使用 OAuth 进行 Google 帐号关联

帐号使用行业标准的 OAuth 2.0 隐式授权代码流程来关联。您的服务必须支持符合 OAuth 2.0 规范的授权令牌交换端点。

In the implicit flow, Google opens your authorization endpoint in the user's browser. After successful sign in, you return a long-lived access token to Google. This access token is now included in every request sent from Google.

In the authorization code flow, you need two endpoints:

  • The authorization endpoint, which presents the sign-in UI to your users that aren't already signed in. The authorization endpoint also creates a short-lived authorization code to record users' consent to the requested access.

  • The token exchange endpoint, which is responsible for two types of exchanges:

    1. Exchanges an authorization code for a long-lived refresh token and a short-lived access token. This exchange happens when the user goes through the account linking flow.
    2. Exchanges a long-lived refresh token for a short-lived access token. This exchange happens when Google needs a new access token because the one it had expired.

Choose an OAuth 2.0 flow

Although the implicit flow is simpler to implement, Google recommends that access tokens issued by the implicit flow never expire. This is because the user is forced to link their account again after a token expires with the implicit flow. If you need token expiration for security reasons, we strongly recommend that you use the authorization code flow instead.

Design guidelines

This section describes the design requirements and recommendations for the user screen that you host for OAuth linking flows. After it's called by Google's app, your platform displays a sign in to Google page and account linking consent screen to the user. The user is directed back to Google's app after giving their consent to link accounts.

This figure shows the steps for a user to link their Google account
            to your authentication system. The first screenshot shows
            user-initiated linking from your platform. The second image shows
            user sign-in to Google, while the third shows the user consent and
            confirmation for linking their Google account with your app. The
            final screenshot shows a successfully linked user account in the
            Google app.
Figure 1. Account linking user sign in to Google and consent screens.


  1. You must communicate that the user’s account will be linked to Google, not a specific Google product like Google Home or Google Assistant.


We recommend that you do the following:

  1. Display Google's Privacy Policy. Include a link to Google’s Privacy Policy on the consent screen.

  2. Data to be shared. Use clear and concise language to tell the user what data of theirs Google requires and why.

  3. Clear call-to-action. State a clear call-to-action on your consent screen, such as “Agree and link.” This is because users need to understand what data they're required to share with Google to link their accounts.

  4. Ability to cancel. Provide a way for users to go back or cancel, if they choose not to link.

  5. Clear sign-in process. Ensure that users have clear method for signing in to their Google account, such as fields for their username and password or Sign in with Google.

  6. Ability to unlink. Offer a mechanism for users to unlink, such as a URL to their account settings on your platform. Alternatively, you can include a link to Google Account where users can manage their linked account.

  7. Ability to change user account. Suggest a method for users to switch their account(s). This is especially beneficial if users tend to have multiple accounts.

    • If a user must close the consent screen to switch accounts, send a recoverable error to Google so the user can sign in to the desired account with OAuth linking and the implicit flow.
  8. Include your logo. Display your company logo on the consent screen. Use your style guidelines to place your logo. If you wish to also display Google's logo, see Logos and trademarks.

Create the project

To create your project to use account linking:

  1. Go to the Google API Console.
  2. 单击创建项目
  3. 输入名称或接受生成的建议。
  4. 确认或编辑所有剩余字段。
  5. 点击创建

Да бисте видели ИД свог пројекта:

  1. Go to the Google API Console.
  2. Пронађите свој пројекат у табели на одредишној страници. ИД пројекта се појављује у колони ИД .

The Google Account Linking process includes a consent screen which tells users the application requesting access to their data, what kind of data they are asking for and the terms that apply. You will need to configure your OAuth consent screen before generating a Google API client ID.

  1. Open the OAuth consent screen page of the Google APIs console.
  2. If prompted, select the project you just created.
  3. On the "OAuth consent screen" page, fill out the form and click the “Save” button.

    Application name: The name of the application asking for consent. The name should accurately reflect your application and be consistent with the application name users see elsewhere. The application name will be shown on the Account Linking consent screen.

    Application logo: An image on the consent screen that will help users recognize your app. The logo is shown on Account linking consent screen and on account settings

    Support email: For users to contact you with questions about their consent.

    Scopes for Google APIs: Scopes allow your application to access your user's private Google data. For the Google Account Linking use case, default scope (email, profile, openid) is sufficient, you don’t need to add any sensitive scopes. It is generally a best practice to request scopes incrementally, at the time access is required, rather than up front. Learn more.

    Authorized domains: To protect you and your users, Google only allows applications that authenticate using OAuth to use Authorized Domains. Your applications' links must be hosted on Authorized Domains. Learn more.

    Application Homepage link: Home page for your application. Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.

    Application Privacy Policy link: Shown on Google Account Linking consent screen. Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.

    Application Terms of Service link (Optional): Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.

    Figure 1. Google Account Linking Consent Screen for a fictitious Application, Tunery

  4. Check "Verification Status", if your application needs verification then click the "Submit For Verification" button to submit your application for verification. Refer to OAuth verification requirements for details.

