Uỷ quyền yêu cầu

Bạn phải uỷ quyền các yêu cầu gửi tới Google Mirror API qua OAuth 2.0 thông tin xác thực. Bạn nên sử dụng luồng phía máy chủ khi ứng dụng của bạn cần truy cập API của Google thay mặt cho người dùng, chẳng hạn như khi người dùng ngoại tuyến. Phương pháp này yêu cầu chuyển mã uỷ quyền một lần từ máy khách của bạn đến máy chủ của bạn, máy chủ đó được dùng để có được quyền truy cập và làm mới cho máy chủ của bạn.

Tạo mã ứng dụng khách và mật khẩu ứng dụng khách

Trước tiên, bạn cần kích hoạt Google Mirror API cho ứng dụng của mình. Bạn có thể thực hiện việc này cho dự án API của mình trong Bảng điều khiển API của Google.

  1. Tạo một dự án API trong Bảng điều khiển API của Google.
  2. Chọn thẻ Dịch vụ trong dự án API của bạn rồi bật API Google Mirror.
  3. Chọn thẻ API Access (Quyền truy cập API) trong dự án API của bạn rồi nhấp vào Tạo mã ứng dụng khách OAuth 2.0.
  4. Trong phần Thông tin thương hiệu, hãy đặt tên cho ứng dụng của bạn (ví dụ: "dịch vụ My Glass") rồi nhấp vào Tiếp theo. Việc cung cấp biểu trưng sản phẩm không bắt buộc.
  5. Trong mục Cài đặt mã ứng dụng khách, hãy làm như sau:
    1. Chọn Web application (Ứng dụng web) cho Application type (Loại ứng dụng).
    2. Nhấp vào liên kết tuỳ chọn khác bên cạnh tiêu đề. Trang web hoặc tên máy chủ của bạn.
    3. Liệt kê tên máy chủ trong URI chuyển hướng được phép và Trường nguồn gốc JavaScript.
    4. Nhấp vào Tạo mã ứng dụng.
  6. Trong trang Quyền truy cập API, hãy tìm phần Mã ứng dụng khách cho các ứng dụng web và ghi lại Mã ứng dụng khách và Các giá trị Mật khẩu của ứng dụng khách.

Xử lý yêu cầu uỷ quyền

Khi người dùng tải ứng dụng của bạn lần đầu tiên, họ sẽ thấy hộp thoại cấp quyền cho ứng dụng của bạn truy cập Google Glass của họ với các phạm vi quyền được yêu cầu. Sau lần uỷ quyền ban đầu này, người dùng chỉ thấy hộp thoại cấp quyền nếu mã ứng dụng khách của ứng dụng hoặc phạm vi yêu cầu đã thay đổi.

Xác thực người dùng

Hoạt động đăng nhập ban đầu này trả về đối tượng kết quả ủy quyền chứa mã uỷ quyền nếu thành công.

Trao đổi mã uỷ quyền lấy mã truy cập

Mã uỷ quyền là mã dùng một lần mà máy chủ của bạn có thể đổi lấy mã truy cập. Mã truy cập này được chuyển đến Google Mirror API để cấp quyền truy cập của ứng dụng vào dữ liệu người dùng trong một khoảng thời gian giới hạn.

Nếu ứng dụng của bạn yêu cầu quyền truy cập vào offline, thì lần đầu tiên ứng dụng của bạn trao đổi mã uỷ quyền thì mã này cũng nhận được mã làm mới mà mã này dùng để nhận được mã truy cập mới sau khi mã thông báo trước đó đã hết hạn. Đơn đăng ký của bạn lưu trữ mã làm mới này (thường trong cơ sở dữ liệu trên máy chủ của bạn) để để sử dụng sau này.

Các mã mẫu sau minh hoạ việc trao đổi mã uỷ quyền cho mã truy cập có quyền truy cập offline và lưu trữ mã làm mới.


Thay thế giá trị CLIENTSECRETS_LOCATION bằng vị trí của client_secrets.json.

import com.google.api.client.auth.oauth2.Credential;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleClientSecrets;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleTokenResponse;
import com.google.api.client.http.HttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.json.jackson.JacksonFactory;
import com.google.api.services.oauth2.Oauth2;
import com.google.api.services.oauth2.model.Userinfo;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

// ...

class MyClass {

  // Path to client_secrets.json which should contain a JSON document such as:
  //   {
  //     "web": {
  //       "client_id": "[[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]]",
  //       "client_secret": "[[YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET]]",
  //       "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
  //       "token_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token"
  //     }
  //   }
  private static final String CLIENTSECRETS_LOCATION = "client_secrets.json";

  private static final String REDIRECT_URI = "<YOUR_REGISTERED_REDIRECT_URI>";
  private static final List<String> SCOPES = Arrays.asList(

  private static GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = null;

   * Exception thrown when an error occurred while retrieving credentials.
  public static class GetCredentialsException extends Exception {

    protected String authorizationUrl;

     * Construct a GetCredentialsException.
     * @param authorizationUrl The authorization URL to redirect the user to.
    public GetCredentialsException(String authorizationUrl) {
      this.authorizationUrl = authorizationUrl;

     * Set the authorization URL.
    public void setAuthorizationUrl(String authorizationUrl) {
      this.authorizationUrl = authorizationUrl;

