OAuth로 Google 계정 연결

계정은 업계 표준 OAuth 2.0 암시적 흐름 및 승인 코드 흐름을 사용하여 연결됩니다. 서비스가 OAuth 2.0을 준수하는 승인토큰 교환 엔드포인트를 지원해야 합니다.

隐式流程中,Google 会在用户的浏览器中打开您的授权端点。成功登录后,您将向 Google 返回一个长期访问令牌。现在,此访问令牌会包含在 Google 发送的每个请求中。


  • 授权端点,用于向尚未登录的用户显示登录界面。授权端点还会创建一个短期授权代码,以记录用户对所请求访问权限的同意情况。

  • 令牌交换端点,负责两种类型的交换:

    1. 使用授权代码换取长期有效的刷新令牌和短期有效的访问令牌。当用户完成账号关联流程时,就会发生此交换。
    2. 将长期有效的刷新令牌换成短期有效的访问令牌。当 Google 需要新的访问令牌(因为现有访问令牌已过期)时,就会发生这种交换。

选择 OAuth 2.0 流程

虽然隐式流程更易于实现,但 Google 建议通过隐式流程签发的访问令牌永不过期。这是因为,在隐式流程中,令牌过期后,系统会强制用户重新关联其账号。如果您出于安全考虑需要令牌过期,我们强烈建议您改用授权码流程。


本部分介绍了您为 OAuth 关联流程托管的用户屏幕的设计要求和建议。在 Google 应用调用该 API 后,您的平台会向用户显示登录 Google 页面和账号关联意见征求界面。同意关联账号后,系统会将用户重定向回 Google 的应用。

此图展示了用户将其 Google 账号与您的身份验证系统相关联的步骤。第一个屏幕截图显示了用户从您的平台发起的关联。第二张图片显示用户登录 Google,第三张图片显示用户同意并确认将其 Google 账号与您的应用相关联。最后一张屏幕截图显示 Google 应用中成功关联的用户账号。
图 1.账号关联用户登录 Google 和同意屏幕。


  1. 您必须说明用户的账号将与 Google 相关联,而非 Google Home 或 Google 助理等特定 Google 产品相关联。



  1. 显示 Google 的隐私权政策。在同意屏幕上添加指向 Google 隐私权政策的链接。

  2. 要共享的数据。使用清晰简洁的语言告知用户 Google 需要哪些用户数据以及原因。

  3. 添加醒目的号召性用语。在用户同意页面上提供明确的号召性用语,例如“同意并关联”。这是因为用户需要了解他们需要与 Google 分享哪些数据才能关联账号。

  4. 可以取消。为用户提供返回或取消链接的途径,如果用户选择不进行关联。

  5. 明确的登录流程。确保用户有明确的 Google 账号登录方法,例如用户名和密码字段或使用 Google 账号登录

  6. 能够解除关联。提供一种可让用户解除关联的机制,例如指向您平台上账号设置的网址。或者,您也可以添加指向 Google 账号的链接,以便用户管理其关联的账号。

  7. 能够更改用户账号。建议用户切换账号的方法。如果用户通常拥有多个账号,这种做法尤为有益。

    • 如果用户必须关闭意见征求界面才能切换账号,请向 Google 发送可恢复的错误,以便用户可以使用 OAuth 关联隐式流程登录所需的账号。
  8. 添加您的徽标。在意见征求页面上显示您的公司徽标。 按照您的样式准则放置徽标。如果您还想显示 Google 的徽标,请参阅徽标和商标

Create the project

To create your project to use account linking:

The Google Account Linking process includes a consent screen which tells users the application requesting access to their data, what kind of data they are asking for and the terms that apply. You will need to configure your OAuth consent screen before generating a Google API client ID.

  1. Open the OAuth consent screen page of the Google APIs console.
  2. If prompted, select the project you just created.
  3. On the "OAuth consent screen" page, fill out the form and click the “Save” button.

    Application name: The name of the application asking for consent. The name should accurately reflect your application and be consistent with the application name users see elsewhere. The application name will be shown on the Account Linking consent screen.

    Application logo: An image on the consent screen that will help users recognize your app. The logo is shown on Account linking consent screen and on account settings

    Support email: For users to contact you with questions about their consent.

    Scopes for Google APIs: Scopes allow your application to access your user's private Google data. For the Google Account Linking use case, default scope (email, profile, openid) is sufficient, you don’t need to add any sensitive scopes. It is generally a best practice to request scopes incrementally, at the time access is required, rather than up front. Learn more.

    Authorized domains: To protect you and your users, Google only allows applications that authenticate using OAuth to use Authorized Domains. Your applications' links must be hosted on Authorized Domains. Learn more.

    Application Homepage link: Home page for your application. Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.

    Application Privacy Policy link: Shown on Google Account Linking consent screen. Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.

    Application Terms of Service link (Optional): Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.

    Figure 1. Google Account Linking Consent Screen for a fictitious Application, Tunery

  4. Check "Verification Status", if your application needs verification then click the "Submit For Verification" button to submit your application for verification. Refer to OAuth verification requirements for details.

OAuth 서버 구현

To support the OAuth 2.0 implicit flow, your service makes an authorization endpoint available by HTTPS. This endpoint is responsible for authentication and obtaining consent from users for data access. The authorization endpoint presents a sign-in UI to your users that aren't already signed in and records consent to the requested access.

When a Google application needs to call one of your service's authorized APIs, Google uses this endpoint to get permission from your users to call these APIs on their behalf.

