Gemini 生态:极致诠释 Google 最强 AI

The Gemini ecosystem represents Google's most capable AI

Gemini 不只是一系列模型,而是一个持续演变、日益完善的完整生态,从数十亿人日常使用的产品,到可助力开发者和企业开拓创新的 API 与平台,全都涵盖其中。

Gemini is evolving to be more than just the models. It supports an entire ecosystem - from the products that billions of people use every day, to the APIs and platforms helping developers and businesses innovate.

三种方式,体验 Gemini 卓越功能

Three ways to experience Gemini's capabilities



与 Gemini 对话:汲取灵感,提升效率

Chat with Gemini to supercharge your creativity and productivity

轻松与 Gemini 对话,让它助你处理各种事务,比如准备工作面试、初次调试代码、撰写简练的社媒文案等等。你还可以直接在手机上使用 Gemini 应用,或升级到 Gemini Advanced,获享 Google 最强大的 AI 模型。

Gemini can help with a variety of tasks - like preparing for a job interview, debugging code for the first time or writing a pithy social media caption. You can also access the Gemini app right on your phone, or you can upgrade to Gemini Advanced, which gives you access to Google's most capable AI models.

使用 Google 产品中的 Gemini

Gemini in our products

Gemini 模型的强大功能融入 Google 产品

Bringing our Gemini model's helpful capabilities to our products

自 Gemini 模型面世,我们便马不停蹄地将其整合到 Google 的各款产品中,力求让这些产品更快速、更智能、更实用。

Since launch, we've been working hard to bring Gemini models into our products to help make them faster, smarter and more helpful.

借助 Gemini 构建应用

Build with gemini

运用 Gemini 模型构建 AI 应用和智能体

Build AI apps and agents with Gemini models

你可以通过 Google AI Studio 将 Gemini API 无缝集成到你的应用中,也可通过 Google Cloud Vertex AI 对企业级 AI 善加利用。

Seamlessly integrate the Gemini API into your apps with Google AI Studio or leverage enterprise-grade AI with Google Cloud Vertex AI.

我们迄今最全能、最强大的 AI 模型

The most general and capable AI models we've ever built

作为我们多年开创性 AI 研究的沉淀和结晶,Gemini 模型是 Google 迄今为止规模最大的科学工程项目,从一开始就为实现多模态而构建,具备跨文本、图像、音频、视频和代码无缝推理的超强能力。Gemini 在数据中心、移动设备等任何平台上都能高效运行。

Built upon years of our field-defining AI research, the Gemini models are the largest science and engineering project we've ever undertaken. They are built from the ground up for multimodality - reasoning seamlessly across text, images, audio, video, and code. Gemini can run efficiently on everything from data centers to mobile devices.




Google 旗下最大的模型,擅长处理非常复杂的任务

Our largest model for highly complex tasks




Google 旗下在各种任务中总体表现最优异的模型

Our best model for general performance across a wide range of tasks




Google 旗下的一款轻量级模型,在速度和效率方面经过专门优化

Our lightweight model, optimized for speed and efficiency




Google 旗下适合执行设备端任务的最高效模型

Our most efficient model for on-device tasks

Gemini 最新动态

More recent Gemini updates


*Results from products and features are for illustrative purposes. Check responses for accuracy. Some products and features require a subscription and their availability varies by country and language.