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Последнее обновление: 2024-05-16 UTC.
[null,null,["Последнее обновление: 2024-05-16 UTC."],[[["Get support for Google Maps Platform through various channels, including Stack Overflow for Q&A, GitHub for open-source collaboration, YouTube for video content, Discord for developer discussions, Twitter for updates, and the Issue Tracker for reporting bugs."],["Developers can ask questions on Stack Overflow using the `google-maps` tag, contribute to Google Maps Platform libraries on GitHub, watch informative videos on YouTube, engage in discussions with other developers on Discord, stay updated with announcements on Twitter, and report issues using the Issue Tracker."]]],["Engage with Google Maps Platform through various channels. Join the Innovators Community for resources and growth. Explore and contribute to open-source libraries on GitHub. Watch tutorials, stories, and announcements on YouTube. Follow on LinkedIn and X for updates. Connect with developers on Discord. Seek help on StackOverflow using the `google-maps` tag, or submit bug reports via the Issue Tracker. Participate, learn, and contribute to the platform's development.\n"]]