Créer une campagne Performance Max

Avec les éléments et le budget préalables, vous pouvez désormais créer la campagne.

Le AdvertisingChannelType des campagnes Performance Max est PERFORMANCE_MAX. Aucun AdvertisingChannelSubType ne doit être défini.

Les seules stratégies d'enchères acceptées sont les suivantes:

Les stratégies de portefeuille d'enchères créées à l'aide de l'BiddingStrategyService ne sont pas compatibles avec les campagnes Performance Max. Au lieu de créer plusieurs campagnes dans une stratégie de portefeuille d'enchères, utilisez moins de campagnes et plus de groupes d'assets.


/** Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign. */
private MutateOperation createPerformanceMaxCampaignOperation(long customerId) {
  Campaign performanceMaxCampaign =
          .setName("Performance Max campaign #" + getPrintableDateTime())
          // Sets the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
          // the mutate request that should have its status set.
          // All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
          // PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
          // Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
          // Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
          // Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
          // supported for Performance Max campaigns.
          // An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
          // maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
          // the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
          // For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
          // article:
          // A targetRoas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
          // Sets the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
          // Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (True), only the final URLs in
          // the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
          // Center or business data feeds are targeted.
          // If opted in (False), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
          // results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
          // can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
          // Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
              ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID))
          // Sets the budget using the given budget resource name.
          .setCampaignBudget(ResourceNames.campaignBudget(customerId, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID))
          // Optional fields.
          .setStartDate(new DateTime().plusDays(1).toString("yyyyMMdd"))
          .setEndDate(new DateTime().plusDays(365).toString("yyyyMMdd"))

  return MutateOperation.newBuilder()


/// Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.
/// <param name="campaignResourceName">The campaign resource name.</param>
/// <param name="campaignBudgetResourceName">The campaign budget resource name.</param>
/// <returns>A MutateOperations that will create this new campaign.</returns>
private MutateOperation CreatePerformanceMaxCampaignOperation(
    string campaignResourceName,
    string campaignBudgetResourceName)
    MutateOperation operation = new MutateOperation()
        CampaignOperation = new CampaignOperation()
            Create = new Campaign()
                Name = "Performance Max campaign #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),

                // Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
                // the mutate request that should have its status set.
                Status = CampaignStatus.Paused,

                // All Performance Max campaigns have an AdvertisingChannelType of
                // PerformanceMax. The AdvertisingChannelSubType should not be set.
                AdvertisingChannelType = AdvertisingChannelType.PerformanceMax,

                // Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign. Setting a
                // portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported. Max
                // Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
                // supported for Performance Max campaigns. BiddingStrategyType is
                // read-only and cannot be set by the API. An optional ROAS (Return on
                // Advertising Spend) can be set to enable the MaximizeConversionValue
                // bidding strategy. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in the API.
                // It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
                // For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
                // article:
                // A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
                MaximizeConversionValue = new MaximizeConversionValue()
                    TargetRoas = 3.5

                // Set the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
                // Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (True), only the final URLs in
                // the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
                // Center or business data feeds are targeted.
                // If opted in (False), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
                // results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
                // can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
                UrlExpansionOptOut = false,

                // Use the temporary resource name created earlier
                ResourceName = campaignResourceName,

                // Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
                CampaignBudget = campaignBudgetResourceName,

                // Optional fields
                StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"),
                EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365).ToString("yyyyMMdd")

    return operation;



private static function createPerformanceMaxCampaignOperation(int $customerId): MutateOperation
    // Creates a mutate operation that creates a campaign operation.
    return new MutateOperation([
        'campaign_operation' => new CampaignOperation([
            'create' => new Campaign([
                'name' => 'Performance Max campaign #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
                // Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
                'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaign(
                // Sets the budget using the given budget resource name.
                'campaign_budget' => ResourceNames::forCampaignBudget(
                // The campaign is the only entity in the mutate request that should have its
                // status set.
                // Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
                // the ads from immediately serving.
                'status' => CampaignStatus::PAUSED,
                // All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
                // PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
                'advertising_channel_type' => AdvertisingChannelType::PERFORMANCE_MAX,

                // Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
                // Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
                // Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
                // supported for Performance Max campaigns.
                // An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
                // maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
                // the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
                // For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
                // article:
                // A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
                'maximize_conversion_value' => new MaximizeConversionValue([
                    'target_roas' => 3.5

                // Sets the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
                // Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in
                // the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
                // Center or business data feeds are targeted.
                // If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
                // results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
                // can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
                'url_expansion_opt_out' => false,

                // Optional fields.
                'start_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 day')),
                'end_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+365 days'))


def create_performance_max_campaign_operation(
    """Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.

