprise use cases.

    成本低、质量高Quality at lower cost

    对于大多数常见任务,1.5 Flash 能以更低的成本实现与更大的模型相媲美的质量。

    On most common tasks, 1.5 Flash achieves comparable quality to larger models, at a fraction of the cost.

    不惧长篇Long-context understanding


    Process hours of video and audio, and hundreds of thousands of words or lines of code.

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  • PaLM 2

    开发者随时可用Ready for developers 文本生成Text generation 代码生成Code generation

    PaLM 2

    PaLM 2


    A state-of-the-art language model with improved multilingual, reasoning and coding capabilities.

    高级推理Advanced reasoning


    Demonstrates improved capabilities in logic, common sense reasoning, and mathematics.

    多语言翻译Multilingual translation

    具有更强的语言理解、生成和翻译能力,即使面对精妙的习语、诗歌和谜语,也能轻松拿捏。PaLM 2 还参加了高级语言水平考试,并取得了“精通”级别的优秀成绩,堪称语言大师。

    Improved its ability to understand, generate and translate nuanced text - including idioms, poems and riddles. PaLM 2 also passes advanced language proficiency exams at the “mastery” level.

    更强的编码能力Improved coding

    既精通 Python 和 JavaScript 等流行编程语言,也能轻松使用 Prolog、Fortran 和 Verilog 等语言生成专用代码。

    Excels at popular programming languages like Python and JavaScript, but is also capable of generating specialized code in languages like Prolog, Fortran, and Verilog.

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  • Imagen

    开发者随时可用Ready for developers 图像生成Image generation




    A family of text-to-image models with an unprecedented degree of photorealism and a deep level of language understanding.

    图质出色High quality Images


    Achieves accurate, high-quality photorealistic outputs with improved image+text understanding and a variety of novel training and modeling techniques.

    支持文本渲染Text rendering support

    文本转图像模型通常很难准确在图中渲染文本。Imagen 3 改进了幕后流程,确保能在生成的图像中正确显示字词或短语。

    Text-to-image models often struggle to include text accurately. Imagen 3 improves this process, ensuring the correct words or phrases appear in the generated images.

    理解提示Prompt understanding

    Imagen 3 能理解以自然的日常语言编写的提示,无需复杂的提示工程即可生成预期的输出。

    Imagen 3 understands prompts written in natural, everyday language, making it easier to get the output you want without complex prompt engineering.


    内置了安全防范措施,可帮助确保生成的图像符合 Google 的 Responsible AI 原则。

    Includes built-in safety precautions to help ensure that generated images align with Google's Responsible AI principles.

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  • Codey

    开发者随时可用Ready for developers 代码生成Code generation




    A family of models that generate code based on a natural language description. It can be used to create functions, web pages, unit tests, and other types of code.

    代码补全Code completion


    Suggests the next few lines based on the existing context of code.

    代码生成Code generation


    Generates code based on natural language prompts from a developer.

    代码对话Code chat

    让开发者能通过对话向 AI 机器人求助,以便调试代码、查阅文档、学习新概念以及解决其他的代码相关问题。

    Lets developers converse with a bot to get help with debugging, documentation, learning new concepts, and other code-related questions.

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  • Chirp

    开发者随时可用Ready for developers 文本生成Text generation



    一系列通用语音模型,基于 1,200 万小时的语音数据训练,支持对 100+ 种语言进行自动语音识别 (ASR)。

    A family of universal Speech Models trained on 12 million hours of speech to enable automatic speech recognition (ASR) for 100+ languages.

    支持众多语言Broad language support

    能凭借出色的语音识别能力转写 100+ 种语言的语音内容。

    Can transcribe in over 100 languages with excellent speech recognition.

    准确率极高High accuracy

    处理各种公开测试集和语言时,可将字词错误率 (WER) 控制在极低的水平。对于英语,语音识别准确率高达 98%;对于使用人数 <1,000 万的若干小语种,语音识别准确率也实现了 >300% 的相对提升。

    Achieves state-of-the-art Word Error Rate (WER) on a variety of public test sets and languages. It delivers 98% speech recognition accuracy in English and over 300% relative improvement in several languages with less than 10M speakers.

    模型规模庞大Large model size

    Chirp 模型内含 20 亿参数,在规模上远超以往的语音模型,在性能上也更胜从前。

    Chirp's 2-billion-parameter model outpaces previous speech models to deliver superior performance.

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  • Veo

    视频生成Video generation



    Google 旗下最强的生成式视频模型。借助这款工具,探索视频生成技术的全新应用方式,尽情释放创意!

    Our most capable generative video model. A tool to explore new applications and creative possibilities with video generation.