实现 OAuth 服务器

为了支持 OAuth 2.0 隐式流,您的服务会进行授权 端点。此端点负责进行身份验证, 就数据访问征得用户同意。授权端点 向尚未登录的用户显示登录界面,并记录 同意所请求的访问。

当 Google 应用需要调用您的某项服务获得授权的 API 时, Google 使用此端点从您的用户处获取调用这些 API 的权限 。

由 Google 发起的典型 OAuth 2.0 隐式流会话具有以下特征: 以下流程:

  1. Google 会在用户的浏览器中打开您的授权端点。通过 如果用户尚未登录,则直接登录,然后授予 Google 以下权限: 访问您的 API 访问其数据(如果尚未授权)。
  2. 您的服务会创建一个访问令牌并将其返回给 Google。为此,请将用户的浏览器重定向回 Google,并提供相应的访问权限 令牌。
  3. Google 调用您的服务的 API,并附加带有 。您的服务会验证访问令牌是否向 Google 授予 访问 API 的授权,然后完成 API 调用。


当 Google 应用需要通过 OAuth 2.0 执行账号关联时 隐式流程,Google 会通过 请求,其中包含以下参数:

client_id 您分配给 Google 的客户 ID。
redirect_uri 此请求的响应发送到的网址。
state 将一个在 重定向 URI。
response_type 要在响应中返回的值的类型。对于 OAuth 2.0 隐式 则响应类型始终为 token
user_locale “Google 账号语言设置” RFC5646 用于将您的内容本地化为用户首选语言的格式。

例如,如果您的授权端点位于 https://myservice.example.com/auth 时,请求可能如下所示:

GET https://myservice.example.com/auth?client_id=GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&state=STATE_STRING&response_type=token&user_locale=LOCALE

为了让授权端点能够处理登录请求,请执行以下操作 步骤:

  1. 验证 client_idredirect_uri 值, 防止向意外或配置错误的客户端应用授予访问权限:

    • 确认 client_id 是否与您的客户端 ID 匹配 分配给 Google。
    • 确认 redirect_uri 指定的网址 参数的格式如下:
  2. 检查用户是否已登录您的服务。如果用户未登录 中,完成服务的登录或注册流程。

  3. 生成访问令牌,以供 Google 用于访问您的 API。通过 访问令牌可以是任何字符串值,但必须唯一地表示 令牌对应的用户和客户端,且不得被猜到。

  4. 发送 HTTP 响应,将用户浏览器重定向到相应网址 由 redirect_uri 参数指定。添加所有 以下参数:

    • access_token:您刚刚生成的访问令牌
    • token_type:字符串 bearer
    • state:原始状态的未修改状态值 请求



Google 的 OAuth 2.0 重定向处理程序收到访问令牌并确认 state 值没有更改。在 Google 获得 访问令牌,则 Google 会将该令牌附加到后续调用 服务 API

处理 userinfo 请求

userinfo 端点是受 OAuth 2.0 保护的资源,会返回关联用户的声明。实现和托管 userinfo 端点是可选的,但以下用例除外:

从您的令牌端点成功检索到访问令牌后,Google 会向您的 userinfo 端点发送请求,以检索关联用户的基本个人资料信息。

userinfo 端点请求标头
Authorization header Bearer 类型的访问令牌。

例如,如果您的 userinfo 端点可通过 https://myservice.example.com/userinfo 时,请求可能如下所示:

GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1
Host: myservice.example.com
Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

为了让 userinfo 端点能够处理请求,请执行以下步骤:

  1. 从 Authorization 标头中提取访问令牌,并返回与访问令牌相关联的用户的信息。
  2. 如果访问令牌无效,则使用 WWW-Authenticate 响应标头返回 HTTP 401 Unauthorized 错误。下面是一个 userinfo 错误响应示例:
    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    WWW-Authenticate: error="invalid_token",
    error_description="The Access Token expired"
    如果在关联过程中返回 401 未经授权错误或任何其他失败的错误响应,该错误将无法恢复,检索到的令牌将被舍弃,并且用户必须重新开始关联流程。
  3. 如果访问令牌有效,则返回 HTTPS 正文中包含以下 JSON 对象的 HTTP 200 响应 回复:

    "sub": "USER_UUID",
    "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
    "given_name": "FIRST_NAME",
    "family_name": "LAST_NAME",
    "name": "FULL_NAME",
    "picture": "PROFILE_PICTURE",
    如果您的 userinfo 端点返回 HTTP 200 成功响应,则系统会针对用户的 Google 账号注册检索到的令牌和声明。

    userinfo 端点响应
    sub 系统中用于识别用户的唯一 ID。
    email 用户的电子邮件地址。
    given_name 可选:用户的名字。
    family_name 可选:用户的姓氏。
    name 可选:用户的全名。
    picture 可选:用户的个人资料照片。


您可以通过使用验证实现的OAuth 2.0游乐场工具。


  1. 单击配置打开的OAuth 2.0配置窗口。
  2. OAuth流场中,选择客户端
  3. OAuth端点字段中,选择自定义
  4. 在相应字段中指定您的 OAuth 2.0 端点和您分配给 Google 的客户端 ID。
  5. 步骤1部分,不要选择任何谷歌范围。相反,将此字段留空或键入对您的服务器有效的范围(如果不使用 OAuth 范围,则输入任意字符串)。当您完成后,单击授权的API。
  6. 步骤2步骤3段,完成OAuth 2.0流程和验证每个步骤按预期工作。



  1. 点击登录在与谷歌按钮。
  2. 选择您要关联的帐户。
  3. 输入服务标识。
  4. (可选)输入您将请求访问的一个或多个范围。
  5. 单击开始演示
  6. 出现提示时,确认您可以同意并拒绝链接请求。
  7. 确认您被重定向到您的平台。