Course Summary

Here is a quick summary of what you learned in the course:

  • A decision tree is a model composed of a collection of conditions organized hierarchically in the shape of a tree. Conditions fall into various categories:
  • Training a decision tree involves searching for the best condition at each node. The splitter routine uses metrics such as information gain or Gini to determine the best condition.
  • A decision forest is a mode made of multiple decision trees. The prediction of a decision forest is the aggregation of the predictions of its decision trees.
  • A random forest is an ensemble of decision trees in which each decision tree is trained with a specific random noise.
  • Bagging is a technique in which each decision tree in the random forest is trained on a different subset of examples.
  • Random forests do not require a validation dataset. Instead, most random forests use a technique called out-of-bag-evaluation to evaluate the quality of the model.
  • A gradient boosted (decision) tree is a type of decision forest trained through iterative adjustments from input decision trees. A value called shrinkage controls the rate at which a gradient boosted (decision) tree learns and the degree to which it could overfit.

