P-MAX アセット グループは、P-MAX キャンペーンの作成時に追加した画像、広告見出し、説明文、動画で構成されます。広告のパフォーマンスを最適化するため、広告が表示される特定の Google 広告チャネル(YouTube、Gmail、検索など)に最適なアセットが、システムによってインテリジェントに選択、組み合わせられます。
アセット グループはキャンペーン間で共有できません。各キャンペーンには、少なくとも 1 つのアセット グループが必要です。キャンペーンあたりのアセット グループ数の上限は 100 個です。
アセット グループ
アセット グループは、1 つのテーマを中心とする、またはターゲット オーディエンスに関連するアセットの集まりです。アセット グループは、広告の作成と、広告目標で使用可能なすべての広告フォーマットの広告枠の作成に使用されます。詳しくは、アセット グループについての記事をご覧ください。
アセット グループには 1 つ以上の最終ページ URL が含まれます。最終ページ URL は 1 つ以上必要です。特定のアセット グループとキャンペーン目標のコンバージョン経路に最も関連性の高い URL を使用してください。アセット グループの最終ページ URL を WEBPAGE
アセット グループをアセットにリンクする
を Asset
にリンクするには、新しい AssetGroupAsset
は複数の Asset
は複数のアセット グループにリンクできます。1 つの Asset
に、異なる AssetGroup
オペレーションはアトミックである必要があります。部分的な失敗はサポートされていません。アセット グループはバッチ処理で変更できません。
P-MAX 小売キャンペーンでアセット グループをアセットにリンクする
P-MAX 小売キャンペーンでは、アセットの最小要件を満たさなくても AssetGroup
オブジェクトを作成できます。ただし、任意の P-MAX キャンペーンで AssetGroupAsset
を使用して Asset
を AssetGroup
にリンクしようとすると、すべてのアセット要件が適用されます。つまり、小売向け P-MAX キャンペーンの AssetGroup
オブジェクトは、次の 2 つの状態にしか存在できません。
- リンクされた
オブジェクトなし Asset
ベスト プラクティスとして、すべての広告枠でリーチを最大化するためにアセットをアップロードすることをおすすめします。ただし、必要なアセットはすべて 1 つのリクエストでリンクする必要があります。個別のリクエストでアセット グループにアセットを 1 つずつ追加することはできません。
/** Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new AssetGroup. */ private List<MutateOperation> createAssetGroupOperations( long customerId, String assetGroupResourceName, List<String> headlineAssetResourceNames, List<String> descriptionAssetResourceNames, boolean brandGuidelinesEnabled) throws IOException { List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>(); String campaignResourceName = ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID); // Creates the AssetGroup. AssetGroup assetGroup = AssetGroup.newBuilder() .setName("Performance Max asset group #" + getPrintableDateTime()) .setCampaign(campaignResourceName) .addFinalUrls("http://www.example.com") .addFinalMobileUrls("http://www.example.com") .setStatus(AssetGroupStatus.PAUSED) .setResourceName(assetGroupResourceName) .build(); AssetGroupOperation assetGroupOperation = AssetGroupOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(assetGroup).build(); mutateOperations.add( MutateOperation.newBuilder().setAssetGroupOperation(assetGroupOperation).build()); // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets // An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset // and providing: // the resource name of the AssetGroup // the resource name of the Asset // the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup. // To learn more about AssetGroups, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups // Links the previously created multiple text assets. // Links the headline assets. for (String resourceName : headlineAssetResourceNames) { mutateOperations.add( createAssetGroupAssetMutateOperation( AssetFieldType.HEADLINE, resourceName, assetGroupResourceName)); } // Links the description assets. for (String resourceName : descriptionAssetResourceNames) { mutateOperations.add( createAssetGroupAssetMutateOperation( AssetFieldType.DESCRIPTION, resourceName, assetGroupResourceName)); } // Creates and links the long headline text asset. List<MutateOperation> createAndLinkTextAssetOperations = createAndLinkTextAsset(customerId, "Travel the World", AssetFieldType.LONG_HEADLINE); mutateOperations.addAll(createAndLinkTextAssetOperations); // Creates and links the business name and logo assets. List<MutateOperation> createAndLinkBrandAssets = createAndLinkBrandAssets( customerId, brandGuidelinesEnabled, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo"); mutateOperations.addAll(createAndLinkBrandAssets); // Creates and links the image assets. // Creates and links the Marketing Image Asset. createAndLinkTextAssetOperations = createAndLinkImageAsset( customerId, "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", AssetFieldType.MARKETING_IMAGE, "Marketing Image"); mutateOperations.addAll(createAndLinkTextAssetOperations); // Creates and links the Square Marketing Image Asset. createAndLinkTextAssetOperations = createAndLinkImageAsset( customerId, "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", AssetFieldType.SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, "Square Marketing Image"); mutateOperations.addAll(createAndLinkTextAssetOperations); return mutateOperations; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group. /// </summary> /// <param name="campaignResourceName">The campaign resource name.</param> /// <param name="assetGroupResourceName">The asset group resource name.</param> /// <param name="headlineAssetResourceNames">The headline asset resource names.</param> /// <param name="descriptionAssetResourceNames">The description asset resource /// names.</param> /// <param name="resourceNameGenerator">A generator for unique temporary ID's.</param> /// <param name="config">The Google Ads config.</param> /// <param name="brandGuidelinesEnabled">Whether or not to enable brand guidelines.</param> /// <returns>A list of MutateOperations that create the new asset group.