    高级电影效果Advanced Cinematic effects

    只需输入文本提示,即可生成 >60 秒的 1080P 高画质视频。只要给出提示,就能操控镜头实现心中所想,比如延时摄影或壮观航拍。

    With just text prompts, it creates high-quality, 1080P videos that can go beyond 60 seconds. Lets you control the camera, and prompt for things like time lapse or aerial shots of a landscape.

    理解细节和语气Detail and tone understanding


    Interprets and visualizes the tone of prompts. Subtle cues in body language, lighting, and even color choices could dramatically shift the look of a generated video.

    视频风格更稳、画质更佳Improved consistency and quality of video


    Able to retain visual consistency in appearance, locations and style across multiple scenes in a longer video.

    更多自主控制More control

    Veo 使视频编辑化繁为简!用户只需给出提示,即可轻松修改、添加或替换各种视觉元素。更神奇的是,Veo 还能根据用户提供的图像生成视频,让图像融入视频的任意一帧,用户只需编辑提示,即可让视频按照所想呈现想要的效果。

    Veo allows users to edit videos through prompts, including modifying, adding or replacing visual elements and it can generate a video from an image input, using the image to fit within any frame of the output and the prompt as guidance for how the video should proceed.

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  • MedLM

    行业专用Industry-specific 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 文本生成Text generation




    A family of models fine-tuned for the healthcare industry.

    重塑医疗保健工作流程Transform your healthcare workflow


    Revolutionizes the way medical information is accessed, analyzed, and applied. Reduces administrative burdens and helps synthesize information seamlessly.

    构建定制解决方案Build customized solutions

    MedLM 是一种支持定制的解决方案,可嵌入医疗保健工作流程中并与相关数据集成,从而提升医疗保健服务能力。

    MedLM is a customizable solution that can embed into your workflow and integrate with your data to augment your healthcare capabilities.

    安全且负责地创新Innovate safely and responsibly

    MedLM 秉持"技人联合,安全创新"的理念,通过融合技术与医学专家的优势,助你始终立于行业前沿。

    Born from a belief that together, technology and medical experts can innovate safely, MedLM helps you stay on the cutting edge.

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  • LearnLM

    行业专用Industry-specific 文本生成Text generation




    A family of models fine-tuned for learning, infused with teacher-advised education capabilities and pedagogical evaluations.

    激发积极性Inspire active learning


    Allow for practice and healthy struggle with timely feedback.

    管理认知负荷Manage cognitive load


    Present relevant, well-structured information in multiple modalities.

    因材施教Adapt to learner


    Dynamically adjust to goals and needs, grounding in relevant materials.

    激起好奇心Stimulate curiosity


    Inspire engagement to provide motivation through the learning journey.

    加深元认知Deepen metacognition


    Plan, monitor and help the learner reflect on progress.

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  • SecLM

    行业专用Industry-specific 文本生成Text generation




    A family of models fine-tuned for cybersecurity.

    业界领先的威胁数据Industry-leading threat data

    在 Google、VirusTotal 和 Mandiant 的威胁情报基础上训练和调优,可为用户提供最新的安全信息和情境分析。

    Tuned, trained and grounded in threat intelligence from Google, VirusTotal, and Mandiant to bring up-to-date security information and context to users.

    融入 Google Cloud 安全产品Infused in Google Cloud Security products

    Gemini in Security 智能体可利用 SecLM 助力防御方守护组织安全。

    Gemini in Security agents use SecLM to help defenders protect their organizations.

    为安全机制赋能Supercharging security use cases


    Cybersecurity professionals can easily make sense of complex information and perform specialized tasks and workflows.

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  • Gemma

    开放模型Open models 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 文本生成Text generation



    一系列先进的轻量级开放模型,基于 Gemini 模型所用的研发技术打造。

    A family of lightweight, state-of-the-art open models from Google, built from the same research and technology used to create the Gemini models.

    以责任为设计导向Responsible by design

    这些模型整合了全方位的安全措施,采用精选数据集并经过严谨调优,旨在助力打造负责任、值得信赖的 AI 解决方案。

    Incorporating comprehensive safety measures, these models help ensure responsible and trustworthy AI solutions through curated datasets and rigorous tuning.

    同等体积、更优性能Unmatched performance at size

    即使只有 20 亿或 70 亿参数,Gemma 模型也能在基准测试中取得优异成绩,甚至超越了一些更大的开放模型。

    Gemma models achieve exceptional benchmark results at its 2B and 7B sizes, even outperforming some larger open models.

    框架灵活Framework flexible

    Gemma 支持 Keras 3.0,与 JAX、TensorFlow 和 PyTorch 无缝兼容,让用户能根据任务需求轻松选择并切换框架。

    With Keras 3.0, enjoy seamless compatibility with JAX, TensorFlow, and PyTorch, empowering you to effortlessly choose and switch frameworks depending on your task.