    A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can
    be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.

        a MutateOperation that creates a campaign.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    campaign = mutate_operation.campaign_operation.create = f"Performance Max campaign #{uuid4()}"
    # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
    # the mutate request that should have its status set.
    campaign.status = client.enums.CampaignStatusEnum.PAUSED
    # All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
    # PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
    campaign.advertising_channel_type = (
    # Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
    # Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
    # Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
    # supported for Performance Max campaigns.
    # An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
    # maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
    # the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
    # For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
    # article:
    # A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
    campaign.bidding_strategy_type = (
    campaign.maximize_conversion_value.target_roas = 3.5

    # Set the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
    # Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (True), only the final URLs in
    # the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
    # Center or business data feeds are targeted.
    # If opted in (False), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
    # results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
    # can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
    campaign.url_expansion_opt_out = False

    # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")
    campaign.resource_name = campaign_service.campaign_path(
    # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
    campaign.campaign_budget = campaign_service.campaign_budget_path(
        customer_id, _BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID

    # Optional fields
    campaign.start_date = ( + timedelta(1)).strftime("%Y%m%d")
    campaign.end_date = ( + timedelta(365)).strftime("%Y%m%d")

    return mutate_operation


# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can
# be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
def create_performance_max_campaign_operation(client, customer_id)
  client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.campaign_operation = client.operation.create_resource.campaign do |c| = "Performance Max campaign #{SecureRandom.uuid}"
      # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
      # the mutate request that should have its status set.
      c.status = :PAUSED
      # All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
      # PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
      c.advertising_channel_type = :PERFORMANCE_MAX
      # Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
      # Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
      # Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
      # supported for Performance Max campaigns.
      # An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
      # maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
      # the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
      # For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
      # article:
      # A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
      c.bidding_strategy_type = :MAXIMIZE_CONVERSION_VALUE
      c.maximize_conversion_value = client.resource.maximize_conversion_value do |mcv|
        mcv.target_roas = 3.5
      # Set the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
      # Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in
      # the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
      # Center or business data feeds are targeted.
      # If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
      # results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
      # can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
      c.url_expansion_opt_out = false

      # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
      c.resource_name = client.path.campaign(customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID)
      # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
      c.campaign_budget = client.path.campaign_budget(customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)

      # Optional fields
      c.start_date = DateTime.parse(( + 1).to_s).strftime('%Y%m%d')
      c.end_date = DateTime.parse('%Y%m%d')


sub create_performance_max_campaign_operation {
  my ($customer_id) = @_;

  # Create a mutate operation that creates a campaign operation.
      campaignOperation =>
          create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Campaign->new({
              # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
              resourceName =>
                $customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
              name => "Performance Max campaign #" . uniqid(),
              # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
              campaignBudget =>
                $customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID
              # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
              # the mutate request that should have its status set.
              status =>
              # All Performance Max campaigns have an advertisingChannelType of
              # PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertisingChannelSubType should not be set.
              advertisingChannelType => PERFORMANCE_MAX,

              # Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
              # Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
              # Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
              # supported for Performance Max campaigns.
              # An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
              # maximizeConversionValue. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
              # the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
              # For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
              # article:
              # A targetRoas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
              maximizeConversionValue =>
                  targetRoas => 3.5

              # Set the final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
              # Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in
              # the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
              # Center or business data feeds are targeted.
              # If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
              # results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
              # can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
              urlExpansionOptOut => "false",

              # Optional fields.
              startDate => strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24)),
              endDate   =>
                strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)),

Recommandations concernant les enchères

L'API Google Ads propose deux types de recommandations pour vous aider à optimiser les enchères de vos campagnes Performance Max:

Pour en savoir plus sur l'utilisation des recommandations, consultez le guide Taux d'optimisation et recommandations.

Facultatif: Extension d'URL finale

L'extension d'URL vous aide à optimiser les performances de vos campagnes Performance Max. Utilisez l'extension d'URL pour remplacer votre URL finale par une page de destination et un titre dynamiques plus pertinents en fonction de l'intention des clients. Par défaut, l'extension d'URL est:

  • Désactivé si les filtres de produits sont appliqués.
  • Activé lorsque vous ciblez tous les produits.

Définissez le Campaign.final_url_expansion_opt_out pour modifier ces valeurs par défaut.

Utilisez les critères de campagne WEBPAGE pour définir des exclusions d'extension d'URL.