Подпишитесь на эти примечания к выпуску.
Команда Maps JavaScript API регулярно обновляет API новыми функциями, исправлениями ошибок и улучшениями производительности. Вы можете указать, какую версию API следует загружать в вашем приложении, указав ее в параметре v
запроса начальной загрузки Maps JavaScript API. Подробнее о версионировании читайте .
В этом журнале изменений перечислены выпуски по дате и номеру версии, а также связанные с ними изменения.
Чтобы получать обновления о новых версиях API Карт, подпишитесь на группу google-maps-js-api-v3-notify .
11 марта 2025 г.
- Пользовательские стили и цвета фона применяются к определенному типу карты и цветовой схеме, для которой определен стиль (первоначально это будет ограничено «Дорожной картой» и «Темной дорожной картой»). Слой «Транзит» сохранит любые пользовательские стили для выбранного типа карты.
3.60.3 (Откатился)
5 марта, 2025
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой панель направлений не отображалась.
27 февраля, 2025
- Места: Добавлена поддержка разъема EV типа NACS (SAE J3400).
- Выпущены HTML-элементы gmp-map и gmp-advanced-marker для общедоступной версии.
20 февраля, 2025
- [альфа-канал]
теперь по умолчанию имеет значениеCLAMP_TO_GROUND
. - [альфа-канал] Теперь для отображения 3D-карты необходимо установить новую опцию
(доступны 2 новых значенияHYBRID
). Существующая опцияdefaultLabelsDisabled
удалена. Установитеmode
. - [бета-канал] Цвет фона вернется к цвету по умолчанию или к цвету, установленному в
, если он не был специально установлен для определенного типа карты. - [бета-канал] Пользовательские стили растра должны применяться только к тому типу карты, которому этот стиль назначен.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой расширенные маркеры смещались при перетаскивании в полноэкранном режиме. Также исправлена проблема со смещением человечка StreetView при перетаскивании в полноэкранном режиме.
- Замените элемент управления масштабированием по умолчанию новым элементом управления камерой, который содержит кнопки панорамирования и масштабирования.
- Обновите значки кнопок масштабирования, чтобы они соответствовали новым значкам кнопок панорамирования.
6 февраля, 2025
- Теперь клиенты могут получить доступ к значениям TransitFare в виде текста.
- [альфа-канал] Запущен новый элемент AirQualityMeterElement: <gmp-air-quality-meter>.
- [альфа-канал] Для использования PlaceAutocompleteElement теперь потребуется включить Places API (новый) в проекте Google Cloud. .
- [альфа-канал] PlaceAutocompleteElement: событие gmp-placeselect заменяется на gmp-select и предоставляет объект PlacePredictionSelectEvent вместо объекта PlaceAutocompletePlaceSelect.
- [альфа-канал] PlaceAutocompleteElement: событие gmp-requesterror заменяется на gmp-error и предоставляет объект Event вместо объекта PlaceAutocompleteRequestErrorEvent.
- [альфа-канал] PlaceAutocompleteElement: компонентComponentRestrictions заменяется на includeRegionCodes.
- [альфа-канал] PlaceAutocompleteElement: типы заменены на includePrimaryTypes.
30 января, 2025
- [бета-канал] Цвета фона дорожной карты и дорожной карты в темном режиме, установленные для пользовательских стилей, должны отображаться за плитками и за пределами полей карты.
- [бета-канал] Дорожная карта с пользовательским стилем (или дорожная карта в темном режиме) сохранит свой собственный стиль при добавлении слоя транспорта, а не вернется к стилю базовой карты по умолчанию.
- Карты, находящиеся в темном режиме, теперь останутся в темном режиме при добавлении слоя транспорта.
23 января, 2025
Никаких публичных изменений.
16 января, 2025
- Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к возникновению необнаруженных ошибок при создании пользовательской панорамы Street View.
9 января, 2025
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой возникали необнаруженные ошибки при включении уровня трафика.
- [бета-канал] Решена проблема, из-за которой PlaceAutocompleteElement неправильно передавал фокус.
- [бета-канал] Функции атомной карты будут отображаться в поддерживающих городах на уровне z17 и ниже.
12 декабря, 2024
- Firebase App Check теперь доступен для использования с Maps JS API и Places JS.
5 декабря, 2024
- [альфа-канал] Функции атомной карты будут отображаться во вспомогательных городах на уровне z17 и ниже.
- Добавляет идентификатор атрибуции использования в инициализатор, который помогает Google понять, какие библиотеки и примеры полезны для разработчиков, например использование библиотеки кластеризации маркеров. Чтобы отказаться от отправки идентификатора атрибуции использования, можно безопасно удалить это свойство или заменить значение пустой строкой. Изменения этого значения после создания экземпляра можно игнорировать.
- Теперь вы можете использовать Firebase App Check для защиты от вредоносных запросов. Узнайте больше об использовании «Проверки приложений» с «Местами» и «Проверки приложений с Картами» .
21 ноября, 2024
- [бета-канал] Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в просмотре улиц отсутствовало управление масштабированием.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой устаревшие маркеры, на которые нельзя щелкнуть, по-прежнему отправляют событие щелчка.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой расширенные маркеры не обновляли положение пикселей при переключении на пользовательский тип карты.
- Предупреждение консоли теперь регистрируется при применении типов и стилей карт по умолчанию или пользовательских с идентификатором карты. При наличии идентификатора карты стили карты управляются через облачную консоль, а облачные стили в настоящее время поддерживаются только для типов карт дорожных карт.
- Стиль кнопок управления камерой при наведении курсора в темном режиме.
- Устранена проблема заполнения fitBounds при использовании очень маленьких границ.
31 октября 2024 г.
- [бета-канал] Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой человечек StreetView был непригоден для использования на карте веб-компонента.
- Программам чтения с экрана запрещено фокусироваться на сообщении прокрутки, когда оно скрыто на карте API внедрения.
24 октября, 2024
- Решена проблема, приводившая к исключению при доступе к хранилищу сеансов.
3.58.9 (Откатился)
17 октября, 2024
- [альфа-канал] Пользовательские изображения и файлы SVG теперь можно использовать для маркеров, отображаемых на 3D-картах.
10 октября, 2024
- Удалено неправильное предупреждение консоли WebGLOverlayView.
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой Chrome ошибочно отображал синюю линию фокуса вокруг карты, если это был первый элемент на странице, с которым можно было взаимодействовать с указателем или мышью.
- Добавлены поставщики местоположения транспортных средств и автопарка ODRD для отслеживания парка транспортных средств Mobility Services JavaScript.
3 октября, 2024
Никаких публичных изменений.
25 сентября, 2024
- [альфа-канал] Удалены свойства
. Значения Alpha можно указать в соответствующих свойствах*Color
, используя цветовые форматы#rgba
,rgba(r, g, b, a)
илиrgb(rgb / a)
. - [альфа-канал] Элементы управления пользовательского интерфейса по умолчанию, маркеры, 3D-модели и предустановленные функции анимации камеры теперь доступны для использования с 3D-картами в экспериментальной версии.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой пользовательские типы карт не могли переключаться между собой на векторных картах.
- Используйте спутниковые изображения с высоким разрешением для устройств с высокой плотностью пикселей.
19 сентября, 2024 г.
Никаких публичных изменений.
12 сентября, 2024 г.
Никаких публичных изменений.
5 сентября, 2024
Никаких публичных изменений.
29 августа, 2024
- Текстовый глиф
теперь масштабируется вместе сPinElement
, а его цвет по умолчанию соответствуетglyphColor
по умолчаниюPinElement
22 августа, 2024
- [бета-канал] Замените элемент управления масштабированием на элемент управления камерой по умолчанию. Панель управления камерой имеет элементы управления масштабированием и панорамированием.
- Опубликуйте свойства
. - Разрешить установку цветовой схемы (светлой или темной) при создании экземпляра карты.
- Обновить элемент управления типами карт для переноса на новую строку, если ширина карты слишком мала.
- Интегрирован новый инструмент для создания надписей на векторных картах.
- Новые цвета базовой карты теперь используются по умолчанию в канале
для разработчиков, не использующих идентификаторы карт. Дополнительную информацию см. на странице https://developers.google.com/maps/new-basemap-style-opt-in .
8 августа, 2024
- [бета-канал] Добавлены дескрипторы адресов в ответ геокодирования для обратного геокодирования, прямого геокодирования и поиска идентификатора места.
1 августа 2024 г.
- [бета-канал] Добавлены дескрипторы адресов в ответ геокодирования для обратного геокодирования, прямого геокодирования и поиска идентификатора места.
- [бета-канал] Разрешить установку цветовой схемы (светлой или темной) при создании экземпляра карты.
- Уменьшить задержку IconMouseEvent при щелчке объекта на векторных картах.
25 июля, 2024
- [бета-канал] Добавлены дескрипторы адресов в ответ геокодирования для обратного геокодирования, прямого геокодирования и поиска идентификатора места.
- В класс Place добавлено несколько атрибутов для основных типов и отображаемых имен.
18 июля, 2024 г.
- Улучшена доступность элемента управления человечком в Просмотре улиц.
11 июля, 2024
Никаких публичных изменений.
4 июля, 2024 г.
- Добавьте варианты электромобилей и варианты топлива в свойства класса Place. Включите параметры поиска EV для Place.searchByText.
27 июня, 2024
Никаких публичных изменений.
20 июня, 2024
Никаких публичных изменений.
13 июня, 2024
- [бета-канал] Интегрирован новый инструмент для создания надписей на векторных картах.
- InfoWindow имеет новое свойство
указывающее, открыто ли оно на карте или в режиме просмотра улиц. - Исправлена неверная справочная документация для класса Place Autocomplete
6 июня, 2024 г.
- [бета-канал] Добавлены дескрипторы адресов в ответ геокодирования для обратного геокодирования, прямого геокодирования и поиска идентификатора места.
28 мая, 2024
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой элемент управления типом карты в веб-компоненте не открывал меню.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой индикатор перетаскивания AdvancedMarkerElement отсутствовал.
- Добавьте функцию автозаполнения в новый Place API.
- Растровые фрагменты карты теперь предоставляются в формате изображений WebP.
- Обновлена документация для Place.searchByText и Place.searchNearby, чтобы указать правильный список полей.
- Новая кнопка закрытия информационного окна и дополнительный заголовок теперь доступны в еженедельном канале.
24 мая, 2024
Никаких публичных изменений.
9 мая, 2024
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой индикатор перетаскивания
2 мая, 2024 г.
- [бета-канал]
теперь также будет по умолчанию работать в векторном режиме, если установлен идентификатор карты, но для идентификатора карты не установлен явный тип рендеринга (например, DEMO_MAP_ID).
25 апреля, 2024
- [бета-канал] Событие gmp-placeselect PlaceAutocompleteElement теперь всплывает.
- [бета-канал] Теперь доступны новая кнопка закрытия InfoWindow и дополнительный заголовок.
- [бета-канал] Улучшены специальные возможности клавиатуры и одного указателя для элемента управления человечком в Просмотре улиц.
- Исправлена проблема утечки памяти, вызванная удалением расширенных маркеров.
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой круги не отображали гладкий периметр.
- Добавлен API для установки векторного режима во время создания экземпляра google.maps.Map (идентификатор карты не требуется).
11 апреля, 2024 г.
- Исправлена проблема с утечкой памяти при использовании
4 апреля 2024 г.
- Добавьте функцию searchNearby в новый класс Place.
28 марта, 2024
- [бета-канал] Растровые фрагменты карты теперь отображаются в формате изображений WebP.
- Исправлено расположение привязки информационного окна для POI на векторных картах.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой элемент
отображался без заданной позиции. - Добавлено событие закрытия в API InfoWindow.
21 марта, 2024 г.
- [бета-канал] Новые цвета базовой карты теперь используются по умолчанию для разработчиков, не использующих идентификаторы карт. Дополнительную информацию см. на странице https://developers.google.com/maps/new-basemap-style-opt-in.
- Исправлено базовое положение информационного окна для надписей и значков векторной карты.
14 марта, 2024 г.
Никаких публичных изменений.
7 марта, 2024
Никаких публичных изменений.
22 февраля, 2024
- Исправлена ошибка документации в параметре «поля» Place.searchByText.
- [бета-канал] Создает слот по умолчанию в
и позволяет создавать собственные элементы для оболочки веб-компонентов Maps JavaScript API. - Добавьте параметры парковки в новый API класса Place.
- Устаревший google.maps.Marker. Вместо этого используйте google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement. В настоящее время поддержка google.maps.Marker не планируется прекращать, но рекомендуется использовать google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement вместо google.maps.Marker. Несмотря на то, что в google.maps.Marker будут продолжать поступать исправления всех серьезных ошибок, существующие ошибки в google.maps.Marker не будут устранены. Прежде чем поддержка будет прекращена, будет отправлено уведомление не менее чем за 12 месяцев. Подробную информацию об устаревании см. на странице https://developers.google.com/maps/deprecations .
- Добавьте дополнительные атрибуты в новый API класса Place.
- Добавьте варианты оплаты в новый API класса Place.
15 февраля, 2024
- Запретить автоматическую прокрутку карт при нажатии.
8 февраля, 2024 г.
- [альфа-канал] Удалено свойство inputElement из PlaceAutocompleteElement.
- [альфа-канал] Добавление частей CSS для элемента автозаполнения места
- [бета-канал] PlaceAutocompleteElement теперь доступен в предварительной версии (v=beta)
- Добавьте параметры специальных возможностей в API Places V2.
1 февраля 2024 г.
- [бета-канал] Устаревший SearchByTextRequest.rankBy. Вместо этого используйте SearchByTextRequest.rankPreference.
- [бета-канал] Place.findPlaceFromQuery и Place.findPlaceFromPhoneNumber больше недоступны; вместо этого используйте Place.searchByText.
- Исправление отслеживания использования по каждому каналу.
- Включите полилинии с учетом трафика для поставщиков местоположений поездок и транспортных средств в JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- Новый класс «Место» теперь доступен на еженедельном канале.
- Устаревший Place.openingHours. Вместо этого используйте RegularOpeningHours.
25 января, 2024
- [бета-канал] Устранена проблема, из-за которой диалоговое окно сочетаний клавиш нельзя было закрыть при нажатии клавиши
. - В URL-адрес начальной загрузки добавлен новый параметр URL-адреса
для прямой загрузки скрипта. Это указывает на то, что API JavaScript Карт не был загружен синхронно и что событиеload
скрипта не запускает код JavaScript. Настоятельно рекомендуется по возможности устанавливатьasync
режим для повышения производительности.
18 января, 2024
- [альфа-канал] Теперь токен сеанса отправляется как часть запросов PlaceAutocompleteElement.
- [бета-канал] Представляет новое свойство
. Это критическое изменение для пользователей, которые регистрируют событиеgmp-click
с помощьюaddEventListener()
в бета-канале. Чтобы получать событиеgmp-click
при щелчке, установите для свойстваgmpClickable
или добавьте атрибутgmp-clickable
ввеб-компонент. Пользователям, которые используют addListener()
для регистрации событияgmp-click
, на данный момент не нужно вносить какие-либо изменения.
11 января, 2024
- [бета-канал] Свойство
теперь указывает на экземплярAdvancedMarkerElement
. - [бета-канал] Расширенные маркеры теперь могут настраивать свое содержимое с помощью дочерних узлов.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой сочетания клавиш для панорамирования и масштабирования не работали после щелчка по карте.
- Включите настройку полилинии для JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- [альфа-канал] Добавьте атрибуты Types, RequestLanguage, RequestRegion и Name в PlaceAutocomplete.
- [бета-канал] Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой элемент Advanced Marker не создавался при вызове
30 ноября, 2023
Никаких публичных изменений.
23 ноября, 2023
- Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к ошибкам CSP, связанным со стилем, в просмотре улиц.
16 ноября, 2023
Никаких публичных изменений.
8 ноября, 2023
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой WebGLOverlayView не отображался в определенных ситуациях.
2 ноября, 2023
- [альфа-канал] Обновить автозаполнение места, чтобы оно стало веб-компонентом. Это кардинальное изменение. Обновленную информацию об использовании см. на странице https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/places-widget#PlaceAutocompleteElement .
- [альфа-канал] Обновление управления фокусом элемента автозаполнения места
- [бета-канал] Отображение события gmp-zoomchange в MapElements
- Включите MapTypeControl HORIZONTAL_BAR для автоматической обработки контекстов макета с письмом справа налево.
26 октября, 2023
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой настройка элементов управления на карте могла вызвать ошибку.
- Добавьте возможность ограничивать изображения Street View только официальными источниками Google с помощью StreetViewLocationRequest и StreetViewControlOptions.
18 октября, 2023
- [бета-канал] MapElement теперь автоматически настраивает расположение элементов управления для направления слева направо или справа налево в зависимости от вычисленного стиля
. Также доступны слоты для добавления пользовательских элементов управления. ControlPosition теперь поддерживает логические значения для поддержки макета LTR/RTL. Maps Embed API теперь также автоматически настраивает расположение элементов управления слева направо или справа налево в зависимости от языка. - [бета-канал] MapElement теперь включает в себя делегатыFocus
12 октября, 2023
- [бета-канал] Добавляет редакционную сводку в API Places v2.
28 сентября, 2023
- Добавлена поддержка нескольких поставщиков местоположений в JavaScript Journey Sharing.
21 сентября, 2023
- google.maps.FeatureLayer реагирует на события перемещения мыши.
- Добавлен google.maps.FeatureType.SCHOOL_DISTRICT, поэтому школьные округа поддерживаются в стиле на основе данных.
14 сентября, 2023
- [бета-канал] Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой функция addEventListener() AdvancedMarkerElement была недоступна.
7 сентября, 2023
- Логотип Google не будет часто пересекаться с информацией об авторских правах на карте.
24 августа, 2023
- Исправлена ошибка в DirectionsRenderer, из-за которой карта не загружалась, если масштаб и центр не были установлены перед рендерингом DirectionsResult.
18 августа, 2023
- Обновлен API JavaScript Карт для встроенной поддержки ECMAScript 2020.
- Расширенные маркеры теперь отображаются более четко.
- Карта отключается, когда Array.from переопределяется реализацией, не поддерживающей итерации.
- Исправлен фокус, который терялся, когда кнопки масштабирования были отключены на предельных уровнях.
27 июля, 2023
- [бета-канал] Атрибуция в новом классе Place была переработана.
теперь называетсяAuthorAttribution
{?string} теперь доступен наAuthorAttribution
теперь называетсяPhoto.authorAttributions
{?AuthorAttribution} заменяетPhoto.author/authorURI/authorPhotoURI
. - [бета-канал] Добавлено обязательное поле
и устаревшийquery
в методе searchByText() класса Place. - Скорректировано смещение привязки информационного окна для надписей и значков растровой карты.
20 июля, 2023
- [бета-канал] Добавлены поставщики местоположения транспортных средств и автопарка ODRD для JavaScript Journey Sharing — отслеживание автопарка.
- Обновлено предупреждающее сообщение, когда аргумент, переданный конструктору
игнорируется. - Устаревший
заменен наAdvancedMarkerElement.collisionBehavior
13 июля, 2023
- Функция
теперь возвращаетtrue
, если указанная точка находится достаточно близко к началу или краю полилинии. - Добавляет журнал ошибок, чтобы разработчики знали, когда векторная карта не загружается и возвращается к растровой карте.
15 июня, 2023
- [альфа-канал] Обновите элемент автозаполнения места, чтобы улучшить поддержку программ чтения с экрана и других вспомогательных технологий.
1 июня 2023 г.
- Разрешить передачу элемента Node в свойство
Advanced Marker. - Улучшена производительность поведения при столкновении расширенных маркеров.
- Добавлено новое поле для DeliveryVehicleStop в JavaScript Journey Sharing.
24 мая, 2023
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена проблема с мерцанием векторной карты.
- Исправлен неправильный расчет даты при учете разных часовых поясов в методе места getNextOpeningTime().
- Исправлен ошибочный тип в VehicleJourneySegment для совместного использования путешествий.
18 мая, 2023
- [альфа-канал] Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой элемент автозаполнения «Поместить» не восстанавливал исходный текст, если вы использовали клавиши со стрелками, чтобы выделить подсказку, а затем нажимали Escape.
- [альфа-канал] Обновлены стили прогнозирования автозаполнения мест, чтобы многоточие отображалось при переполнении текста.
- [бета-канал] Местный контекст теперь показывает уведомление о том, что контекстная информация о местах на карте локального контекста скоро исчезнет.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой человечек StreetView не отображал предварительный просмотр при наведении на него при перетаскивании, если он не был сначала возвращен в док хотя бы один раз.
- Устаревшие границы, местоположение и радиус для службы автозаполнения мест. Вместо этого используйте locationBias и locationRestriction.
4 мая, 2023
- [бета-канал] Доступно оформление наборов данных на основе данных
- [бета-канал] Веб-компоненты
теперь доступны. - Добавлено TimeWindow в качестве поля в Task и TaskTrackingInfo в JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- AdvancedMarkerElement и PinElement выпущены на еженедельном канале.
- Управляемый данными стиль для Boundaries выходит на еженедельном канале.
и событиеmapcapabilities_changed
выпускаются в еженедельном канале.
27 апреля, 2023
- Обновлена служба автозаполнения мест для поддержки locationBias и locationRestriction.
- [бета-канал] Опубликована документация по методу Place v2 toJSON.
- [бета-канал] Исправлено перетаскивание расширенного маркера при переворачивании карты.
- [бета-канал] Оформление на основе данных PlaceFeature.fetchPlace displayNames будет на языке конечного пользователя.
- [бета-канал] AdvancedMarkerView и PinView были переименованы в AdvancedMarkerElement и PinElement.
- [бета-канал] Исправлена проблема, из-за которой AdvancedMarkers и Pins иногда были доступны без их явной загрузки. Не забывайте всегда загружать библиотеку «маркеров» перед доступом к этим классам.
- [бета-канал]
AdvancedMarker теперь нормализовано до LatLngAltitude. - [бета-канал] Убирает из эксплуатации свойство
Advanced Marker в пользуgmpDraggable
13 апреля, 2023
- [бета-канал] Изменение значения свойства Place "priceLevel" с числа на строку. Возможные значения параметра "priceLevel" теперь: "БЕСПЛАТНО", "НЕДОРОГО", "УМЕРЕННО", "ДОРОГО", "ОЧЕНЬ_ДОРОГО".
- [бета-канал] Устаревший AdvancedMarkerView.draggable в пользу gmpDraggable.
- [бета-канал] Удаление свойства «значок» и имени поля из класса Place. Разработчикам рекомендуется использовать вместо этого svgIconMaskURI.
- [бета-канал] Свойство заголовка AdvancedMarkerView теперь принимает только строку. Заголовки можно удалить пустой строкой.
- [бета-канал] Добавьте «svgIconMaskURI» в качестве поддерживаемого имени поля для методов Place.fromPlaceFrom.
- [бета-канал] Изменено свойство класса Place с
- Улучшена печать ошибок при входе в консоль.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой закрытие InfoWindow приводило к ошибке.
6 апреля, 2023
- Добавлен
в качестве общедоступного поля поставщиков мест для голосования в JavaScript Journey Sharing. - [бета-канал] Изменен ответ JSON класса Place со Snake_case на LowerCamelCase.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой
Place Review показывало неправильную дату. - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой создание пользовательских элементов было глобально нарушено.
- [бета-канал] Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой расширенные маркеры исчезали при переносе карты.
23 марта, 2023
- [альфа-канал] Выпущен экспериментальный виджет автозаполнения мест (новый).
- Выпускает JavaScript Journey Sharing на еженедельный канал.
16 марта, 2023
- [бета-канал] Стиль на основе данных: удалены типы функций NEIGHBORHOOD, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_4 и SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_1.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой интерфейсы TypeScript были пустыми для библиотек, используемых importLibrary().
9 марта, 2023
- [бета-канал] Подавляет событие щелчка расширенного маркера при перетаскивании маркера.
2 марта, 2023
- [бета-канал] Добавляет объекты TaskTrackingInfo для совместного использования JavaScript Journey.
- [бета-канал] Обновлен API JavaScript Карт для встроенной поддержки ECMAScript 2020.
Исправления ошибок:
- Устраняет утечку памяти, которая могла произойти при добавлении и удалении маркеров на карту или с нее.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой интерактивный элемент становился доступным для щелчка, когда он находился под интерактивным расширенным маркером на сенсорных устройствах.
23 февраля, 2023
- [бета-канал] Стиль на основе данных: удалите свойство PlaceFeature.displayName.
- [бета-канал] Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой WebGLOverlayViews не удалялись правильно при вызове setMap(null).
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой сообщалось, что библиотека
неизвестна. - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой кнопка закрытия InfoWindow была невидима в теневом корне.
- Чтобы улучшить основные веб-показатели и сократить ненужную передачу данных, Maps JS теперь откладывает загрузку фрагментов карты до тех пор, пока карта не приблизится к области просмотра. Карты, созданные в исходной области просмотра страницы, не должны видеть никакой разницы.
16 февраля, 2023
- Добавляет функцию
, которая обеспечивает возможность динамической загрузки библиотек во время выполнения. - [бета-канал] Включите функцию автоматического панорамирования InfoWindow при открытии с помощью расширенного маркера.
- [бета-канал] сделал некоторые поля в объектах данных библиотеки Journey Sharing недействительными
- [бета-канал] Стиль на основе данных: типы функций NEIGHBORHOOD, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_4 и SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_1 устарели. Они будут удалены в марте 2023 года.
2 февраля, 2023
- Бета-канал: поддержка рендеринга расширенных маркеров на картах пользовательских типов.
- Последняя копия встроенного загрузчика начальной загрузки теперь будет повторно использовать одноразовые номера CSP, найденные в другом месте документа.
26 января, 2023
- Бета-канал: стилизация на основе данных: добавлен метод fetchPlace для получения отображаемого имени PlaceFeature. Свойство PlaceFeature.displayName станет устаревшим и будет удалено в феврале 2023 г.
19 января, 2023
Исправления ошибок:
- Устранена проблема с расширенными маркерами, из-за которой удаление маркера с столкновением с карты иногда могло привести к тому, что в DOM остался элемент-призрак маркера.
12 января, 2023
- Исправляет тип
в AdvancedMarkerView, PinView и LocalContextMapView сElement
наHTMLElement | SVGElement
для более точного представления требуемого типа элемента.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка при использовании расширенного маркера с информационным окном, из-за которой информационное окно могло не открыться после перетаскивания маркера с помощью клавиатуры.
5 января, 2023
- Бета-канал: добавьте новые атрибуты для класса места.
- Бета-канал: стилизация на основе данных. Массив FeatureMouseEvent.features может содержать более одного объекта, если при щелчке их несколько, и все прослушиватели щелчков FeatureLayer при щелчке будут активированы.
- Бета-канал: выдает ошибку из-за недопустимых аргументов в google.maps.Map.getFeatureLayer.
- Исправляет положение пикселей расширенных маркеров на полноэкранной карте.
- Изменяет события мыши на карте, чтобы теперь игнорировать нажатия кнопок мыши, которые происходят, когда другая кнопка мыши уже нажата.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой расширенные маркеры исчезали при масштабировании карты.
- Улучшает производительность при масштабировании карты с помощью множества расширенных маркеров.
- Обновляется документация StreetViewPanoramaOptions, чтобы уточнить, что функция clickToGo недоступна для пользовательских панорам.
- Повышает производительность при создании LatLngBounds, в том числе с помощью Map.getBounds().
- Обновляет ссылку WebGLOverlayView для onAdd и onRemove.
- Добавляет фиксированную настройку стиля маркера для совместного использования путешествий.
8 декабря, 2022
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой маркер не терял фокус клавиатуры, когда находился за пределами области просмотра карты.
- Бета-канал: представляет класс
— новый, более простой API, поддерживающий современные шаблоны использования, такие как Promises. Класс Place включает несколько новых полей данных. - Бета-канал: исправлена ошибка, из-за которой расширенные маркеры не отображались при передаче карты, завернутой в прокси.
- Бета-канал: добавляет настройку маркера поставщика местоположения поездки для JavaScript Journey Sharing.
01 декабря, 2022
- Бета-канал: API
теперь доступен. - Бета-канал: Устарело : локальный контекст устарел и больше не рекомендуется для новых веб-сайтов. Эта функция продолжит работать, и до прекращения поддержки будет отправлено уведомление за 12 месяцев. Если вы заинтересованы в самостоятельном создании интерфейса, подобного локальному контексту, мы предлагаем вам воспользоваться решением «Обнаружение окрестностей» в Quick Builder или использовать библиотеку Places, Maps JavaScript API . Вам могут помочь примеры кода и лаборатории кода для библиотеки Places.
- Бета-канал: чтобы улучшить основные веб-показатели и сократить ненужную передачу данных, Maps JS теперь откладывает загрузку фрагментов карты до тех пор, пока карта не приблизится к области просмотра. Карты, созданные в исходной области просмотра страницы, не должны видеть никакой разницы.
- Бета-канал: добавляет событие для опроса изменений состояния для поставщиков местоположений Journey Sharing.
- Бета-канал: добавляет функции настройки стиля для Journey Sharing. Устаревшие старые методы установки.
- Добавляет доступность клавиатуры к шагам панели направлений. Направления теперь можно перемещать с помощью клавиши табуляции и выбирать с помощью пробела или клавиши ввода.
теперь принимаетLatLngBounds
теперь можно создать с помощьюLatLngBoundsLiteral
. - Добавляет
текст к изображениям на панели предлагаемых маршрутовDirectionRenderer
17 ноября, 2022
- Бета-канал: выпущен класс Place в библиотеке Places .
- Бета-канал: добавляет функции настройки стиля для Journey Sharing. Старые методы установки устарели.
- Internet Explorer 11 больше не поддерживается в Maps Embed API.
- Логотип Google в Maps Embed API меняет стиль при использовании типов карт «Гибрид» или «Спутник» для повышения видимости.
- Улучшена производительность загрузки расширенных маркеров.
- Делает клавиатуру кнопки «отменить» рисования доступной и удобной для чтения с экрана.
- Делает клавиатуру маркеров средства рендеринга маршрутов доступной и удобной для чтения с экрана.
- Добавляет описание ARIA в элемент управления масштабом карты.
- Включите фокус клавиатуры и взаимодействие для управления масштабом карты.
- Вводит языковой параметр в API Geocoder JS. Maps JS API больше не считает
регионом по умолчанию в Геокодере, если это не указано явно. - Вводит языковой параметр в API Directions JS.
- Вводит языковой параметр в API Distance Matrix JS.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой фокус клавиатуры перенаправлялся на маркер при открытии информационного окна.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой маркеры нельзя было фокусировать.
16 ноября, 2022
- Еженедельный канал обновлен до версии 3.51.
- Квартальный канал обновлен до версии 3.50.
- Версии 3.49 и 3.48 по-прежнему доступны по запросу по номеру.
7 ноября, 2022
- Устранена проблема, из-за которой
имели невернуюthis
03 ноября, 2022
- Бета-канал: расширенные маркеры теперь поддерживают высоту при использовании на наклонных картах.
27 октября, 2022
- Бета-канал: теперь регистрируется ошибка, когда векторные слои стилей на основе данных становятся недоступными.
- Бета-канал: Улучшена производительность загрузки расширенных маркеров по умолчанию.
20 октября, 2022
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправляет отступы справа и снизу InfoWindow на iOS.
13 октября, 2022
- Выбранные шаги теперь выделены на панели направлений.
- Исправляет типизацию TypeScript для конструктора
. - Исправляет типизацию TypeScript для конструктора
. - Обновляет изображение значка маркера по умолчанию в
6 октября, 2022
- Бета-канал: выпущен предварительный просмотр расширенных маркеров .
- Бета-канал: представляет документацию по
для возвращаемого объектаgetMapCapabilities()
. - Добавляет «Это поле доступно только для чтения». к описанию API
и свойствуelement
Исправления ошибок:
- Цвета в пользовательских стилях JSON теперь используют непрозрачность стиля по умолчанию, а не принудительно 100 % непрозрачность.
29 сентября, 2022
- Программа чтения с экрана теперь читает инструкции по взаимодействию с Картами и Просмотром улиц.
- Добавляет наклон и поверните сочетания клавиш в диалоговое окно сочетания клавиш.
22 сентября 2022 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправляет ошибку, в которой голос на iOS может перемещаться по элементам под диалоговым окном сочетания клавиш.
- Добавляет Alt Text в статическое изображение карты.
- В настоящее время ошибка регистрируется в консоли, когда вызывается
и имеет ошибку.
15 сентября 2022 года
- Добавить константу max_bounds для latlngbounds, чтобы указать максимальные границы Latlng для карт
- Позволяет считывателям экрана выполнять действия по умолчанию по маркерам по умолчанию.
1 сентября 2022 года
- Бета -канал: обновления JavaScript Journey Care Thering
Class, чтобы включить пользовательские атрибуты. - Исправляет ошибку, в которой была неверная лат в событии после того, как карта была наклонена.
25 августа 2022 года
- Бета -канал: Изменен
, чтобы принять фильтр транспортного средства доставки строк. - Обновляет изображение значка маркера по умолчанию.
18 августа 2022 года
- Бета -канал: вводит API -интерфейсы возможностей карты (
Event) в бета -канал. - Бета -канал: вводит
параметр вgoogle.maps.Geocoder
. - Бета -канал: вводит
параметр вgoogle.maps.DistanceMatrixService
. - Бета -канал: вводит
параметр вgoogle.maps.DirectionsService
. - Исправляет ошибку, когда код региона был проигнорирован в нескольких местах JS API. Вводит языковые и параметры региона в различные API -интерфейсы JS.
- Удаляет поддержку в картах JavaScript API StreetView для веб -сайтов без домена GoogleApis.com в настройках политики безопасности контента. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству по политике безопасности контента для получения дополнительной информации.
4 августа 2022 года
- Добавляет
, идентификатор карты, который можно использовать для образцов кода, которые требуют идентификатора карты. Этот идентификатор карты не предназначен для использования в производственных приложениях и не может использоваться для функций, которые требуют облачной конфигурации (например, стиля облака). - Уточните, что
необходим для начала отслеживания.
28 июля 2022 года
теперь можно ссылаться как перечисление времени выполнения.
21 июля 2022 года
- Значения NAN отклоняются по ширине или высоте при проверке размера значка маркера, масштабированного значка маркера или размера InfoWindow.
- Исправляет ошибку, в которой управление отслеживанием движения не было видно на устройствах iOS в улице.
- Исправляет ошибку, когда текст Hover для направлений был отрезан для языков RTL во внедрении API.
- Делает окно «Информация о транзите» более доступным и удобным для чтения экрана.
14 июля 2022 года
- Уточняет использование полей ID в поставщиках местоположения по обмену путешествиями.
7 июля 2022 года
- Сделает доступным для навигационной навигационной навигационной навигации ссылки на клавиш и экрана.
- Представляет новый метод
23 июня 2022 года
- Бета-канал: выпущен стиль, управляемый данными для границ Google .
Исправления ошибок:
- Делает
enum доступным черезgoogle.maps.places.BusinessStatus
16 июня 2022 года
- Добавляет управление сочетаниями клавиш и диалоговое окно в виде улицы, улучшая обнаружение сочетания клавиш.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправляет ошибку, которая заставила форму представить при закрытии уличного обзора.
9 июня 2022 года
- Перемещает
, Fractional Zoom иgetVisibleRegion
в еженедельный канал. - Панорама на улице по умолчанию для
теперь автоматически управляет фокусом при открытии. Это новое поведение по умолчанию. - Panorama Street View теперь автоматически восстанавливает фокус при закрытии (если возможно).
- Уличный вид теперь можно закрыть, нажав клавишу ESC (когда включена кнопка закрытия).
были оптимизированы для повышения надежности и точности.
2 июня 2022 года
- Улучшен Color Contrast для контроля отслеживания движения улиц.
- Сделал контроль отслеживания движения в клавиатуре уличного вида доступным и удобным для чтения экрана.
- Классы
в настоящее время открыты и задокументированы.
26 мая 2022 года
- Улучшен Color Contrast для контроля отслеживания движения улиц.
- Сделал контроль отслеживания движения в клавиатуре уличного вида доступным и удобным для чтения экрана.
- Классы
в настоящее время открыты и задокументированы.
19 мая 2022 года
- Бета -канал: исправляет ошибку, в которой код региона был проигнорирован в нескольких местах JS API. Вводит языковые и параметры региона в различные API -интерфейсы JS.
