Types of conditions

This unit focuses on different types of conditions used to build decision trees.

Axis-aligned vs. oblique conditions

An axis-aligned condition involves only a single feature. An oblique condition involves multiple features. For example, the following is an axis-aligned condition:

num_legs ≥ 2

While the following is an oblique condition:

num_legs ≥ num_fingers

Often, decision trees are trained with only axis-aligned conditions. However, oblique splits are more powerful because they can express more complex patterns. Oblique splits sometime produce better results at the expense of higher training and inference costs.

YDF Code
In YDF, decision trees are trained with axis-aligned condition by default. You can enable decision oblique trees with the split_axis="SPARSE_OBLIQUE" parameter.

The axis-aligned condition is "num_legs >= 3". The oblique condition is
  "num_legs + weight * 5 >= 12".

Figure 4. Examples of an axis-aligned condition and an oblique condition.


Graphing the preceding two conditions yields the following feature space separation:

A graph of weight vs. num_legs. The axis-aligned condition doesn't
  ignores weight and is therefore just a vertical line. The oblique
  condition shows a negatively sloped line.

Figure 5. Feature space separation for the conditions in Figure 4.


Binary vs. non-binary conditions

Conditions with two possible outcomes (for example, true or false) are called binary conditions. Decision trees containing only binary conditions are called binary decision trees.

Non-binary conditions have more than two possible outcomes. Therefore, non-binary conditions have more discriminative power than binary conditions. Decisions containing one or more non-binary conditions are called non-binary decision trees.

A comparison of binary vs. non-binary decision trees. The binary decision
  tree contains two binary conditions; the non-binary decision tree
  contains one non-binary condition.

Figure 6: Binary versus non-binary decision trees.


Conditions with too much power are also more likely to overfit. For this reason, decision forests generally use binary decision trees, so this course will focus on them.

The most common type of condition is the threshold condition expressed as:


For example:

num_legs ≥ 2

Other types of conditions exist. Following are other commonly used types of binary conditions:


Table 2. Common types of binary conditions.

Name Condition Example
threshold condition featureithreshold num_legs2
equality condition featurei=value species=cat"
in-set condition featureicollection species{cat",dog",bird"}
oblique condition iweightifeatureithreshold 5 num_legs+2 num_eyes10
feature is missing featureiisMissing num_legsisMissing