- JSON representation
- FeatureDescription
- Image
- Type
- Status
- Price
- ProductDetail
- Capacity
- Count
- Nutrition
- FloatUnit
- VoluntaryNutritionFact
- Grocery
- Certification
Attributes of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116.
JSON representation |
{ "gtin": [ string ], "mpn": string, "title": string, "brand": string, "productName": string, "productLine": string, "productType": [ string ], "description": string, "featureDescription": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
gtin[] |
The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#gtin. |
mpn |
The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#mpn. |
title |
The title of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#title. |
brand |
The brand name of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#brand. |
productName |
The canonical name of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#productname. |
productLine |
The name of the group of products related to the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#productline. |
productType[] |
The type or category of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#producttype. |
description |
The description of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#description. |
featureDescription[] |
The rich format description of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#featuredesc. |
imageLink |
The image of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#image. |
additionalImageLink[] |
The additional images of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#addlimage. |
videoLink[] |
The videos of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#video. |
productPageUrl |
The URL of the detail page of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#productpage. |
disclosureDate |
The disclosure date of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#disclosure. |
releaseDate |
The release date of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#release. |
suggestedRetailPrice |
The suggested retail price (MSRP) of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#price. |
productDetail[] |
The details of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#productdetail. |
itemGroupId |
The item group id of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#itemgroupid. |
scent |
The scent of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#scent. |
flavor |
The flavor of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#flavor. |
format |
The format of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#format. |
capacity |
The capacity of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#capacity. |
gender |
The target gender of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#gender. |
ageGroup |
The target age group of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#agegroup. |
size |
The size of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#size. |
sizeType[] |
The size type of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#sizetype. |
sizeSystem |
The size system of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#sizesystem. |
color |
The color of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#color. |
theme |
The theme of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#theme. |
pattern |
The pattern of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#pattern. |
material |
The material of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#material. |
count |
The count of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#count. |
targetClientId |
The target client id. Should only be used in the accounts of the data partners. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/10857344 |
excludedDestination[] |
A list of excluded destinations such as "ClientExport", "ClientShoppingCatalog" or "PartnerShoppingCatalog". For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/7443550 |
includedDestination[] |
A list of included destinations such as "ClientExport", "ClientShoppingCatalog" or "PartnerShoppingCatalog". For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/7443550 |
productHighlight[] |
The product highlights. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/10066942 |
richProductContent[] |
Rich product content. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/9389865 |
nutrition |
Nutrition Attributes. See more at https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/12098458#food-servings. |
grocery |
Grocery Attributes. See more at https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/12098458#grocery. |
virtualModelLink |
Virtual Model (3d) asset link. |
certification[] |
Optional. List of certifications claimed by this product. |
A feature description of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#featuredesc.
JSON representation |
"headline": string,
"text": string,
"image": {
object ( |
Fields | |
headline |
A short description of the feature. |
text |
A detailed description of the feature. |
image |
An optional image describing the feature. |
An image.
Fields | |
type |
The type of the image, i.e., crawled or uploaded. Note: This field is used in responses only. Any value specified here in a request is ignored. |
status |
The status of the image. Note: This field is used in responses only. Any value specified here in a request is ignored. |
imageUrl |
The URL of the image. For crawled images, this is the provided URL. For uploaded images, this is a serving URL from Google if the image has been processed successfully. |
The type of image, i.e., crawled or uploaded.
Enums | |
Type is unspecified. Should not be used. |
The image was crawled from a provided URL. |
The image was uploaded. |
The status of the image.
Enums | |
The image status is unspecified. Should not be used. |
The image was uploaded and is being processed. |
The image crawl is still pending. |
OK |
The image was processed and it meets the requirements. |
The image URL is protected by robots.txt file and cannot be crawled. |
The image URL is protected by X-Robots-Tag and cannot be crawled. |
There was an error while crawling the image. |
The image cannot be processed. |
The image cannot be decoded. |
The image is too big. |
The image was manually overridden and will not be crawled. |
The image crawl was postponed to avoid overloading the host. |
HTTP_404 |
The image URL returned a "404 Not Found" error. |
A price.
JSON representation |
{ "amount": string, "currency": string } |
Fields | |
amount |
The numeric value of the price. |
currency |
The currency in which the price is denoted. |
A product detail of the product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#productdetail.