- Улучшает Color Contrast для полного экрана и элементов управления компас в темном режиме.
- Сделает управление Compass Compass, кнопку Compass, кнопку закрытия и управление ссылкой адреса, доступным и считывателем экрана.
12 мая 2022 года
- Еженедельные обновления канала до версии 3.49.
- Ежеквартальные обновления канала до версии 3.48.
- Версии 3.47 и 3.46 по -прежнему доступны по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.45 удалена и больше не может использоваться.
28 апреля 2022 года
- Поместите автозаполнение теперь может принять больше типов. Узнать больше .
был перенесен в еженедельный канал.
14 апреля 2022 года
- Бета -канал: включает WebGL 2.0 для
. - Бета -канал: включает в себя библиотеку
в типы типов TypeScript JavaScript API, внешние и справочную документацию. - Функции
устанавливаются и не должны использоваться. Вместо этого используйте методaddEventListener()
. Эти методы будут продолжать работать, и нет никакого плана для их вывода. - Добавляет
маркеры на улицу. - Добавляет
атрибуту, полноэкранному управлению. - Улучшает расстояние раскрывающегося списка для управления типом карты .
- Обновления ARIA Метки для управления выпаданием типа карты .
Исправления ошибок:
- Удаляет непоглощаемый атрибут
элементом управления типом карты по умолчанию.
7 апреля 2022 года
- Улучшает Color Contrast на Maps JS API и встраивает логотип Google Google.
31 марта 2022 года
- Бета -канал: удаляет устаревшие API оложения Webgl.
- Включает обновленную базовую карту для клиентов API API MAPS. Обновленная BaseMap, которая уже используется на потребительских картах Google, предоставляет более богатую, более подробную BaseMap, особенно в отношении естественных особенностей земли.
Исправления ошибок:
- Поводит в предыдущее исправление для
(облегчить переход просмотра на короткие расстояния), ожидающий анализа. - Исправляет проблемы с цветом контраста в управлении типом карты в режиме с высоким цветом.
- Соответствует доступным именам флажок управления типом карты с соответствующими визуальными мечениями.
- Исправляет цветные контрастные проблемы в информационных окнах в режиме с высоким цветом.
24 марта 2022 года
- Исправляет
чтобы облегчить переход просмотра на короткие расстояния.
17 марта 2022 года
- Только Safari: обеспечивает кнопку закрытия, и контейнер с контентом сфокусированы на
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправляет проблему контраста цвета для ссылки «Просмотр на картах Google» на S
S. - Исправляет проблему контраста цветов для ссылки «Просмотр на Google Maps» на управлении адресам
10 марта 2022 года
- Представляет новое
событие дляInfoWindow
. - Представляет новый метод
3 марта 2022 года
- Бета -канал: включает в себя новый стиль сервисного вызова в сервисе карт JavaScript API Street View. Возможно, вам потребуется обновить политику безопасности контента , чтобы гарантировать, что эти вызовы не заблокированы на уровне браузера.
- Представил новое свойство
17 февраля 2022 года
- Бета -канал: Добавлена поддержка для установки идентификаторов глобального опыта. Пожалуйста, смотрите ссылочную документацию API здесь .
- Бета -канал: первые и вторые параметры FromLatlngAttuity теперь будут объединены в страну вместо лат и
. - Переименовано в параметр
от Latlng вnoClampNoWrap
. - Читатель Screen теперь читает инструкции о том, как ориентироваться в маркерах, когда маркер получает фокус.
- Maps JavaScript API теперь сообщает информацию о телеметрии. Возможно, вам потребуется обновить политику безопасности контента, чтобы гарантировать, что эти вызовы не заблокированы на уровне браузера. Для получения дополнительной информации см. FAQ .
- Эта версия не поддерживает Internet Explorer. Чтобы продолжить поддержку Internet Explorer 11, укажите
который будет доступен до ноября 2022 года.
10 февраля 2022 года
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.48.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.47.
- Версии 3.46 и 3.45 все еще доступны по запросу по номеру.
20 января 2022 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена проблема, в которой страница прокручивала вверху, когда управление сочетаниями клавиши сфокусировано.
6 января 2022 года
- Бета -канал: обновление API WebGloverLayView для бета -версии - Установите все классы и методы с «GL» в их имени в пользу новых с «GL» в имени, установить веб -glcameraparams в пользу нового класса Cameraparams (что подкласс камеры).
- Обновленная документация по методу PlaceOpeningHours, чтобы отразить, что исключительные часы не используются в их расчетах.
09 декабря 2021 года
теперь принимают экземпляр одного и того же класса в конструкторе.
02 декабря 2021 года
теперь разрешен в качестве параметра, где быLatLng
было разрешено для проекций .
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлены некоторые проблемы рендеринга, которые могут возникнуть при меньших значениях масштаба (менее 1,0).
18 ноября 2021 года
теперь разрешен в качестве параметра, гдеLatLng
ни было разрешено в библиотеке геометрии. - Добавлен новый API OngistateUpdateRequest для поддержки WebGL в API Maps JavaScript.
- Фиксированный цветовой контраст на экране ошибки.
- Internet Explorer 11 теперь выводит из эксплуатации в V = бета. Последняя версия API Maps JavaScript для поддержки Internet Explorer 11 - V3.47. Поддержка Internet Explorer 11 будет полностью прекращена в ноябре 2022 года.
- Карты больше не получают фокусировку вкладки, когда параметр «
установлен наfalse
. - Увеличить кнопки увеличения и увеличить кнопки отключены, когда достигнут соответствующий максимальный или минимальный уровень масштабирования.
- Преобразовал элемент управления
для использования семантических элементов для улучшения опыта доступности и считывателя экрана в API Embed Maps. - Добавлен ALT Text на значок на экране ошибки.
- Различные общие улучшения здоровья кода.
Исправления ошибок:
- Замените атрибуты
Attributes, не совпадающие с WCAG, на соответствующие атрибуты данных-*.
11 ноября 2021 года
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.47.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.46.
- Версия 3.45 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.44 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
04 ноября 2021 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Обновил строку меню типа карты с более точными мечениями ARIA.
- Embed API: добавлены этикетки ARIA по нескольким ссылкам, для улучшенного опыта считывателя экрана.
- Встроенный API: фиксированный цветный контраст для некоторых текстовых элементов.
- Исправлена тип
в Extreds.
28 октября 2021 года
- Конвертированные Getters и Setters для использования Goog.a11y.aria. Это поможет защитить от ошибок.
7 октября 2021 года
- Локальный контекст: удаленная ссылка на атрибуцию из локальных фотографий InfoWindow.
23 сентября 2021 года
- Исправлена ошибка, где курсор карты показывает руку, когда карта не перетаскивается.
16 сентября 2021 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка с коэффициентом контраста цвета в виде автозаполнения.
02 сентября 2021 года
- Инструкции прокрутки теперь отображаются выше Open
S иCustomOverlay
26 августа 2021 года
- Бета -канал: информация о телеметрии теперь сообщается. Возможно, вам потребуется обновить политику безопасности контента, чтобы гарантировать, что эти вызовы не заблокированы на уровне браузера. Для получения дополнительной информации см. FAQ .
18 августа 2021 года
Версия 3.46 Maps JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Добавлены два новых поля в
. - Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.46.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.45.
- Версия 3.44 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.43 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
- Поддержка Internet Explorer устарела. Начиная с августа 2021 года с Maps JavaScript API v3.46, пользователи Internet Explorer 11 увидят предупреждающее сообщение в верхней части карт. Последняя версия API Maps JavaScript для поддержки Internet Explorer 11 - V3.47. Поддержка Internet Explorer 11 будет полностью прекращена в ноябре 2022 года.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой вершина многоугольника была сдвинута при определенных уровнях масштабирования.
- Исправлена ошибка, где содержание нескольких информационных окон перекрывалось друг с другом.
29 июля 2021 года
- Встроенный API: На встроенных картах уровень масштабирования сохраняется после перенаправления на страницу направлений.
22 июля 2021 года
- Поддержка IE11 устарела. Карты в IE11 теперь будут отображать баннер в бета -канале.
- Обновлено ссылку «Получить указания» в встроенных картах, чтобы быть более точной.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена проблема, в которой метод
не мог получить функции с идентификатором 0. - Исправлена проблема, в которой
если значениеComponentRestriction
не определена или нулевая.
15 июля 2021 года
- При открытии фокус теперь управляется в контейнере InfoWindow, когда первое фокусируемое управление не входит в порт InfoWindow Viewport или когда
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой незаконченный поли-чертеж завершается автоматически, когда диспетчер рисунков удаляется и заново добавлен на карту.
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой строка «направления» усечена в «Встроенной карте» всплывающем окне на некоторых языках.
01 июля 2021 года
- Обновленный URL для Maps Studio в Typings и JS API.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена неплохой отказ от обещания при обеспечении обратного вызовов.
24 июня 2021 года
- Исправлена ошибка, которая привела к открытию диалогового окна сочетания клавишных клавиш.
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой кнопка «сочетание клавиш» была выровнена.
- Удаленные объекты, случайно добавленные в
(сферический, полилинекодек, полигеометрия). Эти объекты должны быть доступны в их полностью квалифицированном пространстве имен.
16 июня 2021 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Обновлено
, так что фокус не движется, когдаopen()
называется в том же цикле пробега, что и создание карты.
- Обновил справочный раздел API
с более подробной информацией. - Фиксированные кольца фокусировки при использовании навигации по клавиатуре (опция TAB +) в Safari.
10 июня 2021 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена проблема, в которой элемент управления типом карты не был должным образом наложен на фон сочетания клавиатуры в Embed API.
- Исправлена проблема, которая может вызвать ошибку при загрузке стилей CSS Font.
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой может возникнуть мерцание при панорамировании карты с открытым Infowindow.
- Добавлена свойство
3 июня 2021 года
- Добавлена документация для анимации, значков, метки и свойств непрозрачности в интерфейс Data.styleoptions .
- Перепроектировал диалоговое окно Copyright для лучшей поддержки доступности.
- Infowindows теперь автоматически управляет фокусом при открытии. Это представляет новое поведение по умолчанию.
- Добавлен API InfoWindowoPenoptions , позволяя разработчикам контролировать, как фокус управляется при открытии InfoWindows.
- Infowindows теперь можно закрыть, нажав клавишу ESC.
- Infowindows теперь объявляются как «диалог» при использовании считывателей экрана.
- Изоляция полифилла теперь включена; Это изменение предотвращает установку внутренних полифиллов API карт на странице хоста.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена проблема, в которой появится кольцо с фокусировкой карты при переключении вкладок браузера.
- Исправлена проблема, в которой фокусное кольцо для элементов управления MAP, элементов маркера и элементов контроля типа карты, неправильно появилось с взаимодействием мыши в некоторых браузерах.
Новые функции:
- Включенная поддержка обещаний в направлениях, матрице расстояний, возвышения, геокодера, максимальных изображений масштабирования, StreetView и
. - Добавлены управление сочетаниями клавиатуры и диалоговое окно на карте для улучшения обнаружения сочетания клавиш.
- Векторные карты теперь доступны на еженедельном канале (только основные функции; функции WebGL доступны в бета -канале).
13 мая, 2021 год
- В настоящее время предупреждение регистрируется в консоли, когда
вызывается без связанной карты или экземпляра Streetview.
28 апреля 2021 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена проблема, в которой удаленные или скрытые оптимизированные маркеры добавляются обратно на карту после перехода на новый тип карты.
Локальный контекст:
- Добавлена поддержка массивов, в которых нет метода
определяемый как действительное значениеplaceTypePreferences
20 апреля 2021 года
- Улучшенная производительность для создания пользовательских маркеров с помощью объектов Icon.
- Предотвратите фокус от перемещения к раскрывающемуся меню типа карты при падении над кнопкой.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, когда ошибка может возникнуть при загрузке статических маркеров перед инициализацией базовой карты.
8 апреля 2021 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, где элементы управления картой были доступны для клавиатуры, когда уличный вид включен.
1 апреля 2021 года
- Локальная библиотека контекста: переместил логотип Google в просмотре деталей места в нижнюю часть содержимого.
25 марта 2021 года
- Фокусировка клавиатуры теперь возвращается к соответствующему элементу, когда InfoWindow закрыт.
4 марта 2021 года
- 45 ° изображения теперь доступны в более широком диапазоне уровней масштабирования, а контроль вращения теперь включает в себя как кнопки по часовой стрелке, так и против часовой стрелки.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена утечка памяти, которая может произойти при повторном рендеринге карты.
- Исправлена утечка памяти, которая может произойти при добавлении или удалении кругов или прямоугольников на карте.
25 февраля 2021 года
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой место, в которых вызовет функция AutoComplete
неверно указывает на неправильную конечную точку в бета -канале.
18 февраля 2021 года
- Кнопки «Локальный контекст» выбирают кнопки «Выбор» теперь отключены при перезагрузке показанных мест.
- Неоптимизированные маркеры теперь сфокусируются и доступны для клавиатуры.
- Бета -канал: удаленные объекты, случайно добавленные в
). Эти объекты должны быть доступны в их полностью квалифицированном пространстве имен. - Включите полифиллую изоляцию в бета -канале. Это означает, что карты JavaScript API больше не будут устанавливать полифиллы на страницу хоста.
25 февраля 2021 года
Только ежеквартальный канал был обновлен. Изменения:
- Исправлена проблема с утечкой памяти при рендеринге карты несколько раз
5 февраля 2021 года
- Добавлена бета -поддержка обещаний в
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена проблема, в которой
с этикетками перехватывали события щелчка, даже когдаclickable
был установлен на False.
28 января 2021 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлены различные проблемы, связанные с чертежей полилиний.
21 января 2021 года
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой иногда заполнялись дыры Geojson Polygon.
- Исправлена ошибка, которая вызвала исчезновение наложения при переключении между картой и видом на улицу.
14 января 2021 года
- Измененные флажки в меню, чтобы быть более доступными с считывателями экрана.
- Увеличение размера кнопок пола для панорамы на внутреннем виде.
- Исправлена позиция управления отслеживанием движения мобильного движения в улице.
Исправления ошибок:
- Кнопка меню клавиатуры теперь запускает событие
. - Исправлена ошибка, где управление полноэкранным управлением не работало должным образом при переключении между картой и видом на улицу в некоторых ситуациях.
- Исправлена проблема, когда читатели экрана не смогли перейти к маркерам в карте.
- Исправлена ошибка, которая привела к тому, что значок «Место» исчезала в маркере места LocalContext.
9 декабря 2020 года
- Переименован в интерфейс
и добавил свойствоdomEvent
, обеспечивая прямой доступ к базовому событию от DOM. - Улучшено поведение памяти полигонов.
- Память холста теперь явно выпущена, чтобы избежать проблем с памятью сафари.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой полноэкранное управление перестало работать при переключении между картой и видом на улицу в некоторых ситуациях.
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой была зарегистрирована ошибка в консоли на событии Marker's
. - Исправлена ошибка, где размер кликабельной области маркера был нарисован слишком большим.
- Исправлена ошибка с полифильными конфликтами, которые повлияли на символы на IE11.
1 декабря 2020 года
- Добавляет событие
, как лучшую альтернативу событиюrightclick
. Событиеcontextmenu
добавляет возможность отвечать на CTRL-клик на macOS. - Добавляет атрибуты доступности в нептимизированные маркеры, когда будет предоставлен
. - Добавляет больше меток и ролей ARIA для элементов управления
, для улучшенного опыта считывателя экрана. - Улучшенная поддержка считывателя экрана для элементов управления
. Когда пользователь отходит от управления, выпадающее меню автоматически закрывается. - Исправляет количество элементов, сообщаемых читателями экрана в раскрывающемся меню; Это предотвращает, чтобы сепаратор линии был подсчитан как элемент списка.
- Добавляет фокусное кольцо в элементе
, чтобы указать фокусировку клавиатуры при фокусировке с помощью взаимодействия с клавиатурой. - Добавляет дополнительные элементы управления клавиатурой в элементы управления
. Параметры раскрытия теперь автоматически закрываются, когда управление теряет фокус. Клавиши стрелки вверх и вниз открывают раскрытие, и кнопка побега закрывает его. Ключи для дома и конца перемещаются к первым и последним предметам в выпадении, соответственно.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой отмена анимации маркера может при некоторых обстоятельствах привести к тому, что этот конкретный маркер прекратил будущие анимации на ранней стадии.
20 ноября 2020 года
- Добавляет свойство
в интерфейсMarkerLabel
, чтобы установить класс CSS элементаlabel
. - Добавляет бета -поддержку обещаниям в службе максимального масштабирования изображений .
- Добавьте бета -поддержку для обещаний в службе StreetView .
- Добавлен текст доступности к нептимизированным маркерам при предоставлении
. - Удалили метку
из кнопки выпадающего меню управленияMapType
, чтобы улучшить доступность. - Конвертированные
в семенные элементы для улучшения доступности. - Изменен текст элемента авторского права для соответствия стандартам контраста.
- Выпадающие меню теперь могут быть открыты и закрыты с помощью ключа Enter или пробела.
- Выпадающие пункты меню теперь могут быть сосредоточены.
- Локальная библиотека контекста: кнопки управления каруселем теперь отключены, когда они не будут иметь никакого эффекта, и больше не перекрывает первый или последний элемент в списке.
Исправления ошибок:
- Исправлена ошибка, которая может произойти, когда
пересекает меридиан на 180 градусов. - Сочетания клавиатуры больше не отключены по умолчанию, когда
установлено наtrue
. - Исправлена ошибка, в которой текст считывателя экрана был неверным для кнопок переключения карты.
- Добавляет имя доступности и введите на
. - Фиксированная документация интерфейса, которая неправильно показала некоторые дополнительные свойства по мере необходимости.
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой Param конструктора
была проигнорирована при прохожденииLatLngLiteral
18 ноября 2020 года
Версия 3.43 Maps JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.43.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.42.
- Версия 3.41 все еще доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.40 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
15 октября 2020 года
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой состояние неправильного флажести было передано считывателем экрана.
- Исправлена проблема с элементами управления MAP, где вкладка Tab/Shift+была в неправильном порядке.
- Конвертированные кнопки карты из
в собственную кнопку для улучшения доступности. - Наклон теперь ограничен в зависимости от уровня масштабирования для карт WebGL.
- Исправлена полноэкранная кнопка, частично исчезающая на Internet Explorer, когда
составляет менее 27.
7 октября 2020 года
- Добавлена бета -поддержка обещаний в службе направления .
геокодера теперь выполняют проверку проверки на пустые строки. - Исправлена ошибка, где маркерная метка была покрыта пользовательским символом маркера на сафари.
Поддержка обновленных значков места
1 октября 2020 года
Значки вернулись с деталями места и были обновлены запросы на поиск места для использования новых глифов значков . Действие не требуется, новые глифы будут отображаться автоматически.
29 сентября 2020 года
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой порядок слов был неверным для языков RTL (с правого налего) на подсказке управления «сообщать об ошибке карты».
- Метка маркера центрированного маркера для направления текста RTL.
21 сентября 2020 года
- Добавлена бета -поддержка обещаний в службе матрицы расстояний .
16 сентября 2020 года
- Обновленные методы
для обработки случаев, когда две границы превышают 180 градусов.
8 сентября 2020 года
- В настоящее время ошибка регистрируется в консоли, когда обнаружена неверная
. - Добавлена бета -поддержка обещаний в методах обслуживания высоты.
- Представил новое свойство
для указания минимальной ширины дляInfoWindow
. - Исправлена ошибка, где маршруты направлений стали размытыми после изменения пункта назначения.
19 августа 2020 года
Версия 3.42 Maps JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Infowindows теперь имеет максимальную ширину по умолчанию 648px, которая может быть переопределена, установив свойство MaxWidth InfoWindow. Ширина InfoWindow теперь может превышать 648px, но все еще будет ограничена шириной карты. (Ранее Infowindows всегда были ограничены меньшим из 648px или шириной карты.)
- Предотвратить мерцание рендеринга в стиле по умолчанию при при этом крупных наборов данных Geojson.
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.42.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.41.
- Версия 3.40 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.39 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
22 июля 2020 года
- Исправлена ошибка, в которой установка свойства
не имела никакого эффекта при использовании стиля облака.
6 июля 2020 года
- Исправляет нарушение надежных типов.
27 мая 2020 года
- Поле поля Place
В библиотеке мест карты JavaScript API устарели .
20 мая 2020 года
Версия 3.41 Maps JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.41.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.40.
- Версия 3.39 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.38 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
28 апреля 2020 года
- Добавляет новое поле,
, чтобы разместить результаты поиска и разместить результаты. Используйте это поле вместоpermanently_closed
. - Исправляет неверное предупреждение консоли при запросе (новая)
; В настоящее время возвращается предупреждение дляPlaceResult.utc_offset
, который устарел .
14 апреля 2020 года
- Карта теперь бросает более легкую диагностику InvalidValueError, если он проходит MapDiv, который не является элементом.
- Chrome Browser Автомобили, проводящий адрес в
больше не должен запускать запрос на автозаполнение на сервер (который будет избегать выставления счетов). - Сделал свойство
более точным. Перед этим изменением, если вы указалиmaxWidth
100, фактическая максимальная ширинаInfoWindow
будет 94PX. После этого изменения максимальная ширина на самом деле будет 100px. - Исправляет проблему утечки памяти с застройщиком запроса на краску при использовании маркеров и границ карт.
24 марта 2020 года
- Исправлено усеченный текст в поле времени в пути для IE11.
10 марта 2020 года
- Исправляет ошибку, где вызов
дважды исказил карту.
23 февраля 2020 года
- Скрытый iframe в карте удален из навигации вкладок.
18 февраля 2020 года
- Не предупреждайте о недействительной для V = бета.
- Исправляет проблему с прокруткой, когда отображается вид улицы.
11 февраля 2020 года
Версия 3.40 Maps JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.40.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.39.
- Версия 3.38 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.37 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
08 января 2020 года
Версия 3.39.6 Maps JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Для запросов указаний
теперь регистрируется в консоли и больше не приводит к журналу ошибок.
20 ноября 2019 года
Версия 3.39 карт JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Internet Explorer 10 больше не поддерживается (3,38 была последней версией, которая поддерживала его).
теперь возвращает прямолинейное расстояние до выбранного места, от указанного происхождения LAT/LNG.
- Полеты мест
устарели по состоянию на 20 ноября 2019 года и будут выключены 20 февраля 2021 года. См. Полевую миграцию мест, чтобы узнать больше.
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.39.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.38.
- Версия 3.37 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.36 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
20 августа 2019 года
Версия 3.38 Maps JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.38.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.37.
- Версия 3.36 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.35 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
- Таблицы слияния больше не могут использоваться (3.37 была последней версией, которая поддерживала его).
- Поддержка Internet Explorer 10 теперь устарела и закончится в период с ноября 2019 года по май 2020 года в зависимости от используемого вами номера версии или номера версии.
15 мая 2019 года
Версия 3.37 Maps JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.37.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.36.
- Версия 3.35 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.34 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
- Internet Explorer 9 больше не может использоваться (3.34 была последней версией, которая поддерживала его).
14 февраля 2019 года
Версия 3.36 Maps JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Новые функции добавлены:
- Теперь вы можете изменить размер элементов управления MAP, используя mapoption.controlsize .
- Теперь вы можете ограничить границы карты, используя MapoPtions.Restriction .
- Infowindow был улучшен.
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.36.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.35.
- Версия 3.34 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.33 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
29 января 2019 года
- API теперь может вернуть общее количество обзоров для каждого места.
- Добавлена поддержка кодов плюс . Плюс коды - это короткие коды, которые предоставляют адрес для каждого места в мире, даже в областях, где традиционных уличных адресов не существуют.
- Internet Explorer 9 больше не поддерживается.
- Параметр
устарел. - Слой слияния таблиц в API Maps JavaScript устарел по состоянию на 3 декабря 2018 года. Слой слияния таблиц будет полностью отключен 3 декабря 2019 года и больше не будет доступен после этой даты. Узнать больше .
13 ноября 2018 года
Версия 3.35 карт JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.35.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.34.
- Версия 3.33 по -прежнему доступна по запросу по номеру.
- Версия 3.32 была удалена и больше не может использоваться.
14 августа 2018 года
Версия 3.34 карт JavaScript API теперь доступна. Смотрите Руководство по управлению версией .
- Новые имена версий были реализованы. Теперь вы можете указать каналы выпуска или номера версий:
- Еженедельный канал был обновлен до версии 3.34.
- Ежеквартальный канал был обновлен до версии 3.33.
- Версия 3.32 все еще доступна.
- Версия 3.31 была удалена и больше не может использоваться. Клиенты, указывающие версии с 3,0 до 3.31, получат вместо этого свой канал по умолчанию, либо еженедельный канал, либо ежеквартальный канал (см. Руководство по управлению версией ).
- Большой контрольный интерфейс теперь включен. With the increase in touch operations on various devices, we adjusted the control UI to fit for both finger touches and mouse clicks. (It's possible to opt out by loading the API with v=quarterly, v=3.33, or v=3.32.)
11 June 2018
- Place Details requests now support using fields to specify the types of place data to return.
- Two new Find Place requests are now available:
- Place autocomplete now supports session-based billing.
16 May 2018
Version 3.33 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
13 February 2018
13 February 2018
- Make the first 256 Markers DOM Markers by default, then make subsequent markers Tile Markers. Current default is all Tile Markers.
- At high zoom levels (zoomed in) when dragging Pegman, prefer the
, rather than the Google-selectedBEST
panorama. -
gestureHandling: none
now works the same asdraggable: false
when changed inside a mousedown handler (it now takes effect onmousedown
21 November 2017
Version 3.31 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The
field is now returned with Place Details requests.
16 August 2017
Version 3.30 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The fullscreen button is now enabled by default on desktop.
- This version introduces the
property for desktop applications that enable user interaction using a mouse scroll wheel or touchpad. To control how users interact with a map, it is recommended that you use thegestureHandling
property instead of thescrollwheel
, anddraggable
16 May 2017
Version 3.29 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The format of the pano ID for user generated (custom) Street View panoramas has changed due to underlying infrastructure updates. This slightly increases the number of available panoramas.
- Requests for user generated (custom) panoramas using the old pano ID in the Maps JavaScript API still work. If you try to find a panorama using the
property of theStreetViewPanoramaOptions
object, your result will contain the new pano ID. There is no requirement to map the old and new pano IDs, as both will remain valid. - If you depend on pano ID parsing and/or verification logic, note that the format of pano IDs may change.
- You can report any issues using the issue tracker .
- Updates on the
method of thegoogle.maps.Map
class. - To change the viewport while a map is hidden, you can now set the map to visibility: hidden , thereby ensuring that the map div has an actual size.
18 April 2017
The draggable
property of the MapOptions
object is deprecated . To disable dragging of the map on desktop devices, use the gestureHandling
property and set it to none
15 February 2017
Version 3.28 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- Signed-in maps are no longer supported in version 3.28 and higher of the Maps JavaScript API.
2 February 2017
- Issue 11331 : text inside InfoWindow cannot be selected
10 January 2017
You can now restrict Autocomplete predictions to only surface from multiple countries. You can do this by specifying up to 5 countries in the componentRestrictions
field of the AutocompleteOptions
15 November 2016
Version 3.27 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
- A new
option in theMapOptions
object helps you optimise your users' experience when interacting with the map on mobile devices. The available values are:-
: The map always pans (up or down, left or right) when the user swipes (drags on) the screen. In other words, both a one-finger swipe and a two-finger swipe cause the map to pan. -
: The user must swipe with one finger to scroll the page and two fingers to pan the map. If the user swipes the map with one finger, an overlay appears on the map, with a prompt telling the user to use two fingers to move the map. View the sample above on a mobile device to see cooperative mode in action. -
: The map is not pannable or pinchable. -
(default): The behavior is eithercooperative
, depending on whether the page is scrollable or not.
For more details and examples, see the developer's guide .
- The fullscreen control is visible by default on mobile devices, so users can easily enlarge the map. When the map is in fullscreen mode, users can pan the map using one or two fingers. Note: iOS doesn't support the fullscreen feature. The fullscreen control is therefore not visible on iOS devices.
Signed-in maps deprecated
6 October 2016
The signed-in feature is deprecated . Versions 3.27 and earlier of the Maps JavaScript API continue to support signed-in maps. A future version will no longer support signed-in maps, but will continue to support features that save a place to Google Maps using an info window or the SaveWidget
. Read more about signed-in maps .
Change in via waypoints in Directions service response
29 August 2016
The via_waypoints
field in the Directions service response contains an array of waypoints that were not specified in the original request. The via_waypoints
field will continue to appear in the draggable directions response, but is deprecated in the alternative route response . Version 3.27 will be the last version of the API that supports via_waypoints
in alternative routes.
The recommended approach is to request alternative routes, then display all routes as non-draggable plus the main route as draggable. Users can drag the main route until it matches an alternative route. The via_waypoints
field is available on the resulting route (dragged by the user).
18 August 2016
Version 3.26 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
- A new Street View renderer brings rendering improvements, including smoother transitions and animations, improved object modeling, better support for mobile, and clearer controls. See the details on the Google Geo Developers Blog .
- The API now supports device orientation events in Street View, so users on mobile devices can look around by moving their phones. As a developer, you can enable or disable this feature. See the developer's guide for details.
25 May 2016
Version 3.25 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
Internet Explorer 9 support ends
2 May 2016
As of April 30th, 2016, Internet Explorer 9 is no longer officially supported by the Maps JavaScript API. See the list of supported browsers .
14 April 2016
- You can now disable the clickability of map icons. A map icon represents a point of interest, also known as a POI. See the
method ongoogle.maps.Map
31 March 2016
- Issue 9507 : Links in Street View now work again in Safari.
28 March 2016
- Issue 9394 : Info windows automatically close when the user opens an info window for a base map icon, and vice versa.
- Show a white Google logo when the base map is styled using the
property on the map (previously, the logo became white only when applying a style using a StyledMapType).
18 March 2016
- Issue 9424 :
new LatLng({lat: 0, lng: 0})
- Fixed mouse panning with the new Street View renderer (with
google.maps.streetViewViewer = 'photosphere'
15 February 2016
- The ability to opt out of the new controls using
google.maps.controlStyle = 'azteca'
has been removed.
18 January 2016
- This release includes a new full-screen control for the map. Users can click the control to maximize the map so that it takes up the entire screen. By default, this control is turned off. You can enable it in
, and configure it using theFullscreenControlOptions
. Its default position isRIGHT_TOP
. - The full-screen control for Street View is enabled by default. You can disable it via
and configure it using theFullscreenControlOptions
. Its default position is nowRIGHT_TOP
4 January 2016
- Issue 9009 : When synthesizing mouse events from touch, use the left button instead of the middle button, for compatibility with jQuery.
- Issue 4201 : The API no longer makes use of
. Therefore, it is now possible to use the API without theunsafe-eval
Content Security Policy directive.
21 December 2015
- Map Option to disable the sign in button for signed in maps (it will show the avatar for logged in users, it will still allow to sign in via signed in actions (eg starring) but it will no longer have the button to sign in on the map when this option is set).
- The interface for text search requests has changed. The
parameter is deprecated as of March 1, 2016, replaced by a newtype
parameter which only supports one type per search request. Additionally, theestablishment
, andgrocery_or_supermarket
types will no longer be supported as search parameters (however these types may still be returned in the results of a search). Requests using the legacytypes
parameter will be supported until March 1, 2017, after which all text searches must use the new implementation.
2 December 2015
- The
constructor verifies that it is given an input element. - Base map point of interest info windows show the same content in non-signed-in mode as signed-in mode.
- Google Maps API externs for the Closure Compiler now specify a type (number or string) for enums.
25 November 2015
- Added
methods toLatLng
objects. These are intended to be used viaJSON.stringify()
19 November 2015
- White google logo for styled maps
- Issue 8674 : Bug: Protect against img { max-width: 100%; }
7 January 2016
- Issue 9009 : When synthesizing mouse events from touch, use the left button instead of the middle button, for compatibility with jQuery.
10 November 2015
- The Directions service and the Distance Matrix service now return the predicted time in traffic (in response field
) when the travel mode is driving. To receive predicted travel times, include adrivingOptions
object literal in the request, specifying a current or futuredepartureTime
. You can also specify atrafficModel
of optimistic, pessimistic, or best guess (default), to influence the assumptions used when calculating the travel time. For details, see the developer's guide for the Directions service and the Distance Matrix service . Note: Theduration_in_traffic
is available only to Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers.
- The
request field is now deprecated . It was previously the recommended way for Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers to specify whether the result should include a duration that takes into account current traffic conditions. You should now use thedrivingOptions
field instead.
5 November 2015
- The AdSense library has been deprecated since May 2015, and is no longer available in the experimental version of the Maps JavaScript API. The library will be removed from the release and frozen versions of the API soon. An alternative solution is Google AdSense. See the guide to creating an AdSense ad unit .
22 September 2015
- Added support for place IDs when making directions and distance matrix requests:
now accept Place objects, andDistanceMatrixRequest.origins
now accept an array of Place objects.
15 September 2015
- The default position and appearance has changed for many of the controls on the map and on Street View panoramas. The user experience is now consistent regardless of whether a map is using signed-in mode mode or not, and is also more consistent with the Google Maps website. If you want to continue using the earlier set of controls for a while, you can set
google.maps.controlStyle = 'azteca'
in v3.22. - The new Full Screen control in Street View allows the user to open the Street View panorama in fullscreen mode.
- The Overview Map control is no longer available.
- The Pan control on the map is no longer available. To pan the view, users click and drag, or swipe, the map. (Note that the Pan control in Street View remains available.)
- The Zoom control is available in only one style, and
is therefore no longer available.
1 September 2015
- Added LatLngBounds literals
- Fixed issue with overly broad CSS classes
- Improved tile loading after the map is resized
Internet Explorer 8 support ends
31 August 2015
As of August 31st, 2015, Internet Explorer 8 is no longer officially supported by the Maps JavaScript API. See the list of supported browsers . For information on Microsoft's browser support policy, see the IEBlog post of August 7, 2014 .
5 August 2015
- Performance improvement: only load visible tiles
- Numerous docs improvements
21 July 2015
- Markers with Labels launched
- Fixed: iOS7 Out of Memory Error for poly on very high definition screens
- Touch Event Fixes on IE10+
- Error verification on Developer provided inputs now output to the console rather than throwing an error.
6 July 2015
- Issue 8159 : Bug: incorrect rendering of StrokePosition.OUTSIDE
17 June 2015
- Fixed: Issue 6321 : Bug: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined" only in Android/iOs browsers
2 June 2015
- Deprecated: CloudLayer, PanoramioLayer
- Fixed: Issue 8098 : Bug: Weighted Heatmap does not render correctly with one point
2 June 2015
- adds ability to Geocode a placeId to an address/latlng
- returns placeIds via the Geocoding API
28 May 2015
- Fixed: Issue 6358 : SVG Path Notation does not render correctly on HDPI devices
19 May 2015
- Issue 7673 : Controls loose position after map type dropdown used
- Issue 7589 : Pegman jumps when the map is resized.
24 April 2015
- Increase in terrain max zoom and loading high dpi tiles even at max zoom.
13 April 2015
- Issue 7820 : Cursors not working on pages loaded from file://
- Issue 7591 : Bug: StreetViewService.getPanoramaByLocation fails when radius argument is not an integer
25 March 2015
- Issue 7733 : Bug: KML Ground/Images- Overlays are Suddenly Very Low Resolution
- Save Widget text better aligned with star icon
17 March 2015
- Issue 7756 : Bug: Safari 8 performance regression
- Removed demographics layer
- Improvements to InfoWindow chrome
17 February 2015
The current Maps JavaScript API experimental version (3.19) will become the release version.
Version 3.17 will be removed. Requests for 3.17 or any prior version will now be served version 3.18.
Versioning documentation is available at: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/versions
Available versions after rollover:
Experimental: 3.20
Release: 3.19
Frozen: 3.18
24 April 2015
- Cursors in signed-in mode.