     * @return the authorizationUrl
    public String getAuthorizationUrl() {
      return authorizationUrl;

   * Exception thrown when a code exchange has failed.
  public static class CodeExchangeException extends GetCredentialsException {

     * Construct a CodeExchangeException.
     * @param authorizationUrl The authorization URL to redirect the user to.
    public CodeExchangeException(String authorizationUrl) {


   * Exception thrown when no refresh token has been found.
  public static class NoRefreshTokenException extends GetCredentialsException {

     * Construct a NoRefreshTokenException.
     * @param authorizationUrl The authorization URL to redirect the user to.
    public NoRefreshTokenException(String authorizationUrl) {


   * Exception thrown when no user ID could be retrieved.
  private static class NoUserIdException extends Exception {

   * Retrieved stored credentials for the provided user ID.
   * @param userId User's ID.
   * @return Stored Credential if found, {@code null} otherwise.
  static Credential getStoredCredentials(String userId) {
    // TODO: Implement this method to work with your database. Instantiate a new
    // Credential instance with stored accessToken and refreshToken.
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

   * Store OAuth 2.0 credentials in the application's database.
   * @param userId User's ID.
   * @param credentials The OAuth 2.0 credentials to store.
  static void storeCredentials(String userId, Credential credentials) {
    // TODO: Implement this method to work with your database.
    // Store the credentials.getAccessToken() and credentials.getRefreshToken()
    // string values in your database.
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

   * Build an authorization flow and store it as a static class attribute.
   * @return GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow instance.
   * @throws IOException Unable to load client_secrets.json.
  static GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow getFlow() throws IOException {
    if (flow == null) {
      HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
      JacksonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
      GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets =
      flow =
          new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, clientSecrets, SCOPES)
    return flow;

   * Exchange an authorization code for OAuth 2.0 credentials.
   * @param authorizationCode Authorization code to exchange for OAuth 2.0
   *        credentials.
   * @return OAuth 2.0 credentials.
   * @throws CodeExchangeException An error occurred.
  static Credential exchangeCode(String authorizationCode)
      throws CodeExchangeException {
    try {
      GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = getFlow();
      GoogleTokenResponse response =
      return flow.createAndStoreCredential(response, null);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("An error occurred: " + e);
      throw new CodeExchangeException(null);

   * Send a request to the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's information.
   * @param credentials OAuth 2.0 credentials to authorize the request.
   * @return User's information.
   * @throws NoUserIdException An error occurred.
  static Userinfo getUserInfo(Credential credentials)
      throws NoUserIdException {
    Oauth2 userInfoService =
        new Oauth2.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), credentials).build();
    Userinfo userInfo = null;
    try {
      userInfo = userInfoService.userinfo().get().execute();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("An error occurred: " + e);
    if (userInfo != null && userInfo.getId() != null) {
      return userInfo;
    } else {
      throw new NoUserIdException();

   * Retrieve the authorization URL.
   * @param userId User's Google ID.
   * @param state State for the authorization URL.
   * @return Authorization URL to redirect the user to.
   * @throws IOException Unable to load client_secrets.json.
  public static String getAuthorizationUrl(String userId, String state) throws IOException {
    GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl urlBuilder =
    urlBuilder.set("user_id", userId);
    return urlBuilder.build();

   * Retrieve credentials using the provided authorization code.
   * This function exchanges the authorization code for an access token and
   * queries the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's Google ID. If a
   * refresh token has been retrieved along with an access token, it is stored
   * in the application database using the user's Google ID as key. If no
   * refresh token has been retrieved, the function checks in the application
   * database for one and returns it if found or throws a NoRefreshTokenException
   * with the authorization URL to redirect the user to.
   * @param authorizationCode Authorization code to use to retrieve an access
   *        token.
   * @param state State to set to the authorization URL in case of error.
   * @return OAuth 2.0 credentials instance containing an access and refresh
   *         token.
   * @throws NoRefreshTokenException No refresh token could be retrieved from
   *         the available sources.
   * @throws IOException Unable to load client_secrets.json.
  public static Credential getCredentials(String authorizationCode, String state)
      throws CodeExchangeException, NoRefreshTokenException, IOException {
    String userId = "";
    try {
      Credential credentials = exchangeCode(authorizationCode);
      Userinfo userInfo = getUserInfo(credentials);
      userId = userInfo.getId();
      if (credentials.getRefreshToken() != null) {
        storeCredentials(userId, credentials);
        return credentials;
      } else {
        credentials = getStoredCredentials(userId);
        if (credentials != null && credentials.getRefreshToken() != null) {
          return credentials;
    } catch (CodeExchangeException e) {
      // Glass services should try to retrieve the user and credentials for the current
      // session.
      // If none is available, redirect the user to the authorization URL.
      e.setAuthorizationUrl(getAuthorizationUrl(userId, state));
      throw e;
    } catch (NoUserIdException e) {
    // No refresh token has been retrieved.
    String authorizationUrl = getAuthorizationUrl(userId, state);
    throw new NoRefreshTokenException(authorizationUrl);



Thay thế giá trị CLIENTSECRETS_LOCATION bằng vị trí của client_secrets.json.

import logging
from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client.client import FlowExchangeError
from apiclient.discovery import build
# ...