JSON representation |
{ "sectionName": string, "attributeName": string, "attributeValue": string } |
Fields | |
sectionName |
A short section name that can be reused between multiple product details. |
attributeName |
The name of the attribute. |
attributeValue |
The value of the attribute. |
The capacity of a product. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#capacity.
JSON representation |
{ "value": string, "unit": string } |
Fields | |
value |
The numeric value of the capacity. |
unit |
The unit of the capacity, i.e., MB, GB, or TB. |
The number of products in a single package. For more information, see https://support.google.com/manufacturers/answer/6124116#count.
JSON representation |
{ "value": string, "unit": string } |
Fields | |
value |
The numeric value of the number of products in a package. |
unit |
The unit in which these products are counted. |
JSON representation |
{ "servingSizeDescription": string, "servingsPerContainer": string, "servingSizeMeasure": { object ( |
Fields | |
servingSizeDescription |
Food Serving Size. Serving size description. |
servingsPerContainer |
Servings per container. |
servingSizeMeasure |
Serving size measure. |
preparedSizeDescription |
Prepared size description. |
nutritionFactMeasure |
Nutrition fact measure. |
energy |
Mandatory Nutrition Facts. Energy. |
energyFromFat |
Energy from fat. |
totalFat |
Total fat. |
totalFatDailyPercentage |
Total fat daily percentage. |
saturatedFat |
Saturated fat. |
saturatedFatDailyPercentage |
Saturated fat daily percentage. |
monounsaturatedFat |
Monounsaturated fat. |
polyunsaturatedFat |
Polyunsaturated fat. |
transFat |
Trans fat. |
transFatDailyPercentage |
Trans fat daily percentage. |
cholesterol |
Cholesterol. |
cholesterolDailyPercentage |
Cholesterol daily percentage. |
sodium |
Sodium. |
sodiumDailyPercentage |
Sodium daily percentage. |
totalCarbohydrate |
Total carbohydrate. |
totalCarbohydrateDailyPercentage |
Total carbohydrate daily percentage. |
dietaryFiber |
Dietary fiber. |
dietaryFiberDailyPercentage |
Dietary fiber daily percentage. |
totalSugars |
Total sugars. |
totalSugarsDailyPercentage |
Total sugars daily percentage. |
addedSugars |
Added sugars. |
addedSugarsDailyPercentage |
Added sugars daily percentage. |
protein |
Protein. |
proteinDailyPercentage |
Protein daily percentage. |
polyols |
Polyols. |
starch |
Starch. |
vitaminD |
Vitamin D. |
vitaminDDailyPercentage |
Vitamin D daily percentage. |
calcium |
Calcium. |
calciumDailyPercentage |
Calcium daily percentage. |
iron |
Iron. |
ironDailyPercentage |
Iron daily percentage. |
potassium |
Potassium. |
potassiumDailyPercentage |
Potassium daily percentage. |
folateMcgDfe |
Folate mcg DFE. |
folateDailyPercentage |
Folate daily percentage. |
folateFolicAcid |
Folate folic acid. |
voluntaryNutritionFact[] |
Voluntary nutrition fact. |
Combination of float amount and unit.
JSON representation |
{ "amount": number, "unit": string } |
Fields | |
amount |
amount. |
unit |
unit. |
Voluntary Nutrition Facts.
JSON representation |
"name": string,
"value": {
object ( |
Fields | |
name |
Name. |
value |
Value. |
dailyPercentage |
Daily percentage. |
JSON representation |
{ "ingredients": string, "activeIngredients": string, "allergens": string, "directions": string, "storageInstructions": string, "indications": string, "nutritionClaim": [ string ], "derivedNutritionClaim": [ string ], "alcoholByVolume": number } |
Fields | |
ingredients |
Ingredients. |
activeIngredients |
Active ingredients. |
allergens |
Allergens. |
directions |
Directions. |
storageInstructions |
Storage instructions. |
indications |
Indications. |
nutritionClaim[] |
Nutrition claim. |
derivedNutritionClaim[] |
Derived nutrition claim. |
alcoholByVolume |
Alcohol by volume. |
Description of a certification.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "authority": string, "code": string } |
Fields | |
name |
Required. Name of the certification. |
authority |
Required. Name of the certification body. |
code |
Required. A unique code to identify the certification. |