19 March 2015
- Issue 7756 : Bug: Safari 8 performance regression
20 January 2015
- Issue 7475 : Bug: phantomjs TypeError: Unable to delete property
13 on January 2015
- tiles are now hidden from screen readers
17 December 2014
- Issue 6917 : Bug: Shapes don't respect map's 'draggable' property
- Issue 7445 : Bug: Presentation faults when using the signed-in feature of the v3 Maps API
02 December 2014
- Issue 7390 : Bug: weather.com hyperlinks not working
- Issue 7376 : Bug: WebGL has been turned off (now re-enabled)
- ES6 naming clash with Symbol
25 November 2014
- Issue 7333 : Bug: caret of infowindow is broken in IE9
04 December 2014
- Issue 7390 : Bug: weather.com hyperlinks not working
18 September 2014
- Issue 7136 : Multiple marker titles not working in Firefox
09 September 2014
- Issue 7098 : Setting streetview POV heading throws an error
26 August 2014
3.18 released to experimental.
3.17 is now stable.
20 August 2014
- Issue 6937 : Regression in 3.17: Cannot read property "remove" of undefined (in Places)
12 August 2014
- Issue 6968 : Bug: Keyboard arrow keys not working with v=3.exp
31 July 2014
- Map Panes given explicit documentation for how DOM events propagate through them.
pane added.
07 July 2014
added to Data Layers and individual Data Layer Features, allowing export of geometry to GeoJSON.
24 June 2014
, a unique identifier for a place, added to the Places Library for Autocomplete and Place Details. -
added toDirectionsRoute
, providing an encoded polyline representing the entire course of the route.
26 May 2014
parameter is no longer required in the Maps API URL.
20 May 2014
3.17 released to experimental.
15 April 2014
- Markers now have opacity that matches other geometry types - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#MarkerOptions
08 April 2014
- Map pans on mouse move while drawing.
- Accept LatLngLiteral in more locations.
- InfoWindow resizes itself when Roboto has finished loading ( Issue 5713 )
31 March 2014
- Semi-transparent KML layers no longer transparent on IE 8 ( Issue 6540 )
26 March 2014
- Removed event.returnValue calls in Chrome to prevent console warnings.
- Pinch-to-zoom does not work in IE11 ( Issue 5747 )
18 March 2014
- Data Layer launched - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/datalayer
12 March 2014
- LatLngLiteral support in most places where google.maps.LatLng is accepted - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#LatLngLiteral
24 February 2014
- Support for ferries in Distance Matrix and Directions services.
17 February 2014
3.16 released to experimental.
03 March 2014
- Reenable hardware acceleration in Chrome Windows and Linux now that Chrome bug is fixed ( https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=336676 )
10 February 2014
- Disable all tile hardware acceleration on Chrome/Linux to work around larger Chrome hardware acceleration issue.
03 February 2014
- Scroll wheel does not work in IE 11 ( Issue 5944 )
29 January 2014
- Disable all tile hardware acceleration on Chrome/Windows to work around larger Chrome hardware acceleration issue. ( Issue 6219 )
22 January 2014
- Temporarily disable hardware acceleration on Chrome/Windows when the drawing manager is loaded to work around Chrome issue: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=336676 ( Issue 6224 )
16 January 2014
- Visual Refresh CSS made less specific to override fewer user-set styles.
27 November 2013
- Creating marker after instantiating map throws 'contains' undefined error ( Issue 5798 )
19 November 2013
- Directions panel maneuver icons are not properly displayed in Firefox
10 September 2013
- Links in official Google info windows do not open in new tabs/windows ( Issue 5794 )
15 August 2013
- Visual refresh becomes the default map rendering mode in release version of the API.
- DynamicMapsEngineLayer: feature reporting for vector, imagery, and KML layers
25 June 2013
- DynamicMapsEngineLayer
11 June 2013
- 'disableDefaultUI' option to StreetViewPanoramaOptions
- Bug: Custom Street View panoramas and 90 degrees down ( Issue 4875 )
04 June 2013
- Infowindow domready doesn't fire when visualRefresh=true ( Issue 5415 )
- Bug: visualRefresh info windows on iOS ( Issue 5396 )
15 May 2013
- Google Maps visual refresh: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/basics#VisualRefresh
29 April 2013
- Removed markers stay on the map on Android and Dolphin browsers
19 February 2013
- Changing DrawingMode while drawing causes error
- Clicking on steps in the directions panel changes zoom
12 February 2013
- Undraggable polygon can be dragged through a draggable polygon with touch input ( Issue 4868 )
- Transit icons incorrect in Route Alternatives Panel when travelMode switched ( Issue 4581 )
- panTo(latLng) does not always center map exactly at latLng under some conditions
29 January 2013
- added StreetViewCoverageLayer for adding the coverage layer programmatically
- Exposed StreetViewPov for StreetViewPanoramas
- Increased memory usage when using V3.8 of Google Maps JavaScript leads to a crash (observed in IE 9, Chrome, etc.) ( Issue 4162 )
- Drop-down (select) menu in InfoWindow won't follow map pan on Firefox
22 January 2013
- draggable option to polylines, polygons, circles, rectangles
- price_level field in PlaceResult
15 January 2013
- Repeating Polyline icons are drawing incorrectly for some polylines ( Issue 4333 )
07 January 2013
- Scrolling the map scrolls the page too ( Issue 1605 , Issue 3652 )
17 December 2012
- New Languages: Urdu & Icelandic
- blurred/hazy maps in IE9 after navigation ( Issue 3875 )
17 December 2012
- New Languages: Urdu & Icelandic
- blurred/hazy maps in IE9 after navigation ( Issue 3875 )
10 December 2012
- ability to load images with the crossorigin attribute set
- issues showing markers with remote images in closeups ( Issue 4616 )
- JS error when reshowing symbols on polylines on IE 7/8
03 December 2012
- Markermanager library not working with the Maps API JS v3 ( Issue 4543 )
27 November 2012
- using High DPI canvas on High DPI devices for optimized markers
- MapTypeControl did not clear styles ( Issue 4588 )
04 February 2013
- Increased memory usage when using V3.8 of Google Maps JavaScript? leads to a crash (observed in IE 9, Chrome, etc.) ( Issue 4162 )
25 September 2012
- Indoor Street View
- fixedRotation option to IconSequence
- "Time in Current Traffic" to Directions
11 September, 2012
- Added StrokePosition to polygons, rectangles, circles
- computeOffsetOrigin to geometry library
- Four new languages to the API: Afrikaans, Amharic, Swahili, Zulu
28 August, 2012
- types to Places API textSearch
- Symbol object cannot be passed to MarkerOptions under GWT
- Regression: Pinch to zoom on iOS 5 when page scrolled ( Issue 4046 )
14 August, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Modify the interface to KmlLayer to accept url as an MVC property, rather than a constructor argument.
10 September 2012
- Symbol object cannot be passed to MarkerOptions under GWT
- Regression: Pinch to zoom on iOS 5 when page scrolled ( Issue 4046 )
9 August, 2012
- Syntax error on Android 3.x
31 July, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Hide Street View overlay on custom projections
- Marker symbols do not fire events on safari when the scale is > 35
- click event not raised for markers on a custom map (map type + projection)
25 July, 2012
- componentRestrictions on Autocomplete ( Issue 4302 )
17 July, 2012
- Text box is not clickable in InfoWindow on IE
- bounds_changed should fire before zoom_changed ( Issue 1399 )
- Map option backgroundColor not preserved after Streetview invoked
- Switching from Styled map to satellite unnecessarily loads the map tiles
- Map draggable/scrollwheel properties ignored in drawing mode ( Issue 4012 )
- LatLngBounds should return a full longitude range when more than one copy of the world is shown
- Don't draw empty shape when double clicking ( Issue 3964 )
- Superfluous marker events on click ( Issue 3911 )
Noticeable changes:
- Renamed search and query endpoints to nearbySearch and textSearch
10 July, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Make google.maps.event.removeListener() accept null as argument
27 June, 2012
- TRANSIT DirectionsMode: http://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2012/06/public-transit-routing-and-layer-now.html
- Pagination, Reviews, textSearch to Places API: http://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2012/07/add-flexible-search-and-google-reviews.html
Noticeable changes:
- Recognize 'transparent' as a color.
23 June, 2012
- Символы
- HeatmapLayer
- New styler options "weight" and "color":
15 May, 2012
- Country restriction for Autocomplete (AutocompleteOptions.componentRestrictions) ( Issue 3899 )
- Regions and Cities type filters
1 May, 2012
- Deleted markers sometimes reappear ( Issue 4087 )
- Marker shadows sometimes do not render ( Issue 3993 )
23 April, 2012
- Pegman stays on map with custom map type after closing Street View ( Issue 4076 )
- Removed animated markers cannot be re-added to the map ( Issue 4052 )
18 April, 2012
- Weather info window always shows raining icon on Firefox ( Issue 4063 )
- orderBy, limit and offset for FusionTablesLayer ( Issue 3557 )
10 April, 2012
- Aerial imagery shown even if aerial not available for whole viewport ( Issue 3913 )
3 April, 2012
- WeatherLayer and CloudLayer ( Issue 3555 )
- DemographicsLayer
- Tile boundaries visible for polys on IE 9 Quirks
- Markers jumping around when panning in Canvas Street View
28 March, 2012
- Use lowercase tag names to be XHTML compliant ( Issue 3868 )
- Changed the zooming behavior for Apple trackpads to make it less sensitive ( Issue 2416 )
20 March, 2012
- Creating a marker with a shadow image that doesn't exist causes errors ( Issue 4014 )
- Click-to-go/Click-to-zoom in Street View ( Issue 2447 )
Noticeable changes:
- Disabled double-click to zoom by default in Street View
6 March, 2012
- Error in OverviewMapControl when zooming in very quickly ( Issue 3882 )
- Error in IE when map div removed from page ( Issue 3971 )
- Scaled markers rendering incorrectly on IE < 9 ( Issue 3912 , Issue 3908 )
- opacity to GroundOverlay ( Issue 2767 )
- utc_offset and opening_hours to PlaceResult ( Issue 2431 )
- clickToGo option to StreetViewPanoramaOptions ( Issue 2447 )
21 February, 2012
- Blurry maps on IE 9 ( Issue 3875 )
- Polyline consisting of collinear edges in LatLng space incorrectly simplified ( Issue 3739 )
- google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation() and isLocationOnEdge() ( Issue 1978 )
February 15, 2012
- Regression: Scaled markers rendered incorrectly with invalid "size" parameter ( Issue 3908 )
- Map stuck in editing mode when setEditable(false) called while user is dragging control point ( Issue 3842 )
Noticeable changes:
- Cross-fade between Street View panoramas.
February 7, 2012
- Marker flickers at final position before drop animation ( Issue 3608 )
- Opening InfoWindow and setting zoom at the same time results in incorrect map center ( Issue 3738 )
- Ignore right click when dragging markers ( Issue 3237 )
- Marker title sometimes does not appear on Firefox ( Issue 3773 )
Noticeable changes:
- Scaled markers now rendered in Canvas where available
- setOpacity() for ImageMapType ( Issue 3125 )
- setOpacity() for GroundOverlay ( Issue 2767 )
- "tilesLoaded" event for ImageMapType ( Issue 1744 )
- stop() to MouseEvent, which stops event propagation ( Issue 2172 )
January 31, 2012
- Fixed: Wrong Korean tiles after panning around the world ( Issue 2722 )
- Fixed: Cannot drop pegman accurately to display StreetView ( Issue 3861 )
- Added "visible" property for polys ( Issue 2861 )
- panTo and panBy animated even when viewports far apart (Regression)
January 24, 2012
- Mouse events bubble through an InfoWindow ( Issue 3573 )
- Enabled CSS transforms on IE9
- Added imageDateControl to StreetViewPanorama
- Enabled Canvas Street View on IE 9, Opera and Safari/Windows
January 16, 2012
- Pegman should not be draggable in drawing mode
- Correctly fire events, respecting zIndex of polys and other layers
- Add KmlLayer "status" property ( Issue 3015 )
January 10, 2012
- Show pegman if disableDefaultUI is true and streetViewControl is true
December 7, 2011
- Controlled access highways can be styled separately from highways (road.highway.controlled_access)
- place_changed fired when user presses "Enter" on Autocomplete ( Issue 3407 )
November 28, 1011
- Reposition Autocomplete when window resized. "resize" event can be triggered on Autocomplete object.
November 22, 2011
- InfoWindow content size now computed taking into account cascading styles
- Aerial map rotation control doesn't match the heading on map creation
November 7, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- New visual style of default controls
- Editable shapes (polygons, polylines, circles, rectangles)
- New DrawingManager for adding new overlays
- New PlaceResult fields: website and international_phone_number
- New ElevationResult field: resolution
- Start and end icons in directions results now render with transparent background in IE 7+
October 31, 2011
- Error when Maps API used with Prototype Library on IE7
October 25, 2011
- Errors when KmlLayer map changed before layer finished loading
- Memory leak in IE when adding and removing polys
October 18, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Added keyword field to PlaceSearchRequest
- Removed road lines from Street View
October 10, 2011
- Address is too long in the Street View preview
September 27, 2011
- Overview map control updates center and zoom together if zoom has changed
September 27, 2011
- Double-fetch of initial tiles in Chrome
- Memory leaks while panning
- Don't drop Street View pegman when panning to area out of coverage
- Regression: GroundOverlays that cross -180 longitude disappearing
- Regression: Map center incorrect when opening info window while panning and zooming
Noticeable changes:
- Show Street View previews while pegman is dragged
September 20, 2011
- Memory leak in Chrome/Windows when rendering markers using Canvas
- Marker rendering for aerial view with heading of 90 or 270 degrees
Noticeable changes:
- Default Google map types cannot be accessed through the map type registry (prevents access to map tiles)
- Rotation animations when leaving and entering aerial imagery
September 12, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Marker stuck in raised position after tooltip appears on Firefox 4+ ( Issue 3334 )
Noticeable changes:
- GeocoderResult.formatted_address not documented
September 6, 2011
- Select element (drop down) info window does not follow map pan in Firefox
- Tiles in Korea on some mobile devices
August 29, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Allow custom controls to have a higher z-index than API controls
- Links take users to correct language version of maps.google.com
- Do not open an InfoWindow over a KML feature if there is no info window html, name, or description.
- Fixed Regression: high DPI tiles broken
August 24, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Hardware acceleration disabled for Chrome/Mac: fixes marker rendering issue and overlay clicking ( Issue 3544 , Issue 3551 )
- Pinch-to-zoom fixed for Android when the page has been scrolled ( Issue 3373 )
Noticeable changes:
- Business icons are now on by default.
August 17, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Clickable map icons for points of interests.
- Styles can be set in MapOptions and applied across all default map types.
- Pegman appears on custom map types unless explicitly disabled.
August 10, 2011
- Markers stuck in drag up position when dragged to horizon in Street View
- Street View not resizing when map or window resized
- Street View with a shared InfoWindow crashes browser
August 2, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Hyperlinks in info window on IE don't work ( Issue 3503 )
- Scale control does not print ( Issue 2966 )
- Regression: Error when using OverviewMapControl with styled maps ( Issue 3489 )
Noticeable changes:
- Context menu on most controls now disabled on right click.
- Street View Panorama/Map inside an InfoWindow does not pan when mousing over InfoWindow
- Now possible to scroll an InfoWindow on iPad
July 18, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Event LatLng incorrect when page is scrolled on iOS >= 4.1 ( Issue 3373 )
July 11, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed:
not clickable within infowindow on touch device ( Issue 3232 ) - Fixed: Click not fired on map after right click if MapOptions.draggable is false ( Issue 3071 )
Noticeable changes:
- Markers with same z-index are now ordered consistently across tile boundaries
- Now possible to to scroll in infowindow on iOS
- Markers and polys are now repainted when the map's projection changes
July 5, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Marker cursor not displayed when map is not draggable ( Issue 3120 )
Noticeable changes:
- Added ability to style the Places Autocomplete control and dropdown
- Places Autocomplete widget preserves description returned by server after user selects a suggestion
June 30, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Initial map tiles would be double fetched
- Fixed: maptypeid_changed event was fired multiple times when the map was created after 3.4 ( Issue 3051 )
Noticeable changes:
- Places autocomplete was changed to append to the body rather than the inputs parent
- BOTTOM_RIGHT now positions correctly
June 8, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Zoom no longer animated if change in zoom level greater than 2 ( Issue 3033 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: OverlayView.set('map', foo) is now the same as OverlayView.setMap
- Removed GeocoderRequest's "language" option
17 мая 2011 года
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Streetview rendering issue in IE7 ( Issue 3272 )
Noticeable changes:
- Enabled fade transitions for map tiles when loading and changing map type.
May 7, 2011
No noticeable changes.
May 7, 2011
No noticeable changes.
May 6, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Street view panorama does not display in IE7 ( Issue 3272 )
- Fixed: Semi-transparent PNG with ImageMapType loses transparency in IE7 and IE8 ( Issue 3275 )
Noticeable changes:
- Distance Matrix Service
April 14, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Support named CSS colors for poly strokeColor and fillColor
- Fixed: Polygon not visible if the strokeOpacity is set to 0.0 ( Issue 3241 )
- Fixed: Errors in IE8 upon panning with AdUnit visible ( Issue 3159 )
- Allow Terrain and Hybrid map without Map and Satellite in the map type control ( Issue 3089 )
- High DPI tiles are loaded for high DPI screens ( Issue 2614 )
Noticeable changes:
- Aerial tilt defaults to 45 degrees when aerial imagery is enabled and available
- Pinch behavior has been improved on the iPad
- Renamed DirectionsTravelMode and DirectionsUnitSystem to TravelMode and UnitSystem (old names remain backwards compatible)
April 14, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Marker icon and shadow no longer transparent on IE6
- Fixed: Markers no longer flicker on zoom
- Fixed: Rendering of polygons across tile boundaries near the north/south poles
Noticeable changes:
- Polylines and Polygons now rendered in Canvas where possible.
- LatLngs for events on polylines and polygon borders now snap to the nearest point on the line.
April 5, 2011
Resolved issues:
- panTo doesn't animate on touch devices ( Issue 3066 )
- Marker.MAX_ZINDEX is undefined ( Issue 3184 )
March 28, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Can't change heading in Street View when in satellite mode ( Issue 3174 )
- Map broken when VML disabled ( Issue 3119 )
Noticeable changes:
- Street view road overlay now shows in obliques mode
March 22, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Pegman shows in custom map types ( Issue 3154 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: Giant markers are clipped at tile boundaries
- Fixed: Street view overlay in obliques mode
- Fixed: Overview map control shows in print mode
March 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- 45 Degree imagery ( Issue 2412 )
- Overview map control ( Issue 1470 )
- Support animated gifs - 'optimized' option added ( Issue 3095 )
- Marker.getVisible() returns undefined ( Issue 3114 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: Circles and rectangles ignore zIndex
- Fixed: Mouse events trigger events twice when Marker is animating
- Fixed: Styled maps do not use styles if map type added to registry after map type id set
- Fixed: Non-styled map types adopt the style of a Styled Map Type
- Markers now fire MouseEvents, not DOM events
March 11, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Double clicking on a marker no longer zooms the map ( Issue 3090 )
- Anchor point with custom marker shadow now works ( Issue 3112 )
Noticeable changes:
- Panoramio Layer
- Directions marker z-indexing fixed
- Default shadow position fixed
March 2, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Markers now rendered in Canvas/VML where available
- Bigger click targets for polylines, polygons, KML on touch-enabled devices
February 22, 2011
Resolved issues:
- InfoWindow anchor exposed via 'anchorPoint' MVC property ( Issue 2860 )
- Fixes Hybrid at zoom level 0 and 1 ( Issue 3062 )
- Circle/Rectangle fixed if added/removed quickly to map ( Issue 3052 )
- draggable: false fixed on touch devices ( Issue 3044 )
February 18, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Markers in Street View are only shrunk, not enlarged ( Issue 2969 )
- Draggable directions now work when routeIndex is not 0 ( Issue 2995 )
- Conflict between Flash and map dragging fixed ( Issue 2956 )
- When mapTypeId is changed in maptypeid_changed listener, the map type control is now consistent
Noticeable changes:
- Labels are now on by default when Satellite mode clicked from map type control
February 8, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- New hierarchical map type controls - they're touch-friendly!
- New logo ( Issue 2574 )
- MarkerShape.coord renamed to MarkerShape.coords to match HTML
coords attribute
March 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Polygon not rendering
February 8, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Tile requests not being cancelled in Chrome ( Issue 3011 )
- rightclick event not being fired in FF/Mac ( Issue 2920 )
- Text rendering issues in Safari/Mac ( Issue 3024 )
- Directions maps not printing in IE correctly
January 21, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- MVCArrays are now accepted in spherical geometry library
- Fix cross showing under a marker while being dragged in IE6
- z-index is no longer set on the map container div
January 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed an issue where incorrect timing for zoom_changed caused incorrect results for fromLatLngToContainerPixel ( Issue 2539 )
January 6, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Geometry library added - provides spherical geometry and polyline encoding utilities ( Issue 2540 , Issue 2595 , Issue 2246 )
- Ability to set the min/max zoom level on the map ( Issue 1624 )
Noticeable changes:
- Zoom and pan controls have been separated (no more navigation control). These can be configured separately.
- New touch-friendly zoom control on touch devices
- Contents of an MVCArray can now be cleared by calling clear()
- Fixed memory leak when adding and removing markers in IE8
- Faster rendering of polys with improved simplification algorithm
December 23rd, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Waypoint click handlers fixed in draggable directions ( Issue 2871 )
December 21st, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Added momentum to the map when dragging ( Issue 2592 )
- Fixed CSS error in Street View ( Issue 2666 )
- Fixed JS error when showing a InfoWindow with a Map width of 0 in IE ( Issue 2536 )
Noticeable changes:
- On touch devices, we will now display a touch-friendly zoom control whether ZOOM_PAN or SMALL navigation control is requested. If the device supports multi-touch in the browser, no zoom control will be displayed, as zooming is accomplished through pinching.
December 9th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- InfoWindows now print nicely in IE ( Issue 1343 )
- Fixed opacity in IE8 for ImageMapType
Noticeable changes:
- A cross will be displayed beneath Markers with a custom icon when dragged, and raiseOnDrag is enabled
December 5th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Provide an interface for discovering the maximum zoom level at a given location for satellite imagery. ( Issue 2049 )
- Add an option (raiseOnDrag) to enable/disable animations when a marker is dragged. ( Issue 2910 )
Noticeable changes:
- Markers now lift when dragged, and bounce when dropped.
- Marker animations can be controlled programmatically with the setAnimation function.
November 28th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- maptypeid_changed no longer fires twice ( Issue 2449 )
- The "size" property of a MarkerImage object is now accessible ( Issue 2465 )
- Marker shape references the icon rather than the sprite ( Issue 2629 )
- Panning the map on marker drag has been improved for smaller maps ( Issue 2868 )
- Maps can now be printed without enabling printing of background images
- Fixed bug where draggable direction markers were draggable when 'draggable' was set to false
November 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2076 : Provide a way to give a InfoWindow to the DirectionsRenderer ( Issue 2076 )
- Issue 2524 : Implement streetViewControlOptions
- Issue 2557 : Add disable zoom to Street view
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug that caused a new window to open in FF when a marker if shift-clicked.
- Letter marker icons were lost when markerOptions were specified with the DirectionsRenderer
November 11th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where polygons were clipped/truncated with RTL on IE7/IE8
- Fixed bug that caused checkboxes to be hidden on Safari 5 because of 3d transformations
- Geodesic polylines that spanned the equator lacked detail
- Renamed control positions LEFT to LEFT_TOP, RIGHT to RIGHT_TOP, TOP to TOP_CENTER and BOTTOM to BOTTOM_CENTER
October 11th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2478 : Streetview - Compass Misalignment/Missing in some browsers
- Issue 2528 : ImageMapTypeOptions opacity broken in IE8
- Issue 2661 : Infowindow - Right click on an input field does not display context menu
- Issue 2741 : Marker placement not working on iOS 4 following map pan
Noticeable changes:
- Street View is enabled by default
- Fixed bug where 'this' wasn't being passed to .getTileUrl
- InfoWindow domready event is now triggered after the window is visible
September 28th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2712 : Memory Leaks (add/remove markers, show/hide markers, zoom/pan map)
Noticeable changes:
- V2 and V3 maps work better when both are on the same page
- Fixed error in HTML5 Street View when dragged quickly downwards
September 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2701 : Initial Street View Navigator Control Heading Doesn't Follow POV
September 14th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 157 : Support draggable driving directions
- Issue 1852 : 'rightclick' event on a google.maps.Marker is fired up without an argument
- Issue 2673 : Pegman disappears after position change
Noticeable changes:
- Marker performance has been improved
August 31st, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2658 : Tall Info Windows
Noticeable changes:
- Geodesics have been improved for higher zooms
August 24th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2648 : Trigger map resize event causes error in Firefox in V3.2.1
Noticeable changes:
- When zooming in or out repeatedly (such as when using a scroll wheel), we now load fewer tiles from the intermediate zoom levels.
August 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2416 : Apple Magic Mouse Panning and Zooming too Sensitive
- Issue 2606 : Setting draggable: false on a map disables links
- Issue 2640 : Memory not cleared with browser refreshes / onunload (IE)
Noticeable changes:
- StreetView markers are scaled according to their distance
- Zoom slider updates on pan
August 9th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Deprecated properties KMLMouseEvent.position and FusionTablesMouseEvent.position have been removed. Use .latLng instead
- Deprecated property StreetViewService.getNearestPanorama has been removed. Use .getPanoramaByLocation instead
September 28th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed issue where directions with the same origin and destination threw a JS error
August 9th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Changing an OverlayView's Map has been fixed
- Calling GroundOverlay.setMap(null) is fixed
- IE no longer leaks memory zooming/panning
August 5th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2588 : Calling setVisible(false) on Panorama object with a listener attached causes a JS error in IE
Noticeable changes:
- Markers disappearing in IE6 on zoom change has been fixed
Jul 29, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2337 : Lost Polyline
- Issue 2497 : Clickable option is not honored for Circle
Noticeable changes:
- Custom panorama 'originHeading' has been deprecated in favour of 'centerHeading'
- Korean hybrid tiles now display roads
- Clicks now pass though non-clickable polygons on the map
Jul 22, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 1856 : Support polygon rendering in Opera
- Issue 2159 : Dragend event is triggered after zoom using the scrollwheel
- Issue 2385 : At deeper zoom levels, GroundOverlay goes black in Internet Explorer
- Issue 2337 : Lost Polyline
- Issue 2427 : Dragging with an info window open on auto-pan causes "hanging" markers
- Issue 2493 : Markers aren't correctly cleared in IE7
- Issue 2500 : Cropped MarkerImage When Using !Marker.setIcon(<scaled MarkerImage>) for Existing Marker
- Issue 2549 : CSS for Google's dropdown menu generates warning
Noticeable changes:
- A click event is no longer fired when a polygon is dragged
- Clicking on a Form select element that expands outside of a InfoWindow no longer fires a map click
- Clicking on a KML overlay no longer fires a map click event
- Streetview is now automatically panned to fit an InfoWindow on screen
- KML and FusionTables MouseEvent LatLng changed from 'position' to 'latLng'
- Android zoom controls no longer pass click to the map
Jun 17, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2346 : Option to disable smooth animation
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed marker flicker bug
- InfoWindow domready event triggering has been improved
- DirectionsRoute.bounds is now exposed
Jun 11, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2389 : Street View doesn't work in IE7
- Issue 2460 : Bug in pegman positioning
- Fixed marker memory leak
- First geocode latency has been improved
- Provided access to the StreetViewService
May 18, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2037 : GPolylineOptions geodesic
- Fixed bug to correctly Google copyright on custom map type
- Added geodesic property to Polygons and Polylines
- Added clickable option to Polygons and Polylines
- Added clickable option to GroundOverlay
May 13, 2010
- Issue 1724 : Incorrect infoWindow size/margins when setting the content through an element, rather than string
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where ground overlays were cropped prematurely when crossing the dateline
- Marker setIcon now works with \ in the url
- Polygon and Polyline mouseout event triggers in IE
- Changing a marker icon no longer flickers
May 7, 2010
- Issue 1458 : Feature request: KML support in Google API v3
- Issue 1658 : Add Traffic Overlay
- Issue 2209 : Stack overflow
- Issue 2254 : Multiple calls "setMap(gMap)" and "setMap(null)" on Circle object changes it's stroke and fill opacity
Noticeable changes:
- Added KML and GeoRSS Layers
- Added Ground Overlays
- Added new layers: Traffic and Bicycling
- Added "suppressBicyclingLayer" property against DirectionsRendererOptions
- Fixed bug to ensure zoom layer is correctly referenced when MapType changes
- Renamed DirectionsResult property "start/end_point" to "start/end_location"
- Renamed DirectionsLeg property "start/end_geocode" with "start/end_address"
- Renamed DirectionsRoute "optimized_waypoint_order" property with "waypoint_order"
- Removed support for old directions property names (setTripIndex, getTripIndex, hideTripList, provideTripAlternatives) and continue logging warnings. Also removes conversion of routes to legs to steps and trips to routes to steps.
- Updated GeocoderGeometry.latLng to GeocoderGeometry.location
April 30, 2010
- Issue 2230 : Map initializes without intended custom projection
Noticeable changes:
- Clicking on the map now focuses the keyboard
- iPad pinch-to-zoom is now supported
April 26, 2010
- Issue 1826 : Add mouseover and mouseout events on Polygons and Polylines
- Issue 2177 : map.setZoom(z) not working properly during the 'maptypeid_changed' event
- Issue 2247 : hideRouteList option on DirectionsRenderer doesn't work as expected
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where custom icons disappear off the bottom of the map during pan
April 13, 2010
- Issue 2275 : MarkerImage cannot be reused
- Issue 2181 : When you add a google.maps.Marker and then use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out, the marker is hidden
April 11, 2010
No noticeable changes or changed issues.
April 5, 2010
- Issue 1976 : Custom icon & draggable marker issues
- Issue 2107 : Draggable marker vanishes when dragged off the map
- Issue 2181 : The projection property of the basemaps is not present
Noticeable changes:
- Exposed the directions overview polyline in DirectionsRoute as overview_path.
- Exposed the Map's current projection as a read only property.
Mar 23, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Elevation is now exposed in the API
- Improved tile loading for slow internet connections.
Mar 15, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Polygons now correctly repaint when styles are changed.
- Deprecated warning messages via console.log are given when old style 'Directions' are used.
Mar 10, 2010
- Issue 1801 : Polyline/polygon zIndex
- Issue 2144 : DirectionsRequest should provide avoidHighways option
- Issue 2207 : Bug: Polyline gets filled in IE
- Issue 2113 : Polylines broken in FF on high zoom levels after Jan release
Noticeable changes:
- Added bicycling directions !
- Added new DirectionsRequest options :
- Improved Polygon/Polyline rendering speeds
- Renamed the following Directions objects. Old names remain supported.
- DirectionsRoute to DirectionsLeg
- DirectionsTrip to DirectionsRoute
Mar 3, 2010
- Issue 2136 : Obfuscate Properties in google.maps.MarkerImage which should not be referenced
Noticeable changes:
- Map jump-jump bug fixed.
- Zooming twice in succession has been improved.
- Marker drag event .latLng is no longer obfuscated.
Feb 26, 2010
- Issue 1651 : mousemove / mouseover / mouseout for map canvas
- Issue 2142 : DirectionsRendererOptions should allow users to suppress markers entirely
- Issue 2148 : event.latLng Missing!
- Issue 2109 : Bug: NavigationControlStyle.ZOOM_PAN doesn't display correctly in IE8
- Issue 2153 : MVCArray.push() does not return new length
Noticeable changes:
- Add opacity to ImageMapType.
- Fixed the bug where rightclick on a rectangle/circle was not being fired.
- Info window's content events are no longer being removed on hide.
Feb 8, 2010
- Issue 2135 : Bug: If you reuse a Polygon's MVCArray in a Polyline, the Polyline is closed.
Noticeable changes:
- Added new Rectangle class
- Added new Circle class
- Fixed memory leak when creating then removing a marker.
- Stopped annotating the MVCArray of LatLngs to close Polygons, as that causes Polylines which share the same MVCArray to be closed too (see Issue 2135 )
- Fixed a bug which sometimes hid onscreen markers if the map's zoom was set to its current value.
- Fixed ImageMapType to display correctly on Android.
- Changed the polygon clipping scheme to allow polygons which contain the north or south pole.
- Increased the latitude range of MercatorProjection to the maximum possible subject to floating point precision.
January 28, 2010
- Issue 1367 : Feature Request: Expose LayoutManager for developers to place DIVs in the "control flow"
- Issue 1916 : Feature Request: Add ability to scale MarkerImage
- Issue 1443 : extend() and union() should return the LatLngBounds object
- Issue 1997 : Documentation of 'size' MapOption
- Issue 2074 : Map doesn't render when the world map fits the exact dimensions of the map container
Noticeable changes:
- Added support for Indic languages:
- bn, gu, kn, ml, mr, ta, te
- Added new static methods to the event namespace :
- addListenerOnce
- addDomListenerOnce
- Added new 'encoded_lat_lngs' property to the DirectionsStep object to expose the set of latlngs in compressed ASCII format
- Improved performance by removing offscreen marker DOM elements
- Fixed panning bug in Google Chrome
- Fixed pinch-zooming bug on the iPhone
January 19, 2010
- Issue 1422 : Feature Request: Let developers create custom map types
- Issue 1523 : Feature request: fromContainerPixelToLatLng (and vice versa)
- Issue 1443 : extend() and union() should return the LatLngBounds object
- Issue 1960 : bug: incomplete information using provideTripAlternatives
- Issue 1675 : Tutorial Documentation Error
- Issue 1676 : Tutorial Documentation Error - Control Options
- Issue 1856 : Polygons not rendering in Opera!!!
- Issue 1954 : The Bulgarian language localization is not correct.
- Issue 1976 : Bug: Custom icon & draggable marker issues
- Issue 2063 : Variable Name Collisions when Minifying OverlayView Subclasses
Noticeable changes:
- Released support for custom map types, including base map types, overlay map types, and projection:
- New ImageMapType object to support custom map tiles
December 17, 2009
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed initial jerk occurring before a map panning animation begins.
- Fixed map jumping to different location when zooming past the max zoom level using Scrollwheel or DoubleClick.
- Copyright, MapType and Navigation controls resizes to suit map size.
- Old style getters, setters, and event names are officially deprecated and no longer defined.
December 10, 2009
- Issue 1820 : Zoom in with scroll wheel seems to zoom beyond max zoom level and "skip/jump" the map's position
- Issue 1743 : Scroll zooming causes the map to move to a completely different location
Other noticeable changes:
- Added new method panToBounds .
- Added new map animation. Affects dragging, panning, zooming, and calls to setCenter/setZoom in all browsers.
- Added a console log warning message if deprecated methods are being used.
November 25, 2009
- Issue 1696 : Feature Request: map control placement
- Issue 1909 : getBounds corruption after map center changed
- Issue 1938 : map.setOptions fails to recognise control options
Other noticeable changes:
- Added RTL support to enable the following languages: Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew
- Exposed lat_lngs property for DirectionsResult steps.
November 11, 2009
- Issue 1742 : Custom icon marker always appears on top of default marker
Other noticeable changes:
- Added support for three new languages.
- Баскский
- Галиц
- Тагальский
October 29, 2009
- Issue 1421 : Feature Request: Add a Directions class to API v3
Other noticeable changes:
- Reference documentation updated with DirectionsRenderer and DirectionsService
October 26, 2009
- Issue 1647 : Feature Request: Provide an event for infowindow dom ready
- Issue 1710 : ability to cancel user zoom event on double click
Other noticeable changes:
- JS Error is thrown when invalid arguments are passed into new google.maps.LatLng()
- Fixed bug: static map was loading twice on map load
October 15, 2009
- Issue 1525 : get_bounds error at low zoom levels
- Issue 1757 : fitBounds() doesn't work across the 180 meridian
- Issue 1790 : map.setOptions cannot set the cursor
- Issue 1767 : BugProblem with event propagation
Other noticeable changes:
- Documentation updates:
- New method exposed: LatLngBounds.isEmpty()
- Sorted all methods, events, properties, and constants by name
- Fixed incorrect types in polyline and polygon option properties
September 28, 2009
- Improvements to poly rendering performance.
- Fixed issue with JS warning for SVGView.
September 22, 2009
- Issue 1420 : Feature: Add Polyline class to API
- Issue 1371 : map.bounds_changed event fires repeatedly when the map is moving
- Issue 1700 : Incorrect location in click after zoom out in Firefox 3.5
- Issue 1702 : Incorrect latLng reported in click & dblclick events when there is a scroll offset in a parent element
- Issue 1723 : Map jumps when dragging on iPhone
Other noticeable changes:
- Launched polylines and polygons! These allow you to draw lines or filled regions on the map, specify stroke and fill styles, and support most mouse events (ie no mouseover yet). They work in all supported browsers (IE6.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.1+, Chrome), which includes supported mobile devices.