</returns> private List<MutateOperation> CreateAssetGroupOperations( string campaignResourceName, string assetGroupResourceName, List<string> headlineAssetResourceNames, List<string> descriptionAssetResourceNames, AssetTemporaryResourceNameGenerator resourceNameGenerator, GoogleAdsConfig config, bool brandGuidelinesEnabled) { List<MutateOperation> operations = new List<MutateOperation>(); // Create the AssetGroup operations.Add( new MutateOperation() { AssetGroupOperation = new AssetGroupOperation() { Create = new AssetGroup() { Name = "Performance Max asset group #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(), Campaign = campaignResourceName, FinalUrls = { "http://www.example.com" }, FinalMobileUrls = { "http://www.example.com" }, Status = AssetGroupStatus.Paused, ResourceName = assetGroupResourceName } } } ); // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets // An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset // and providing: // the resource name of the AssetGroup // the resource name of the Asset // the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup. // // To learn more about AssetGroups, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups // Link the previously created multiple text assets. // Link the headline assets. foreach (string resourceName in headlineAssetResourceNames) { operations.Add( new MutateOperation() { AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation() { Create = new AssetGroupAsset() { FieldType = AssetFieldType.Headline, AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName, Asset = resourceName } } } ); } // Link the description assets. foreach (string resourceName in descriptionAssetResourceNames) { operations.Add( new MutateOperation() { AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation() { Create = new AssetGroupAsset() { FieldType = AssetFieldType.Description, AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName, Asset = resourceName } } } ); } // Create and link the brand assets. operations.AddRange( CreateAndLinkBrandAssets( assetGroupResourceName, campaignResourceName, resourceNameGenerator, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo", config, brandGuidelinesEnabled ) ); // Create and link the long headline text asset. operations.AddRange( CreateAndLinkTextAsset( assetGroupResourceName, resourceNameGenerator.Next(), "Travel the World", AssetFieldType.LongHeadline ) ); // Create and link the image assets. // Create and link the Marketing Image Asset. operations.AddRange( CreateAndLinkImageAsset( assetGroupResourceName, resourceNameGenerator.Next(), "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", AssetFieldType.MarketingImage, "Marketing Image", config ) ); // Create and link the Square Marketing Image Asset. operations.AddRange( CreateAndLinkImageAsset( assetGroupResourceName, resourceNameGenerator.Next(), "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", AssetFieldType.SquareMarketingImage, "Square Marketing Image", config ) ); return operations; }
private static function createAssetGroupOperations( int $customerId, array $headlineAssetResourceNames, array $descriptionAssetResourceNames, bool $brandGuidelinesEnabled ): array { $operations = []; // Creates a new mutate operation that creates an asset group operation. $operations[] = new MutateOperation([ 'asset_group_operation' => new AssetGroupOperation([ 'create' => new AssetGroup([ 'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup( $customerId, self::ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), 'name' => 'Performance Max asset group #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(), 'campaign' => ResourceNames::forCampaign( $customerId, self::PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID ), 'final_urls' => ['http://www.example.com'], 'final_mobile_urls' => ['http://www.example.com'], 'status' => AssetGroupStatus::PAUSED ]) ]) ]); // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets // An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset // and providing: // - the resource name of the AssetGroup // - the resource name of the Asset // - the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup // // To learn more about AssetGroups, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups. // Links the previously created multiple text assets. // Links the headline assets. foreach ($headlineAssetResourceNames as $resourceName) { $operations[] = new MutateOperation([ 'asset_group_asset_operation' => new AssetGroupAssetOperation([ 'create' => new AssetGroupAsset([ 'asset' => $resourceName, 'asset_group' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup( $customerId, self::ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), 'field_type' => AssetFieldType::HEADLINE ]) ]) ]); } // Links the description assets. foreach ($descriptionAssetResourceNames as $resourceName) { $operations[] = new MutateOperation([ 'asset_group_asset_operation' => new AssetGroupAssetOperation([ 'create' => new AssetGroupAsset([ 'asset' => $resourceName, 'asset_group' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup( $customerId, self::ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), 'field_type' => AssetFieldType::DESCRIPTION ]) ]) ]); } // Creates and links the long headline text asset. $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkTextAsset( $customerId, 'Travel the World', AssetFieldType::LONG_HEADLINE )); // Creates and links the business name text asset. $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkBrandAssets( $customerId, $brandGuidelinesEnabled, 'Interplanetary Cruises', 'https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi', 'Marketing Logo' )); // Creates and links the image assets. // Creates and links the Marketing Image Asset. $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkImageAsset( $customerId, 'https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5', AssetFieldType::MARKETING_IMAGE, 'Marketing Image' )); // Creates and links the Square Marketing Image Asset. $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkImageAsset( $customerId, 'https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi', AssetFieldType::SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, 'Square Marketing Image' )); return $operations; }