# Path to client_secrets.json which should contain a JSON document such as:
#   {
#     "web": {
#       "client_id": "[[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]]",
#       "client_secret": "[[YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET]]",
#       "redirect_uris": [],
#       "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
#       "token_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token"
#     }
#   }
    # Add other requested scopes.

class GetCredentialsException(Exception):
  """Error raised when an error occurred while retrieving credentials.

    authorization_url: Authorization URL to redirect the user to in order to
                       request offline access.

  def __init__(self, authorization_url):
    """Construct a GetCredentialsException."""
    self.authorization_url = authorization_url

class CodeExchangeException(GetCredentialsException):
  """Error raised when a code exchange has failed."""

class NoRefreshTokenException(GetCredentialsException):
  """Error raised when no refresh token has been found."""

class NoUserIdException(Exception):
  """Error raised when no user ID could be retrieved."""

def get_stored_credentials(user_id):
  """Retrieved stored credentials for the provided user ID.

    user_id: User's ID.
    Stored oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials if found, None otherwise.
    NotImplemented: This function has not been implemented.
  # TODO: Implement this function to work with your database.
  #       To instantiate an OAuth2Credentials instance from a Json
  #       representation, use the oauth2client.client.Credentials.new_from_json
  #       class method.
  raise NotImplementedError()

def store_credentials(user_id, credentials):
  """Store OAuth 2.0 credentials in the application's database.

  This function stores the provided OAuth 2.0 credentials using the user ID as

    user_id: User's ID.
    credentials: OAuth 2.0 credentials to store.
    NotImplemented: This function has not been implemented.
  # TODO: Implement this function to work with your database.
  #       To retrieve a Json representation of the credentials instance, call the
  #       credentials.to_json() method.
  raise NotImplementedError()

def exchange_code(authorization_code):
  """Exchange an authorization code for OAuth 2.0 credentials.

    authorization_code: Authorization code to exchange for OAuth 2.0
    oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials instance.
    CodeExchangeException: an error occurred.
  flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENTSECRETS_LOCATION, ' '.join(SCOPES))
  flow.redirect_uri = REDIRECT_URI
    credentials = flow.step2_exchange(authorization_code)
    return credentials
  except FlowExchangeError, error:
    logging.error('An error occurred: %s', error)
    raise CodeExchangeException(None)

def get_user_info(credentials):
  """Send a request to the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's information.

    credentials: oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials instance to authorize the
    User information as a dict.
  user_info_service = build(
      serviceName='oauth2', version='v2',
  user_info = None
    user_info = user_info_service.userinfo().get().execute()
  except errors.HttpError, e:
    logging.error('An error occurred: %s', e)
  if user_info and user_info.get('id'):
    return user_info
    raise NoUserIdException()

def get_authorization_url(user_id, state):
  """Retrieve the authorization URL.

    user_id: User's Google ID.
    state: State for the authorization URL.
    Authorization URL to redirect the user to.
  flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENTSECRETS_LOCATION, ' '.join(SCOPES))
  flow.params['access_type'] = 'offline'
  flow.params['approval_prompt'] = 'force'
  flow.params['user_id'] = user_id
  flow.params['state'] = state
  return flow.step1_get_authorize_url(REDIRECT_URI)

def get_credentials(authorization_code, state):
  """Retrieve credentials using the provided authorization code.

  This function exchanges the authorization code for an access token and queries
  the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's Google ID.
  If a refresh token has been retrieved along with an access token, it is stored
  in the application database using the user's Google ID as key.
  If no refresh token has been retrieved, the function checks in the application
  database for one and returns it if found or raises a NoRefreshTokenException
  with the authorization URL to redirect the user to.

    authorization_code: Authorization code to use to retrieve an access token.
    state: State to set to the authorization URL in case of error.
    oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials instance containing an access and
    refresh token.
    CodeExchangeError: Could not exchange the authorization code.
    NoRefreshTokenException: No refresh token could be retrieved from the
                             available sources.
  user_id = ''
    credentials = exchange_code(authorization_code)
    user_info = get_user_info(credentials)
    user_id = user_info.get('id')
    if credentials.refresh_token is not None:
      store_credentials(user_id, credentials)
      return credentials
      credentials = get_stored_credentials(user_id)
      if credentials and credentials.refresh_token is not None:
        return credentials
  except CodeExchangeException, error:
    logging.error('An error occurred during code exchange.')
    # Glass services should try to retrieve the user and credentials for the current
    # session.
    # If none is available, redirect the user to the authorization URL.
    error.authorization_url = get_authorization_url(user_id, state)
    raise error
  except NoUserIdException:
    logging.error('No user ID could be retrieved.')
  # No refresh token has been retrieved.
  authorization_url = get_authorization_url(user_id, state)
  raise NoRefreshTokenException(authorization_url)


Hàm getCredentials truy xuất Thông tin xác thực OAuth 2.0 bắt đầu từ mã uỷ quyền được cung cấp. Nếu không truy xuất được mã làm mới, thì trường hợp ngoại lệ sẽ được phát sinh cùng với URL uỷ quyền để chuyển hướng người dùng đến để yêu cầu quyền truy cập ngoại tuyến.

require_once 'google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php';
require_once "google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_Oauth2Service.php";
// ...