- Added two new sections to the developer guide for Polylines and Polygons .
- Added two new classes to the API Reference for Polylines and Polygons .
- Added new Map event "idle", fired when the map hasn't moved for a bit. Resolves Issue 1371 .
- Fixed incorrect LatLng values being returned from the click events.
- Fixed pinch zoom bug on the iPhone. See Issue 1723 .
September 10, 2009
- Issue 1659 : Incorrect latLng reported in click & dblclick events after panning, Firefox 3.5
- Issue 1621 : getting wrong location after click on map in ie8 with dooctype
- Issue 1642 : InfoWindow overflow:auto
- Issue 1531 : height of infoWindow grows with each open
Other noticeable changes:
- Syntax modified for get/set methods and event names as specified below. Old syntax remains supported to stay backwards compatible. Например:
- set_funBoat() => setFunBoat()
- get_funBoat() => getFunBoat()
- funBoat_changed => funboat_changed
- Added new method "onAdd" to the OverlayView interface, which gets called when panes and projection are first initialized. This addresses Issue 1377 .
- OverlayView interface's "remove" method has been renamed to "onRemove". Old name remains supported to stay backwards compatible.
September 2, 2009
- Issue 1525 : get_bounds error at low zoom levels
- Issue 1596 : Panning past the northern or southern edge of the world returns an error
- Issue 1643 : Bug: Map scroll wheels unnecessarily
- Issue 1379 : I can't see Korea map data in V3
Other noticeable changes:
- Enabled continuous scrollwheel and double-click zoom on Chrome, Safari 4, and Firefox 3.5
- Improved map dragging performance
- Double-click now centers the map after zooming
August 24, 2009
- Issue 1567 : map.set_center to a nearby location does not work.
- Issue 1605 : Scrolling the map scrolls the page too
- Issue 1467 : Pan Map Function + Animation
Other noticeable changes:
- Enabled scrollwheel zoom by default. To disable it, set Map option's scrollwheel property to false.
- Documentation updated to include panTo and panBy functions.
August 14, 2009
- Issue 1575 : Bug in draggable markers method set_draggable()
Other noticeable changes:
- Scrollwheel zoom has been enabled.
- Fixed issue affecting iPhones where map jumps occur after drag.
August 4, 2009
- Issue 1393 : Allow draggable markers
- Issue 1448 : Bug: API v3 needs a checkResize() function (or equivalent)
- Issue 1404 : Error with cursor in Opera
- Issue 1514 : MapType select arrow displayed incorrectly with HTML 4.01 strict
- Issue 1426 : InfoWindow z-index control
Other noticeable changes:
- Pinching and dragging on the iPhone should be more robust.
- Added zIndex setters and getters to InfoWindow objects.
Documentation changes:
- Marker get_draggable and set_draggable methods added
- Marker drag, dragstart, dragend, draggable_changed events added
- Marker draggable property added
- Info Window get_zIndex and set_zIndex methods added
- Info Window zIndex_changed event added
- Info Window zIndex property added
July 13, 2009
- Issue 1415 : infowindow content: selectable true/ false
- Issue 1432 : Mouseout event doesn't trigger after set_icon is called
- Issue 1365 : Map Type Controls render incorrectly with strict doctype
Other noticeable changes:
- Developers no longer need to specify size for a MarkerImage, the API will detect it when not provided. On a related note, the size, anchor, and origin arguments for MarkerImage are all optional.
- Developers no longer need to call OverlayView.call(this) in an OverlayView subclass's constructor.
- The OverlayView "changed" methods were removed from the interface. This should not affect developer's code, as these methods weren't actually used before.
- The partialmatch option was removed from Geocoder Request objects. If a developer continues to pass it, it will have no effect on the query.
June 12, 2009
Changed issues:
- Issue 1363 : Bug: Map click events are not dispatched on the iPhone
Other noticeable changes:
- Large zoom control is clickable in all browsers
- Infowindow "clears" the large zoom control, positioning itself fully inside the map and controls
- Mobile copyright uses pretty images
- Tiles load from the center instead of the top left
- Users can no longer select the text of the map type buttons, or any of the control images
- The main library is smaller by ~1.9 KB
Subscribe to these release notes.
The Maps JavaScript API team regularly updates the API with new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements. You can indicate which version of the API to load within your application by specifying it in the v
parameter of the Maps JavaScript API bootstrap request. Read more about versioning .
This changelog lists releases by date and version number, along with associated changes.
To receive updates on new Maps API versions, please subscribe to the google-maps-js-api-v3-notify group.
11 March, 2025
- Custom styles and background colors are applied to the specific map type and color scheme for which the style is defined (initially, this will be limited to Roadmap and Roadmap Dark). The Transit layer will maintain any custom styling for the selected map type.
3.60.3 (Rolled back)
5 марта, 2025
- Fixed a bug that caused the directions panel not to show up.
27 February, 2025
- Places: Added support for EV connector type NACS (SAE J3400).
- Released gmp-map and gmp-advanced-marker HTML elements to GA.
20 February, 2025
- [alpha channel]
now defaults toCLAMP_TO_GROUND
. - [alpha channel] A new
option onMap3DElement
has now to be set for 3D Map to be rendered (2 new valuesHYBRID
are available). The existingdefaultLabelsDisabled
option is removed, please set themode
to eitherHYBRID
. - [beta channel] Background color will return to default or color set in
if it was not specifically set for a particular map type. - [beta channel] Raster custom styles should apply only to the map type that the style has been assigned to.
- Fixed an issue where Advanced Markers would shift when dragged in fullscreen mode. Also fixed an issue with the StreetView pegman having an offset when dragged in fullscreen mode.
- Replace the default zoom control with the new camera control, which contains both pan and zoom buttons.
- Update the zoom button icons to align with the new pan button icons.
6 February, 2025
- Customers can now access TransitFare values as text.
- [alpha channel] Launched the new AirQualityMeterElement: <gmp-air-quality-meter>.
- [alpha channel] Using the PlaceAutocompleteElement will now require Places API (New) be enabled on the Google Cloud Project. .
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: The gmp-placeselect event is replaced by gmp-select, and provides a PlacePredictionSelectEvent object instead of a PlaceAutocompletePlaceSelect object.
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: The gmp-requesterror event is replaced by gmp-error, and provides an Event object instead of a PlaceAutocompleteRequestErrorEvent object.
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: componentRestrictions is replaced by includedRegionCodes.
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: types is replaced by includedPrimaryTypes.
30 January, 2025
- [beta channel] Roadmap and dark-mode roadmap background colors set for custom styles should be rendered behind tiles and past map margins.
- [beta channel] A custom styled roadmap (or dark-mode roadmap) will maintain its custom styling when a transit layer is added, rather reverting back to the default base map style.
- Maps that are in dark mode will now remain in dark mode when the transit layer is added.
23 January, 2025
No public-facing changes.
16 January, 2025
- Fixed a bug which caused uncaught errors thrown when creating a custom Street View panorama.
9 January, 2025
- Fixed a bug which caused uncaught errors thrown when traffic layer is enabled.
- [beta channel] Resolves an issue where PlaceAutocompleteElement did not yield focus correctly.
- [beta channel] Atomic map features will be shown in supporting cities at z17 and deeper.
12 December, 2024
- Firebase App Check now available to use with Maps JS API and Places JS.
5 December, 2024
- [alpha channel] Atomic map features will be shown in supporting cities at z17 and deeper.
- Adds a usage attribution ID to the initializer, which helps Google understand which libraries and samples are helpful to developers, such as usage of a marker clustering library. To opt out of sending the usage attribution ID, it is safe to delete this property or replace the value with an empty string. Changes to this value after instantiation may be ignored.
- You can now use Firebase App Check to protect against malicious requests. Learn more about using App Check with Places and using App Check with Maps .
21 ноября 2024 года
- [beta channel] Fixed an issue where zoom control is missing from Street View.
- Fixed a bug where legacy markers that are not clickable still dispatch the click event.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Advanced Markers not to update the pixel position when switching to a custom map type.
- A console warning is now logged when applying default or custom map types and styles with a map ID. When a map ID is present, map styles are controlled via cloud console, and cloud styling is only currently supported on roadmap map types.
- Style camera control move buttons on hover in dark mode.
- Address fitBounds padding issue when using very small bounds.
31 October, 2024
- [beta channel] Fixed a bug that caused the StreetView pegman to be unusable on the web component map.
- Prevented screen readers from focusing on the scroll message when it's hidden on an Embed API map.
24 October, 2024
- Resolved an issue that caused an exception when accessing session storage.
3.58.9 (Rolled back)
17 October, 2024
- [alpha channel] Custom images and SVGs can now be used for markers rendered on 3D Maps.
10 October, 2024
- Removed an incorrect WebGLOverlayView console warning.
- Fixed an issue where Chrome was erroneously showing a blue focus line around the map if it was the first element on the page to be interacted with a pointer or mouse.
- Added ODRD vehicle and fleet location providers for Mobility Services JavaScript Fleet Tracking.
3 October, 2024
No public-facing changes.
25 September, 2024
- [alpha channel] Removed
properties fromPolyline3DElement
. Alpha values can be specified in corresponding*Color
properties using#rgba
,rgba(r, g, b, a)
orrgb(rgb / a)
color formats. - [alpha channel] Default UI controls, markers, 3D models and preset camera animation functions are now available to use with 3D Maps in the Experimental release.
- Fixed a bug that caused custom map types cannot be switched between each other on vector maps.
- Use high-DPI satellite imagery for devices with high pixel density.
19 September, 2024
No public-facing changes.
12 September, 2024
No public-facing changes.
5 September, 2024
No public-facing changes.
29 August, 2024
- The text glyph of the
now scales with thePinElement
and its default color matches the defaultglyphColor
of thePinElement
22 August, 2024
- [beta channel] Replace the Zoom control with the Camera Control by default. The Camera Control features both zoom and pan controls.
- Publish
properties toMapOptions
. - Allow color scheme (light or dark) to be set at map instantiation.
- Update Map types control to wrap to a new line if the map width is too small
- Integrated a new labeler for rendering the Vector Maps labels.
- The new basemap colors are now the default in the
channel for developers not using map IDs. See https://developers.google.com/maps/new-basemap-style-opt-in for more information.
8 August, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
1 August, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
- [beta channel] Allow color scheme (light or dark) to be set at map instantiation.
- Decrease latency of IconMouseEvent when a feature is clicked in vector maps
25 July, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
- Added several attributes for primary types and display names to the Place class.
18 July, 2024
- Improved the accessibility of the Street View pegman control.
11 July, 2024
No public-facing changes.
4 July, 2024
- Add EV options and fuel options to Place class properties. Enable EV search options for Place.searchByText.
27 June, 2024
No public-facing changes.
20 June, 2024
No public-facing changes.
13 June, 2024
- [beta channel] Integrated a new labeler for rendering the Vector Maps labels.
- InfoWindow has new property
to indicate if it is open on either a Map or Street View. - Fixed incorrect reference documentation for the Place Autocomplete
6 June, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
28 May, 2024
- Fixed a bug where map type control in web component doesn't open menus.
- Fixed a bug that caused AdvancedMarkerElement's drag indicator to be missing.
- Add autocomplete functionality to the new Place API.
- Map raster tiles are now served in WebP image format.
- Updated documentation for Place.searchByText and Place.searchNearby to point to the correct fields list.
- New InfoWindow close button and an optional header are now available in the weekly channel.
24 May, 2024
No public-facing changes.
9 May, 2024
- Fix a bug that caused
's drag indicator to be missing.
2 May, 2024
- [beta channel]
will now also default to vector mode when there is map ID set, but there is no explicit rendering type set on the map ID (eg DEMO_MAP_ID).
25 April, 2024
- [beta channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement's gmp-placeselect event now bubbles.
- [beta channel] New InfoWindow close button and an optional header are now available.
- [beta channel] Improved keyboard and single-pointer accessibility features for the Street View pegman control.
- Fixed the memory leak issue caused by removing Advanced Markers.
- Fixed an issue where circles didn't draw a smooth perimeter.
- Added API to set vector mode during google.maps.Map instantiation (mapId not required).
11 April, 2024
- Fixed a memory leak issue when using
4 April, 2024
- Add searchNearby function to the new Place class.
28 March, 2024
- [beta channel] Map raster tiles are now served in WebP image format.
- Fixed info window anchor positioning for on-map POIs on vector maps.
- Fixed a bug that displayed the
without a set position. - Added a "close" event to the InfoWindow API.
21 March, 2024
- [beta channel] The new basemap colors are now the default for developers not using map IDs. See https://developers.google.com/maps/new-basemap-style-opt-in for more information.
- Fixed the Info Window's base position for Vector Map's labels and icons.
14 March, 2024
No public-facing changes.
7 March, 2024
No public-facing changes.
22 February, 2024
- Fixed a documentation error in Place.searchByText's "fields" parameter.
- [beta channel] Creates a default slot in
and allows creating custom elements to wrap Maps JavaScript API Web Components. - Add parking options to the new Place class API.
- Deprecate google.maps.Marker. Please use google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement instead. At this time, google.maps.Marker is not scheduled to be discontinued, but google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement is recommended over google.maps.Marker. While google.maps.Marker will continue to receive bug fixes for any major regressions, existing bugs in google.maps.Marker will not be addressed. At least 12 months notice will be given before support is discontinued. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/deprecations for deprecation details.
- Add additional attributes to the new Place class API.
- Add payment options to the new Place class API.
15 February, 2024
- Prevent maps from automatically scrolling into view when clicked.
8 February, 2024
- [alpha channel] Removed inputElement property from PlaceAutocompleteElement.
- [alpha channel] Add CSS Parts for Place Autocomplete Element
- [beta channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement is now available in Preview (v=beta)
- Add accessibility options to the Places V2 API.
1 February, 2024
- [beta channel] Deprecate SearchByTextRequest.rankBy. Please use SearchByTextRequest.rankPreference instead.
- [beta channel] Place.findPlaceFromQuery and Place.findPlaceFromPhoneNumber are no longer available; use Place.searchByText instead.
- Fixing Usage tracking per channel.
- Enable traffic-aware polylines for Trip and Vehicle location providers in JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- The new Place class is now available in the weekly channel.
- Deprecate Place.openingHours. Please use regularOpeningHours instead.
25 January, 2024
- [beta channel] Fixes an issue where the keyboard shortcuts dialog couldn't be closed when pressing the
key onMapElement
. - Added a new URL parameter
to the bootstrap URL for direct script loading. This indicates that the Maps JavaScript API has not been loaded synchronously and that no JavaScript code is triggered by the script'sload
event. It is highly recommended to set this toasync
whenever possible, for improved performance.
18 January, 2024
- [alpha channel] Now sending session token as part of PlaceAutocompleteElement requests.
- [beta channel] Introduces a new property
. This is a breaking change for users who register thegmp-click
event usingaddEventListener()
in the beta channel. To receive thegmp-click
event on click, setgmpClickable
property totrue
or addgmp-clickable
attribute to theweb component. For users who use addListener()
to register thegmp-click
event, you don't need to make any change at this time.
11 January, 2024
- [beta channel] The
property ofAdvancedMarkerElement
now points to the instance ofAdvancedMarkerElement
. - [beta channel] Advanced Markers can now customize their content with child nodes.
- Fixes a bug where pan and zoom keyboard shortcuts didn't work after clicking on the map.
- Enable polyline customization for JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- [alpha channel] Add the types, requestedLanguage, requestedRegion, and name attributes to PlaceAutocomplete
- [beta channel] Fixed the bug that caused Advanced Marker element not to be created when calling
30 November, 2023
No public-facing changes.
23 November, 2023
- Fixed a bug that was causing style-related CSP errors in Street View
16 November, 2023
No public-facing changes.
8 November, 2023
- Fixed a bug that caused WebGLOverlayView not to render in certain situations.
2 November, 2023
- [alpha channel] Update Place Autocomplete to be a web component. This is a breaking change. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/places-widget#PlaceAutocompleteElement for updated usage info.
- [alpha channel] Update Place Autocomplete Element focus management
- [beta channel] Expose gmp-zoomchange event in MapElements
- Enable MapTypeControl HORIZONTAL_BAR to automatically handle RTL layout contexts.
26 October, 2023
- Fixed an issue where setting up controls on a map could throw an error.
- Add the ability to restrict Street View imagery to only official Google sources, via StreetViewLocationRequest and StreetViewControlOptions.
18 October, 2023
- [beta channel] MapElement now adjusts its controls layout automatically for left-to-right or right-to-left based on its computed
style. Slots are also available for adding custom controls. ControlPosition now supports logical values for LTR/RTL layout support. Maps Embed API also now adjusts its controls layout automatically for left-to-right or right-to-left based on the language. - [beta channel] MapElement now has delegatesFocus enabled
12 October, 2023
- [beta channel] Adds editorial summary to the Places v2 API.
28 September, 2023
- Added support for multiple location providers in Journey Sharing JavaScript.
21 September, 2023
- google.maps.FeatureLayer responds to mousemove events.
- Added google.maps.FeatureType.SCHOOL_DISTRICT, so School Districts are supported in data-driven styling.
14 September, 2023
- [beta channel] Fixed a bug that caused AdvancedMarkerElement's addEventListener() to be unavailable.
7 September, 2023
- The Google logo will not overlap with copyright info on the Map as often.
24 August, 2023
- Fixed bug in DirectionsRenderer where Map would not load if zoom and center was not set before rendering DirectionsResult.
18 August, 2023
- Upgrades Maps JavaScript API to support ECMAScript 2020 natively.
- Advanced Markers are now rendered more clearly.
- The map is disabled when Array.from is overridden with an implementation that does not support iterables.
- Fixed the focus which was lost when the zoom buttons were disabled at the limit levels.
27 July, 2023
- [beta channel] Attributions in the new Place class have been refactored.
is nowAuthorAttribution
is nowdisplayName
is nowuri
{?string} is now available onAuthorAttribution
is nowPhoto.authorAttributions
{?AuthorAttribution} replacesPhoto.author/authorURI/authorPhotoURI
. - [beta channel] Added required field
and deprecatingquery
in Place class searchByText() method. - Adjusted the info window's anchor offset for raster map's labels and icons.
20 July, 2023
- [beta channel] Added ODRD vehicle and fleet location providers for JavaScript Journey Sharing - Fleet tracking.
- Updated the warning message when the argument passed to the
constructor is ignored. - Deprecated
in favor ofAdvancedMarkerElement.collisionBehavior
13 July, 2023
- Function
now returnstrue
when the specified point is close enough to either the start or the edge of a polyline. - Adds an error log to let developers know when the vector map fails to load and falls back to a raster map.
15 June, 2023
- [alpha channel] Update the Place Autocomplete Element to better support screen readers and other assistive technologies.
1 June, 2023
- Allow passing Node element to Advanced Marker's
property. - Improved the performance of Advanced Markers collision behavior.
- Added a new field for DeliveryVehicleStop in JavaScript Journey Sharing.
24 May, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the flickering issue that happened on the vector map.
- Fixed incorrect Date calculation when accounting for different timezones in the getNextOpeningTime() place method.
- Corrected an erroneous type in VehicleJourneySegment for Journey Sharing.
18 May, 2023
- [alpha channel] Fixed a bug where Place autocomplete element would not restore original text if you used arrow keys to highlight a prediction and then clicked escape.
- [alpha channel] Updated Place Autocomplete Prediction Styles to ensure ellipsis shows on text overflow.
- [beta channel] Local Context now shows a notice that contextual information about places on the Local Context map will be going away soon.
- Fixed a bug where the StreetView pegman would not show a hover-on-drag preview unless it had been returned to the dock at least once first.
- Deprecated bounds, location, and radius for Place Autocomplete Service. Use locationBias and locationRestriction instead.
4 May, 2023
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling for Datasets is available
- [beta channel]
Web components are now available. - Added TimeWindow as a field to Task and TaskTrackingInfo in JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- AdvancedMarkerElement and PinElement released to the weekly channel.
- Data-driven styling for Boundaries released to weekly channel.
and themapcapabilities_changed
event are released to weekly channel.
27 April, 2023
- Updated Place Autocomplete Service to support locationBias and locationRestriction
- [beta channel] Published documentation on Place v2 toJSON method.
- [beta channel] Fixed Advanced Marker dragging when the map is wrapped.
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling PlaceFeature.fetchPlace displayNames will be in the end-user's language.
- [beta channel] AdvancedMarkerView and PinView have been renamed to AdvancedMarkerElement and PinElement.
- [beta channel] Fixed an issue where AdvancedMarkers and Pins would sometimes be available without explicitly loading them. Please remember to always load the "marker" library before accessing these classes.
- [beta channel] AdvancedMarker
now normalized to a LatLngAltitude. - [beta channel] Decommissions the Advanced Marker
property in favor ofgmpDraggable
13 April, 2023
- [beta channel] Changing the value of Place property "priceLevel" from a number to a string. Possible values for "priceLevel" are now: "FREE", "INEXPENSIVE", "MODERATE", "EXPENSIVE", "VERY_EXPENSIVE".
- [beta channel] Deprecate AdvancedMarkerView.draggable in favor of gmpDraggable.
- [beta channel] Removing 'icon' property and fieldname from Place class. Developers are encouraged to use 'svgIconMaskURI' instead.
- [beta channel] AdvancedMarkerView's title property now only accepts a string. Titles can be removed with an empty string.
- [beta channel] Add 'svgIconMaskURI' as a supported field name for Place.fromPlaceFrom methods.
- [beta channel] Changed the Place class property from
- Improved the printing of errors when logged to the console.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug where closing InfoWindow was causing an error.
6 April, 2023
- Added
as a public field of polling location providers in JavaScript Journey Sharing. - [beta channel] Changed the Place class JSON response from snake_case to lowerCamelCase.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Place Review's
were showing the wrong date. - Fixed an issue where creating custom elements would be globally broken.
- [beta channel] Fixed a bug that caused the Advanced Markers to disappear when the map is wrapping.
23 March, 2023
- [alpha channel] Place Autocomplete Widget (New) Experimental is released.
- Releases JavaScript Journey Sharing to the weekly channel.
16 March, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where TypeScript interfaces were empty for libraries used by importLibrary().
9 March, 2023
- [beta channel] Suppresses Advanced Marker's click event when a marker is being dragged.
2 March, 2023
- [beta channel] Adds TaskTrackingInfo entities for JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- [beta channel] Upgrades Maps JavaScript API to support ECMAScript 2020 natively.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a memory leak that could happen when adding and removing markers to/from the map.
- Fixes a bug that caused the interactive element to be clickable when beneath a clickable Advanced Marker on touch devices.
23 February, 2023
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling: Remove PlaceFeature.displayName property.
- [beta channel] Fix WebGLOverlayViews not being removed correctly when calling setMap(null)
- Fixed a bug that complains the
library is unknown. - Fixed a bug where the InfoWindow close button was invisible when in a shadow root.
- To improve Core Web Vitals and reduce unnecessary data transfer, Maps JS now defers the loading of map tiles until the map is nearing the viewport. Maps that are created within the page's initial viewport should see no difference.
16 February, 2023
- Adds the
function, which provides the ability to dynamically load libraries at runtime. - [beta channel] Enable InfoWindow's auto-pan feature when opened on an Advanced Marker.
- [beta channel] made certain fields in Journey Sharing library data objects non-nullable
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling: The NEIGHBORHOOD, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_4, and SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_1 FeatureTypes are deprecated. They will be removed in March 2023.
2 February, 2023
- Beta channel: Support rendering Advanced Markers on custom map types.
- The latest copy of the inline bootstrap loader will now reuse CSP nonces found elsewhere in the document.
26 January, 2023
- Beta channel: Data-driven styling: Added the fetchPlace method to get the display name of a PlaceFeature. The PlaceFeature.displayName property will be deprecated, and removed in February 2023.
19 January, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an issue with Advanced Markers, where removing a marker with collision from the map could sometimes result in a ghost marker element left behind in the DOM.
12 January, 2023
- Corrects the type of
on AdvancedMarkerView, PinView, and LocalContextMapView, fromElement
toHTMLElement | SVGElement
to more closely represent the requisite element type.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug when using an Advanced Marker with an InfoWindow, where the InfoWindow might not open after dragging the marker using the keyboard.
5 January, 2023
- Beta channel: Add new attributes to place class
- Beta channel: Data-driven styling FeatureMouseEvent.features array may contain more than one feature if there are multiple under the click, and all FeatureLayer click listeners under a click will be triggered.
- Beta channel: Throw error for invalid arguments to google.maps.Map.getFeatureLayer.
- Corrects the pixel position of Advanced Markers on a fullscreen map.
- Changes map mouse events to now ignore mouse button clicks that happen while another mouse button is already being pressed.
- Fixes a bug that caused the Advanced Markers to disappear when zooming in the map.
- Improves the performance when zooming in the map with many Advanced Markers.
- Updates StreetViewPanoramaOptions documentation to clarify that clickToGo is not available with custom panoramas.
- Improves performance when creating LatLngBounds, including via Map.getBounds().
- Updates the WebGLOverlayView reference for onAdd and onRemove.
- Adds fixed marker styling customization for Journey Sharing.
8 December, 2022
- Fixes a bug that caused a marker not to give up its keyboard focus when it's outside of the map viewport.
- Beta channel: Introduces the
class, a new simpler API supporting modern usage patterns such as Promises. The Place class includes some new data fields. - Beta channel: Fixes a bug that caused Advanced Markers not to render when passing a Map that is wrapped in a Proxy.
- Beta channel: Adds trip location provider marker customization for JavaScript Journey Sharing.
01 December, 2022
- Beta channel:
API is now available. - Beta channel: Deprecated : Local Context is deprecated, and no longer recommended for new websites. The feature will continue to work, and 12 months notice will be given before support is discontinued. If you are interested in building a Local Context-like experience yourself, we suggest that you check out the "Neighborhood Discovery" solution in Quick Builder or use the Places Library, Maps JavaScript API . Code samples and codelabs for the Places Library can help you.
- Beta channel: To improve Core Web Vitals and reduce unnecessary data transfer, Maps JS now defers the loading of map tiles until the map is nearing the viewport. Maps that are created within the page's initial viewport should see no difference.
- Beta channel: Adds an event for polling state changes for Journey Sharing location providers.
- Beta channel: Adds styling customization functions for Journey Sharing. Deprecated older setup methods.
- Adds keyboard accessibility to the steps of the directions panel. Directions can now be navigated with the tab key, and selected with the space or enter keys.
now acceptsLatLngBounds
can now be constructed with aLatLngBoundsLiteral
. - Adds
text to images inDirectionRenderer
's suggested routes panel.
17 November, 2022
- Beta channel: Place class in the Places Library is released.
- Beta channel: Adds styling customization functions for Journey Sharing. Older setup methods are deprecated.
- Internet Explorer 11 is now decommissioned in the Maps Embed API.
- The Google logo in the Maps Embed API changes style when using the Hybrid or Satellite map types for increased visibility
- Improved Advanced Markers load performance.
- Makes a drawing "undo" button keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- Makes directions renderer's markers keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- Adds an ARIA description to the Map scale control.
- Enable keyboard focus and interaction for the map's scale control.
- Introduces a language parameter to Geocoder JS API. Maps JS API no longer considers
as a default region in Geocoder if it's not explicitly specified. - Introduces a language parameter to Directions JS API.
- Introduces a language parameter to Distance Matrix JS API.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug that caused the keyboard focus to redirect to the marker when an info window is opened.
- Fixes a bug that caused markers not to be focusable.
16 November, 2022
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.51.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.50.
- Versions 3.49 and 3.48 are still available when requested by number.
7 November, 2022
- Fixes an issue where
have incorrectthis
03 November, 2022
- Beta channel: Advanced Markers now support altitude when used on oblique maps.
27 October, 2022
- Beta channel: An error is now logged when data-driven styling feature layers become unavailable.
- Beta channel: Performance improvements for default Advanced Markers loading.
20 October, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixes InfoWindow right and bottom padding on iOS.
13 October, 2022
- Selected steps are now highlighted in the directions panel.
- Fixes the TypeScript typing for the
constructor. - Fixes the TypeScript typing for the
constructor. - Updates the default marker icon image in
6 October, 2022
- Beta channel: Advanced Markers Preview is released.
- Beta channel: Introduces documentation for
on thegetMapCapabilities()
return object. - Adds "This field is read-only." to the API description of
and to theelement
property ofLocalContextMapViewOption
Bug fixes:
- Colors in JSON Custom Styles now use the default style's opacity rather than a forced 100% opacity.
29 September, 2022
- Screen reader now reads the instructions on how to interact with Map and Street View.
- Adds tilt and rotate keyboard shortcuts to the keyboard shortcuts dialog.
22 September, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug where Voice Over on iOS could navigate through elements underneath the keyboard shortcuts dialog.
- Adds alt text to the static map image.
- An error is now logged to the console when
is called, and has an error.
15 September, 2022
- Add MAX_BOUNDS constant for LatLngBounds to indicate the maximum LatLng bounds for maps
- Allows screen readers to perform click actions on default markers.
1 September, 2022
- Beta channel: Updates JavaScript Journey Sharing's
class to include custom attributes. - Fixes a bug in which there was an incorrect LatLng in an event after a map was tilted.
25 August, 2022
- Beta channel: Changed
to accept a string delivery vehicle filter. - Updates the default marker icon image.
18 August, 2022
- Beta channel: Introduces map capability APIs (
event) to the beta channel. - Beta channel: Introduces a
parameter togoogle.maps.Geocoder
. - Beta channel: Introduces a
parameter togoogle.maps.DistanceMatrixService
. - Beta channel: Introduces a
parameter togoogle.maps.DirectionsService
. - Fixes a bug where a region code was ignored in multiple Places JS APIs. Introduces language and region parameters to various Place JS APIs.
- Removes support in the Maps JavaScript API Streetview for websites without googleapis.com domain in the Content Security Policy settings. Please consult the Content Security Policy Guide for more information.
4 August, 2022
- Adds
, a map ID which can be used for code samples that require a map ID. This map ID is not intended for use in production applications and cannot be used for features that require cloud configuration (such as Cloud Styling). - Clarify that
is needed to start tracking.
28 July, 2022
can now be referenced as a runtime enum.
21 July, 2022
- NaN values are rejected for width or height when validating marker icon size, marker icon scaled size, or infowindow size.
- Fixes a bug where the motion tracking control was not visible on iOS devices in Street View.
- Fixes a bug wher hover text for directions was cut off for RTL languages in the Embed API.
- Makes the transit Info Window more accessible and screen reader friendly.
14 July, 2022
- Clarifies the use of ID fields in Journey Sharing location providers.
7 July, 2022
- Makes Street View navigation links keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- Introduces a new
method onStreetViewPanorama
23 June, 2022
- Beta channel: Data-driven styling for Google boundaries is released.
Bug fixes:
- Makes the
enum accessible viagoogle.maps.places.BusinessStatus
16 June, 2022
- Adds a keyboard shortcuts control and dialog to Street View, improving the discoverability of keyboard shortcuts.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug that caused a form to submit when closing Street View.
9 June, 2022
- Moves
, fractional zoom, andgetVisibleRegion
into the weekly channel. - The default Street View panorama for
now automatically manages focus when opened. This is the new default behavior. - The Street View panorama now automatically restores focus when closed (if possible).
- Street View can now be closed by pressing the ESC key (when the close button is enabled).
have been optimized for increased robustness and accuracy.
2 June, 2022
- Improved color contrast for the Street View motion tracking control.
- Made the motion tracking control in Street View keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- The
, andMapsServerError
classes are now publicly exposed and documented.
26 May, 2022
- Improved color contrast for the Street View motion tracking control.
- Made the motion tracking control in Street View keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- The
, andMapsServerError
classes are now publicly exposed and documented.
19 May, 2022
- Beta channel: Fixes a bug where a region code was ignored in multiple Places JS APIs. Introduces language and region parameters to various Place JS APIs.
- Improves color contrast for full screen and compass controls in the dark mode.
- Makes Street View compass control, close button, and address link control, accessible and screen reader friendly.
12 May, 2022
- The weekly channel updates to version 3.49.
- The quarterly channel updates to version 3.48.
- Versions 3.47 and 3.46 are still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.45 is deleted, and can no longer be used.
28 April, 2022
- Place Autocomplete can now accept more types. Узнать больше .
was moved into the weekly channel.
14 April, 2022
- Beta Channel: Enables WebGL 2.0 for
. - Beta Channel: Includes the
library into the Maps JavaScript API TypeScript types, externs, and reference documentation. - The functions
are deprecated, and should not be used. Instead, use the standardaddEventListener()
method. These methods will continue to work and there is no plan to decommission them. - Adds
to Street View marker icon. - Adds
attribute to the Fullscreen control. - Improves the spacing of the dropdown for the Map Type control.
- Updates aria labels for the Map Type dropdown control.
Bug fixes:
- Removes a non-allowed
attribute from a default map type control.
7 April, 2022
- Improves color contrast on Maps JS API and Embed API Google logo.
31 March, 2022
- Beta Channel: Removes the deprecated WebGL Overlay View APIs.
- Enables updated basemap for Maps JavaScript API customers. The updated basemap, which is already in use on consumer Google Maps, provides a richer, more detailed basemap particularly with regard to natural features of the land.
Bug fixes:
- Reverts a previous fix for
(ease the viewport transition for short distances), pending analysis. - Fixes color contrast issues on the Map Type control in high color contrast mode.
- Matches accessible names of Map type control checkboxes with corresponding visual labels.
- Fixes color contrast issues on info windows in high color contrast mode.
24 March, 2022
- Fixes
to ease the viewport transition for short distances.
17 March, 2022
- Safari only: Ensures close button and content container are auto focused on
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a color contrast issue for the "View on Google Maps" link on s
s. - Fixes a color contrast issue for the "View on Google Maps" link on the
address control.
10 March, 2022
- Introduces a new
event forInfoWindow
. - Introduces a new
method onInfoWindow
3 марта 2022 года
- Beta Channel: Enables the new service calling style in the Maps JavaScript API Street View service. You may need to update your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are not blocked at browser-level.
- Introduced a new
property forInfoWindow
17 February, 2022
- Beta Channel: Added support for setting global experience IDs. Please see API reference documentation here .
- Beta Channel: The first and second parameters of fromLatLngAltitude will now be merged into a LatLngAltitude instead of a LatLng and a
. - Renamed LatLng 's
parameter tonoClampNoWrap
. - Screen reader now reads the instructions on how to navigate the markers when a marker receives focus.
- The Maps JavaScript API now reports telemetry information. You may need to update your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are not blocked at browser-level. For more information, please see the FAQ .
- This version does not support Internet Explorer. To continue supporting Internet Explorer 11, specify
which will be available until November 2022.
10 February, 2022
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.48.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.47.
- Versions 3.46 and 3.45 are still available when requested by number.
20 January, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the page scrolled to the top when the keyboard shortcuts control has focus.
6 January, 2022
- Beta Channel: WebGLOverlayView API update for Beta - deprecate all classes and methods with "gl" in their name in favor of new ones with "GL" in the name, deprecate WebglCameraParams in favor of the new CameraParams class (that subclasses CameraOptions).
- Updated PlaceOpeningHours method documentation to reflect that exceptional hours are not used in their calculations.
09 December, 2021
, andCircle
now accept an instance of the same class in the constructor.
02 December, 2021
is now allowed as a parameter whereverLatLng
is allowed for projections .
Bug fixes:
- Fixed some rendering issues which could occur at smaller scale values (less than 1.0).
18 November, 2021
is now allowed as a parameter whereverLatLng
is allowed in the geometry library. - Added a new onGIStateUpdateRequest API for WebGL support in the Maps JavaScript API.
- Fixed color contrast on the error screen.
- Internet Explorer 11 is now decommissioned in v=beta. The last version of the Maps JavaScript API to support Internet Explorer 11 is v3.47. Support for Internet Explorer 11 will be entirely discontinued in November 2022.
- Maps no longer receive Tab focus when the
map option is set tofalse
. - Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons are now disabled when the respective maximum or minimum zoom level is reached.
- Converted the
control to use semantic elements to improve the accessibility and screen reader experience in the Maps Embed API. - Added alt text to the icon on the error screen.
- Various general code health improvements.
Bug fixes:
- Replace non-WCAG-compliant
attributes with compliant data-* attributes.