def create_asset_group_operation( client, customer_id, headline_asset_resource_names, description_asset_resource_names, brand_guidelines_enabled, ): """Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group. A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request. Args: client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance. customer_id: a client customer ID. headline_asset_resource_names: a list of headline resource names. description_asset_resource_names: a list of description resource names. brand_guidelines_enabled: a boolean value indicating if the campaign is enabled for brand guidelines. Returns: MutateOperations that create a new asset group and related assets. """ asset_group_service = client.get_service("AssetGroupService") campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService") operations = [] # Create the AssetGroup mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation") asset_group = mutate_operation.asset_group_operation.create asset_group.name = f"Performance Max asset group #{uuid4()}" asset_group.campaign = campaign_service.campaign_path( customer_id, _PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID ) asset_group.final_urls.append("http://www.example.com") asset_group.final_mobile_urls.append("http://www.example.com") asset_group.status = client.enums.AssetGroupStatusEnum.PAUSED asset_group.resource_name = asset_group_service.asset_group_path( customer_id, _ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID, ) operations.append(mutate_operation) # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets # An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset # and providing: # the resource name of the AssetGroup # the resource name of the Asset # the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup. # # To learn more about AssetGroups, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups # Link the previously created multiple text assets. # Link the headline assets. for resource_name in headline_asset_resource_names: mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation") asset_group_asset = mutate_operation.asset_group_asset_operation.create asset_group_asset.field_type = client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.HEADLINE asset_group_asset.asset_group = asset_group_service.asset_group_path( customer_id, _ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID, ) asset_group_asset.asset = resource_name operations.append(mutate_operation) # Link the description assets. for resource_name in description_asset_resource_names: mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation") asset_group_asset = mutate_operation.asset_group_asset_operation.create asset_group_asset.field_type = client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.DESCRIPTION asset_group_asset.asset_group = asset_group_service.asset_group_path( customer_id, _ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID, ) asset_group_asset.asset = resource_name operations.append(mutate_operation) # Create and link the long headline text asset. mutate_operations = create_and_link_text_asset( client, customer_id, "Travel the World", client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.LONG_HEADLINE, ) operations.extend(mutate_operations) # Create and link the business name and logo asset. mutate_operations = create_and_link_brand_assets( client, customer_id, brand_guidelines_enabled, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo", ) operations.extend(mutate_operations) # Create and link the image assets. # Create and link the Marketing Image Asset. mutate_operations = create_and_link_image_asset( client, customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.MARKETING_IMAGE, "Marketing Image", ) operations.extend(mutate_operations) # Create and link the Square Marketing Image Asset. mutate_operations = create_and_link_image_asset( client, customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, "Square Marketing Image", ) operations.extend(mutate_operations) return operations
# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group. # # A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can # be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request. def create_asset_group_operation( client, customer_id, headline_asset_resource_names, description_asset_resource_names, brand_guidelines_enabled) operations = [] # Create the AssetGroup operations << client.operation.mutate do |m| m.asset_group_operation = client.operation.create_resource.asset_group do |ag| ag.name = "Performance Max asset group #{SecureRandom.uuid}" ag.campaign = client.path.campaign( customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID) ag.final_urls << "http://www.example.com" ag.final_mobile_urls << "http://www.example.com" ag.status = :PAUSED ag.resource_name = client.path.asset_group( customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID) end end # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets # # An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset # and providing: # the resource name of the AssetGroup # the resource name of the Asset # the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup. # # To learn more about AssetGroups, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups # Link the previously created multiple text assets. # Link the headline