$SCOPES = array(

 * Exception thrown when an error occurred while retrieving credentials.
class GetCredentialsException extends Exception {
  protected $authorizationUrl;

   * Construct a GetCredentialsException.
   * @param authorizationUrl The authorization URL to redirect the user to.
  public function __construct($authorizationUrl) {
    $this->authorizationUrl = $authorizationUrl;

   * @return the authorizationUrl.
  public function getAuthorizationUrl() {
    return $this->authorizationUrl;

   * Set the authorization URL.
  public function setAuthorizationurl($authorizationUrl) {
    $this->authorizationUrl = $authorizationUrl;

 * Exception thrown when no refresh token has been found.
class NoRefreshTokenException extends GetCredentialsException {}

 * Exception thrown when a code exchange has failed.
class CodeExchangeException extends GetCredentialsException {}

 * Exception thrown when no user ID could be retrieved.
class NoUserIdException extends Exception {}

 * Retrieved stored credentials for the provided user ID.
 * @param String $userId User's ID.
 * @return String Json representation of the OAuth 2.0 credentials.
function getStoredCredentials($userId) {
  // TODO: Implement this function to work with your database.
  throw new RuntimeException('Not implemented!');

 * Store OAuth 2.0 credentials in the application's database.
 * @param String $userId User's ID.
 * @param String $credentials Json representation of the OAuth 2.0 credentials to
function storeCredentials($userId, $credentials) {
  // TODO: Implement this function to work with your database.
  throw new RuntimeException('Not implemented!');

 * Exchange an authorization code for OAuth 2.0 credentials.
 * @param String $authorizationCode Authorization code to exchange for OAuth 2.0
 *                                  credentials.
 * @return String Json representation of the OAuth 2.0 credentials.
 * @throws CodeExchangeException An error occurred.
function exchangeCode($authorizationCode) {
  try {
    $client = new Google_Client();

    $_GET['code'] = $authorizationCode;
    return $client->authenticate();
  } catch (Google_AuthException $e) {
    print 'An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage();
    throw new CodeExchangeException(null);

 * Send a request to the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's information.
 * @param String credentials OAuth 2.0 credentials to authorize the request.
 * @return Userinfo User's information.
 * @throws NoUserIdException An error occurred.
function getUserInfo($credentials) {
  $apiClient = new Google_Client();
  $userInfoService = new Google_Oauth2Service($apiClient);
  $userInfo = null;
  try {
    $userInfo = $userInfoService->userinfo->get();
  } catch (Google_Exception $e) {
    print 'An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage();
  if ($userInfo != null && $userInfo->getId() != null) {
    return $userInfo;
  } else {
    throw new NoUserIdException();

 * Retrieve the authorization URL.
 * @param String $userId User's Google ID.
 * @param String $state State for the authorization URL.
 * @return String Authorization URL to redirect the user to.
function getAuthorizationUrl($userId, $state) {
  $client = new Google_Client();

  $tmpUrl = parse_url($client->createAuthUrl());
  $query = explode('&', $tmpUrl['query']);
  $query[] = 'user_id=' . urlencode($userId);
      $tmpUrl['scheme'] . '://' . $tmpUrl['host'] . $tmpUrl['port'] .
      $tmpUrl['path'] . '?' . implode('&', $query);

 * Retrieve credentials using the provided authorization code.
 * This function exchanges the authorization code for an access token and
 * queries the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's Google ID. If a
 * refresh token has been retrieved along with an access token, it is stored
 * in the application database using the user's Google ID as key. If no
 * refresh token has been retrieved, the function checks in the application
 * database for one and returns it if found or throws a NoRefreshTokenException
 * with the authorization URL to redirect the user to.
 * @param String authorizationCode Authorization code to use to retrieve an access
 *                                 token.
 * @param String state State to set to the authorization URL in case of error.
 * @return String Json representation of the OAuth 2.0 credentials.
 * @throws NoRefreshTokenException No refresh token could be retrieved from
 *         the available sources.
function getCredentials($authorizationCode, $state) {
  $userId = '';
  try {
    $credentials = exchangeCode($authorizationCode);
    $userInfo = getUserInfo($credentials);
    $userId = $userInfo->getId();
    $credentialsArray = json_decode($credentials, true);
    if (isset($credentialsArray['refresh_token'])) {
      storeCredentials($userId, $credentials);
      return $credentials;
    } else {
      $credentials = getStoredCredentials($userId);
      $credentialsArray = json_decode($credentials, true);
      if ($credentials != null &&
          isset($credentialsArray['refresh_token'])) {
        return $credentials;
  } catch (CodeExchangeException $e) {
    print 'An error occurred during code exchange.';
    // Glass services should try to retrieve the user and credentials for the current
    // session.
    // If none is available, redirect the user to the authorization URL.
    $e->setAuthorizationUrl(getAuthorizationUrl($userId, $state));
    throw $e;
  } catch (NoUserIdException $e) {
    print 'No user ID could be retrieved.';
  // No refresh token has been retrieved.
  $authorizationUrl = getAuthorizationUrl($userId, $state);
  throw new NoRefreshTokenException($authorizationUrl);