11 November, 2021
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.47.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.46.
- Version 3.45 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.44 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
04 November, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Updated the Map Type menu bar with more accurate ARIA labels.
- Embed API: Added ARIA labels to several links, for an improved screen reader experience.
- Embed API: Fixed color contrast for some text items.
- Fixed the type of
in externs.
28 October, 2021
- Converted getters and setters to use goog.a11y.aria. This will help to protect against misspellings.
7 October, 2021
- Local Context: Removed attribution link from Local Context InfoWindow photos.
23 September, 2021
- Fixed a bug where the map cursor shows a hand when the map is not draggable.
16 September, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug with a color contrast ratio in the Place autocomplete widget.
02 September, 2021
- Scroll instructions are now displayed above open
s andCustomOverlay
26 August, 2021
- Beta Channel: Telemetry information is now reported. You may need to update your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are not blocked at browser-level. For more information, please see the FAQ .
18 August, 2021
Version 3.46 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- Added two new fields to
. - The weekly channel was updated to version 3.46.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.45.
- Version 3.44 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.43 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
- Support for Internet Explorer is being deprecated. Beginning in August 2021 with Maps JavaScript API v3.46, Internet Explorer 11 users will see a warning message at the top of maps. The last version of the Maps JavaScript API to support Internet Explorer 11 is v3.47. Support for Internet Explorer 11 will be entirely discontinued in November 2022.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where a polygon's vertex was shifted at certain zoom levels.
- Fixed a bug where content of multiple Info Windows overlapped each other.
29 July, 2021
- Embed API: On embedded maps, the zoom level is retained after being redirected to the directions page.
22 July, 2021
- Support for IE11 is deprecated. Maps in IE11 will now display a banner in the beta channel.
- Updated the "Get Directions" link in embedded maps to be more accurate.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the
method could not retrieve features with an id of 0. - Fixed an issue where an
is thrown if theComponentRestriction
value is undefined or null.
15 July, 2021
- When opened, focus is now managed to the InfoWindow container when the first focusable control is not in the InfoWindow viewport or when
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where unfinished poly drawing is completed automatically when drawing manager is removed and re-added to the map.
- Fixed a bug where the string 'Directions' is truncated in 'Embed a map' pop-up in some languages.
01 July, 2021
- Updated URL for Maps Studio in typings and JS API.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an unhandled Promise rejection when providing callback.
24 June, 2021
- Fixed a bug that caused the keyboard shortcuts dialog to open on form submit.
- Fixed a bug where the "Keyboard shortcuts" button was out of alignment.
- Removed objects accidentally added to
(Spherical, PolylineCodec, PolyGeometry). These objects should be accessed at their fully qualified namespace instead.
16 June, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Updated
, so that focus does not move whenopen()
is called within the same run loop as map instantiation.
- Updated the
API reference section with more detailed information. - Fixed focus rings when using keyboard navigation (Tab + Option) in Safari.
10 June, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the Map Type control was not properly overlaid by the keyboard shortcut dialog's background in Embed API.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an error when loading font CSS styles.
- Fixed a bug where flickering could occur when panning the Map with an open InfoWindow.
- Added the
3 June, 2021
- Added documentation for animations, icons, label, and opacity properties to the Data.StyleOptions interface.
- Redesigned the copyright dialog for better accessibility support.
- InfoWindows will now automatically manage focus when opened. This represents the new default behavior.
- Added the InfoWindowOpenOptions API, allowing developers to control how focus is managed when opening InfoWindows.
- InfoWindows can now be closed by pressing the ESC key.
- InfoWindows are now announced as a "dialog" when using screen readers.
- Polyfill isolation is now enabled; this change prevents the Maps API internal polyfills from being installed on the host page.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where a map focus ring would appear when switching browser tabs.
- Fixed an issue where the focus ring for map controls, marker elements, and map type control submenu items, incorrectly appeared with mouse interaction in some browsers.
New features:
- Enabled support for Promises in Directions, Distance Matrix, Elevation, Geocoder, Maximum Zoom Imagery, StreetView, and
services. - Added keyboard shortcuts control and dialog on the map to improve discoverability of keyboard shortcuts.
- Vector maps are now available in the weekly channel (basic features only; WebGL features are available in the beta channel).
13 May, 2021
- A warning is now logged to the console when
is called without an associated Map or StreetView instance.
28 April, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where removed or hidden optimized markers are added back to the map after changing to a new map type.
Local Context:
- Added support for arrays that don't have an
method defined as a validplaceTypePreferences
20 April, 2021
- Improved performance for creating custom markers with Icon objects.
- Prevent focus from moving to the map type dropdown menus when hovering over a button.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where an error could occur when loading static markers prior to initializing the base map.
8 April, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Map controls were keyboard accessible when Street View is enabled.
1 April, 2021
- Local Context Library: Moved the Google logo in the Place Details View to the bottom of the contents.
25 March, 2021
- Keyboard focus now returns to the appropriate element when the InfoWindow is closed.
4 March, 2021
- 45° imagery is now available in a wider range of zoom levels, and the rotation control now includes both clockwise and anti-clockwise buttons.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a memory leak that could happen when rendering the map repeatedly.
- Fixed a memory leak that could happen when adding or removing circles or rectangles on the map.
25 February, 2021
- Fixed a bug where the Places Autocomplete
function call incorrectly points to the wrong endpoint in the beta channel.
18 February, 2021
- LocalContext Place Chooser buttons are now disabled when reloading the places shown.
- Non-optimized markers are now focusable and keyboard accessible.
- Beta Channel: Removed objects accidentally added to
). These objects should be accessed at their fully qualified namespace instead. - Turned on Polyfill Isolation in Beta channel. This means that the Maps JavaScript API will no longer install polyfills into the host page.
25 February, 2021
Only the quarterly channel was updated. Изменения:
- Fixed a memory leak issue when rendering a map multiple times
5 February, 2021
- Added beta support for Promises in
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where
with labels intercepted click events, even whenclickable
was set to false.
28 January, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed various issues related to the drawing of polylines.
21 January, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where geojson polygon holes were sometimes being filled in.
- Fixed a bug that caused the overlay disappear when switching between map and street view.
14 January, 2021
- Changed checkboxes in menus to be more accessible with screen readers.
- Increased the size of the floors buttons for indoor Street View panoramas.
- Fixed the position of mobile motion tracking controls in Street View.
Bug fixes:
- Keyboard menu button now triggers the
event. - Fixed a bug where the fullscreen control did not work properly when switching between the Map and Street View in some situations.
- Fixed an issue with screen readers not being able to navigate to markers within the map.
- Fixed a bug that caused the place icon to disappear in LocalContext's place marker.
9 December, 2020
- Renamed the
interface togoogle.maps.MapMouseEvent
and added adomEvent
property, providing direct access to the underlying event from the DOM. - Improved memory behavior of polygon overlays.
- Canvas memory is now explicitly released to avoid Safari memory issues.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the Fullscreen control stopped working when switching between Map and Street View in some situations.
- Fixed a bug where an error was logged in console on marker's
event. - Fixed a bug where the size of a marker's clickable area was drawn too large.
- Fixed a bug with polyfill conflicts that affected Symbols on IE11.
1 December, 2020
- Adds the
event, as a better alternative to therightclick
event. Thecontextmenu
event adds the capability to respond to ctrl-click on macOS. - Adds accessibility attributes to non-optimized markers when
are provided. - Adds more ARIA labels and roles for
controls, for an improved screen reader experience. - Improved screen reader support for
controls. When the user navigates away from the control, the dropdown menu automatically closes. - Corrects the number of items reported by screen readers in the dropdown menu; this prevents the line separator from being counted as a list item.
- Adds a focus ring within the
element, to indicate keyboard focus when focused via keyboard interaction. - Adds additional keyboard controls to the
controls. The dropdown options now automatically close when the control loses focus. The up and down arrow keys open the dropdown, and the Escape button closes it. Home and End keys move to the first and last items in the dropdown, respectively.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where canceling a marker animation could, under some circumstances, cause that particular marker to terminate future animations early.
20 November, 2020
- Adds a
property to theMarkerLabel
interface to set the CSS class of thelabel
element. - Adds beta support for Promises in the Maximum Zoom Imagery Service .
- Add beta support for Promises in the StreetView service.
- Added accessibility text to non-optimized markers when
are provided. - Removed the
label from theMapType
control dropdown menu button, to improve accessibility. - Converted
to sematic elements to improve accessibility. - Changed copyright element text to meet color contrast standards.
- Dropdown menus can now be opened and closed by using the enter key or the space bar.
- Dropdown menu items can now be focused.
- Local Context Library: Carousel control buttons are now disabled when they would have no effect, and no longer overlap the first or last item in the list.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that could happen when
cross the 180 degree meridian. - Keyboard shortcuts are no longer disabled by default when
is set totrue
. - Fixed a bug where screen reader text was incorrect for map toggle buttons.
- Adds accessibility name and type to
. - Fixed interface documentation that incorrectly showed some optional properties as required.
- Fixed a bug where the
constructor param, was ignored when passed aLatLngLiteral
18 November 2020
Version 3.43 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.43.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.42.
- Version 3.41 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.40 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
15 October, 2020
- Fixed a bug where a wrong checkbox's state was communicated by a screen reader.
- Fixed an issue with Map controls, where the Tab/Shift+Tab was in the wrong order.
- Converted map buttons from
to native button, for improved accessibility. - Tilt is now restricted depending on zoom level for WebGL maps.
- Fixed fullscreen button partially disappearing on Internet Explorer when
is less than 27.
7 October, 2020
- Added beta support for promises in the Directions service .
- Geocoder
now performs validation checks for empty strings. - Fixed a bug where the marker label was covered by the custom marker symbol on Safari.
Support for updated Place icons
1 October, 2020
The icons returned with Place Details and Place Search requests have been updated to use new icon glyphs . No action is required, the new glyphs will display automatically.
29 September, 2020
- Fixed a bug where the word order was wrong for RTL (right-to-left) languages on the "Report a map error" control tooltip.
- Centered marker label for RTL text direction.
21 September, 2020
- Added beta support for promises in the Distance Matrix service .
16 September, 2020
- Updated
method to handle cases when two bounds are over 180 degrees.
8 September 2020
- An error is now logged to the console when an invalid
implementation is detected. - Added beta support for Promises in Elevation service methods.
- Introduced a new
property for specifying the minimum width for anInfoWindow
. - Fixed a bug where directions routes became blurred after changing the destination.
19 August 2020
Version 3.42 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- InfoWindows now have a default max width of 648px which can be overridden by setting the InfoWindow maxWidth property. The width of an InfoWindow can now exceed 648px but will still be limited by the width of the map. (Previously, Infowindows were always restricted to the lesser of 648px or the map width.)
- Prevent flickering of the default-styled render while rendering large GeoJson data sets.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.42.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.41.
- Version 3.40 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.39 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
22 July 2020
- Fixed a bug where setting the
property tofalse
had no effect when using Cloud Styling.
6 July 2020
- Fixes trusted types violation.
27 May 2020
- The Places field
in the Places Library, Maps JavaScript API is deprecated .
20 May 2020
Version 3.41 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.41.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.40.
- Version 3.39 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.38 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
28 April 2020
- Adds a new field,
, to Place Search and Place Details results. Use this field instead ofpermanently_closed
. - Fixes an incorrect console warning when requesting (new)
; a warning is now returned forPlaceResult.utc_offset
, which has been deprecated .
14 April 2020
- Map now throws an easier to diagnose InvalidValueError if passed a mapDiv that is not an Element.
- The Chrome browser autofilling an address into
should no longer trigger an autocomplete request to the server (which will avoid billing). - Made the
property more accurate. Before this change, if you specified themaxWidth
of anInfoWindow
to be 100, the actual maximum width of theInfoWindow
would be 94px. After this change the maximum width would actually be 100px. - Fixes a memory leak issue with paint request builder when using markers and map bounds.
24 March 2020
- Fixed the truncated text in the travel time field for IE11.
10 March 2020
- Fixes bug where calling
twice would skew the Map.
23 February 2020
- Hidden iframe within Map removed from tab navigation.
18 February 2020
- Do not warn about InvalidVersion for v=beta.
- Fixes a problem with scrolling when Street View is displayed.
11 February 2020
Version 3.40 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.40.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.39.
- Version 3.38 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.37 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
08 January 2020
Version 3.39.6 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- For Directions requests,
are now logged to the console, and no longer result in an error log.
20 November 2019
Version 3.39 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- Internet Explorer 10 is no longer supported (3.38 was the last version to support it).
now returns the straight-line distance to the selected place, from the specified origin lat/lng.
- The Places fields
are deprecated as of November 20, 2019, and will be turned off on February 20, 2021. See Places Field Migration to learn more.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.39.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.38.
- Version 3.37 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.36 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
20 August 2019
Version 3.38 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.38.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.37.
- Version 3.36 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.35 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
- Fusion tables can no longer be used (3.37 was the last version to support it).
- Support for Internet Explorer 10 is now deprecated, and will end between November 2019 and May 2020 depending on the release channel or version number you use.
15 May 2019
Version 3.37 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.37.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.36.
- Version 3.35 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.34 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
- Internet Explorer 9 can no longer be used (3.34 was the last version to support it).
14 February 2019
Version 3.36 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- New features added:
- You can now change the size of map controls, using MapOption.controlSize .
- You can now restrict map bounds, using MapOptions.restriction .
- Infowindow has been improved.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.36.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.35.
- Version 3.34 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.33 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
29 January 2019
- The API can now return the total number of reviews for each place.
- Added support for Plus codes . Plus codes are short codes that provide an address for every location in the world, even in areas where traditional street addresses don't exist.
- Internet Explorer 9 is no longer supported.
- The
parameter forAutocomplete
is deprecated. - The Fusion Tables Layer in the Maps JavaScript API is deprecated as of December 3, 2018. The Fusion Tables Layer will be completely turned off on December 3, 2019, and will no longer be available after that date. Узнать больше .
13 November 2018
Version 3.35 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.35.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.34.
- Version 3.33 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.32 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
14 августа 2018 года
Version 3.34 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- New version names have been implemented. You can now specify release channels or version numbers:
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.34.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.33.
- Version 3.32 is still available.
- Version 3.31 was deleted, and can no longer be used. Customers specifying versions 3.0 to 3.31 will receive their default channel instead, either the weekly channel or the quarterly channel (see the Versioning guide).
- A larger control UI is now enabled. With the increase in touch operations on various devices, we adjusted the control UI to fit for both finger touches and mouse clicks. (It's possible to opt out by loading the API with v=quarterly, v=3.33, or v=3.32.)
11 June 2018
- Place Details requests now support using fields to specify the types of place data to return.
- Two new Find Place requests are now available:
- Place autocomplete now supports session-based billing.
16 May 2018
Version 3.33 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
13 February 2018
13 February 2018
- Make the first 256 Markers DOM Markers by default, then make subsequent markers Tile Markers. Current default is all Tile Markers.
- At high zoom levels (zoomed in) when dragging Pegman, prefer the
, rather than the Google-selectedBEST
panorama. -
gestureHandling: none
now works the same asdraggable: false
when changed inside a mousedown handler (it now takes effect onmousedown
21 November 2017
Version 3.31 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The
field is now returned with Place Details requests.
16 August 2017
Version 3.30 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The fullscreen button is now enabled by default on desktop.
- This version introduces the
property for desktop applications that enable user interaction using a mouse scroll wheel or touchpad. To control how users interact with a map, it is recommended that you use thegestureHandling
property instead of thescrollwheel
, anddraggable
16 May 2017
Version 3.29 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The format of the pano ID for user generated (custom) Street View panoramas has changed due to underlying infrastructure updates. This slightly increases the number of available panoramas.
- Requests for user generated (custom) panoramas using the old pano ID in the Maps JavaScript API still work. If you try to find a panorama using the
property of theStreetViewPanoramaOptions
object, your result will contain the new pano ID. There is no requirement to map the old and new pano IDs, as both will remain valid. - If you depend on pano ID parsing and/or verification logic, note that the format of pano IDs may change.
- You can report any issues using the issue tracker .
- Updates on the
method of thegoogle.maps.Map
class. - To change the viewport while a map is hidden, you can now set the map to visibility: hidden , thereby ensuring that the map div has an actual size.
18 April 2017
The draggable
property of the MapOptions
object is deprecated . To disable dragging of the map on desktop devices, use the gestureHandling
property and set it to none
15 February 2017
Version 3.28 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- Signed-in maps are no longer supported in version 3.28 and higher of the Maps JavaScript API.
2 February 2017
- Issue 11331 : text inside InfoWindow cannot be selected
10 January 2017
You can now restrict Autocomplete predictions to only surface from multiple countries. You can do this by specifying up to 5 countries in the componentRestrictions
field of the AutocompleteOptions
15 November 2016
Version 3.27 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
- A new
option in theMapOptions
object helps you optimise your users' experience when interacting with the map on mobile devices. The available values are:-
: The map always pans (up or down, left or right) when the user swipes (drags on) the screen. In other words, both a one-finger swipe and a two-finger swipe cause the map to pan. -
: The user must swipe with one finger to scroll the page and two fingers to pan the map. If the user swipes the map with one finger, an overlay appears on the map, with a prompt telling the user to use two fingers to move the map. View the sample above on a mobile device to see cooperative mode in action. -
: The map is not pannable or pinchable. -
(default): The behavior is eithercooperative
, depending on whether the page is scrollable or not.
For more details and examples, see the developer's guide .
- The fullscreen control is visible by default on mobile devices, so users can easily enlarge the map. When the map is in fullscreen mode, users can pan the map using one or two fingers. Note: iOS doesn't support the fullscreen feature. The fullscreen control is therefore not visible on iOS devices.
Signed-in maps deprecated
6 October 2016
The signed-in feature is deprecated . Versions 3.27 and earlier of the Maps JavaScript API continue to support signed-in maps. A future version will no longer support signed-in maps, but will continue to support features that save a place to Google Maps using an info window or the SaveWidget
. Read more about signed-in maps .
Change in via waypoints in Directions service response
29 August 2016
The via_waypoints
field in the Directions service response contains an array of waypoints that were not specified in the original request. The via_waypoints
field will continue to appear in the draggable directions response, but is deprecated in the alternative route response . Version 3.27 will be the last version of the API that supports via_waypoints
in alternative routes.
The recommended approach is to request alternative routes, then display all routes as non-draggable plus the main route as draggable. Users can drag the main route until it matches an alternative route. The via_waypoints
field is available on the resulting route (dragged by the user).
18 August 2016
Version 3.26 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
- A new Street View renderer brings rendering improvements, including smoother transitions and animations, improved object modeling, better support for mobile, and clearer controls. See the details on the Google Geo Developers Blog .
- The API now supports device orientation events in Street View, so users on mobile devices can look around by moving their phones. As a developer, you can enable or disable this feature. See the developer's guide for details.
25 May 2016
Version 3.25 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
Internet Explorer 9 support ends
2 May 2016
As of April 30th, 2016, Internet Explorer 9 is no longer officially supported by the Maps JavaScript API. See the list of supported browsers .
14 April 2016
- You can now disable the clickability of map icons. A map icon represents a point of interest, also known as a POI. See the
method ongoogle.maps.Map
31 March 2016
- Issue 9507 : Links in Street View now work again in Safari.
28 March 2016
- Issue 9394 : Info windows automatically close when the user opens an info window for a base map icon, and vice versa.
- Show a white Google logo when the base map is styled using the
property on the map (previously, the logo became white only when applying a style using a StyledMapType).
18 March 2016
- Issue 9424 :
new LatLng({lat: 0, lng: 0})
- Fixed mouse panning with the new Street View renderer (with
google.maps.streetViewViewer = 'photosphere'
15 February 2016
- The ability to opt out of the new controls using
google.maps.controlStyle = 'azteca'
has been removed.
18 January 2016
- This release includes a new full-screen control for the map. Users can click the control to maximize the map so that it takes up the entire screen. By default, this control is turned off. You can enable it in
, and configure it using theFullscreenControlOptions
. Its default position isRIGHT_TOP
. - The full-screen control for Street View is enabled by default. You can disable it via
and configure it using theFullscreenControlOptions
. Its default position is nowRIGHT_TOP
4 January 2016
- Issue 9009 : When synthesizing mouse events from touch, use the left button instead of the middle button, for compatibility with jQuery.
- Issue 4201 : The API no longer makes use of
. Therefore, it is now possible to use the API without theunsafe-eval
Content Security Policy directive.
21 December 2015
- Map Option to disable the sign in button for signed in maps (it will show the avatar for logged in users, it will still allow to sign in via signed in actions (eg starring) but it will no longer have the button to sign in on the map when this option is set).
- The interface for text search requests has changed. The
parameter is deprecated as of March 1, 2016, replaced by a newtype
parameter which only supports one type per search request. Additionally, theestablishment
, andgrocery_or_supermarket
types will no longer be supported as search parameters (however these types may still be returned in the results of a search). Requests using the legacytypes
parameter will be supported until March 1, 2017, after which all text searches must use the new implementation.
2 December 2015
- The
constructor verifies that it is given an input element. - Base map point of interest info windows show the same content in non-signed-in mode as signed-in mode.
- Google Maps API externs for the Closure Compiler now specify a type (number or string) for enums.
25 November 2015
- Added
methods toLatLng
objects. These are intended to be used viaJSON.stringify()
19 November 2015
- White google logo for styled maps
- Issue 8674 : Bug: Protect against img { max-width: 100%; }
7 January 2016
- Issue 9009 : When synthesizing mouse events from touch, use the left button instead of the middle button, for compatibility with jQuery.
10 November 2015
- The Directions service and the Distance Matrix service now return the predicted time in traffic (in response field
) when the travel mode is driving. To receive predicted travel times, include adrivingOptions
object literal in the request, specifying a current or futuredepartureTime
. You can also specify atrafficModel
of optimistic, pessimistic, or best guess (default), to influence the assumptions used when calculating the travel time. For details, see the developer's guide for the Directions service and the Distance Matrix service . Note: Theduration_in_traffic
is available only to Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers.
- The
request field is now deprecated . It was previously the recommended way for Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers to specify whether the result should include a duration that takes into account current traffic conditions. You should now use thedrivingOptions
field instead.
5 November 2015
- The AdSense library has been deprecated since May 2015, and is no longer available in the experimental version of the Maps JavaScript API. The library will be removed from the release and frozen versions of the API soon. An alternative solution is Google AdSense. See the guide to creating an AdSense ad unit .
22 September 2015
- Added support for place IDs when making directions and distance matrix requests:
now accept Place objects, andDistanceMatrixRequest.origins
now accept an array of Place objects.
15 September 2015
- The default position and appearance has changed for many of the controls on the map and on Street View panoramas. The user experience is now consistent regardless of whether a map is using signed-in mode mode or not, and is also more consistent with the Google Maps website. If you want to continue using the earlier set of controls for a while, you can set
google.maps.controlStyle = 'azteca'
in v3.22. - The new Full Screen control in Street View allows the user to open the Street View panorama in fullscreen mode.
- The Overview Map control is no longer available.
- The Pan control on the map is no longer available. To pan the view, users click and drag, or swipe, the map. (Note that the Pan control in Street View remains available.)
- The Zoom control is available in only one style, and
is therefore no longer available.
1 September 2015
- Added LatLngBounds literals
- Fixed issue with overly broad CSS classes
- Improved tile loading after the map is resized
Internet Explorer 8 support ends
31 August 2015
As of August 31st, 2015, Internet Explorer 8 is no longer officially supported by the Maps JavaScript API. See the list of supported browsers . For information on Microsoft's browser support policy, see the IEBlog post of August 7, 2014 .
5 August 2015
- Performance improvement: only load visible tiles
- Numerous docs improvements
21 July 2015
- Markers with Labels launched
- Fixed: iOS7 Out of Memory Error for poly on very high definition screens
- Touch Event Fixes on IE10+
- Error verification on Developer provided inputs now output to the console rather than throwing an error.
6 July 2015
- Issue 8159 : Bug: incorrect rendering of StrokePosition.OUTSIDE
17 June 2015
- Fixed: Issue 6321 : Bug: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined" only in Android/iOs browsers
2 June 2015
- Deprecated: CloudLayer, PanoramioLayer
- Fixed: Issue 8098 : Bug: Weighted Heatmap does not render correctly with one point
2 June 2015
- adds ability to Geocode a placeId to an address/latlng
- returns placeIds via the Geocoding API
28 May 2015
- Fixed: Issue 6358 : SVG Path Notation does not render correctly on HDPI devices
19 May 2015
- Issue 7673 : Controls loose position after map type dropdown used
- Issue 7589 : Pegman jumps when the map is resized.
24 April 2015
- Increase in terrain max zoom and loading high dpi tiles even at max zoom.
13 April 2015
- Issue 7820 : Cursors not working on pages loaded from file://
- Issue 7591 : Bug: StreetViewService.getPanoramaByLocation fails when radius argument is not an integer
25 March 2015
- Issue 7733 : Bug: KML Ground/Images- Overlays are Suddenly Very Low Resolution
- Save Widget text better aligned with star icon
17 March 2015
- Issue 7756 : Bug: Safari 8 performance regression
- Removed demographics layer
- Improvements to InfoWindow chrome
17 February 2015
The current Maps JavaScript API experimental version (3.19) will become the release version.
Version 3.17 will be removed. Requests for 3.17 or any prior version will now be served version 3.18.
Versioning documentation is available at: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/versions
Available versions after rollover:
Experimental: 3.20
Release: 3.19
Frozen: 3.18
24 April 2015
- Cursors in signed-in mode.
19 March 2015
- Issue 7756 : Bug: Safari 8 performance regression
20 January 2015
- Issue 7475 : Bug: phantomjs TypeError: Unable to delete property
13 on January 2015
- tiles are now hidden from screen readers
17 December 2014
- Issue 6917 : Bug: Shapes don't respect map's 'draggable' property
- Issue 7445 : Bug: Presentation faults when using the signed-in feature of the v3 Maps API
02 December 2014
- Issue 7390 : Bug: weather.com hyperlinks not working
- Issue 7376 : Bug: WebGL has been turned off (now re-enabled)
- ES6 naming clash with Symbol
25 November 2014
- Issue 7333 : Bug: caret of infowindow is broken in IE9
04 December 2014
- Issue 7390 : Bug: weather.com hyperlinks not working
18 September 2014
- Issue 7136 : Multiple marker titles not working in Firefox
09 September 2014
- Issue 7098 : Setting streetview POV heading throws an error
26 August 2014
3.18 released to experimental.
3.17 is now stable.
20 August 2014
- Issue 6937 : Regression in 3.17: Cannot read property "remove" of undefined (in Places)
12 August 2014
- Issue 6968 : Bug: Keyboard arrow keys not working with v=3.exp
31 July 2014
- Map Panes given explicit documentation for how DOM events propagate through them.
pane added.
07 July 2014
added to Data Layers and individual Data Layer Features, allowing export of geometry to GeoJSON.
24 June 2014
, a unique identifier for a place, added to the Places Library for Autocomplete and Place Details. -
added toDirectionsRoute
, providing an encoded polyline representing the entire course of the route.
26 May 2014
parameter is no longer required in the Maps API URL.
20 May 2014
3.17 released to experimental.
15 April 2014
- Markers now have opacity that matches other geometry types - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#MarkerOptions
08 April 2014
- Map pans on mouse move while drawing.
- Accept LatLngLiteral in more locations.
- InfoWindow resizes itself when Roboto has finished loading ( Issue 5713 )
31 March 2014
- Semi-transparent KML layers no longer transparent on IE 8 ( Issue 6540 )
26 March 2014
- Removed event.returnValue calls in Chrome to prevent console warnings.
- Pinch-to-zoom does not work in IE11 ( Issue 5747 )
18 March 2014
- Data Layer launched - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/datalayer
12 March 2014
- LatLngLiteral support in most places where google.maps.LatLng is accepted - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#LatLngLiteral
24 February 2014
- Support for ferries in Distance Matrix and Directions services.
17 February 2014
3.16 released to experimental.
03 March 2014
- Reenable hardware acceleration in Chrome Windows and Linux now that Chrome bug is fixed ( https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=336676 )
10 February 2014
- Disable all tile hardware acceleration on Chrome/Linux to work around larger Chrome hardware acceleration issue.
03 February 2014
- Scroll wheel does not work in IE 11 ( Issue 5944 )
29 January 2014
- Disable all tile hardware acceleration on Chrome/Windows to work around larger Chrome hardware acceleration issue. ( Issue 6219 )
22 January 2014
- Temporarily disable hardware acceleration on Chrome/Windows when the drawing manager is loaded to work around Chrome issue: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=336676 ( Issue 6224 )
16 January 2014
- Visual Refresh CSS made less specific to override fewer user-set styles.
27 November 2013
- Creating marker after instantiating map throws 'contains' undefined error ( Issue 5798 )
19 November 2013
- Directions panel maneuver icons are not properly displayed in Firefox
10 September 2013
- Links in official Google info windows do not open in new tabs/windows ( Issue 5794 )
15 August 2013
- Visual refresh becomes the default map rendering mode in release version of the API.
- DynamicMapsEngineLayer: feature reporting for vector, imagery, and KML layers
25 June 2013
- DynamicMapsEngineLayer
11 June 2013
- 'disableDefaultUI' option to StreetViewPanoramaOptions
- Bug: Custom Street View panoramas and 90 degrees down ( Issue 4875 )
04 June 2013
- Infowindow domready doesn't fire when visualRefresh=true ( Issue 5415 )
- Bug: visualRefresh info windows on iOS ( Issue 5396 )
15 May 2013
- Google Maps visual refresh: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/basics#VisualRefresh
29 April 2013
- Removed markers stay on the map on Android and Dolphin browsers
19 February 2013
- Changing DrawingMode while drawing causes error
- Clicking on steps in the directions panel changes zoom
12 February 2013
- Undraggable polygon can be dragged through a draggable polygon with touch input ( Issue 4868 )
- Transit icons incorrect in Route Alternatives Panel when travelMode switched ( Issue 4581 )
- panTo(latLng) does not always center map exactly at latLng under some conditions
29 January 2013
- added StreetViewCoverageLayer for adding the coverage layer programmatically
- Exposed StreetViewPov for StreetViewPanoramas
- Increased memory usage when using V3.8 of Google Maps JavaScript leads to a crash (observed in IE 9, Chrome, etc.) ( Issue 4162 )
- Drop-down (select) menu in InfoWindow won't follow map pan on Firefox
22 January 2013
- draggable option to polylines, polygons, circles, rectangles
- price_level field in PlaceResult
15 January 2013
- Repeating Polyline icons are drawing incorrectly for some polylines ( Issue 4333 )
07 January 2013
- Scrolling the map scrolls the page too ( Issue 1605 , Issue 3652 )
17 December 2012
- New Languages: Urdu & Icelandic
- blurred/hazy maps in IE9 after navigation ( Issue 3875 )
17 December 2012
- New Languages: Urdu & Icelandic
- blurred/hazy maps in IE9 after navigation ( Issue 3875 )
10 December 2012
- ability to load images with the crossorigin attribute set
- issues showing markers with remote images in closeups ( Issue 4616 )
- JS error when reshowing symbols on polylines on IE 7/8
03 December 2012
- Markermanager library not working with the Maps API JS v3 ( Issue 4543 )
27 November 2012
- using High DPI canvas on High DPI devices for optimized markers
- MapTypeControl did not clear styles ( Issue 4588 )
04 February 2013
- Increased memory usage when using V3.8 of Google Maps JavaScript? leads to a crash (observed in IE 9, Chrome, etc.) ( Issue 4162 )
25 September 2012
- Indoor Street View
- fixedRotation option to IconSequence
- "Time in Current Traffic" to Directions
11 September, 2012
- Added StrokePosition to polygons, rectangles, circles
- computeOffsetOrigin to geometry library
- Four new languages to the API: Afrikaans, Amharic, Swahili, Zulu
28 August, 2012
- types to Places API textSearch
- Symbol object cannot be passed to MarkerOptions under GWT
- Regression: Pinch to zoom on iOS 5 when page scrolled ( Issue 4046 )
14 August, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Modify the interface to KmlLayer to accept url as an MVC property, rather than a constructor argument.
10 September 2012
- Symbol object cannot be passed to MarkerOptions under GWT
- Regression: Pinch to zoom on iOS 5 when page scrolled ( Issue 4046 )
9 August, 2012
- Syntax error on Android 3.x
31 July, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Hide Street View overlay on custom projections
- Marker symbols do not fire events on safari when the scale is > 35
- click event not raised for markers on a custom map (map type + projection)
25 July, 2012
- componentRestrictions on Autocomplete ( Issue 4302 )
17 July, 2012
- Text box is not clickable in InfoWindow on IE
- bounds_changed should fire before zoom_changed ( Issue 1399 )
- Map option backgroundColor not preserved after Streetview invoked
- Switching from Styled map to satellite unnecessarily loads the map tiles
- Map draggable/scrollwheel properties ignored in drawing mode ( Issue 4012 )
- LatLngBounds should return a full longitude range when more than one copy of the world is shown
- Don't draw empty shape when double clicking ( Issue 3964 )
- Superfluous marker events on click ( Issue 3911 )
Noticeable changes:
- Renamed search and query endpoints to nearbySearch and textSearch
10 July, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Make google.maps.event.removeListener() accept null as argument
27 June, 2012
- TRANSIT DirectionsMode: http://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2012/06/public-transit-routing-and-layer-now.html
- Pagination, Reviews, textSearch to Places API: http://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2012/07/add-flexible-search-and-google-reviews.html
Noticeable changes:
- Recognize 'transparent' as a color.
23 June, 2012
- Символы
- HeatmapLayer
- New styler options "weight" and "color":
15 May, 2012
- Country restriction for Autocomplete (AutocompleteOptions.componentRestrictions) ( Issue 3899 )
- Regions and Cities type filters
1 May, 2012
- Deleted markers sometimes reappear ( Issue 4087 )
- Marker shadows sometimes do not render ( Issue 3993 )
23 April, 2012
- Pegman stays on map with custom map type after closing Street View ( Issue 4076 )
- Removed animated markers cannot be re-added to the map ( Issue 4052 )
18 April, 2012
- Weather info window always shows raining icon on Firefox ( Issue 4063 )
- orderBy, limit and offset for FusionTablesLayer ( Issue 3557 )
10 April, 2012
- Aerial imagery shown even if aerial not available for whole viewport ( Issue 3913 )
3 April, 2012
- WeatherLayer and CloudLayer ( Issue 3555 )
- DemographicsLayer
- Tile boundaries visible for polys on IE 9 Quirks
- Markers jumping around when panning in Canvas Street View
28 March, 2012
- Use lowercase tag names to be XHTML compliant ( Issue 3868 )
- Changed the zooming behavior for Apple trackpads to make it less sensitive ( Issue 2416 )
20 March, 2012
- Creating a marker with a shadow image that doesn't exist causes errors ( Issue 4014 )
- Click-to-go/Click-to-zoom in Street View ( Issue 2447 )
Noticeable changes:
- Disabled double-click to zoom by default in Street View
6 March, 2012
- Error in OverviewMapControl when zooming in very quickly ( Issue 3882 )
- Error in IE when map div removed from page ( Issue 3971 )
- Scaled markers rendering incorrectly on IE < 9 ( Issue 3912 , Issue 3908 )
- opacity to GroundOverlay ( Issue 2767 )
- utc_offset and opening_hours to PlaceResult ( Issue 2431 )
- clickToGo option to StreetViewPanoramaOptions ( Issue 2447 )
21 February, 2012
- Blurry maps on IE 9 ( Issue 3875 )
- Polyline consisting of collinear edges in LatLng space incorrectly simplified ( Issue 3739 )
- google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation() and isLocationOnEdge() ( Issue 1978 )
February 15, 2012
- Regression: Scaled markers rendered incorrectly with invalid "size" parameter ( Issue 3908 )
- Map stuck in editing mode when setEditable(false) called while user is dragging control point ( Issue 3842 )
Noticeable changes:
- Cross-fade between Street View panoramas.