assets. headline_asset_resource_names.each do |resource_name| operations << client.operation.mutate do |m| m.asset_group_asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource .asset_group_asset do |aga| aga.field_type = :HEADLINE aga.asset_group = client.path.asset_group( customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID) aga.asset = resource_name end end end # Link the description assets. description_asset_resource_names.each do |resource_name| operations << client.operation.mutate do |m| m.asset_group_asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource .asset_group_asset do |aga| aga.field_type = :DESCRIPTION aga.asset_group = client.path.asset_group( customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID) aga.asset = resource_name end end end # Create and link the long headline text asset. operations += create_and_link_text_asset( client, customer_id, "Travel the World", :LONG_HEADLINE) # Create and link the business name and logo asset. operations += create_and_link_brand_assets( client, customer_id, brand_guidelines_enabled, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo") # Create and link the image assets. # Create and link the Marketing Image Asset. operations += create_and_link_image_asset( client, customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", :MARKETING_IMAGE, "Marketing Image") # Create and link the Square Marketing Image Asset. operations += create_and_link_image_asset( client, customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", :SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, "Square Marketing Image") operations end
sub create_asset_group_operations { my ( $customer_id, $headline_asset_resource_names, $description_asset_resource_names, $brand_guidelines_enabled ) = @_; my $operations = []; # Create a mutate operation that creates an asset group operation. push @$operations, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::GoogleAdsService::MutateOperation-> new({ assetGroupOperation => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AssetGroupService::AssetGroupOperation ->new({ create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AssetGroup->new({ resourceName => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::asset_group( $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), name => "Performance Max asset group #" . uniqid(), campaign => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::campaign( $customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID ), finalUrls => ["http://www.example.com"], finalMobileUrls => ["http://www.example.com"], status => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Enums::AssetGroupStatusEnum::PAUSED })})}); # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets. # An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset # and providing: # - the resource name of the AssetGroup # - the resource name of the Asset # - the fieldType of the Asset in this AssetGroup # # To learn more about AssetGroups, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups. # Link the previously created multiple text assets. # Link the headline assets. foreach my $resource_name (@$headline_asset_resource_names) { push @$operations, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::GoogleAdsService::MutateOperation ->new({ assetGroupAssetOperation => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AssetGroupAssetService::AssetGroupAssetOperation ->new({ create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AssetGroupAsset->new({ asset => $resource_name, assetGroup => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::asset_group( $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), fieldType => HEADLINE })})}); } # Link the description assets. foreach my $resource_name (@$description_asset_resource_names) { push @$operations, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::GoogleAdsService::MutateOperation ->new({ assetGroupAssetOperation => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AssetGroupAssetService::AssetGroupAssetOperation ->new({ create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AssetGroupAsset->new({ asset => $resource_name, assetGroup => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::asset_group( $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), fieldType => DESCRIPTION })})}); } # Create and link the long headline text asset. push @$operations, @{create_and_link_text_asset($customer_id, "Travel the World", LONG_HEADLINE)}; # Create and link the business name and logo asset. push @$operations, @{ create_and_link_brand_assets( $customer_id, $brand_guidelines_enabled, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo" )}; # Create and link the image assets. # Create and link the marketing image asset. push @$operations, @{ create_and_link_image_asset( $customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", MARKETING_IMAGE, "Marketing Image" )}; # Create and link the square marketing image asset. push @$operations, @{ create_and_link_image_asset( $customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, "Square Marketing Image" )}; return $operations; }
アセット グループの広告をプレビューする
アセット グループを作成してアセットをリンクしたら、共有可能なプレビューを生成して、各アセット グループから作成された広告の表示形式を確認できます。
アセット グループ ID を ShareablePreviewService.GenerateShareablePreviews に渡すことで、ユーザーと共有する広告プレビューの URL と有効期限のタイムスタンプを取得できます。
複数のアセット グループ
アセットがドメイン内の URL 全体で使用できるほど汎用的ではなく、URL 拡張を使用している場合は、最終ページ URL ごとに異なるアセット グループを作成できます。
オーディエンスごとにアセットをカスタマイズしたい場合は、同じ最終ページ URL に対して複数のアセット グループを作成することもできます。テーマごとに複数のアセット グループを作成することもできます。