Hàm GetCredentials truy xuất Thông tin xác thực OAuth 2.0 bắt đầu từ mã uỷ quyền được cung cấp. Nếu không truy xuất được mã làm mới, thì trường hợp ngoại lệ sẽ được phát sinh cùng với URL uỷ quyền để chuyển hướng người dùng đến để yêu cầu quyền truy cập ngoại tuyến.

using DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging;
using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;
using Google;
using Google.Apis.Authentication;
using Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2;
using Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2.DotNetOpenAuth;
using Google.Apis.Oauth2.v2;
using Google.Apis.Oauth2.v2.Data;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Web;
// ...

class MyClass {

  static String CLIENT_ID = "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>";
  static String[] SCOPES = new String[] {

  /// <summary>
  /// Exception thrown when an error occurred while retrieving credentials.
  /// </summary>
  public class GetCredentialsException : Exception {

    public String AuthorizationUrl { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Construct a GetCredentialsException.
    /// </summary>
    /// @param authorizationUrl The authorization URL to redirect the user to.
    public GetCredentialsException(String authorizationUrl) {
      this.AuthorizationUrl = authorizationUrl;


  /// <summary>
  /// Exception thrown when no refresh token has been found.
  /// </summary>
  public class NoRefreshTokenException : GetCredentialsException {

    /// <summary>
    /// Construct a NoRefreshTokenException.
    /// </summary>
    /// @param authorizationUrl The authorization URL to redirect the user to.
    public NoRefreshTokenException(String authorizationUrl) : base(authorizationUrl) {


  /// <summary>
  /// Exception thrown when a code exchange has failed.
  /// </summary>
  private class CodeExchangeException : GetCredentialsException {

    /// <summary>
    /// Construct a CodeExchangeException.
    /// </summary>
    /// @param authorizationUrl The authorization URL to redirect the user to.
    public CodeExchangeException(String authorizationUrl) : base(authorizationUrl) {


  /// <summary>
  /// Exception thrown when no user ID could be retrieved.
  /// </summary>
  private class NoUserIdException : Exception {

  /// <summary>
  /// Extends the NativeApplicationClient class to allow setting of a custom IAuthorizationState.
  /// </summary>
  public class StoredStateClient : NativeApplicationClient {
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StoredStateClient"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="authorizationServer">The token issuer.</param>
    /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param>
    /// <param name="clientSecret">The client secret.</param>
    public StoredStateClient(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer,
        String clientIdentifier,
        String clientSecret,
        IAuthorizationState state)
        : base(authorizationServer, clientIdentifier, clientSecret) {
      this.State = state;

    public IAuthorizationState State { get; private set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the IAuthorizationState stored in the StoredStateClient instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="provider">OAuth2 client.</param>
    /// <returns>The stored authorization state.</returns>
    static public IAuthorizationState GetState(StoredStateClient provider) {
      return provider.State;

  /// <summary>
  /// Retrieve an IAuthenticator instance using the provided state.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="credentials">OAuth 2.0 credentials to use.</param>
  /// <returns>Authenticator using the provided OAuth 2.0 credentials</returns>
  public static IAuthenticator GetAuthenticatorFromState(IAuthorizationState credentials) {
    var provider = new StoredStateClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, credentials);
    var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator<StoredStateClient>(provider, StoredStateClient.GetState);
    return auth;

  /// <summary>
  /// Retrieved stored credentials for the provided user ID.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="userId">User's ID.</param>
  /// <returns>Stored GoogleAccessProtectedResource if found, null otherwise.</returns>
  static IAuthorizationState GetStoredCredentials(String userId) {
    // TODO: Implement this method to work with your database.
    throw new NotImplementedException();

  /// <summary>
  /// Store OAuth 2.0 credentials in the application's database.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="userId">User's ID.</param>
  /// <param name="credentials">The OAuth 2.0 credentials to store.</param>
  static void StoreCredentials(String userId, IAuthorizationState credentials) {
    // TODO: Implement this method to work with your database.
    throw new NotImplementedException();

  /// <summary>
  /// Exchange an authorization code for OAuth 2.0 credentials.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="authorizationCode">Authorization code to exchange for OAuth 2.0 credentials.</param>
  /// <returns>OAuth 2.0 credentials.</returns>
  /// <exception cref="CodeExchangeException">An error occurred.</exception>
  static IAuthorizationState ExchangeCode(String authorizationCode) {
    var provider = new NativeApplicationClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
    IAuthorizationState state = new AuthorizationState();
    state.Callback = new Uri(REDIRECT_URI);
    try {
      state = provider.ProcessUserAuthorization(authorizationCode, state);
      return state;
    } catch (ProtocolException) {
      throw new CodeExchangeException(null);

  /// <summary>
  /// Send a request to the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's information.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="credentials">OAuth 2.0 credentials to authorize the request.</param>
  /// <returns>User's information.</returns>
  /// <exception cref="NoUserIdException">An error occurred.</exception>
  static Userinfo GetUserInfo(IAuthorizationState credentials) {
    Oauth2Service userInfoService = new Oauth2Service(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
        Authenticator = GetAuthenticatorFromState(credentials)
    Userinfo userInfo = null;
    try {
      userInfo = userInfoService.Userinfo.Get().Fetch();
    } catch (GoogleApiRequestException e) {
      Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + e.Message);
    if (userInfo != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.Id)) {
      return userInfo;
    } else {
      throw new NoUserIdException();