February 7, 2012
- Marker flickers at final position before drop animation ( Issue 3608 )
- Opening InfoWindow and setting zoom at the same time results in incorrect map center ( Issue 3738 )
- Ignore right click when dragging markers ( Issue 3237 )
- Marker title sometimes does not appear on Firefox ( Issue 3773 )
Noticeable changes:
- Scaled markers now rendered in Canvas where available
- setOpacity() for ImageMapType ( Issue 3125 )
- setOpacity() for GroundOverlay ( Issue 2767 )
- "tilesLoaded" event for ImageMapType ( Issue 1744 )
- stop() to MouseEvent, which stops event propagation ( Issue 2172 )
January 31, 2012
- Fixed: Wrong Korean tiles after panning around the world ( Issue 2722 )
- Fixed: Cannot drop pegman accurately to display StreetView ( Issue 3861 )
- Added "visible" property for polys ( Issue 2861 )
- panTo and panBy animated even when viewports far apart (Regression)
January 24, 2012
- Mouse events bubble through an InfoWindow ( Issue 3573 )
- Enabled CSS transforms on IE9
- Added imageDateControl to StreetViewPanorama
- Enabled Canvas Street View on IE 9, Opera and Safari/Windows
January 16, 2012
- Pegman should not be draggable in drawing mode
- Correctly fire events, respecting zIndex of polys and other layers
- Add KmlLayer "status" property ( Issue 3015 )
January 10, 2012
- Show pegman if disableDefaultUI is true and streetViewControl is true
December 7, 2011
- Controlled access highways can be styled separately from highways (road.highway.controlled_access)
- place_changed fired when user presses "Enter" on Autocomplete ( Issue 3407 )
November 28, 1011
- Reposition Autocomplete when window resized. "resize" event can be triggered on Autocomplete object.
November 22, 2011
- InfoWindow content size now computed taking into account cascading styles
- Aerial map rotation control doesn't match the heading on map creation
November 7, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- New visual style of default controls
- Editable shapes (polygons, polylines, circles, rectangles)
- New DrawingManager for adding new overlays
- New PlaceResult fields: website and international_phone_number
- New ElevationResult field: resolution
- Start and end icons in directions results now render with transparent background in IE 7+
October 31, 2011
- Error when Maps API used with Prototype Library on IE7
October 25, 2011
- Errors when KmlLayer map changed before layer finished loading
- Memory leak in IE when adding and removing polys
October 18, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Added keyword field to PlaceSearchRequest
- Removed road lines from Street View
October 10, 2011
- Address is too long in the Street View preview
September 27, 2011
- Overview map control updates center and zoom together if zoom has changed
September 27, 2011
- Double-fetch of initial tiles in Chrome
- Memory leaks while panning
- Don't drop Street View pegman when panning to area out of coverage
- Regression: GroundOverlays that cross -180 longitude disappearing
- Regression: Map center incorrect when opening info window while panning and zooming
Noticeable changes:
- Show Street View previews while pegman is dragged
September 20, 2011
- Memory leak in Chrome/Windows when rendering markers using Canvas
- Marker rendering for aerial view with heading of 90 or 270 degrees
Noticeable changes:
- Default Google map types cannot be accessed through the map type registry (prevents access to map tiles)
- Rotation animations when leaving and entering aerial imagery
September 12, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Marker stuck in raised position after tooltip appears on Firefox 4+ ( Issue 3334 )
Noticeable changes:
- GeocoderResult.formatted_address not documented
September 6, 2011
- Select element (drop down) info window does not follow map pan in Firefox
- Tiles in Korea on some mobile devices
August 29, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Allow custom controls to have a higher z-index than API controls
- Links take users to correct language version of maps.google.com
- Do not open an InfoWindow over a KML feature if there is no info window html, name, or description.
- Fixed Regression: high DPI tiles broken
August 24, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Hardware acceleration disabled for Chrome/Mac: fixes marker rendering issue and overlay clicking ( Issue 3544 , Issue 3551 )
- Pinch-to-zoom fixed for Android when the page has been scrolled ( Issue 3373 )
Noticeable changes:
- Business icons are now on by default.
August 17, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Clickable map icons for points of interests.
- Styles can be set in MapOptions and applied across all default map types.
- Pegman appears on custom map types unless explicitly disabled.
August 10, 2011
- Markers stuck in drag up position when dragged to horizon in Street View
- Street View not resizing when map or window resized
- Street View with a shared InfoWindow crashes browser
August 2, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Hyperlinks in info window on IE don't work ( Issue 3503 )
- Scale control does not print ( Issue 2966 )
- Regression: Error when using OverviewMapControl with styled maps ( Issue 3489 )
Noticeable changes:
- Context menu on most controls now disabled on right click.
- Street View Panorama/Map inside an InfoWindow does not pan when mousing over InfoWindow
- Now possible to scroll an InfoWindow on iPad
July 18, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Event LatLng incorrect when page is scrolled on iOS >= 4.1 ( Issue 3373 )
July 11, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed:
not clickable within infowindow on touch device ( Issue 3232 ) - Fixed: Click not fired on map after right click if MapOptions.draggable is false ( Issue 3071 )
Noticeable changes:
- Markers with same z-index are now ordered consistently across tile boundaries
- Now possible to to scroll in infowindow on iOS
- Markers and polys are now repainted when the map's projection changes
July 5, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Marker cursor not displayed when map is not draggable ( Issue 3120 )
Noticeable changes:
- Added ability to style the Places Autocomplete control and dropdown
- Places Autocomplete widget preserves description returned by server after user selects a suggestion
June 30, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Initial map tiles would be double fetched
- Fixed: maptypeid_changed event was fired multiple times when the map was created after 3.4 ( Issue 3051 )
Noticeable changes:
- Places autocomplete was changed to append to the body rather than the inputs parent
- BOTTOM_RIGHT now positions correctly
June 8, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Zoom no longer animated if change in zoom level greater than 2 ( Issue 3033 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: OverlayView.set('map', foo) is now the same as OverlayView.setMap
- Removed GeocoderRequest's "language" option
17 мая 2011 года
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Streetview rendering issue in IE7 ( Issue 3272 )
Noticeable changes:
- Enabled fade transitions for map tiles when loading and changing map type.
May 7, 2011
No noticeable changes.
May 7, 2011
No noticeable changes.
May 6, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Street view panorama does not display in IE7 ( Issue 3272 )
- Fixed: Semi-transparent PNG with ImageMapType loses transparency in IE7 and IE8 ( Issue 3275 )
Noticeable changes:
- Distance Matrix Service
April 14, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Support named CSS colors for poly strokeColor and fillColor
- Fixed: Polygon not visible if the strokeOpacity is set to 0.0 ( Issue 3241 )
- Fixed: Errors in IE8 upon panning with AdUnit visible ( Issue 3159 )
- Allow Terrain and Hybrid map without Map and Satellite in the map type control ( Issue 3089 )
- High DPI tiles are loaded for high DPI screens ( Issue 2614 )
Noticeable changes:
- Aerial tilt defaults to 45 degrees when aerial imagery is enabled and available
- Pinch behavior has been improved on the iPad
- Renamed DirectionsTravelMode and DirectionsUnitSystem to TravelMode and UnitSystem (old names remain backwards compatible)
April 14, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Marker icon and shadow no longer transparent on IE6
- Fixed: Markers no longer flicker on zoom
- Fixed: Rendering of polygons across tile boundaries near the north/south poles
Noticeable changes:
- Polylines and Polygons now rendered in Canvas where possible.
- LatLngs for events on polylines and polygon borders now snap to the nearest point on the line.
April 5, 2011
Resolved issues:
- panTo doesn't animate on touch devices ( Issue 3066 )
- Marker.MAX_ZINDEX is undefined ( Issue 3184 )
March 28, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Can't change heading in Street View when in satellite mode ( Issue 3174 )
- Map broken when VML disabled ( Issue 3119 )
Noticeable changes:
- Street view road overlay now shows in obliques mode
March 22, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Pegman shows in custom map types ( Issue 3154 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: Giant markers are clipped at tile boundaries
- Fixed: Street view overlay in obliques mode
- Fixed: Overview map control shows in print mode
March 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- 45 Degree imagery ( Issue 2412 )
- Overview map control ( Issue 1470 )
- Support animated gifs - 'optimized' option added ( Issue 3095 )
- Marker.getVisible() returns undefined ( Issue 3114 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: Circles and rectangles ignore zIndex
- Fixed: Mouse events trigger events twice when Marker is animating
- Fixed: Styled maps do not use styles if map type added to registry after map type id set
- Fixed: Non-styled map types adopt the style of a Styled Map Type
- Markers now fire MouseEvents, not DOM events
March 11, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Double clicking on a marker no longer zooms the map ( Issue 3090 )
- Anchor point with custom marker shadow now works ( Issue 3112 )
Noticeable changes:
- Panoramio Layer
- Directions marker z-indexing fixed
- Default shadow position fixed
March 2, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Markers now rendered in Canvas/VML where available
- Bigger click targets for polylines, polygons, KML on touch-enabled devices
February 22, 2011
Resolved issues:
- InfoWindow anchor exposed via 'anchorPoint' MVC property ( Issue 2860 )
- Fixes Hybrid at zoom level 0 and 1 ( Issue 3062 )
- Circle/Rectangle fixed if added/removed quickly to map ( Issue 3052 )
- draggable: false fixed on touch devices ( Issue 3044 )
February 18, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Markers in Street View are only shrunk, not enlarged ( Issue 2969 )
- Draggable directions now work when routeIndex is not 0 ( Issue 2995 )
- Conflict between Flash and map dragging fixed ( Issue 2956 )
- When mapTypeId is changed in maptypeid_changed listener, the map type control is now consistent
Noticeable changes:
- Labels are now on by default when Satellite mode clicked from map type control
February 8, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- New hierarchical map type controls - they're touch-friendly!
- New logo ( Issue 2574 )
- MarkerShape.coord renamed to MarkerShape.coords to match HTML
coords attribute
March 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Polygon not rendering
February 8, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Tile requests not being cancelled in Chrome ( Issue 3011 )
- rightclick event not being fired in FF/Mac ( Issue 2920 )
- Text rendering issues in Safari/Mac ( Issue 3024 )
- Directions maps not printing in IE correctly
January 21, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- MVCArrays are now accepted in spherical geometry library
- Fix cross showing under a marker while being dragged in IE6
- z-index is no longer set on the map container div
January 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed an issue where incorrect timing for zoom_changed caused incorrect results for fromLatLngToContainerPixel ( Issue 2539 )
January 6, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Geometry library added - provides spherical geometry and polyline encoding utilities ( Issue 2540 , Issue 2595 , Issue 2246 )
- Ability to set the min/max zoom level on the map ( Issue 1624 )
Noticeable changes:
- Zoom and pan controls have been separated (no more navigation control). These can be configured separately.
- New touch-friendly zoom control on touch devices
- Contents of an MVCArray can now be cleared by calling clear()
- Fixed memory leak when adding and removing markers in IE8
- Faster rendering of polys with improved simplification algorithm
December 23rd, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Waypoint click handlers fixed in draggable directions ( Issue 2871 )
December 21st, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Added momentum to the map when dragging ( Issue 2592 )
- Fixed CSS error in Street View ( Issue 2666 )
- Fixed JS error when showing a InfoWindow with a Map width of 0 in IE ( Issue 2536 )
Noticeable changes:
- On touch devices, we will now display a touch-friendly zoom control whether ZOOM_PAN or SMALL navigation control is requested. If the device supports multi-touch in the browser, no zoom control will be displayed, as zooming is accomplished through pinching.
December 9th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- InfoWindows now print nicely in IE ( Issue 1343 )
- Fixed opacity in IE8 for ImageMapType
Noticeable changes:
- A cross will be displayed beneath Markers with a custom icon when dragged, and raiseOnDrag is enabled
December 5th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Provide an interface for discovering the maximum zoom level at a given location for satellite imagery. ( Issue 2049 )
- Add an option (raiseOnDrag) to enable/disable animations when a marker is dragged. ( Issue 2910 )
Noticeable changes:
- Markers now lift when dragged, and bounce when dropped.
- Marker animations can be controlled programmatically with the setAnimation function.
November 28th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- maptypeid_changed no longer fires twice ( Issue 2449 )
- The "size" property of a MarkerImage object is now accessible ( Issue 2465 )
- Marker shape references the icon rather than the sprite ( Issue 2629 )
- Panning the map on marker drag has been improved for smaller maps ( Issue 2868 )
- Maps can now be printed without enabling printing of background images
- Fixed bug where draggable direction markers were draggable when 'draggable' was set to false
November 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2076 : Provide a way to give a InfoWindow to the DirectionsRenderer ( Issue 2076 )
- Issue 2524 : Implement streetViewControlOptions
- Issue 2557 : Add disable zoom to Street view
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug that caused a new window to open in FF when a marker if shift-clicked.
- Letter marker icons were lost when markerOptions were specified with the DirectionsRenderer
November 11th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where polygons were clipped/truncated with RTL on IE7/IE8
- Fixed bug that caused checkboxes to be hidden on Safari 5 because of 3d transformations
- Geodesic polylines that spanned the equator lacked detail
- Renamed control positions LEFT to LEFT_TOP, RIGHT to RIGHT_TOP, TOP to TOP_CENTER and BOTTOM to BOTTOM_CENTER
October 11th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2478 : Streetview - Compass Misalignment/Missing in some browsers
- Issue 2528 : ImageMapTypeOptions opacity broken in IE8
- Issue 2661 : Infowindow - Right click on an input field does not display context menu
- Issue 2741 : Marker placement not working on iOS 4 following map pan
Noticeable changes:
- Street View is enabled by default
- Fixed bug where 'this' wasn't being passed to .getTileUrl
- InfoWindow domready event is now triggered after the window is visible
September 28th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2712 : Memory Leaks (add/remove markers, show/hide markers, zoom/pan map)
Noticeable changes:
- V2 and V3 maps work better when both are on the same page
- Fixed error in HTML5 Street View when dragged quickly downwards
September 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2701 : Initial Street View Navigator Control Heading Doesn't Follow POV
September 14th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 157 : Support draggable driving directions
- Issue 1852 : 'rightclick' event on a google.maps.Marker is fired up without an argument
- Issue 2673 : Pegman disappears after position change
Noticeable changes:
- Marker performance has been improved
August 31st, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2658 : Tall Info Windows
Noticeable changes:
- Geodesics have been improved for higher zooms
August 24th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2648 : Trigger map resize event causes error in Firefox in V3.2.1
Noticeable changes:
- When zooming in or out repeatedly (such as when using a scroll wheel), we now load fewer tiles from the intermediate zoom levels.
August 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2416 : Apple Magic Mouse Panning and Zooming too Sensitive
- Issue 2606 : Setting draggable: false on a map disables links
- Issue 2640 : Memory not cleared with browser refreshes / onunload (IE)
Noticeable changes:
- StreetView markers are scaled according to their distance
- Zoom slider updates on pan
August 9th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Deprecated properties KMLMouseEvent.position and FusionTablesMouseEvent.position have been removed. Use .latLng instead
- Deprecated property StreetViewService.getNearestPanorama has been removed. Use .getPanoramaByLocation instead
September 28th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed issue where directions with the same origin and destination threw a JS error
August 9th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Changing an OverlayView's Map has been fixed
- Calling GroundOverlay.setMap(null) is fixed
- IE no longer leaks memory zooming/panning
August 5th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2588 : Calling setVisible(false) on Panorama object with a listener attached causes a JS error in IE
Noticeable changes:
- Markers disappearing in IE6 on zoom change has been fixed
Jul 29, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2337 : Lost Polyline
- Issue 2497 : Clickable option is not honored for Circle
Noticeable changes:
- Custom panorama 'originHeading' has been deprecated in favour of 'centerHeading'
- Korean hybrid tiles now display roads
- Clicks now pass though non-clickable polygons on the map
Jul 22, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 1856 : Support polygon rendering in Opera
- Issue 2159 : Dragend event is triggered after zoom using the scrollwheel
- Issue 2385 : At deeper zoom levels, GroundOverlay goes black in Internet Explorer
- Issue 2337 : Lost Polyline
- Issue 2427 : Dragging with an info window open on auto-pan causes "hanging" markers
- Issue 2493 : Markers aren't correctly cleared in IE7
- Issue 2500 : Cropped MarkerImage When Using !Marker.setIcon(<scaled MarkerImage>) for Existing Marker
- Issue 2549 : CSS for Google's dropdown menu generates warning
Noticeable changes:
- A click event is no longer fired when a polygon is dragged
- Clicking on a Form select element that expands outside of a InfoWindow no longer fires a map click
- Clicking on a KML overlay no longer fires a map click event
- Streetview is now automatically panned to fit an InfoWindow on screen
- KML and FusionTables MouseEvent LatLng changed from 'position' to 'latLng'
- Android zoom controls no longer pass click to the map
Jun 17, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2346 : Option to disable smooth animation
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed marker flicker bug
- InfoWindow domready event triggering has been improved
- DirectionsRoute.bounds is now exposed
Jun 11, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2389 : Street View doesn't work in IE7
- Issue 2460 : Bug in pegman positioning
- Fixed marker memory leak
- First geocode latency has been improved
- Provided access to the StreetViewService
May 18, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2037 : GPolylineOptions geodesic
- Fixed bug to correctly Google copyright on custom map type
- Added geodesic property to Polygons and Polylines
- Added clickable option to Polygons and Polylines
- Added clickable option to GroundOverlay
May 13, 2010
- Issue 1724 : Incorrect infoWindow size/margins when setting the content through an element, rather than string
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where ground overlays were cropped prematurely when crossing the dateline
- Marker setIcon now works with \ in the url
- Polygon and Polyline mouseout event triggers in IE
- Changing a marker icon no longer flickers
May 7, 2010
- Issue 1458 : Feature request: KML support in Google API v3
- Issue 1658 : Add Traffic Overlay
- Issue 2209 : Stack overflow
- Issue 2254 : Multiple calls "setMap(gMap)" and "setMap(null)" on Circle object changes it's stroke and fill opacity
Noticeable changes:
- Added KML and GeoRSS Layers
- Added Ground Overlays
- Added new layers: Traffic and Bicycling
- Added "suppressBicyclingLayer" property against DirectionsRendererOptions
- Fixed bug to ensure zoom layer is correctly referenced when MapType changes
- Renamed DirectionsResult property "start/end_point" to "start/end_location"
- Renamed DirectionsLeg property "start/end_geocode" with "start/end_address"
- Renamed DirectionsRoute "optimized_waypoint_order" property with "waypoint_order"
- Removed support for old directions property names (setTripIndex, getTripIndex, hideTripList, provideTripAlternatives) and continue logging warnings. Also removes conversion of routes to legs to steps and trips to routes to steps.
- Updated GeocoderGeometry.latLng to GeocoderGeometry.location
April 30, 2010
- Issue 2230 : Map initializes without intended custom projection
Noticeable changes:
- Clicking on the map now focuses the keyboard
- iPad pinch-to-zoom is now supported
April 26, 2010
- Issue 1826 : Add mouseover and mouseout events on Polygons and Polylines
- Issue 2177 : map.setZoom(z) not working properly during the 'maptypeid_changed' event
- Issue 2247 : hideRouteList option on DirectionsRenderer doesn't work as expected
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where custom icons disappear off the bottom of the map during pan
April 13, 2010
- Issue 2275 : MarkerImage cannot be reused
- Issue 2181 : When you add a google.maps.Marker and then use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out, the marker is hidden
April 11, 2010
No noticeable changes or changed issues.
April 5, 2010
- Issue 1976 : Custom icon & draggable marker issues
- Issue 2107 : Draggable marker vanishes when dragged off the map
- Issue 2181 : The projection property of the basemaps is not present
Noticeable changes:
- Exposed the directions overview polyline in DirectionsRoute as overview_path.
- Exposed the Map's current projection as a read only property.
Mar 23, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Elevation is now exposed in the API
- Improved tile loading for slow internet connections.
Mar 15, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Polygons now correctly repaint when styles are changed.
- Deprecated warning messages via console.log are given when old style 'Directions' are used.
Mar 10, 2010
- Issue 1801 : Polyline/polygon zIndex
- Issue 2144 : DirectionsRequest should provide avoidHighways option
- Issue 2207 : Bug: Polyline gets filled in IE
- Issue 2113 : Polylines broken in FF on high zoom levels after Jan release
Noticeable changes:
- Added bicycling directions !
- Added new DirectionsRequest options :
- Improved Polygon/Polyline rendering speeds
- Renamed the following Directions objects. Old names remain supported.
- DirectionsRoute to DirectionsLeg
- DirectionsTrip to DirectionsRoute
Mar 3, 2010
- Issue 2136 : Obfuscate Properties in google.maps.MarkerImage which should not be referenced
Noticeable changes:
- Map jump-jump bug fixed.
- Zooming twice in succession has been improved.
- Marker drag event .latLng is no longer obfuscated.
Feb 26, 2010
- Issue 1651 : mousemove / mouseover / mouseout for map canvas
- Issue 2142 : DirectionsRendererOptions should allow users to suppress markers entirely
- Issue 2148 : event.latLng Missing!
- Issue 2109 : Bug: NavigationControlStyle.ZOOM_PAN doesn't display correctly in IE8
- Issue 2153 : MVCArray.push() does not return new length
Noticeable changes:
- Add opacity to ImageMapType.
- Fixed the bug where rightclick on a rectangle/circle was not being fired.
- Info window's content events are no longer being removed on hide.
Feb 8, 2010
- Issue 2135 : Bug: If you reuse a Polygon's MVCArray in a Polyline, the Polyline is closed.
Noticeable changes:
- Added new Rectangle class
- Added new Circle class
- Fixed memory leak when creating then removing a marker.
- Stopped annotating the MVCArray of LatLngs to close Polygons, as that causes Polylines which share the same MVCArray to be closed too (see Issue 2135 )
- Fixed a bug which sometimes hid onscreen markers if the map's zoom was set to its current value.
- Fixed ImageMapType to display correctly on Android.
- Changed the polygon clipping scheme to allow polygons which contain the north or south pole.
- Increased the latitude range of MercatorProjection to the maximum possible subject to floating point precision.
January 28, 2010
- Issue 1367 : Feature Request: Expose LayoutManager for developers to place DIVs in the "control flow"
- Issue 1916 : Feature Request: Add ability to scale MarkerImage
- Issue 1443 : extend() and union() should return the LatLngBounds object
- Issue 1997 : Documentation of 'size' MapOption
- Issue 2074 : Map doesn't render when the world map fits the exact dimensions of the map container
Noticeable changes:
- Added support for Indic languages:
- bn, gu, kn, ml, mr, ta, te
- Added new static methods to the event namespace :
- addListenerOnce
- addDomListenerOnce
- Added new 'encoded_lat_lngs' property to the DirectionsStep object to expose the set of latlngs in compressed ASCII format
- Improved performance by removing offscreen marker DOM elements
- Fixed panning bug in Google Chrome
- Fixed pinch-zooming bug on the iPhone
January 19, 2010
- Issue 1422 : Feature Request: Let developers create custom map types
- Issue 1523 : Feature request: fromContainerPixelToLatLng (and vice versa)
- Issue 1443 : extend() and union() should return the LatLngBounds object
- Issue 1960 : bug: incomplete information using provideTripAlternatives
- Issue 1675 : Tutorial Documentation Error
- Issue 1676 : Tutorial Documentation Error - Control Options
- Issue 1856 : Polygons not rendering in Opera!!!
- Issue 1954 : The Bulgarian language localization is not correct.
- Issue 1976 : Bug: Custom icon & draggable marker issues
- Issue 2063 : Variable Name Collisions when Minifying OverlayView Subclasses
Noticeable changes:
- Released support for custom map types, including base map types, overlay map types, and projection:
- New ImageMapType object to support custom map tiles
December 17, 2009
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed initial jerk occurring before a map panning animation begins.
- Fixed map jumping to different location when zooming past the max zoom level using Scrollwheel or DoubleClick.
- Copyright, MapType and Navigation controls resizes to suit map size.
- Old style getters, setters, and event names are officially deprecated and no longer defined.
December 10, 2009
- Issue 1820 : Zoom in with scroll wheel seems to zoom beyond max zoom level and "skip/jump" the map's position
- Issue 1743 : Scroll zooming causes the map to move to a completely different location
Other noticeable changes:
- Added new method panToBounds .
- Added new map animation. Affects dragging, panning, zooming, and calls to setCenter/setZoom in all browsers.
- Added a console log warning message if deprecated methods are being used.
November 25, 2009
- Issue 1696 : Feature Request: map control placement
- Issue 1909 : getBounds corruption after map center changed
- Issue 1938 : map.setOptions fails to recognise control options
Other noticeable changes:
- Added RTL support to enable the following languages: Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew
- Exposed lat_lngs property for DirectionsResult steps.
November 11, 2009
- Issue 1742 : Custom icon marker always appears on top of default marker
Other noticeable changes:
- Added support for three new languages.
- Баскский
- Галиц
- Тагальский
October 29, 2009
- Issue 1421 : Feature Request: Add a Directions class to API v3
Other noticeable changes:
- Reference documentation updated with DirectionsRenderer and DirectionsService
October 26, 2009
- Issue 1647 : Feature Request: Provide an event for infowindow dom ready
- Issue 1710 : ability to cancel user zoom event on double click
Other noticeable changes:
- JS Error is thrown when invalid arguments are passed into new google.maps.LatLng()
- Fixed bug: static map was loading twice on map load
October 15, 2009
- Issue 1525 : get_bounds error at low zoom levels
- Issue 1757 : fitBounds() doesn't work across the 180 meridian
- Issue 1790 : map.setOptions cannot set the cursor
- Issue 1767 : BugProblem with event propagation
Other noticeable changes:
- Documentation updates:
- New method exposed: LatLngBounds.isEmpty()
- Sorted all methods, events, properties, and constants by name
- Fixed incorrect types in polyline and polygon option properties
September 28, 2009
- Improvements to poly rendering performance.
- Fixed issue with JS warning for SVGView.
September 22, 2009
- Issue 1420 : Feature: Add Polyline class to API
- Issue 1371 : map.bounds_changed event fires repeatedly when the map is moving
- Issue 1700 : Incorrect location in click after zoom out in Firefox 3.5
- Issue 1702 : Incorrect latLng reported in click & dblclick events when there is a scroll offset in a parent element
- Issue 1723 : Map jumps when dragging on iPhone
Other noticeable changes:
- Launched polylines and polygons! These allow you to draw lines or filled regions on the map, specify stroke and fill styles, and support most mouse events (ie no mouseover yet). They work in all supported browsers (IE6.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.1+, Chrome), which includes supported mobile devices.
- Added two new sections to the developer guide for Polylines and Polygons .
- Added two new classes to the API Reference for Polylines and Polygons .
- Added new Map event "idle", fired when the map hasn't moved for a bit. Resolves Issue 1371 .
- Fixed incorrect LatLng values being returned from the click events.
- Fixed pinch zoom bug on the iPhone. See Issue 1723 .
September 10, 2009
- Issue 1659 : Incorrect latLng reported in click & dblclick events after panning, Firefox 3.5
- Issue 1621 : getting wrong location after click on map in ie8 with dooctype
- Issue 1642 : InfoWindow overflow:auto
- Issue 1531 : height of infoWindow grows with each open
Other noticeable changes:
- Syntax modified for get/set methods and event names as specified below. Old syntax remains supported to stay backwards compatible. Например:
- set_funBoat() => setFunBoat()
- get_funBoat() => getFunBoat()
- funBoat_changed => funboat_changed
- Added new method "onAdd" to the OverlayView interface, which gets called when panes and projection are first initialized. This addresses Issue 1377 .
- OverlayView interface's "remove" method has been renamed to "onRemove". Old name remains supported to stay backwards compatible.
September 2, 2009
- Issue 1525 : get_bounds error at low zoom levels
- Issue 1596 : Panning past the northern or southern edge of the world returns an error
- Issue 1643 : Bug: Map scroll wheels unnecessarily
- Issue 1379 : I can't see Korea map data in V3
Other noticeable changes:
- Enabled continuous scrollwheel and double-click zoom on Chrome, Safari 4, and Firefox 3.5
- Improved map dragging performance
- Double-click now centers the map after zooming
August 24, 2009
- Issue 1567 : map.set_center to a nearby location does not work.
- Issue 1605 : Scrolling the map scrolls the page too
- Issue 1467 : Pan Map Function + Animation
Other noticeable changes:
- Enabled scrollwheel zoom by default. To disable it, set Map option's scrollwheel property to false.
- Documentation updated to include panTo and panBy functions.
August 14, 2009
- Issue 1575 : Bug in draggable markers method set_draggable()
Other noticeable changes:
- Scrollwheel zoom has been enabled.
- Fixed issue affecting iPhones where map jumps occur after drag.
August 4, 2009
- Issue 1393 : Allow draggable markers
- Issue 1448 : Bug: API v3 needs a checkResize() function (or equivalent)
- Issue 1404 : Error with cursor in Opera
- Issue 1514 : MapType select arrow displayed incorrectly with HTML 4.01 strict
- Issue 1426 : InfoWindow z-index control
Other noticeable changes:
- Pinching and dragging on the iPhone should be more robust.
- Added zIndex setters and getters to InfoWindow objects.
Documentation changes:
- Marker get_draggable and set_draggable methods added
- Marker drag, dragstart, dragend, draggable_changed events added
- Marker draggable property added
- Info Window get_zIndex and set_zIndex methods added
- Info Window zIndex_changed event added
- Info Window zIndex property added
July 13, 2009
- Issue 1415 : infowindow content: selectable true/ false
- Issue 1432 : Mouseout event doesn't trigger after set_icon is called
- Issue 1365 : Map Type Controls render incorrectly with strict doctype
Other noticeable changes:
- Developers no longer need to specify size for a MarkerImage, the API will detect it when not provided. On a related note, the size, anchor, and origin arguments for MarkerImage are all optional.
- Developers no longer need to call OverlayView.call(this) in an OverlayView subclass's constructor.
- The OverlayView "changed" methods were removed from the interface. This should not affect developer's code, as these methods weren't actually used before.
- The partialmatch option was removed from Geocoder Request objects. If a developer continues to pass it, it will have no effect on the query.
June 12, 2009
Changed issues:
- Issue 1363 : Bug: Map click events are not dispatched on the iPhone
Other noticeable changes:
- Large zoom control is clickable in all browsers
- Infowindow "clears" the large zoom control, positioning itself fully inside the map and controls
- Mobile copyright uses pretty images
- Tiles load from the center instead of the top left
- Users can no longer select the text of the map type buttons, or any of the control images
- The main library is smaller by ~1.9 KB
Subscribe to these release notes.
The Maps JavaScript API team regularly updates the API with new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements. You can indicate which version of the API to load within your application by specifying it in the v
parameter of the Maps JavaScript API bootstrap request. Read more about versioning .
This changelog lists releases by date and version number, along with associated changes.
To receive updates on new Maps API versions, please subscribe to the google-maps-js-api-v3-notify group.
11 March, 2025
- Custom styles and background colors are applied to the specific map type and color scheme for which the style is defined (initially, this will be limited to Roadmap and Roadmap Dark). The Transit layer will maintain any custom styling for the selected map type.
3.60.3 (Rolled back)
5 марта, 2025
- Fixed a bug that caused the directions panel not to show up.
27 February, 2025
- Places: Added support for EV connector type NACS (SAE J3400).
- Released gmp-map and gmp-advanced-marker HTML elements to GA.
20 February, 2025
- [alpha channel]
now defaults toCLAMP_TO_GROUND
. - [alpha channel] A new
option onMap3DElement
has now to be set for 3D Map to be rendered (2 new valuesHYBRID
are available). The existingdefaultLabelsDisabled
option is removed, please set themode
to eitherHYBRID
. - [beta channel] Background color will return to default or color set in
if it was not specifically set for a particular map type. - [beta channel] Raster custom styles should apply only to the map type that the style has been assigned to.
- Fixed an issue where Advanced Markers would shift when dragged in fullscreen mode. Also fixed an issue with the StreetView pegman having an offset when dragged in fullscreen mode.
- Replace the default zoom control with the new camera control, which contains both pan and zoom buttons.
- Update the zoom button icons to align with the new pan button icons.
6 February, 2025
- Customers can now access TransitFare values as text.
- [alpha channel] Launched the new AirQualityMeterElement: <gmp-air-quality-meter>.
- [alpha channel] Using the PlaceAutocompleteElement will now require Places API (New) be enabled on the Google Cloud Project. .
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: The gmp-placeselect event is replaced by gmp-select, and provides a PlacePredictionSelectEvent object instead of a PlaceAutocompletePlaceSelect object.
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: The gmp-requesterror event is replaced by gmp-error, and provides an Event object instead of a PlaceAutocompleteRequestErrorEvent object.
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: componentRestrictions is replaced by includedRegionCodes.
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: types is replaced by includedPrimaryTypes.
30 January, 2025
- [beta channel] Roadmap and dark-mode roadmap background colors set for custom styles should be rendered behind tiles and past map margins.
- [beta channel] A custom styled roadmap (or dark-mode roadmap) will maintain its custom styling when a transit layer is added, rather reverting back to the default base map style.
- Maps that are in dark mode will now remain in dark mode when the transit layer is added.
23 January, 2025
No public-facing changes.
16 January, 2025
- Fixed a bug which caused uncaught errors thrown when creating a custom Street View panorama.
9 January, 2025
- Fixed a bug which caused uncaught errors thrown when traffic layer is enabled.
- [beta channel] Resolves an issue where PlaceAutocompleteElement did not yield focus correctly.
- [beta channel] Atomic map features will be shown in supporting cities at z17 and deeper.
12 December, 2024
- Firebase App Check now available to use with Maps JS API and Places JS.
5 December, 2024
- [alpha channel] Atomic map features will be shown in supporting cities at z17 and deeper.
- Adds a usage attribution ID to the initializer, which helps Google understand which libraries and samples are helpful to developers, such as usage of a marker clustering library. To opt out of sending the usage attribution ID, it is safe to delete this property or replace the value with an empty string. Changes to this value after instantiation may be ignored.
- You can now use Firebase App Check to protect against malicious requests. Learn more about using App Check with Places and using App Check with Maps .
21 ноября 2024 года
- [beta channel] Fixed an issue where zoom control is missing from Street View.
- Fixed a bug where legacy markers that are not clickable still dispatch the click event.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Advanced Markers not to update the pixel position when switching to a custom map type.
- A console warning is now logged when applying default or custom map types and styles with a map ID. When a map ID is present, map styles are controlled via cloud console, and cloud styling is only currently supported on roadmap map types.
- Style camera control move buttons on hover in dark mode.
- Address fitBounds padding issue when using very small bounds.
31 October, 2024
- [beta channel] Fixed a bug that caused the StreetView pegman to be unusable on the web component map.
- Prevented screen readers from focusing on the scroll message when it's hidden on an Embed API map.
24 October, 2024
- Resolved an issue that caused an exception when accessing session storage.
3.58.9 (Rolled back)
17 October, 2024
- [alpha channel] Custom images and SVGs can now be used for markers rendered on 3D Maps.
10 October, 2024
- Removed an incorrect WebGLOverlayView console warning.
- Fixed an issue where Chrome was erroneously showing a blue focus line around the map if it was the first element on the page to be interacted with a pointer or mouse.
- Added ODRD vehicle and fleet location providers for Mobility Services JavaScript Fleet Tracking.
3 October, 2024
No public-facing changes.
25 September, 2024
- [alpha channel] Removed
properties fromPolyline3DElement
. Alpha values can be specified in corresponding*Color
properties using#rgba
,rgba(r, g, b, a)
orrgb(rgb / a)
color formats. - [alpha channel] Default UI controls, markers, 3D models and preset camera animation functions are now available to use with 3D Maps in the Experimental release.
- Fixed a bug that caused custom map types cannot be switched between each other on vector maps.
- Use high-DPI satellite imagery for devices with high pixel density.
19 September, 2024
No public-facing changes.
12 September, 2024
No public-facing changes.
5 September, 2024
No public-facing changes.
29 August, 2024
- The text glyph of the
now scales with thePinElement
and its default color matches the defaultglyphColor
of thePinElement
22 August, 2024
- [beta channel] Replace the Zoom control with the Camera Control by default. The Camera Control features both zoom and pan controls.
- Publish
properties toMapOptions
. - Allow color scheme (light or dark) to be set at map instantiation.
- Update Map types control to wrap to a new line if the map width is too small
- Integrated a new labeler for rendering the Vector Maps labels.
- The new basemap colors are now the default in the
channel for developers not using map IDs. See https://developers.google.com/maps/new-basemap-style-opt-in for more information.
8 August, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
1 August, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
- [beta channel] Allow color scheme (light or dark) to be set at map instantiation.
- Decrease latency of IconMouseEvent when a feature is clicked in vector maps
25 July, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
- Added several attributes for primary types and display names to the Place class.
18 July, 2024
- Improved the accessibility of the Street View pegman control.
11 July, 2024
No public-facing changes.