A typical OAuth 2.0 implicit flow session initiated by Google has the following flow:

  1. Google opens your authorization endpoint in the user's browser. The user signs in, if not signed in already, and grants Google permission to access their data with your API, if they haven't already granted permission.
  2. Your service creates an access token and returns it to Google. To do so, redirect the user's browser back to Google with the access token attached to the request.
  3. Google calls your service's APIs and attaches the access token with each request. Your service verifies that the access token grants Google authorization to access the API and then completes the API call.

Handle authorization requests

When a Google application needs to perform account linking via an OAuth 2.0 implicit flow, Google sends the user to your authorization endpoint with a request that includes the following parameters:

Authorization endpoint parameters
client_id The client ID you assigned to Google.
redirect_uri The URL to which you send the response to this request.
state A bookkeeping value that is passed back to Google unchanged in the redirect URI.
response_type The type of value to return in the response. For the OAuth 2.0 implicit flow, the response type is always token.
user_locale The Google Account language setting in RFC5646 format used to localize your content in the user's preferred language.

For example, if your authorization endpoint is available at https://myservice.example.com/auth, a request might look like the following:

GET https://myservice.example.com/auth?client_id=GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&state=STATE_STRING&response_type=token&user_locale=LOCALE

For your authorization endpoint to handle sign-in requests, do the following steps:

  1. Verify the client_id and redirect_uri values to prevent granting access to unintended or misconfigured client apps:

    • Confirm that the client_id matches the client ID you assigned to Google.
    • Confirm that the URL specified by the redirect_uri parameter has the following form:
  2. Check if the user is signed in to your service. If the user isn't signed in, complete your service's sign-in or sign-up flow.

  3. Generate an access token for Google to use to access your API. The access token can be any string value, but it must uniquely represent the user and the client the token is for and must not be guessable.

  4. Send an HTTP response that redirects the user's browser to the URL specified by the redirect_uri parameter. Include all of the following parameters in the URL fragment:

    • access_token: The access token you just generated
    • token_type: The string bearer
    • state: The unmodified state value from the original request

    The following is an example of the resulting URL:


Google's OAuth 2.0 redirect handler receives the access token and confirms that the state value hasn't changed. After Google has obtained an access token for your service, Google attaches the token to subsequent calls to your service APIs.

사용자 정보 요청 처리

userinfo 엔드포인트는 연결된 사용자에 대한 클레임을 반환하는 OAuth 2.0 보호 리소스입니다. 다음 사용 사례를 제외하고 userinfo 엔드포인트를 구현하고 호스팅하는 것은 선택사항입니다.

토큰 엔드포인트에서 액세스 토큰을 성공적으로 가져오면 Google은 사용자 정보 엔드포인트에 요청을 보내 연결된 사용자에 대한 기본 프로필 정보를 가져옵니다.

사용자 정보 엔드포인트 요청 헤더
Authorization header Bearer 유형의 액세스 토큰입니다.

예를 들어 https://myservice.example.com/userinfo인 경우 요청은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다.

GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1
Host: myservice.example.com
Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

userinfo 엔드포인트에서 요청을 처리하려면 다음 단계를 수행합니다.

  1. 승인 헤더에서 액세스 토큰을 추출하고 액세스 토큰과 연결된 사용자의 정보를 반환합니다.
  2. 액세스 토큰이 유효하지 않은 경우 WWW-Authenticate 응답 헤더를 사용하여 HTTP 401 승인되지 않은 오류를 반환합니다. 다음은 userinfo 오류 응답의 예입니다.
    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    WWW-Authenticate: error="invalid_token",
    error_description="The Access Token expired"
    연결 과정 중에 401 승인되지 않음 또는 기타 실패한 오류 응답이 반환되면 오류는 복구할 수 없으며 검색된 토큰은 삭제되며 사용자는 연결 프로세스를 다시 시작해야 합니다.
  3. 액세스 토큰이 유효하면 HTTPS 본문에 다음 JSON 객체가 포함된 HTTP 200 응답을 반환합니다. 응답:

    "sub": "USER_UUID",
    "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
    "given_name": "FIRST_NAME",
    "family_name": "LAST_NAME",
    "name": "FULL_NAME",
    "picture": "PROFILE_PICTURE",
    userinfo 엔드포인트가 HTTP 200 성공 응답을 반환하는 경우 가져온 토큰과 클레임은 사용자의 Google 계정에 등록됩니다.

    사용자 정보 엔드포인트 응답
    sub 시스템에서 사용자를 식별하는 고유 ID
    email 사용자의 이메일 주소입니다.
    given_name 선택사항: 사용자의 이름입니다.
    family_name 선택사항: 사용자의 성.
    name 선택사항: 사용자의 전체 이름입니다.
    picture 선택사항: 사용자의 프로필 사진입니다.

구현 확인

您可以使用 OAuth 2.0 Playground 工具验证您的实现。


  1. 点击配置 以打开 OAuth 2.0 配置窗口。
  2. OAuth flow 字段中,选择 Client-side(客户端)。
  3. OAuth 端点字段中,选择自定义
  4. 在相应字段中指定您的 OAuth 2.0 端点和您分配给 Google 的客户端 ID。
  5. 第 1 步部分,不要选择任何 Google 范围。请将此字段留空或输入对服务器有效的范围(如果您不使用 OAuth 范围,则可以输入任意字符串)。完成后,点击授权 API
  6. Step 2Step 3 部分中,完成 OAuth 2.0 流程,并验证每个步骤是否按预期运行。

您可以使用 Google 账号关联演示版工具验证您的实现。


  1. 点击使用 Google 账号登录按钮。
  2. 选择您要关联的账号。
  3. 输入服务 ID。
  4. (可选)输入您要请求访问权限的一个或多个范围。
  5. 点击开始演示
  6. 当系统提示时,请确认您同意或拒绝关联请求。
  7. 确认您已被重定向到您的平台。