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  • CodeGemma

    开放模型Open models 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 代码生成Code generation



    一系列基于 Gemma 构建的轻量级开放编码模型。CodeGemma 模型可执行各种任务,比如代码补全、代码生成、代码对话和指令遵循。

    A collection of lightweight open code models built on top of Gemma. CodeGemma models perform a variety of tasks like code completion, code generation, code chat, and instruction following.

    智能地补全/生成代码Intelligent code completion and generation

    无论是在本地开发,还是使用 Google Cloud 资源,CodeGemma 都能帮助补全代码、构建函数,甚至生成完整的代码块。

    Complete lines, functions, and even generate entire blocks of code, whether you're working locally or using Google Cloud resources.

    准确率更高Enhanced accuracy

    基于来自网络文档、数学和代码的 5,000 亿个词元训练,能生成语法正确且语义明确的代码,有效减少错误并缩短调试用时。

    Trained on 500 billion tokens data from web documents, mathematics, and code. Generates code that's not only more syntactically correct but also semantically meaningful, reducing errors and debugging time.

    熟悉多种编程语言Multi-language proficiency

    支持 Python、JavaScript、Java、Kotlin、C++、C#、Rust、Go 等语言。

    Supports Python, JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, C++, C#, Rust, Go, and other languages.

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  • RecurrentGemma

    开放模型Open models 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 文本生成Text generation




    A technically distinct model that leverages recurrent neural networks and local attention to improve memory efficiency.

    降低内存用量Reduced memory usage

    内存需求降低,即便是在内存有限的(比如单 GPU 或单 CPU)设备上,也能生成更长的样例。

    Lower memory requirements allow for the generation of longer samples on devices with limited memory, such as single GPUs or CPUs.

    提高吞吐量Higher throughput


    Can perform inference at significantly higher batch sizes, thus generating substantially more tokens per second (especially when generating long sequences).

    彰显研究创新Research innovation

    不是 Transformer 模型,但得益于深度学习研究的不断进步,性能依然卓越。

    Showcases a non-transformer model that achieves high performance, highlighting advancements in deep learning research.

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  • PaliGemma

    开放模型Open models 开发者随时可用Ready for developers 多模态Multimodal 文本生成Text generation



    Google 旗下的首个多模态 Gemma 模型,能在各种视觉语言任务中实现行业领先的调优性能。

    Our first multimodal Gemma model, designed for class-leading fine-tune performance across diverse vision-language tasks.

    强大的调优能力Powerful fine tuning


    Designed for class-leading fine-tune performance on a wide range of vision-language tasks like:

    • 为图像和短视频生成字幕
    • image and short video captioning
    • 视觉问答
    • visual question answering
    • 理解图像中的文本
    • understanding text in images
    • 对象检测
    • object detection
    • 以及对象分割
    • and object segmentation

    广泛的语言支持Extensive language support


    Supports a wide range of languages.

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Responsibility is the bedrock of all of our models.

*SynthID 可在我们的模型生成的文本、图像、音频和视频内容中嵌入不易察觉的水印,借此帮助标识 AI 生成的内容。

*SynthID helps identify AI-generated content by embedding an imperceptible watermark on text, images, audio, and video content generated by our models.

责任是 Google 旗下所有模型的基石。

Responsibility is the bedrock of all of our models.

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AI 正在以令人耳目一新的方式帮助我们履行使命,但这项新兴技术刚刚崭露头角,在演变过程中难免会带来新挑战和新问题。

AI is helping us deliver on our mission in exciting new ways, yet it's still an emerging technology that surfaces new challenges and questions as it evolves.

对我们来说,负责任地构建 AI 意味着既要解决这些挑战和问题,又要让 AI 最大限度地造福人类和社会。为了顺应如此复杂的环境,我们坚持秉承我们的 AI 原则,遵循前沿研究的指引,同时持续听取专家、用户及合作伙伴的反馈。

To us, building AI responsibly means both addressing these challenges and questions while maximizing the benefits for people and society. In navigating this complexity, we're guided by our AI Principles and cutting-edge research, along with feedback from experts, users, and partners.

得益于这些措施,我们可利用新的开发成果(例如 AI 辅助的红队测试)不断改进我们的模型,并凭借 SynthID 等技术防止这些成果遭到滥用。有了这些措施的助力,我们在应对社会面临的一些紧迫问题方面也取得了突破性进展,例如预测洪水以及加快研究被忽视的疾病。

These efforts are helping us continually improve our models with new advances like AI-assisted redteaming and prevent their misuse with technologies like SynthID. They are also unlocking exciting, real-world progress towards some of society's most pressing challenges like predicting floods and accelerating research on neglected diseases.