4 July, 2024
- Add EV options and fuel options to Place class properties. Enable EV search options for Place.searchByText.
27 June, 2024
No public-facing changes.
20 June, 2024
No public-facing changes.
13 June, 2024
- [beta channel] Integrated a new labeler for rendering the Vector Maps labels.
- InfoWindow has new property
to indicate if it is open on either a Map or Street View. - Fixed incorrect reference documentation for the Place Autocomplete
6 June, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
28 May, 2024
- Fixed a bug where map type control in web component doesn't open menus.
- Fixed a bug that caused AdvancedMarkerElement's drag indicator to be missing.
- Add autocomplete functionality to the new Place API.
- Map raster tiles are now served in WebP image format.
- Updated documentation for Place.searchByText and Place.searchNearby to point to the correct fields list.
- New InfoWindow close button and an optional header are now available in the weekly channel.
24 May, 2024
No public-facing changes.
9 May, 2024
- Fix a bug that caused
's drag indicator to be missing.
2 May, 2024
- [beta channel]
will now also default to vector mode when there is map ID set, but there is no explicit rendering type set on the map ID (eg DEMO_MAP_ID).
25 April, 2024
- [beta channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement's gmp-placeselect event now bubbles.
- [beta channel] New InfoWindow close button and an optional header are now available.
- [beta channel] Improved keyboard and single-pointer accessibility features for the Street View pegman control.
- Fixed the memory leak issue caused by removing Advanced Markers.
- Fixed an issue where circles didn't draw a smooth perimeter.
- Added API to set vector mode during google.maps.Map instantiation (mapId not required).
11 April, 2024
- Fixed a memory leak issue when using
4 April, 2024
- Add searchNearby function to the new Place class.
28 March, 2024
- [beta channel] Map raster tiles are now served in WebP image format.
- Fixed info window anchor positioning for on-map POIs on vector maps.
- Fixed a bug that displayed the
without a set position. - Added a "close" event to the InfoWindow API.
21 March, 2024
- [beta channel] The new basemap colors are now the default for developers not using map IDs. See https://developers.google.com/maps/new-basemap-style-opt-in for more information.
- Fixed the Info Window's base position for Vector Map's labels and icons.
14 March, 2024
No public-facing changes.
7 March, 2024
No public-facing changes.
22 February, 2024
- Fixed a documentation error in Place.searchByText's "fields" parameter.
- [beta channel] Creates a default slot in
and allows creating custom elements to wrap Maps JavaScript API Web Components. - Add parking options to the new Place class API.
- Deprecate google.maps.Marker. Please use google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement instead. At this time, google.maps.Marker is not scheduled to be discontinued, but google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement is recommended over google.maps.Marker. While google.maps.Marker will continue to receive bug fixes for any major regressions, existing bugs in google.maps.Marker will not be addressed. At least 12 months notice will be given before support is discontinued. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/deprecations for deprecation details.
- Add additional attributes to the new Place class API.
- Add payment options to the new Place class API.
15 February, 2024
- Prevent maps from automatically scrolling into view when clicked.
8 February, 2024
- [alpha channel] Removed inputElement property from PlaceAutocompleteElement.
- [alpha channel] Add CSS Parts for Place Autocomplete Element
- [beta channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement is now available in Preview (v=beta)
- Add accessibility options to the Places V2 API.
1 February, 2024
- [beta channel] Deprecate SearchByTextRequest.rankBy. Please use SearchByTextRequest.rankPreference instead.
- [beta channel] Place.findPlaceFromQuery and Place.findPlaceFromPhoneNumber are no longer available; use Place.searchByText instead.
- Fixing Usage tracking per channel.
- Enable traffic-aware polylines for Trip and Vehicle location providers in JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- The new Place class is now available in the weekly channel.
- Deprecate Place.openingHours. Please use regularOpeningHours instead.
25 January, 2024
- [beta channel] Fixes an issue where the keyboard shortcuts dialog couldn't be closed when pressing the
key onMapElement
. - Added a new URL parameter
to the bootstrap URL for direct script loading. This indicates that the Maps JavaScript API has not been loaded synchronously and that no JavaScript code is triggered by the script'sload
event. It is highly recommended to set this toasync
whenever possible, for improved performance.
18 January, 2024
- [alpha channel] Now sending session token as part of PlaceAutocompleteElement requests.
- [beta channel] Introduces a new property
. This is a breaking change for users who register thegmp-click
event usingaddEventListener()
in the beta channel. To receive thegmp-click
event on click, setgmpClickable
property totrue
or addgmp-clickable
attribute to theweb component. For users who use addListener()
to register thegmp-click
event, you don't need to make any change at this time.
11 January, 2024
- [beta channel] The
property ofAdvancedMarkerElement
now points to the instance ofAdvancedMarkerElement
. - [beta channel] Advanced Markers can now customize their content with child nodes.
- Fixes a bug where pan and zoom keyboard shortcuts didn't work after clicking on the map.
- Enable polyline customization for JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- [alpha channel] Add the types, requestedLanguage, requestedRegion, and name attributes to PlaceAutocomplete
- [beta channel] Fixed the bug that caused Advanced Marker element not to be created when calling
30 November, 2023
No public-facing changes.
23 November, 2023
- Fixed a bug that was causing style-related CSP errors in Street View
16 November, 2023
No public-facing changes.
8 November, 2023
- Fixed a bug that caused WebGLOverlayView not to render in certain situations.
2 November, 2023
- [alpha channel] Update Place Autocomplete to be a web component. This is a breaking change. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/places-widget#PlaceAutocompleteElement for updated usage info.
- [alpha channel] Update Place Autocomplete Element focus management
- [beta channel] Expose gmp-zoomchange event in MapElements
- Enable MapTypeControl HORIZONTAL_BAR to automatically handle RTL layout contexts.
26 October, 2023
- Fixed an issue where setting up controls on a map could throw an error.
- Add the ability to restrict Street View imagery to only official Google sources, via StreetViewLocationRequest and StreetViewControlOptions.
18 October, 2023
- [beta channel] MapElement now adjusts its controls layout automatically for left-to-right or right-to-left based on its computed
style. Slots are also available for adding custom controls. ControlPosition now supports logical values for LTR/RTL layout support. Maps Embed API also now adjusts its controls layout automatically for left-to-right or right-to-left based on the language. - [beta channel] MapElement now has delegatesFocus enabled
12 October, 2023
- [beta channel] Adds editorial summary to the Places v2 API.
28 September, 2023
- Added support for multiple location providers in Journey Sharing JavaScript.
21 September, 2023
- google.maps.FeatureLayer responds to mousemove events.
- Added google.maps.FeatureType.SCHOOL_DISTRICT, so School Districts are supported in data-driven styling.
14 September, 2023
- [beta channel] Fixed a bug that caused AdvancedMarkerElement's addEventListener() to be unavailable.
7 September, 2023
- The Google logo will not overlap with copyright info on the Map as often.
24 August, 2023
- Fixed bug in DirectionsRenderer where Map would not load if zoom and center was not set before rendering DirectionsResult.
18 August, 2023
- Upgrades Maps JavaScript API to support ECMAScript 2020 natively.
- Advanced Markers are now rendered more clearly.
- The map is disabled when Array.from is overridden with an implementation that does not support iterables.
- Fixed the focus which was lost when the zoom buttons were disabled at the limit levels.
27 July, 2023
- [beta channel] Attributions in the new Place class have been refactored.
is nowAuthorAttribution
is nowdisplayName
is nowuri
{?string} is now available onAuthorAttribution
is nowPhoto.authorAttributions
{?AuthorAttribution} replacesPhoto.author/authorURI/authorPhotoURI
. - [beta channel] Added required field
and deprecatingquery
in Place class searchByText() method. - Adjusted the info window's anchor offset for raster map's labels and icons.
20 July, 2023
- [beta channel] Added ODRD vehicle and fleet location providers for JavaScript Journey Sharing - Fleet tracking.
- Updated the warning message when the argument passed to the
constructor is ignored. - Deprecated
in favor ofAdvancedMarkerElement.collisionBehavior
13 July, 2023
- Function
now returnstrue
when the specified point is close enough to either the start or the edge of a polyline. - Adds an error log to let developers know when the vector map fails to load and falls back to a raster map.
15 June, 2023
- [alpha channel] Update the Place Autocomplete Element to better support screen readers and other assistive technologies.
1 June, 2023
- Allow passing Node element to Advanced Marker's
property. - Improved the performance of Advanced Markers collision behavior.
- Added a new field for DeliveryVehicleStop in JavaScript Journey Sharing.
24 May, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the flickering issue that happened on the vector map.
- Fixed incorrect Date calculation when accounting for different timezones in the getNextOpeningTime() place method.
- Corrected an erroneous type in VehicleJourneySegment for Journey Sharing.
18 May, 2023
- [alpha channel] Fixed a bug where Place autocomplete element would not restore original text if you used arrow keys to highlight a prediction and then clicked escape.
- [alpha channel] Updated Place Autocomplete Prediction Styles to ensure ellipsis shows on text overflow.
- [beta channel] Local Context now shows a notice that contextual information about places on the Local Context map will be going away soon.
- Fixed a bug where the StreetView pegman would not show a hover-on-drag preview unless it had been returned to the dock at least once first.
- Deprecated bounds, location, and radius for Place Autocomplete Service. Use locationBias and locationRestriction instead.
4 May, 2023
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling for Datasets is available
- [beta channel]
Web components are now available. - Added TimeWindow as a field to Task and TaskTrackingInfo in JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- AdvancedMarkerElement and PinElement released to the weekly channel.
- Data-driven styling for Boundaries released to weekly channel.
and themapcapabilities_changed
event are released to weekly channel.
27 April, 2023
- Updated Place Autocomplete Service to support locationBias and locationRestriction
- [beta channel] Published documentation on Place v2 toJSON method.
- [beta channel] Fixed Advanced Marker dragging when the map is wrapped.
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling PlaceFeature.fetchPlace displayNames will be in the end-user's language.
- [beta channel] AdvancedMarkerView and PinView have been renamed to AdvancedMarkerElement and PinElement.
- [beta channel] Fixed an issue where AdvancedMarkers and Pins would sometimes be available without explicitly loading them. Please remember to always load the "marker" library before accessing these classes.
- [beta channel] AdvancedMarker
now normalized to a LatLngAltitude. - [beta channel] Decommissions the Advanced Marker
property in favor ofgmpDraggable
13 April, 2023
- [beta channel] Changing the value of Place property "priceLevel" from a number to a string. Possible values for "priceLevel" are now: "FREE", "INEXPENSIVE", "MODERATE", "EXPENSIVE", "VERY_EXPENSIVE".
- [beta channel] Deprecate AdvancedMarkerView.draggable in favor of gmpDraggable.
- [beta channel] Removing 'icon' property and fieldname from Place class. Developers are encouraged to use 'svgIconMaskURI' instead.
- [beta channel] AdvancedMarkerView's title property now only accepts a string. Titles can be removed with an empty string.
- [beta channel] Add 'svgIconMaskURI' as a supported field name for Place.fromPlaceFrom methods.
- [beta channel] Changed the Place class property from
- Improved the printing of errors when logged to the console.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug where closing InfoWindow was causing an error.
6 April, 2023
- Added
as a public field of polling location providers in JavaScript Journey Sharing. - [beta channel] Changed the Place class JSON response from snake_case to lowerCamelCase.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Place Review's
were showing the wrong date. - Fixed an issue where creating custom elements would be globally broken.
- [beta channel] Fixed a bug that caused the Advanced Markers to disappear when the map is wrapping.
23 March, 2023
- [alpha channel] Place Autocomplete Widget (New) Experimental is released.
- Releases JavaScript Journey Sharing to the weekly channel.
16 March, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where TypeScript interfaces were empty for libraries used by importLibrary().
9 March, 2023
- [beta channel] Suppresses Advanced Marker's click event when a marker is being dragged.
2 March, 2023
- [beta channel] Adds TaskTrackingInfo entities for JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- [beta channel] Upgrades Maps JavaScript API to support ECMAScript 2020 natively.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a memory leak that could happen when adding and removing markers to/from the map.
- Fixes a bug that caused the interactive element to be clickable when beneath a clickable Advanced Marker on touch devices.
23 February, 2023
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling: Remove PlaceFeature.displayName property.
- [beta channel] Fix WebGLOverlayViews not being removed correctly when calling setMap(null)
- Fixed a bug that complains the
library is unknown. - Fixed a bug where the InfoWindow close button was invisible when in a shadow root.
- To improve Core Web Vitals and reduce unnecessary data transfer, Maps JS now defers the loading of map tiles until the map is nearing the viewport. Maps that are created within the page's initial viewport should see no difference.
16 February, 2023
- Adds the
function, which provides the ability to dynamically load libraries at runtime. - [beta channel] Enable InfoWindow's auto-pan feature when opened on an Advanced Marker.
- [beta channel] made certain fields in Journey Sharing library data objects non-nullable
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling: The NEIGHBORHOOD, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_4, and SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_1 FeatureTypes are deprecated. They will be removed in March 2023.
2 February, 2023
- Beta channel: Support rendering Advanced Markers on custom map types.
- The latest copy of the inline bootstrap loader will now reuse CSP nonces found elsewhere in the document.
26 January, 2023
- Beta channel: Data-driven styling: Added the fetchPlace method to get the display name of a PlaceFeature. The PlaceFeature.displayName property will be deprecated, and removed in February 2023.
19 January, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an issue with Advanced Markers, where removing a marker with collision from the map could sometimes result in a ghost marker element left behind in the DOM.
12 January, 2023
- Corrects the type of
on AdvancedMarkerView, PinView, and LocalContextMapView, fromElement
toHTMLElement | SVGElement
to more closely represent the requisite element type.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug when using an Advanced Marker with an InfoWindow, where the InfoWindow might not open after dragging the marker using the keyboard.
5 January, 2023
- Beta channel: Add new attributes to place class
- Beta channel: Data-driven styling FeatureMouseEvent.features array may contain more than one feature if there are multiple under the click, and all FeatureLayer click listeners under a click will be triggered.
- Beta channel: Throw error for invalid arguments to google.maps.Map.getFeatureLayer.
- Corrects the pixel position of Advanced Markers on a fullscreen map.
- Changes map mouse events to now ignore mouse button clicks that happen while another mouse button is already being pressed.
- Fixes a bug that caused the Advanced Markers to disappear when zooming in the map.
- Improves the performance when zooming in the map with many Advanced Markers.
- Updates StreetViewPanoramaOptions documentation to clarify that clickToGo is not available with custom panoramas.
- Improves performance when creating LatLngBounds, including via Map.getBounds().
- Updates the WebGLOverlayView reference for onAdd and onRemove.
- Adds fixed marker styling customization for Journey Sharing.
8 December, 2022
- Fixes a bug that caused a marker not to give up its keyboard focus when it's outside of the map viewport.
- Beta channel: Introduces the
class, a new simpler API supporting modern usage patterns such as Promises. The Place class includes some new data fields. - Beta channel: Fixes a bug that caused Advanced Markers not to render when passing a Map that is wrapped in a Proxy.
- Beta channel: Adds trip location provider marker customization for JavaScript Journey Sharing.
01 December, 2022
- Beta channel:
API is now available. - Beta channel: Deprecated : Local Context is deprecated, and no longer recommended for new websites. The feature will continue to work, and 12 months notice will be given before support is discontinued. If you are interested in building a Local Context-like experience yourself, we suggest that you check out the "Neighborhood Discovery" solution in Quick Builder or use the Places Library, Maps JavaScript API . Code samples and codelabs for the Places Library can help you.
- Beta channel: To improve Core Web Vitals and reduce unnecessary data transfer, Maps JS now defers the loading of map tiles until the map is nearing the viewport. Maps that are created within the page's initial viewport should see no difference.
- Beta channel: Adds an event for polling state changes for Journey Sharing location providers.
- Beta channel: Adds styling customization functions for Journey Sharing. Deprecated older setup methods.
- Adds keyboard accessibility to the steps of the directions panel. Directions can now be navigated with the tab key, and selected with the space or enter keys.
now acceptsLatLngBounds
can now be constructed with aLatLngBoundsLiteral
. - Adds
text to images inDirectionRenderer
's suggested routes panel.
17 November, 2022
- Beta channel: Place class in the Places Library is released.
- Beta channel: Adds styling customization functions for Journey Sharing. Older setup methods are deprecated.
- Internet Explorer 11 is now decommissioned in the Maps Embed API.
- The Google logo in the Maps Embed API changes style when using the Hybrid or Satellite map types for increased visibility
- Improved Advanced Markers load performance.
- Makes a drawing "undo" button keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- Makes directions renderer's markers keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- Adds an ARIA description to the Map scale control.
- Enable keyboard focus and interaction for the map's scale control.
- Introduces a language parameter to Geocoder JS API. Maps JS API no longer considers
as a default region in Geocoder if it's not explicitly specified. - Introduces a language parameter to Directions JS API.
- Introduces a language parameter to Distance Matrix JS API.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug that caused the keyboard focus to redirect to the marker when an info window is opened.
- Fixes a bug that caused markers not to be focusable.
16 November, 2022
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.51.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.50.
- Versions 3.49 and 3.48 are still available when requested by number.
7 November, 2022
- Fixes an issue where
have incorrectthis
03 November, 2022
- Beta channel: Advanced Markers now support altitude when used on oblique maps.
27 October, 2022
- Beta channel: An error is now logged when data-driven styling feature layers become unavailable.
- Beta channel: Performance improvements for default Advanced Markers loading.
20 October, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixes InfoWindow right and bottom padding on iOS.
13 October, 2022
- Selected steps are now highlighted in the directions panel.
- Fixes the TypeScript typing for the
constructor. - Fixes the TypeScript typing for the
constructor. - Updates the default marker icon image in
6 October, 2022
- Beta channel: Advanced Markers Preview is released.
- Beta channel: Introduces documentation for
on thegetMapCapabilities()
return object. - Adds "This field is read-only." to the API description of
and to theelement
property ofLocalContextMapViewOption
Bug fixes:
- Colors in JSON Custom Styles now use the default style's opacity rather than a forced 100% opacity.
29 September, 2022
- Screen reader now reads the instructions on how to interact with Map and Street View.
- Adds tilt and rotate keyboard shortcuts to the keyboard shortcuts dialog.
22 September, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug where Voice Over on iOS could navigate through elements underneath the keyboard shortcuts dialog.
- Adds alt text to the static map image.
- An error is now logged to the console when
is called, and has an error.
15 September, 2022
- Add MAX_BOUNDS constant for LatLngBounds to indicate the maximum LatLng bounds for maps
- Allows screen readers to perform click actions on default markers.
1 September, 2022
- Beta channel: Updates JavaScript Journey Sharing's
class to include custom attributes. - Fixes a bug in which there was an incorrect LatLng in an event after a map was tilted.
25 August, 2022
- Beta channel: Changed
to accept a string delivery vehicle filter. - Updates the default marker icon image.
18 August, 2022
- Beta channel: Introduces map capability APIs (
event) to the beta channel. - Beta channel: Introduces a
parameter togoogle.maps.Geocoder
. - Beta channel: Introduces a
parameter togoogle.maps.DistanceMatrixService
. - Beta channel: Introduces a
parameter togoogle.maps.DirectionsService
. - Fixes a bug where a region code was ignored in multiple Places JS APIs. Introduces language and region parameters to various Place JS APIs.
- Removes support in the Maps JavaScript API Streetview for websites without googleapis.com domain in the Content Security Policy settings. Please consult the Content Security Policy Guide for more information.
4 August, 2022
- Adds
, a map ID which can be used for code samples that require a map ID. This map ID is not intended for use in production applications and cannot be used for features that require cloud configuration (such as Cloud Styling). - Clarify that
is needed to start tracking.
28 July, 2022
can now be referenced as a runtime enum.
21 July, 2022
- NaN values are rejected for width or height when validating marker icon size, marker icon scaled size, or infowindow size.
- Fixes a bug where the motion tracking control was not visible on iOS devices in Street View.
- Fixes a bug wher hover text for directions was cut off for RTL languages in the Embed API.
- Makes the transit Info Window more accessible and screen reader friendly.
14 July, 2022
- Clarifies the use of ID fields in Journey Sharing location providers.
7 July, 2022
- Makes Street View navigation links keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- Introduces a new
method onStreetViewPanorama
23 June, 2022
- Beta channel: Data-driven styling for Google boundaries is released.
Bug fixes:
- Makes the
enum accessible viagoogle.maps.places.BusinessStatus
16 June, 2022
- Adds a keyboard shortcuts control and dialog to Street View, improving the discoverability of keyboard shortcuts.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug that caused a form to submit when closing Street View.
9 June, 2022
- Moves
, fractional zoom, andgetVisibleRegion
into the weekly channel. - The default Street View panorama for
now automatically manages focus when opened. This is the new default behavior. - The Street View panorama now automatically restores focus when closed (if possible).
- Street View can now be closed by pressing the ESC key (when the close button is enabled).
have been optimized for increased robustness and accuracy.
2 June, 2022
- Improved color contrast for the Street View motion tracking control.
- Made the motion tracking control in Street View keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- The
, andMapsServerError
classes are now publicly exposed and documented.
26 May, 2022
- Improved color contrast for the Street View motion tracking control.
- Made the motion tracking control in Street View keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- The
, andMapsServerError
classes are now publicly exposed and documented.
19 May, 2022
- Beta channel: Fixes a bug where a region code was ignored in multiple Places JS APIs. Introduces language and region parameters to various Place JS APIs.
- Improves color contrast for full screen and compass controls in the dark mode.
- Makes Street View compass control, close button, and address link control, accessible and screen reader friendly.
12 May, 2022
- The weekly channel updates to version 3.49.
- The quarterly channel updates to version 3.48.
- Versions 3.47 and 3.46 are still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.45 is deleted, and can no longer be used.
28 April, 2022
- Place Autocomplete can now accept more types. Узнать больше .
was moved into the weekly channel.
14 April, 2022
- Beta Channel: Enables WebGL 2.0 for
. - Beta Channel: Includes the
library into the Maps JavaScript API TypeScript types, externs, and reference documentation. - The functions
are deprecated, and should not be used. Instead, use the standardaddEventListener()
method. These methods will continue to work and there is no plan to decommission them. - Adds
to Street View marker icon. - Adds
attribute to the Fullscreen control. - Improves the spacing of the dropdown for the Map Type control.
- Updates aria labels for the Map Type dropdown control.
Bug fixes:
- Removes a non-allowed
attribute from a default map type control.
7 April, 2022
- Improves color contrast on Maps JS API and Embed API Google logo.
31 March, 2022
- Beta Channel: Removes the deprecated WebGL Overlay View APIs.
- Enables updated basemap for Maps JavaScript API customers. The updated basemap, which is already in use on consumer Google Maps, provides a richer, more detailed basemap particularly with regard to natural features of the land.
Bug fixes:
- Reverts a previous fix for
(ease the viewport transition for short distances), pending analysis. - Fixes color contrast issues on the Map Type control in high color contrast mode.
- Matches accessible names of Map type control checkboxes with corresponding visual labels.
- Fixes color contrast issues on info windows in high color contrast mode.
24 March, 2022
- Fixes
to ease the viewport transition for short distances.
17 March, 2022
- Safari only: Ensures close button and content container are auto focused on
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a color contrast issue for the "View on Google Maps" link on s
s. - Fixes a color contrast issue for the "View on Google Maps" link on the
address control.
10 March, 2022
- Introduces a new
event forInfoWindow
. - Introduces a new
method onInfoWindow
3 марта 2022 года
- Beta Channel: Enables the new service calling style in the Maps JavaScript API Street View service. You may need to update your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are not blocked at browser-level.
- Introduced a new
property forInfoWindow
17 February, 2022
- Beta Channel: Added support for setting global experience IDs. Please see API reference documentation here .
- Beta Channel: The first and second parameters of fromLatLngAltitude will now be merged into a LatLngAltitude instead of a LatLng and a
. - Renamed LatLng 's
parameter tonoClampNoWrap
. - Screen reader now reads the instructions on how to navigate the markers when a marker receives focus.
- The Maps JavaScript API now reports telemetry information. You may need to update your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are not blocked at browser-level. For more information, please see the FAQ .
- This version does not support Internet Explorer. To continue supporting Internet Explorer 11, specify
which will be available until November 2022.
10 February, 2022
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.48.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.47.
- Versions 3.46 and 3.45 are still available when requested by number.
20 January, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the page scrolled to the top when the keyboard shortcuts control has focus.
6 January, 2022
- Beta Channel: WebGLOverlayView API update for Beta - deprecate all classes and methods with "gl" in their name in favor of new ones with "GL" in the name, deprecate WebglCameraParams in favor of the new CameraParams class (that subclasses CameraOptions).
- Updated PlaceOpeningHours method documentation to reflect that exceptional hours are not used in their calculations.
09 December, 2021
, andCircle
now accept an instance of the same class in the constructor.
02 December, 2021
is now allowed as a parameter whereverLatLng
is allowed for projections .
Bug fixes:
- Fixed some rendering issues which could occur at smaller scale values (less than 1.0).
18 November, 2021
is now allowed as a parameter whereverLatLng
is allowed in the geometry library. - Added a new onGIStateUpdateRequest API for WebGL support in the Maps JavaScript API.
- Fixed color contrast on the error screen.
- Internet Explorer 11 is now decommissioned in v=beta. The last version of the Maps JavaScript API to support Internet Explorer 11 is v3.47. Support for Internet Explorer 11 will be entirely discontinued in November 2022.
- Maps no longer receive Tab focus when the
map option is set tofalse
. - Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons are now disabled when the respective maximum or minimum zoom level is reached.
- Converted the
control to use semantic elements to improve the accessibility and screen reader experience in the Maps Embed API. - Added alt text to the icon on the error screen.
- Various general code health improvements.
Bug fixes:
- Replace non-WCAG-compliant
attributes with compliant data-* attributes.
11 November, 2021
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.47.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.46.
- Version 3.45 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.44 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
04 November, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Updated the Map Type menu bar with more accurate ARIA labels.
- Embed API: Added ARIA labels to several links, for an improved screen reader experience.
- Embed API: Fixed color contrast for some text items.
- Fixed the type of
in externs.
28 October, 2021
- Converted getters and setters to use goog.a11y.aria. This will help to protect against misspellings.
7 October, 2021
- Local Context: Removed attribution link from Local Context InfoWindow photos.
23 September, 2021
- Fixed a bug where the map cursor shows a hand when the map is not draggable.
16 September, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug with a color contrast ratio in the Place autocomplete widget.
02 September, 2021
- Scroll instructions are now displayed above open
s andCustomOverlay
26 August, 2021
- Beta Channel: Telemetry information is now reported. You may need to update your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are not blocked at browser-level. For more information, please see the FAQ .
18 August, 2021
Version 3.46 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- Added two new fields to
. - The weekly channel was updated to version 3.46.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.45.
- Version 3.44 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.43 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
- Support for Internet Explorer is being deprecated. Beginning in August 2021 with Maps JavaScript API v3.46, Internet Explorer 11 users will see a warning message at the top of maps. The last version of the Maps JavaScript API to support Internet Explorer 11 is v3.47. Support for Internet Explorer 11 will be entirely discontinued in November 2022.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where a polygon's vertex was shifted at certain zoom levels.
- Fixed a bug where content of multiple Info Windows overlapped each other.
29 July, 2021
- Embed API: On embedded maps, the zoom level is retained after being redirected to the directions page.
22 July, 2021
- Support for IE11 is deprecated. Maps in IE11 will now display a banner in the beta channel.
- Updated the "Get Directions" link in embedded maps to be more accurate.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the
method could not retrieve features with an id of 0. - Fixed an issue where an
is thrown if theComponentRestriction
value is undefined or null.
15 July, 2021
- When opened, focus is now managed to the InfoWindow container when the first focusable control is not in the InfoWindow viewport or when
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where unfinished poly drawing is completed automatically when drawing manager is removed and re-added to the map.
- Fixed a bug where the string 'Directions' is truncated in 'Embed a map' pop-up in some languages.
01 July, 2021
- Updated URL for Maps Studio in typings and JS API.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an unhandled Promise rejection when providing callback.
24 June, 2021
- Fixed a bug that caused the keyboard shortcuts dialog to open on form submit.
- Fixed a bug where the "Keyboard shortcuts" button was out of alignment.
- Removed objects accidentally added to
(Spherical, PolylineCodec, PolyGeometry). These objects should be accessed at their fully qualified namespace instead.
16 June, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Updated
, so that focus does not move whenopen()
is called within the same run loop as map instantiation.
- Updated the
API reference section with more detailed information. - Fixed focus rings when using keyboard navigation (Tab + Option) in Safari.
10 June, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the Map Type control was not properly overlaid by the keyboard shortcut dialog's background in Embed API.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an error when loading font CSS styles.
- Fixed a bug where flickering could occur when panning the Map with an open InfoWindow.
- Added the
3 June, 2021
- Added documentation for animations, icons, label, and opacity properties to the Data.StyleOptions interface.
- Redesigned the copyright dialog for better accessibility support.
- InfoWindows will now automatically manage focus when opened. This represents the new default behavior.
- Added the InfoWindowOpenOptions API, allowing developers to control how focus is managed when opening InfoWindows.
- InfoWindows can now be closed by pressing the ESC key.
- InfoWindows are now announced as a "dialog" when using screen readers.
- Polyfill isolation is now enabled; this change prevents the Maps API internal polyfills from being installed on the host page.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where a map focus ring would appear when switching browser tabs.
- Fixed an issue where the focus ring for map controls, marker elements, and map type control submenu items, incorrectly appeared with mouse interaction in some browsers.
New features:
- Enabled support for Promises in Directions, Distance Matrix, Elevation, Geocoder, Maximum Zoom Imagery, StreetView, and
services. - Added keyboard shortcuts control and dialog on the map to improve discoverability of keyboard shortcuts.
- Vector maps are now available in the weekly channel (basic features only; WebGL features are available in the beta channel).
13 May, 2021
- A warning is now logged to the console when
is called without an associated Map or StreetView instance.
28 April, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where removed or hidden optimized markers are added back to the map after changing to a new map type.
Local Context:
- Added support for arrays that don't have an
method defined as a validplaceTypePreferences
20 April, 2021
- Improved performance for creating custom markers with Icon objects.
- Prevent focus from moving to the map type dropdown menus when hovering over a button.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where an error could occur when loading static markers prior to initializing the base map.
8 April, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Map controls were keyboard accessible when Street View is enabled.
1 April, 2021
- Local Context Library: Moved the Google logo in the Place Details View to the bottom of the contents.
25 March, 2021
- Keyboard focus now returns to the appropriate element when the InfoWindow is closed.
4 March, 2021
- 45° imagery is now available in a wider range of zoom levels, and the rotation control now includes both clockwise and anti-clockwise buttons.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a memory leak that could happen when rendering the map repeatedly.
- Fixed a memory leak that could happen when adding or removing circles or rectangles on the map.
25 February, 2021
- Fixed a bug where the Places Autocomplete
function call incorrectly points to the wrong endpoint in the beta channel.
18 February, 2021
- LocalContext Place Chooser buttons are now disabled when reloading the places shown.
- Non-optimized markers are now focusable and keyboard accessible.
- Beta Channel: Removed objects accidentally added to
). These objects should be accessed at their fully qualified namespace instead. - Turned on Polyfill Isolation in Beta channel. This means that the Maps JavaScript API will no longer install polyfills into the host page.
25 February, 2021
Only the quarterly channel was updated. Изменения:
- Fixed a memory leak issue when rendering a map multiple times
5 February, 2021
- Added beta support for Promises in
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where
with labels intercepted click events, even whenclickable
was set to false.
28 January, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed various issues related to the drawing of polylines.
21 January, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where geojson polygon holes were sometimes being filled in.
- Fixed a bug that caused the overlay disappear when switching between map and street view.
14 January, 2021
- Changed checkboxes in menus to be more accessible with screen readers.
- Increased the size of the floors buttons for indoor Street View panoramas.
- Fixed the position of mobile motion tracking controls in Street View.
Bug fixes:
- Keyboard menu button now triggers the
event. - Fixed a bug where the fullscreen control did not work properly when switching between the Map and Street View in some situations.
- Fixed an issue with screen readers not being able to navigate to markers within the map.
- Fixed a bug that caused the place icon to disappear in LocalContext's place marker.
9 December, 2020
- Renamed the
interface togoogle.maps.MapMouseEvent
and added adomEvent
property, providing direct access to the underlying event from the DOM. - Improved memory behavior of polygon overlays.
- Canvas memory is now explicitly released to avoid Safari memory issues.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the Fullscreen control stopped working when switching between Map and Street View in some situations.
- Fixed a bug where an error was logged in console on marker's
event. - Fixed a bug where the size of a marker's clickable area was drawn too large.
- Fixed a bug with polyfill conflicts that affected Symbols on IE11.
1 December, 2020
- Adds the
event, as a better alternative to therightclick
event. Thecontextmenu
event adds the capability to respond to ctrl-click on macOS. - Adds accessibility attributes to non-optimized markers when
are provided. - Adds more ARIA labels and roles for
controls, for an improved screen reader experience. - Improved screen reader support for
controls. When the user navigates away from the control, the dropdown menu automatically closes. - Corrects the number of items reported by screen readers in the dropdown menu; this prevents the line separator from being counted as a list item.
- Adds a focus ring within the
element, to indicate keyboard focus when focused via keyboard interaction. - Adds additional keyboard controls to the
controls. The dropdown options now automatically close when the control loses focus. The up and down arrow keys open the dropdown, and the Escape button closes it. Home and End keys move to the first and last items in the dropdown, respectively.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where canceling a marker animation could, under some circumstances, cause that particular marker to terminate future animations early.
20 November, 2020
- Adds a
property to theMarkerLabel
interface to set the CSS class of thelabel
element. - Adds beta support for Promises in the Maximum Zoom Imagery Service .
- Add beta support for Promises in the StreetView service.
- Added accessibility text to non-optimized markers when
are provided. - Removed the
label from theMapType
control dropdown menu button, to improve accessibility. - Converted
to sematic elements to improve accessibility. - Changed copyright element text to meet color contrast standards.
- Dropdown menus can now be opened and closed by using the enter key or the space bar.
- Dropdown menu items can now be focused.
- Local Context Library: Carousel control buttons are now disabled when they would have no effect, and no longer overlap the first or last item in the list.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that could happen when
cross the 180 degree meridian. - Keyboard shortcuts are no longer disabled by default when
is set totrue
. - Fixed a bug where screen reader text was incorrect for map toggle buttons.
- Adds accessibility name and type to
. - Fixed interface documentation that incorrectly showed some optional properties as required.
- Fixed a bug where the
constructor param, was ignored when passed aLatLngLiteral
18 November 2020
Version 3.43 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.43.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.42.
- Version 3.41 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.40 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
15 October, 2020
- Fixed a bug where a wrong checkbox's state was communicated by a screen reader.
- Fixed an issue with Map controls, where the Tab/Shift+Tab was in the wrong order.
- Converted map buttons from
to native button, for improved accessibility. - Tilt is now restricted depending on zoom level for WebGL maps.
- Fixed fullscreen button partially disappearing on Internet Explorer when
is less than 27.
7 October, 2020
- Added beta support for promises in the Directions service .
- Geocoder
now performs validation checks for empty strings. - Fixed a bug where the marker label was covered by the custom marker symbol on Safari.
Support for updated Place icons
1 October, 2020
The icons returned with Place Details and Place Search requests have been updated to use new icon glyphs . No action is required, the new glyphs will display automatically.
29 September, 2020
- Fixed a bug where the word order was wrong for RTL (right-to-left) languages on the "Report a map error" control tooltip.
- Centered marker label for RTL text direction.
21 September, 2020
- Added beta support for promises in the Distance Matrix service .
16 September, 2020
- Updated
method to handle cases when two bounds are over 180 degrees.
8 September 2020
- An error is now logged to the console when an invalid
implementation is detected. - Added beta support for Promises in Elevation service methods.
- Introduced a new
property for specifying the minimum width for anInfoWindow
. - Fixed a bug where directions routes became blurred after changing the destination.
19 August 2020
Version 3.42 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- InfoWindows now have a default max width of 648px which can be overridden by setting the InfoWindow maxWidth property. The width of an InfoWindow can now exceed 648px but will still be limited by the width of the map. (Previously, Infowindows were always restricted to the lesser of 648px or the map width.)