  /// <summary>
  /// Retrieve the authorization URL.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="userId">User's Google ID.</param>
  /// <param name="state">State for the authorization URL.</param>
  /// <returns>Authorization URL to redirect the user to.</returns>
  public static String GetAuthorizationUrl(String userId, String state) {
    var provider = new NativeApplicationClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description);
    provider.ClientIdentifier = CLIENT_ID;

    IAuthorizationState authorizationState = new AuthorizationState(SCOPES);
    authorizationState.Callback = new Uri(REDIRECT_URI);

    UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(provider.RequestUserAuthorization(authorizationState));
    NameValueCollection queryParameters = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(builder.Query);

    queryParameters.Set("access_type", "offline");
    queryParameters.Set("approval_prompt", "force");
    queryParameters.Set("user_id", userId);
    queryParameters.Set("state", state);

    builder.Query = queryParameters.ToString();
    return builder.Uri.ToString();

  /// <summary>
  /// Retrieve credentials using the provided authorization code.
  /// This function exchanges the authorization code for an access token and
  /// queries the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's Google ID. If a
  /// refresh token has been retrieved along with an access token, it is stored
  /// in the application database using the user's Google ID as key. If no
  /// refresh token has been retrieved, the function checks in the application
  /// database for one and returns it if found or throws a NoRefreshTokenException
  /// with the authorization URL to redirect the user to.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="authorizationCode">Authorization code to use to retrieve an access token.</param>
  /// <param name="state">State to set to the authorization URL in case of error.</param>
  /// <returns>OAuth 2.0 credentials instance containing an access and refresh token.</returns>
  /// <exception cref="CodeExchangeException">
  /// An error occurred while exchanging the authorization code.
  /// </exception>
  /// <exception cref="NoRefreshTokenException">
  /// No refresh token could be retrieved from the available sources.
  /// </exception>
  public static IAuthenticator GetCredentials(String authorizationCode, String state) {
    String userId = "";
    try {
      IAuthorizationState credentials = ExchangeCode(authorizationCode);
      Userinfo userInfo = GetUserInfo(credentials);
      userId = userInfo.Id;
      if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.RefreshToken)) {
        StoreCredentials(userId, credentials);
        return GetAuthenticatorFromState(credentials);
      } else {
        credentials = GetStoredCredentials(userId);
        if (credentials != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.RefreshToken)) {
          return GetAuthenticatorFromState(credentials);
    } catch (CodeExchangeException e) {
      Console.WriteLine("An error occurred during code exchange.");
      // Glass services should try to retrieve the user and credentials for the current
      // session.
      // If none is available, redirect the user to the authorization URL.
      e.AuthorizationUrl = GetAuthorizationUrl(userId, state);
      throw e;
    } catch (NoUserIdException) {
      Console.WriteLine("No user ID could be retrieved.");
    // No refresh token has been retrieved.
    String authorizationUrl = GetAuthorizationUrl(userId, state);
    throw new NoRefreshTokenException(authorizationUrl);



Hàm get_credentials truy xuất Thông tin xác thực OAuth 2.0 bắt đầu từ mã uỷ quyền được cung cấp. Nếu không truy xuất được mã làm mới, thì trường hợp ngoại lệ sẽ được phát sinh cùng với URL uỷ quyền để chuyển hướng người dùng đến để yêu cầu quyền truy cập ngoại tuyến.

require 'google/api_client'

    # Add other requested scopes.

# Error raised when an error occurred while retrieving credentials.
class GetCredentialsError < StandardError
  # Initialize a NoRefreshTokenError instance.
  # @param [String] authorize_url
  #   Authorization URL to redirect the user to in order to in order to request
  #   offline access.
  def initialize(authorization_url)
    @authorization_url = authorization_url

  def authorization_url=(authorization_url)
    @authorization_url = authorization_url

  def authorization_url
    return @authorization_url

# Error raised when a code exchange has failed.
class CodeExchangeError < GetCredentialsError

# Error raised when no refresh token has been found.
class NoRefreshTokenError < GetCredentialsError

# Error raised when no user ID could be retrieved.
class NoUserIdError < StandardError

# Retrieved stored credentials for the provided user ID.
# @param [String] user_id
#   User's ID.
# @return [Signet::OAuth2::Client]
#  Stored OAuth 2.0 credentials if found, nil otherwise.
def get_stored_credentials(user_id)
  raise NotImplementedError, 'get_stored_credentials is not implemented.'

# Store OAuth 2.0 credentials in the application's database.
# @param [String] user_id
#   User's ID.
# @param [Signet::OAuth2::Client] credentials
#   OAuth 2.0 credentials to store.
def store_credentials(user_id, credentials)
  raise NotImplementedError, 'store_credentials is not implemented.'

