The currentConditions
provides current hourly air quality information. You can control which AQIs and
pertinent information are returned (such as pollutants concentration level and
health recommendations).
You can request current hourly air quality using the
endpoint by sending an HTTP POST request to:
Include your request options in the JSON request body. The request body contains the location for which you would like to get the air quality current conditions and various options to control what air quality information to include in the response.
The APIs Explorer lets you make live requests so that you can get familiar with the API and the API options:
Example of basic request
Basic request body
The following code shows how to construct a basic request body for a
request. In this example, you set only the location.
curl -X POST -d '{ "location": { "latitude": 37.419734, "longitude": -122.0827784 } }' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ ' '
Basic request response
The call above generates the following JSON response. For more details about the response data, see Response data.
{ "dateTime": "2023-10-26T18:00:00Z", "regionCode": "us", "indexes": [ { "code": "uaqi", "displayName": "Universal AQI", "aqi": 52, "aqiDisplay": "52", "color": { "red": 0.9490196, "green": 0.98039216, "blue": 0.019607844 }, "category": "Moderate air quality", "dominantPollutant": "no2" } ] }
Example of request with multiple parameters
Multiple parameters request
The following code shows how to construct a request body for a
In this example, in addition to the location, several extra computations and
the response language are specified.
curl -X POST -d '{ "universalAqi": true, "location": { "latitude": 37.419734, "longitude": -122.0827784 }, "extraComputations": [ "HEALTH_RECOMMENDATIONS", "DOMINANT_POLLUTANT_CONCENTRATION", "POLLUTANT_CONCENTRATION", "LOCAL_AQI", "POLLUTANT_ADDITIONAL_INFO" ], "languageCode": "en" }' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ ' '
Multiple parameters response
The call above generates the following JSON response. For more details about the response data, see Response data.
{ "dateTime": "2023-06-15T10:00:00Z", "regionCode": "us", "indexes": [ { "code": "uaqi", "displayName": "Universal AQI", "aqi": 89, "aqiDisplay": "89", "color": { "red": 48, "green": 175, "blue": 55, "alpha": 255 }, "category": "Excellent air quality", "dominantPollutant": "o3" }, { "code": "usa_epa", "displayName": "AQI (US)", "aqi": 41, "aqiDisplay": "41", "color": { "green": 228, "alpha": 255 }, "category": "Good air quality", "dominantPollutant": "pm25" } ], "pollutants": [ { "code": "co", "displayName": "CO", "fullName": "Carbon monoxide", "concentration": { "value": 334.24, "units": "PARTS_PER_BILLION" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Typically originates from incomplete combustion...", "effects": "When inhaled, carbon monoxide can prevent the blood from..." } }, { "code": "no2", "displayName": "NO2", "fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide", "concentration": { "value": 13.12, "units": "PARTS_PER_BILLION" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Main sources are fuel burning processes, such as...", "effects": "Exposure may cause increased bronchial reactivity..." } }, { "code": "o3", "displayName": "O3", "fullName": "Ozone", "concentration": { "value": 13.88, "units": "PARTS_PER_BILLION" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Ozone is created in a chemical reaction between atmospheric oxygen...", "effects": "Ozone can irritate the airways and cause coughing, a burning..." } }, { "code": "pm10", "displayName": "PM10", "fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)", "concentration": { "value": 5.07, "units": "MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Main sources are combustion processes (e.g. indoor heating, wildfires)...", "effects": "Inhalable particles can penetrate into the lungs. Short term exposure..." } }, { "code": "pm25", "displayName": "PM2.5", "fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)", "concentration": { "value": 2.83, "units": "MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Main sources are combustion processes (e.g. power plants, indoor heating...", "effects": "Fine particles can penetrate into the lungs and bloodstream. Short term..." } }, { "code": "so2", "displayName": "SO2", "fullName": "Sulfur dioxide", "concentration": { "value": 0.02, "units": "PARTS_PER_BILLION" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Main sources are burning processes of sulfur-containing fuel in industry...", "effects": "Exposure causes irritation of the respiratory tract, coughing and generates..." } } ], "healthRecommendations": { "generalPopulation": "With this level of air quality, you have no limitations. Enjoy the outdoors!", "elderly": "If you start to feel respiratory discomfort such as coughing or breathing difficulties...", "lungDiseasePopulation": "...", "heartDiseasePopulation": "...", "athletes": "...", "pregnantWomen": "...", "children": "..." } }
Try it!
The APIs Explorer lets you make sample requests so that you can get familiar with the API and the API options.
Select the API icon api on the right side of the page.
Optionally edit the request parameters.
Select the Execute button. In the dialog, choose the account that you want to use to make the request.
In the APIs Explorer panel, select the fullscreen icon fullscreen to expand the APIs Explorer window.