# Exchange an authorization code for OAuth 2.0 credentials.
# @param [String] auth_code
#   Authorization code to exchange for OAuth 2.0 credentials.
# @return [Signet::OAuth2::Client]
#  OAuth 2.0 credentials.
def exchange_code(authorization_code)
  client = Google::APIClient.new
  client.authorization.client_id = CLIENT_ID
  client.authorization.client_secret = CLIENT_SECRET
  client.authorization.code = authorization_code
  client.authorization.redirect_uri = REDIRECT_URI

    return client.authorization
  rescue Signet::AuthorizationError
    raise CodeExchangeError.new(nil)

# Send a request to the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's information.
# @param [Signet::OAuth2::Client] credentials
#   OAuth 2.0 credentials to authorize the request.
# @return [Google::APIClient::Schema::Oauth2::V2::Userinfo]
#   User's information.
def get_user_info(credentials)
  client = Google::APIClient.new
  client.authorization = credentials
  oauth2 = client.discovered_api('oauth2', 'v2')
  result = client.execute!(:api_method => oauth2.userinfo.get)
  user_info = nil
  if result.status == 200
    user_info = result.data
    puts "An error occurred: #{result.data['error']['message']}"
  if user_info != nil && user_info.id != nil
    return user_info
  raise NoUserIdError, "Unable to retrieve the user's Google ID."

# Retrieve authorization URL.
# @param [String] user_id
#   User's Google ID.
# @param [String] state
#   State for the authorization URL.
# @return [String]
#  Authorization URL to redirect the user to.
def get_authorization_url(user_id, state)
  client = Google::APIClient.new
  client.authorization.client_id = CLIENT_ID
  client.authorization.redirect_uri = REDIRECT_URI
  client.authorization.scope = SCOPES

  return client.authorization.authorization_uri(
    :options => {
       :approval_prompt => :force,
       :access_type => :offline,
       :user_id => user_id,
       :state => state

# Retrieve credentials using the provided authorization code.
#  This function exchanges the authorization code for an access token and queries
#  the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's Google ID.
#  If a refresh token has been retrieved along with an access token, it is stored
#  in the application database using the user's Google ID as key.
#  If no refresh token has been retrieved, the function checks in the application
#  database for one and returns it if found or raises a NoRefreshTokenError
#  with an authorization URL to redirect the user to.
# @param [String] auth_code
#   Authorization code to use to retrieve an access token.
# @param [String] state
#   State to set to the authorization URL in case of error.
# @return [Signet::OAuth2::Client]
#  OAuth 2.0 credentials containing an access and refresh token.
def get_credentials(authorization_code, state)
  user_id = ''
    credentials = exchange_code(authorization_code)
    user_info = get_user_info(credentials)
    user_id = user_info.id
    if credentials.refresh_token != nil
      store_credentials(user_id, credentials)
      return credentials
      credentials = get_stored_credentials(user_id)
      if credentials != nil && credentials.refresh_token != nil
        return credentials
  rescue CodeExchangeError => error
    print 'An error occurred during code exchange.'
    # Glass services should try to retrieve the user and credentials for the current
    # session.
    # If none is available, redirect the user to the authorization URL.
    error.authorization_url = get_authorization_url(user_id, state)
    raise error
  rescue NoUserIdError
    print 'No user ID could be retrieved.'
  authorization_url = get_authorization_url(user_id, state)
  raise NoRefreshTokenError.new(authorization_url)

Đang uỷ quyền bằng thông tin đăng nhập đã lưu trữ

Khi người dùng truy cập vào ứng dụng của bạn sau khi uỷ quyền thành công lần đầu thì ứng dụng của bạn có thể sử dụng mã làm mới đã lưu trữ để cho phép yêu cầu mà không nhắc người dùng cuối.

Nếu bạn đã xác thực người dùng, ứng dụng của bạn có thể truy xuất mã làm mới từ cơ sở dữ liệu và lưu trữ mã này ở phía máy chủ phiên hoạt động. Nếu mã làm mới bị thu hồi hoặc không hợp lệ, bạn sẽ cần phát hiện điều này và có biện pháp xử lý thích hợp.

Sử dụng thông tin đăng nhập OAuth 2.0

Sau khi thông tin đăng nhập OAuth 2.0 được truy xuất như hiển thị trong phần trước, các mục đó có thể được dùng để cấp quyền cho đối tượng dịch vụ Google Mirror API và gửi yêu cầu đến API.

Các đoạn mã sau đây cho biết cách tạo thực thể và uỷ quyền Đối tượng dịch vụ Google Mirror API và gửi yêu cầu tới Google Mirror API tới truy xuất siêu dữ liệu của timeline item.

Tạo thực thể cho một đối tượng dịch vụ

Mã mẫu này cho biết cách tạo thực thể cho một đối tượng dịch vụ rồi uỷ quyền để tạo yêu cầu API.


import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredential;

import com.google.api.client.http.HttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.json.jackson.JacksonFactory;

import com.google.api.services.mirror.Mirror;
// ...

public class MyClass {
  // ...

    * Build a Mirror service object.
    * @param credentials OAuth 2.0 credentials.
    * @return Mirror service object.
  static Mirror buildService(GoogleCredential credentials) {
    HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
    JacksonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();

    return new Mirror.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credentials)

  // ...


from apiclient.discovery import build
# ...

def build_service(credentials):
  """Build a Mirror service object.

    credentials: OAuth 2.0 credentials.

    Mirror service object.
  http = httplib2.Http()
  http = credentials.authorize(http)
  return build('mirror', 'v1', http=http)



require_once "google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php";
require_once "google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_MirrorService.php";

// ...

 * Build a Mirror service object.
 * @param String credentials Json representation of the OAuth 2.0 credentials.
 * @return Google_MirrorService service object.
function buildService($credentials) {
  $apiClient = new Google_Client();
  return new Google_MirrorService($apiClient);

// ...


using Google.Apis.Authentication;

using Google.Apis.Mirror.v1;
using Google.Apis.Services;
// ...

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  /// <summary>
  /// Build a Mirror service object.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="credentials">OAuth 2.0 credentials.</param>
  /// <returns>Mirror service object.</returns>
  static MirrorService BuildService(IAuthenticator credentials) {
    return new MirrorService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
        Authenticator = credentials


require 'google/api_client'

# Build a Mirror client instance.
# @param [Signet::OAuth2::Client] credentials
#   OAuth 2.0 credentials.
# @return [Google::APIClient]
#   Client instance
def build_client(credentials)
  client = Google::APIClient.new
  client.authorization = credentials
  client = client.discovered_api('mirror', 'v1')

Gửi yêu cầu được uỷ quyền và kiểm tra thông tin xác thực bị thu hồi

Đoạn mã sau đây sử dụng một phiên bản dịch vụ Google Mirror API được cấp phép và gửi yêu cầu GET đã được uỷ quyền tới Google Mirror API để truy xuất một Siêu dữ liệu của timeline item.

Nếu xảy ra lỗi, mã này sẽ kiểm tra mã trạng thái HTTP 401, cần được xử lý bằng cách chuyển hướng người dùng đến lệnh uỷ quyền URL.

Các hoạt động khác của Google Mirror API được nêu trong Tài liệu tham khảo API.


import com.google.api.client.http.HttpResponse;
import com.google.api.client.http.HttpResponseException;

import com.google.api.services.mirror.Mirror;
import com.google.api.services.mirror.model.TimelineItem;

import java.io.IOException;
// ...

public class MyClass {
  // ...

    * Print a timeline item's metadata.
    * @param service Mirror service instance.
    * @param itemId ID of the timeline item to print metadata for.
  static void printTimelineItem(Mirror service, String itemId) {
    try {
      TimelineItem item = service.timeline().get(itemId).execute();

      System.out.println("Text: " + item.getText());
      System.out.println("HTML: " + item.getHtml());
    } catch (HttpResponseException e) {
      if (e.getStatusCode() == 401) {
        // Credentials have been revoked.
        // TODO: Redirect the user to the authorization URL and/or
        //       remove the credentials from the database.
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println("An error occurred: " + e);

  // ...


from apiclient import errors
# ...

def print_timeline_item(service, item_id):
  """Print a timeline item's metadata.

    service: Mirror service instance.
    item_id: ID of the timeline item to print metadata for.
    item = service.timeline().get(id=item_id).execute()

    print 'Text: %s' % item['text']
    print 'HTML: %s' % item['html']
  except errors.HttpError, error:
    if error.resp.status == 401:
      # Credentials have been revoked.
      # TODO: Redirect the user to the authorization URL and/or remove
      #       the credentials from the database.
      raise NotImplementedError()


 * Print a timeline item's metadata.
 * @param Google_MirrorService $service Mirror service instance.
 * @param string $itemId ID of the timeline item to print metadata for.
function printTimelineItem($service, $itemId) {
  try {
    $item = $service->timeline->get($itemId);

    print "Text: " . $item->getText() . "\n";
    print "HTML: " . $item->getHtml() . "\n";
  } catch (apiAuthException) {
    // Credentials have been revoked.
    // TODO: Redirect the user to the authorization URL and/or remove
    //       the credentials from the database.
    throw new RuntimeException('Not implemented!');
  } catch (apiException $e) {
    print "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage();


using Google;
using Google.Apis.Mirror.v1;
using Google.Apis.Mirror.v1.Data;

using System;
using System.Net;
// ...

public class MyClass {

  // ...

  /// <summary>
  /// Print a timeline item's metadata.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="service">Mirror service instance.</param>
  /// <param name="itemId">ID of the timeline item to print metadata for.</param>
  private static void printTimelineItem(MirrorService service, String itemId) {
    try {
      TimelineItem item = service.Timeline.Get(itemId).Fetch();

      Console.WriteLine("Text: " + item.Text);
      Console.WriteLine("HTML: " + item.Html);
    } catch (GoogleApiRequestException e) {
      if (e.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) {
        // Credentials have been revoked.
        // TODO: Redirect the user to the authorization URL and/or remove the
        //       credentials from the database.
        throw new NotImplementedException();




require 'google/api_client'

# Print a timeline item's metadata.
# @param [Google::APIClient] client
#   Authorized client instance
# @param [String] item_id
#   ID of timeline item to print
# @return nil
def print_timeline_item(client, item_id)
  mirror = client.discovered_api('mirror', 'v1')
  result = client.execute(
    :api_method => mirror.timeline.get,
    :parameters => { 'id' => item_id })
  if result.success?
    item = result.data
    puts "Text: #{item.text}"
    puts "Html: #{item.html}"
  elseif result.status == 401
      # Credentials have been revoked.
      # TODO: Redirect the user to the authorization URL and/or remove
      #       the credentials from the database.
      raise NotImplementedError, 'Redirect the user.'
    puts "An error occurred: #{result.data['error']['message']}"