- Prevent flickering of the default-styled render while rendering large GeoJson data sets.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.42.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.41.
- Version 3.40 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.39 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
22 July 2020
- Fixed a bug where setting the
property tofalse
had no effect when using Cloud Styling.
6 July 2020
- Fixes trusted types violation.
27 May 2020
- The Places field
in the Places Library, Maps JavaScript API is deprecated .
20 May 2020
Version 3.41 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.41.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.40.
- Version 3.39 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.38 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
28 April 2020
- Adds a new field,
, to Place Search and Place Details results. Use this field instead ofpermanently_closed
. - Fixes an incorrect console warning when requesting (new)
; a warning is now returned forPlaceResult.utc_offset
, which has been deprecated .
14 April 2020
- Map now throws an easier to diagnose InvalidValueError if passed a mapDiv that is not an Element.
- The Chrome browser autofilling an address into
should no longer trigger an autocomplete request to the server (which will avoid billing). - Made the
property more accurate. Before this change, if you specified themaxWidth
of anInfoWindow
to be 100, the actual maximum width of theInfoWindow
would be 94px. After this change the maximum width would actually be 100px. - Fixes a memory leak issue with paint request builder when using markers and map bounds.
24 March 2020
- Fixed the truncated text in the travel time field for IE11.
10 March 2020
- Fixes bug where calling
twice would skew the Map.
23 February 2020
- Hidden iframe within Map removed from tab navigation.
18 February 2020
- Do not warn about InvalidVersion for v=beta.
- Fixes a problem with scrolling when Street View is displayed.
11 February 2020
Version 3.40 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.40.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.39.
- Version 3.38 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.37 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
08 January 2020
Version 3.39.6 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- For Directions requests,
are now logged to the console, and no longer result in an error log.
20 November 2019
Version 3.39 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- Internet Explorer 10 is no longer supported (3.38 was the last version to support it).
now returns the straight-line distance to the selected place, from the specified origin lat/lng.
- The Places fields
are deprecated as of November 20, 2019, and will be turned off on February 20, 2021. See Places Field Migration to learn more.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.39.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.38.
- Version 3.37 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.36 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
20 August 2019
Version 3.38 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.38.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.37.
- Version 3.36 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.35 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
- Fusion tables can no longer be used (3.37 was the last version to support it).
- Support for Internet Explorer 10 is now deprecated, and will end between November 2019 and May 2020 depending on the release channel or version number you use.
15 May 2019
Version 3.37 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.37.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.36.
- Version 3.35 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.34 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
- Internet Explorer 9 can no longer be used (3.34 was the last version to support it).
14 February 2019
Version 3.36 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- New features added:
- You can now change the size of map controls, using MapOption.controlSize .
- You can now restrict map bounds, using MapOptions.restriction .
- Infowindow has been improved.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.36.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.35.
- Version 3.34 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.33 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
29 January 2019
- The API can now return the total number of reviews for each place.
- Added support for Plus codes . Plus codes are short codes that provide an address for every location in the world, even in areas where traditional street addresses don't exist.
- Internet Explorer 9 is no longer supported.
- The
parameter forAutocomplete
is deprecated. - The Fusion Tables Layer in the Maps JavaScript API is deprecated as of December 3, 2018. The Fusion Tables Layer will be completely turned off on December 3, 2019, and will no longer be available after that date. Узнать больше .
13 November 2018
Version 3.35 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.35.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.34.
- Version 3.33 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.32 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
14 августа 2018 года
Version 3.34 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- New version names have been implemented. You can now specify release channels or version numbers:
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.34.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.33.
- Version 3.32 is still available.
- Version 3.31 was deleted, and can no longer be used. Customers specifying versions 3.0 to 3.31 will receive their default channel instead, either the weekly channel or the quarterly channel (see the Versioning guide).
- A larger control UI is now enabled. With the increase in touch operations on various devices, we adjusted the control UI to fit for both finger touches and mouse clicks. (It's possible to opt out by loading the API with v=quarterly, v=3.33, or v=3.32.)
11 June 2018
- Place Details requests now support using fields to specify the types of place data to return.
- Two new Find Place requests are now available:
- Place autocomplete now supports session-based billing.
16 May 2018
Version 3.33 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
13 February 2018
13 February 2018
- Make the first 256 Markers DOM Markers by default, then make subsequent markers Tile Markers. Current default is all Tile Markers.
- At high zoom levels (zoomed in) when dragging Pegman, prefer the
, rather than the Google-selectedBEST
panorama. -
gestureHandling: none
now works the same asdraggable: false
when changed inside a mousedown handler (it now takes effect onmousedown
21 November 2017
Version 3.31 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The
field is now returned with Place Details requests.
16 August 2017
Version 3.30 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The fullscreen button is now enabled by default on desktop.
- This version introduces the
property for desktop applications that enable user interaction using a mouse scroll wheel or touchpad. To control how users interact with a map, it is recommended that you use thegestureHandling
property instead of thescrollwheel
, anddraggable
16 May 2017
Version 3.29 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The format of the pano ID for user generated (custom) Street View panoramas has changed due to underlying infrastructure updates. This slightly increases the number of available panoramas.
- Requests for user generated (custom) panoramas using the old pano ID in the Maps JavaScript API still work. If you try to find a panorama using the
property of theStreetViewPanoramaOptions
object, your result will contain the new pano ID. There is no requirement to map the old and new pano IDs, as both will remain valid. - If you depend on pano ID parsing and/or verification logic, note that the format of pano IDs may change.
- You can report any issues using the issue tracker .
- Updates on the
method of thegoogle.maps.Map
class. - To change the viewport while a map is hidden, you can now set the map to visibility: hidden , thereby ensuring that the map div has an actual size.
18 April 2017
The draggable
property of the MapOptions
object is deprecated . To disable dragging of the map on desktop devices, use the gestureHandling
property and set it to none
15 February 2017
Version 3.28 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- Signed-in maps are no longer supported in version 3.28 and higher of the Maps JavaScript API.
2 February 2017
- Issue 11331 : text inside InfoWindow cannot be selected
10 January 2017
You can now restrict Autocomplete predictions to only surface from multiple countries. You can do this by specifying up to 5 countries in the componentRestrictions
field of the AutocompleteOptions
15 November 2016
Version 3.27 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
- A new
option in theMapOptions
object helps you optimise your users' experience when interacting with the map on mobile devices. The available values are:-
: The map always pans (up or down, left or right) when the user swipes (drags on) the screen. In other words, both a one-finger swipe and a two-finger swipe cause the map to pan. -
: The user must swipe with one finger to scroll the page and two fingers to pan the map. If the user swipes the map with one finger, an overlay appears on the map, with a prompt telling the user to use two fingers to move the map. View the sample above on a mobile device to see cooperative mode in action. -
: The map is not pannable or pinchable. -
(default): The behavior is eithercooperative
, depending on whether the page is scrollable or not.
For more details and examples, see the developer's guide .
- The fullscreen control is visible by default on mobile devices, so users can easily enlarge the map. When the map is in fullscreen mode, users can pan the map using one or two fingers. Note: iOS doesn't support the fullscreen feature. The fullscreen control is therefore not visible on iOS devices.
Signed-in maps deprecated
6 October 2016
The signed-in feature is deprecated . Versions 3.27 and earlier of the Maps JavaScript API continue to support signed-in maps. A future version will no longer support signed-in maps, but will continue to support features that save a place to Google Maps using an info window or the SaveWidget
. Read more about signed-in maps .
Change in via waypoints in Directions service response
29 August 2016
The via_waypoints
field in the Directions service response contains an array of waypoints that were not specified in the original request. The via_waypoints
field will continue to appear in the draggable directions response, but is deprecated in the alternative route response . Version 3.27 will be the last version of the API that supports via_waypoints
in alternative routes.
The recommended approach is to request alternative routes, then display all routes as non-draggable plus the main route as draggable. Users can drag the main route until it matches an alternative route. The via_waypoints
field is available on the resulting route (dragged by the user).
18 August 2016
Version 3.26 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
- A new Street View renderer brings rendering improvements, including smoother transitions and animations, improved object modeling, better support for mobile, and clearer controls. See the details on the Google Geo Developers Blog .
- The API now supports device orientation events in Street View, so users on mobile devices can look around by moving their phones. As a developer, you can enable or disable this feature. See the developer's guide for details.
25 May 2016
Version 3.25 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
Internet Explorer 9 support ends
2 May 2016
As of April 30th, 2016, Internet Explorer 9 is no longer officially supported by the Maps JavaScript API. See the list of supported browsers .
14 April 2016
- You can now disable the clickability of map icons. A map icon represents a point of interest, also known as a POI. See the
method ongoogle.maps.Map
31 March 2016
- Issue 9507 : Links in Street View now work again in Safari.
28 March 2016
- Issue 9394 : Info windows automatically close when the user opens an info window for a base map icon, and vice versa.
- Show a white Google logo when the base map is styled using the
property on the map (previously, the logo became white only when applying a style using a StyledMapType).
18 March 2016
- Issue 9424 :
new LatLng({lat: 0, lng: 0})
- Fixed mouse panning with the new Street View renderer (with
google.maps.streetViewViewer = 'photosphere'
15 February 2016
- The ability to opt out of the new controls using
google.maps.controlStyle = 'azteca'
has been removed.
18 January 2016
- This release includes a new full-screen control for the map. Users can click the control to maximize the map so that it takes up the entire screen. By default, this control is turned off. You can enable it in
, and configure it using theFullscreenControlOptions
. Its default position isRIGHT_TOP
. - The full-screen control for Street View is enabled by default. You can disable it via
and configure it using theFullscreenControlOptions
. Its default position is nowRIGHT_TOP
4 January 2016
- Issue 9009 : When synthesizing mouse events from touch, use the left button instead of the middle button, for compatibility with jQuery.
- Issue 4201 : The API no longer makes use of
. Therefore, it is now possible to use the API without theunsafe-eval
Content Security Policy directive.
21 December 2015
- Map Option to disable the sign in button for signed in maps (it will show the avatar for logged in users, it will still allow to sign in via signed in actions (eg starring) but it will no longer have the button to sign in on the map when this option is set).
- The interface for text search requests has changed. The
parameter is deprecated as of March 1, 2016, replaced by a newtype
parameter which only supports one type per search request. Additionally, theestablishment
, andgrocery_or_supermarket
types will no longer be supported as search parameters (however these types may still be returned in the results of a search). Requests using the legacytypes
parameter will be supported until March 1, 2017, after which all text searches must use the new implementation.
2 December 2015
- The
constructor verifies that it is given an input element. - Base map point of interest info windows show the same content in non-signed-in mode as signed-in mode.
- Google Maps API externs for the Closure Compiler now specify a type (number or string) for enums.
25 November 2015
- Added
methods toLatLng
objects. These are intended to be used viaJSON.stringify()
19 November 2015
- White google logo for styled maps
- Issue 8674 : Bug: Protect against img { max-width: 100%; }
7 January 2016
- Issue 9009 : When synthesizing mouse events from touch, use the left button instead of the middle button, for compatibility with jQuery.
10 November 2015
- The Directions service and the Distance Matrix service now return the predicted time in traffic (in response field
) when the travel mode is driving. To receive predicted travel times, include adrivingOptions
object literal in the request, specifying a current or futuredepartureTime
. You can also specify atrafficModel
of optimistic, pessimistic, or best guess (default), to influence the assumptions used when calculating the travel time. For details, see the developer's guide for the Directions service and the Distance Matrix service . Note: Theduration_in_traffic
is available only to Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers.
- The
request field is now deprecated . It was previously the recommended way for Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers to specify whether the result should include a duration that takes into account current traffic conditions. You should now use thedrivingOptions
field instead.
5 November 2015
- The AdSense library has been deprecated since May 2015, and is no longer available in the experimental version of the Maps JavaScript API. The library will be removed from the release and frozen versions of the API soon. An alternative solution is Google AdSense. See the guide to creating an AdSense ad unit .
22 September 2015
- Added support for place IDs when making directions and distance matrix requests:
now accept Place objects, andDistanceMatrixRequest.origins
now accept an array of Place objects.
15 September 2015
- The default position and appearance has changed for many of the controls on the map and on Street View panoramas. The user experience is now consistent regardless of whether a map is using signed-in mode mode or not, and is also more consistent with the Google Maps website. If you want to continue using the earlier set of controls for a while, you can set
google.maps.controlStyle = 'azteca'
in v3.22. - The new Full Screen control in Street View allows the user to open the Street View panorama in fullscreen mode.
- The Overview Map control is no longer available.
- The Pan control on the map is no longer available. To pan the view, users click and drag, or swipe, the map. (Note that the Pan control in Street View remains available.)
- The Zoom control is available in only one style, and
is therefore no longer available.
1 September 2015
- Added LatLngBounds literals
- Fixed issue with overly broad CSS classes
- Improved tile loading after the map is resized
Internet Explorer 8 support ends
31 August 2015
As of August 31st, 2015, Internet Explorer 8 is no longer officially supported by the Maps JavaScript API. See the list of supported browsers . For information on Microsoft's browser support policy, see the IEBlog post of August 7, 2014 .
5 August 2015
- Performance improvement: only load visible tiles
- Numerous docs improvements
21 July 2015
- Markers with Labels launched
- Fixed: iOS7 Out of Memory Error for poly on very high definition screens
- Touch Event Fixes on IE10+
- Error verification on Developer provided inputs now output to the console rather than throwing an error.
6 July 2015
- Issue 8159 : Bug: incorrect rendering of StrokePosition.OUTSIDE
17 June 2015
- Fixed: Issue 6321 : Bug: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined" only in Android/iOs browsers
2 June 2015
- Deprecated: CloudLayer, PanoramioLayer
- Fixed: Issue 8098 : Bug: Weighted Heatmap does not render correctly with one point
2 June 2015
- adds ability to Geocode a placeId to an address/latlng
- returns placeIds via the Geocoding API
28 May 2015
- Fixed: Issue 6358 : SVG Path Notation does not render correctly on HDPI devices
19 May 2015
- Issue 7673 : Controls loose position after map type dropdown used
- Issue 7589 : Pegman jumps when the map is resized.
24 April 2015
- Increase in terrain max zoom and loading high dpi tiles even at max zoom.
13 April 2015
- Issue 7820 : Cursors not working on pages loaded from file://
- Issue 7591 : Bug: StreetViewService.getPanoramaByLocation fails when radius argument is not an integer
25 March 2015
- Issue 7733 : Bug: KML Ground/Images- Overlays are Suddenly Very Low Resolution
- Save Widget text better aligned with star icon
17 March 2015
- Issue 7756 : Bug: Safari 8 performance regression
- Removed demographics layer
- Improvements to InfoWindow chrome
17 February 2015
The current Maps JavaScript API experimental version (3.19) will become the release version.
Version 3.17 will be removed. Requests for 3.17 or any prior version will now be served version 3.18.
Versioning documentation is available at: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/versions
Available versions after rollover:
Experimental: 3.20
Release: 3.19
Frozen: 3.18
24 April 2015
- Cursors in signed-in mode.
19 March 2015
- Issue 7756 : Bug: Safari 8 performance regression
20 January 2015
- Issue 7475 : Bug: phantomjs TypeError: Unable to delete property
13 on January 2015
- tiles are now hidden from screen readers
17 December 2014
- Issue 6917 : Bug: Shapes don't respect map's 'draggable' property
- Issue 7445 : Bug: Presentation faults when using the signed-in feature of the v3 Maps API
02 December 2014
- Issue 7390 : Bug: weather.com hyperlinks not working
- Issue 7376 : Bug: WebGL has been turned off (now re-enabled)
- ES6 naming clash with Symbol
25 November 2014
- Issue 7333 : Bug: caret of infowindow is broken in IE9
04 December 2014
- Issue 7390 : Bug: weather.com hyperlinks not working
18 September 2014
- Issue 7136 : Multiple marker titles not working in Firefox
09 September 2014
- Issue 7098 : Setting streetview POV heading throws an error
26 August 2014
3.18 released to experimental.
3.17 is now stable.
20 August 2014
- Issue 6937 : Regression in 3.17: Cannot read property "remove" of undefined (in Places)
12 August 2014
- Issue 6968 : Bug: Keyboard arrow keys not working with v=3.exp
31 July 2014
- Map Panes given explicit documentation for how DOM events propagate through them.
pane added.
07 July 2014
added to Data Layers and individual Data Layer Features, allowing export of geometry to GeoJSON.
24 June 2014
, a unique identifier for a place, added to the Places Library for Autocomplete and Place Details. -
added toDirectionsRoute
, providing an encoded polyline representing the entire course of the route.
26 May 2014
parameter is no longer required in the Maps API URL.
20 May 2014
3.17 released to experimental.
15 April 2014
- Markers now have opacity that matches other geometry types - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#MarkerOptions
08 April 2014
- Map pans on mouse move while drawing.
- Accept LatLngLiteral in more locations.
- InfoWindow resizes itself when Roboto has finished loading ( Issue 5713 )
31 March 2014
- Semi-transparent KML layers no longer transparent on IE 8 ( Issue 6540 )
26 March 2014
- Removed event.returnValue calls in Chrome to prevent console warnings.
- Pinch-to-zoom does not work in IE11 ( Issue 5747 )
18 March 2014
- Data Layer launched - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/datalayer
12 March 2014
- LatLngLiteral support in most places where google.maps.LatLng is accepted - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#LatLngLiteral
24 February 2014
- Support for ferries in Distance Matrix and Directions services.
17 February 2014
3.16 released to experimental.
03 March 2014
- Reenable hardware acceleration in Chrome Windows and Linux now that Chrome bug is fixed ( https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=336676 )
10 February 2014
- Disable all tile hardware acceleration on Chrome/Linux to work around larger Chrome hardware acceleration issue.
03 February 2014
- Scroll wheel does not work in IE 11 ( Issue 5944 )
29 January 2014
- Disable all tile hardware acceleration on Chrome/Windows to work around larger Chrome hardware acceleration issue. ( Issue 6219 )
22 January 2014
- Temporarily disable hardware acceleration on Chrome/Windows when the drawing manager is loaded to work around Chrome issue: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=336676 ( Issue 6224 )
16 January 2014
- Visual Refresh CSS made less specific to override fewer user-set styles.
27 November 2013
- Creating marker after instantiating map throws 'contains' undefined error ( Issue 5798 )
19 November 2013
- Directions panel maneuver icons are not properly displayed in Firefox
10 September 2013
- Links in official Google info windows do not open in new tabs/windows ( Issue 5794 )
15 August 2013
- Visual refresh becomes the default map rendering mode in release version of the API.
- DynamicMapsEngineLayer: feature reporting for vector, imagery, and KML layers
25 June 2013
- DynamicMapsEngineLayer
11 June 2013
- 'disableDefaultUI' option to StreetViewPanoramaOptions
- Bug: Custom Street View panoramas and 90 degrees down ( Issue 4875 )
04 June 2013
- Infowindow domready doesn't fire when visualRefresh=true ( Issue 5415 )
- Bug: visualRefresh info windows on iOS ( Issue 5396 )
15 May 2013
- Google Maps visual refresh: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/basics#VisualRefresh
29 April 2013
- Removed markers stay on the map on Android and Dolphin browsers
19 February 2013
- Changing DrawingMode while drawing causes error
- Clicking on steps in the directions panel changes zoom
12 February 2013
- Undraggable polygon can be dragged through a draggable polygon with touch input ( Issue 4868 )
- Transit icons incorrect in Route Alternatives Panel when travelMode switched ( Issue 4581 )
- panTo(latLng) does not always center map exactly at latLng under some conditions
29 January 2013
- added StreetViewCoverageLayer for adding the coverage layer programmatically
- Exposed StreetViewPov for StreetViewPanoramas
- Increased memory usage when using V3.8 of Google Maps JavaScript leads to a crash (observed in IE 9, Chrome, etc.) ( Issue 4162 )
- Drop-down (select) menu in InfoWindow won't follow map pan on Firefox
22 January 2013
- draggable option to polylines, polygons, circles, rectangles
- price_level field in PlaceResult
15 January 2013
- Repeating Polyline icons are drawing incorrectly for some polylines ( Issue 4333 )
07 January 2013
- Scrolling the map scrolls the page too ( Issue 1605 , Issue 3652 )
17 December 2012
- New Languages: Urdu & Icelandic
- blurred/hazy maps in IE9 after navigation ( Issue 3875 )
17 December 2012
- New Languages: Urdu & Icelandic
- blurred/hazy maps in IE9 after navigation ( Issue 3875 )
10 December 2012
- ability to load images with the crossorigin attribute set
- issues showing markers with remote images in closeups ( Issue 4616 )
- JS error when reshowing symbols on polylines on IE 7/8
03 December 2012
- Markermanager library not working with the Maps API JS v3 ( Issue 4543 )
27 November 2012
- using High DPI canvas on High DPI devices for optimized markers
- MapTypeControl did not clear styles ( Issue 4588 )
04 February 2013
- Increased memory usage when using V3.8 of Google Maps JavaScript? leads to a crash (observed in IE 9, Chrome, etc.) ( Issue 4162 )
25 September 2012
- Indoor Street View
- fixedRotation option to IconSequence
- "Time in Current Traffic" to Directions
11 September, 2012
- Added StrokePosition to polygons, rectangles, circles
- computeOffsetOrigin to geometry library
- Four new languages to the API: Afrikaans, Amharic, Swahili, Zulu
28 August, 2012
- types to Places API textSearch
- Symbol object cannot be passed to MarkerOptions under GWT
- Regression: Pinch to zoom on iOS 5 when page scrolled ( Issue 4046 )
14 August, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Modify the interface to KmlLayer to accept url as an MVC property, rather than a constructor argument.
10 September 2012
- Symbol object cannot be passed to MarkerOptions under GWT
- Regression: Pinch to zoom on iOS 5 when page scrolled ( Issue 4046 )
9 August, 2012
- Syntax error on Android 3.x
31 July, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Hide Street View overlay on custom projections
- Marker symbols do not fire events on safari when the scale is > 35
- click event not raised for markers on a custom map (map type + projection)
25 July, 2012
- componentRestrictions on Autocomplete ( Issue 4302 )
17 July, 2012
- Text box is not clickable in InfoWindow on IE
- bounds_changed should fire before zoom_changed ( Issue 1399 )
- Map option backgroundColor not preserved after Streetview invoked
- Switching from Styled map to satellite unnecessarily loads the map tiles
- Map draggable/scrollwheel properties ignored in drawing mode ( Issue 4012 )
- LatLngBounds should return a full longitude range when more than one copy of the world is shown
- Don't draw empty shape when double clicking ( Issue 3964 )
- Superfluous marker events on click ( Issue 3911 )
Noticeable changes:
- Renamed search and query endpoints to nearbySearch and textSearch
10 July, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Make google.maps.event.removeListener() accept null as argument
27 June, 2012
- TRANSIT DirectionsMode: http://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2012/06/public-transit-routing-and-layer-now.html
- Pagination, Reviews, textSearch to Places API: http://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2012/07/add-flexible-search-and-google-reviews.html
Noticeable changes:
- Recognize 'transparent' as a color.
23 June, 2012
- Символы
- HeatmapLayer
- New styler options "weight" and "color":
15 May, 2012
- Country restriction for Autocomplete (AutocompleteOptions.componentRestrictions) ( Issue 3899 )
- Regions and Cities type filters
1 May, 2012
- Deleted markers sometimes reappear ( Issue 4087 )
- Marker shadows sometimes do not render ( Issue 3993 )
23 April, 2012
- Pegman stays on map with custom map type after closing Street View ( Issue 4076 )
- Removed animated markers cannot be re-added to the map ( Issue 4052 )
18 April, 2012
- Weather info window always shows raining icon on Firefox ( Issue 4063 )
- orderBy, limit and offset for FusionTablesLayer ( Issue 3557 )
10 April, 2012
- Aerial imagery shown even if aerial not available for whole viewport ( Issue 3913 )
3 April, 2012
- WeatherLayer and CloudLayer ( Issue 3555 )
- DemographicsLayer
- Tile boundaries visible for polys on IE 9 Quirks
- Markers jumping around when panning in Canvas Street View
28 March, 2012
- Use lowercase tag names to be XHTML compliant ( Issue 3868 )
- Changed the zooming behavior for Apple trackpads to make it less sensitive ( Issue 2416 )
20 March, 2012
- Creating a marker with a shadow image that doesn't exist causes errors ( Issue 4014 )
- Click-to-go/Click-to-zoom in Street View ( Issue 2447 )
Noticeable changes:
- Disabled double-click to zoom by default in Street View
6 March, 2012
- Error in OverviewMapControl when zooming in very quickly ( Issue 3882 )
- Error in IE when map div removed from page ( Issue 3971 )
- Scaled markers rendering incorrectly on IE < 9 ( Issue 3912 , Issue 3908 )
- opacity to GroundOverlay ( Issue 2767 )
- utc_offset and opening_hours to PlaceResult ( Issue 2431 )
- clickToGo option to StreetViewPanoramaOptions ( Issue 2447 )
21 February, 2012
- Blurry maps on IE 9 ( Issue 3875 )
- Polyline consisting of collinear edges in LatLng space incorrectly simplified ( Issue 3739 )
- google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation() and isLocationOnEdge() ( Issue 1978 )
February 15, 2012
- Regression: Scaled markers rendered incorrectly with invalid "size" parameter ( Issue 3908 )
- Map stuck in editing mode when setEditable(false) called while user is dragging control point ( Issue 3842 )
Noticeable changes:
- Cross-fade between Street View panoramas.
February 7, 2012
- Marker flickers at final position before drop animation ( Issue 3608 )
- Opening InfoWindow and setting zoom at the same time results in incorrect map center ( Issue 3738 )
- Ignore right click when dragging markers ( Issue 3237 )
- Marker title sometimes does not appear on Firefox ( Issue 3773 )
Noticeable changes:
- Scaled markers now rendered in Canvas where available
- setOpacity() for ImageMapType ( Issue 3125 )
- setOpacity() for GroundOverlay ( Issue 2767 )
- "tilesLoaded" event for ImageMapType ( Issue 1744 )
- stop() to MouseEvent, which stops event propagation ( Issue 2172 )
January 31, 2012
- Fixed: Wrong Korean tiles after panning around the world ( Issue 2722 )
- Fixed: Cannot drop pegman accurately to display StreetView ( Issue 3861 )
- Added "visible" property for polys ( Issue 2861 )
- panTo and panBy animated even when viewports far apart (Regression)
January 24, 2012
- Mouse events bubble through an InfoWindow ( Issue 3573 )
- Enabled CSS transforms on IE9
- Added imageDateControl to StreetViewPanorama
- Enabled Canvas Street View on IE 9, Opera and Safari/Windows
January 16, 2012
- Pegman should not be draggable in drawing mode
- Correctly fire events, respecting zIndex of polys and other layers
- Add KmlLayer "status" property ( Issue 3015 )
January 10, 2012
- Show pegman if disableDefaultUI is true and streetViewControl is true
December 7, 2011
- Controlled access highways can be styled separately from highways (road.highway.controlled_access)
- place_changed fired when user presses "Enter" on Autocomplete ( Issue 3407 )
November 28, 1011
- Reposition Autocomplete when window resized. "resize" event can be triggered on Autocomplete object.
November 22, 2011
- InfoWindow content size now computed taking into account cascading styles
- Aerial map rotation control doesn't match the heading on map creation
November 7, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- New visual style of default controls
- Editable shapes (polygons, polylines, circles, rectangles)
- New DrawingManager for adding new overlays
- New PlaceResult fields: website and international_phone_number
- New ElevationResult field: resolution
- Start and end icons in directions results now render with transparent background in IE 7+
October 31, 2011
- Error when Maps API used with Prototype Library on IE7
October 25, 2011
- Errors when KmlLayer map changed before layer finished loading
- Memory leak in IE when adding and removing polys
October 18, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Added keyword field to PlaceSearchRequest
- Removed road lines from Street View
October 10, 2011
- Address is too long in the Street View preview
September 27, 2011
- Overview map control updates center and zoom together if zoom has changed
September 27, 2011
- Double-fetch of initial tiles in Chrome
- Memory leaks while panning
- Don't drop Street View pegman when panning to area out of coverage
- Regression: GroundOverlays that cross -180 longitude disappearing
- Regression: Map center incorrect when opening info window while panning and zooming
Noticeable changes:
- Show Street View previews while pegman is dragged
September 20, 2011
- Memory leak in Chrome/Windows when rendering markers using Canvas
- Marker rendering for aerial view with heading of 90 or 270 degrees
Noticeable changes:
- Default Google map types cannot be accessed through the map type registry (prevents access to map tiles)
- Rotation animations when leaving and entering aerial imagery
September 12, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Marker stuck in raised position after tooltip appears on Firefox 4+ ( Issue 3334 )
Noticeable changes:
- GeocoderResult.formatted_address not documented
September 6, 2011
- Select element (drop down) info window does not follow map pan in Firefox
- Tiles in Korea on some mobile devices
August 29, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Allow custom controls to have a higher z-index than API controls
- Links take users to correct language version of maps.google.com
- Do not open an InfoWindow over a KML feature if there is no info window html, name, or description.
- Fixed Regression: high DPI tiles broken
August 24, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Hardware acceleration disabled for Chrome/Mac: fixes marker rendering issue and overlay clicking ( Issue 3544 , Issue 3551 )
- Pinch-to-zoom fixed for Android when the page has been scrolled ( Issue 3373 )
Noticeable changes:
- Business icons are now on by default.
August 17, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Clickable map icons for points of interests.
- Styles can be set in MapOptions and applied across all default map types.
- Pegman appears on custom map types unless explicitly disabled.
August 10, 2011
- Markers stuck in drag up position when dragged to horizon in Street View
- Street View not resizing when map or window resized
- Street View with a shared InfoWindow crashes browser
August 2, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Hyperlinks in info window on IE don't work ( Issue 3503 )
- Scale control does not print ( Issue 2966 )
- Regression: Error when using OverviewMapControl with styled maps ( Issue 3489 )
Noticeable changes:
- Context menu on most controls now disabled on right click.
- Street View Panorama/Map inside an InfoWindow does not pan when mousing over InfoWindow
- Now possible to scroll an InfoWindow on iPad
July 18, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Event LatLng incorrect when page is scrolled on iOS >= 4.1 ( Issue 3373 )
July 11, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed:
not clickable within infowindow on touch device ( Issue 3232 ) - Fixed: Click not fired on map after right click if MapOptions.draggable is false ( Issue 3071 )
Noticeable changes:
- Markers with same z-index are now ordered consistently across tile boundaries
- Now possible to to scroll in infowindow on iOS
- Markers and polys are now repainted when the map's projection changes
July 5, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Marker cursor not displayed when map is not draggable ( Issue 3120 )
Noticeable changes:
- Added ability to style the Places Autocomplete control and dropdown
- Places Autocomplete widget preserves description returned by server after user selects a suggestion
June 30, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Initial map tiles would be double fetched
- Fixed: maptypeid_changed event was fired multiple times when the map was created after 3.4 ( Issue 3051 )
Noticeable changes:
- Places autocomplete was changed to append to the body rather than the inputs parent
- BOTTOM_RIGHT now positions correctly
June 8, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Zoom no longer animated if change in zoom level greater than 2 ( Issue 3033 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: OverlayView.set('map', foo) is now the same as OverlayView.setMap
- Removed GeocoderRequest's "language" option
17 мая 2011 года
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Streetview rendering issue in IE7 ( Issue 3272 )
Noticeable changes:
- Enabled fade transitions for map tiles when loading and changing map type.
May 7, 2011
No noticeable changes.
May 7, 2011
No noticeable changes.
May 6, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Street view panorama does not display in IE7 ( Issue 3272 )
- Fixed: Semi-transparent PNG with ImageMapType loses transparency in IE7 and IE8 ( Issue 3275 )
Noticeable changes:
- Distance Matrix Service
April 14, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Support named CSS colors for poly strokeColor and fillColor
- Fixed: Polygon not visible if the strokeOpacity is set to 0.0 ( Issue 3241 )
- Fixed: Errors in IE8 upon panning with AdUnit visible ( Issue 3159 )
- Allow Terrain and Hybrid map without Map and Satellite in the map type control ( Issue 3089 )
- High DPI tiles are loaded for high DPI screens ( Issue 2614 )
Noticeable changes:
- Aerial tilt defaults to 45 degrees when aerial imagery is enabled and available
- Pinch behavior has been improved on the iPad
- Renamed DirectionsTravelMode and DirectionsUnitSystem to TravelMode and UnitSystem (old names remain backwards compatible)
April 14, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Marker icon and shadow no longer transparent on IE6
- Fixed: Markers no longer flicker on zoom
- Fixed: Rendering of polygons across tile boundaries near the north/south poles
Noticeable changes:
- Polylines and Polygons now rendered in Canvas where possible.
- LatLngs for events on polylines and polygon borders now snap to the nearest point on the line.
April 5, 2011
Resolved issues:
- panTo doesn't animate on touch devices ( Issue 3066 )
- Marker.MAX_ZINDEX is undefined ( Issue 3184 )
March 28, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Can't change heading in Street View when in satellite mode ( Issue 3174 )
- Map broken when VML disabled ( Issue 3119 )
Noticeable changes:
- Street view road overlay now shows in obliques mode
March 22, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Pegman shows in custom map types ( Issue 3154 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: Giant markers are clipped at tile boundaries
- Fixed: Street view overlay in obliques mode
- Fixed: Overview map control shows in print mode
March 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- 45 Degree imagery ( Issue 2412 )
- Overview map control ( Issue 1470 )
- Support animated gifs - 'optimized' option added ( Issue 3095 )
- Marker.getVisible() returns undefined ( Issue 3114 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: Circles and rectangles ignore zIndex
- Fixed: Mouse events trigger events twice when Marker is animating
- Fixed: Styled maps do not use styles if map type added to registry after map type id set
- Fixed: Non-styled map types adopt the style of a Styled Map Type
- Markers now fire MouseEvents, not DOM events
March 11, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Double clicking on a marker no longer zooms the map ( Issue 3090 )
- Anchor point with custom marker shadow now works ( Issue 3112 )
Noticeable changes:
- Panoramio Layer
- Directions marker z-indexing fixed
- Default shadow position fixed
March 2, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Markers now rendered in Canvas/VML where available
- Bigger click targets for polylines, polygons, KML on touch-enabled devices
February 22, 2011
Resolved issues:
- InfoWindow anchor exposed via 'anchorPoint' MVC property ( Issue 2860 )
- Fixes Hybrid at zoom level 0 and 1 ( Issue 3062 )
- Circle/Rectangle fixed if added/removed quickly to map ( Issue 3052 )
- draggable: false fixed on touch devices ( Issue 3044 )
February 18, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Markers in Street View are only shrunk, not enlarged ( Issue 2969 )
- Draggable directions now work when routeIndex is not 0 ( Issue 2995 )
- Conflict between Flash and map dragging fixed ( Issue 2956 )
- When mapTypeId is changed in maptypeid_changed listener, the map type control is now consistent
Noticeable changes:
- Labels are now on by default when Satellite mode clicked from map type control
February 8, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- New hierarchical map type controls - they're touch-friendly!
- New logo ( Issue 2574 )
- MarkerShape.coord renamed to MarkerShape.coords to match HTML
coords attribute
March 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Polygon not rendering
February 8, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Tile requests not being cancelled in Chrome ( Issue 3011 )
- rightclick event not being fired in FF/Mac ( Issue 2920 )
- Text rendering issues in Safari/Mac ( Issue 3024 )
- Directions maps not printing in IE correctly
January 21, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- MVCArrays are now accepted in spherical geometry library
- Fix cross showing under a marker while being dragged in IE6
- z-index is no longer set on the map container div
January 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed an issue where incorrect timing for zoom_changed caused incorrect results for fromLatLngToContainerPixel ( Issue 2539 )
January 6, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Geometry library added - provides spherical geometry and polyline encoding utilities ( Issue 2540 , Issue 2595 , Issue 2246 )
- Ability to set the min/max zoom level on the map ( Issue 1624 )
Noticeable changes:
- Zoom and pan controls have been separated (no more navigation control). These can be configured separately.
- New touch-friendly zoom control on touch devices
- Contents of an MVCArray can now be cleared by calling clear()
- Fixed memory leak when adding and removing markers in IE8
- Faster rendering of polys with improved simplification algorithm
December 23rd, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Waypoint click handlers fixed in draggable directions ( Issue 2871 )
December 21st, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Added momentum to the map when dragging ( Issue 2592 )
- Fixed CSS error in Street View ( Issue 2666 )
- Fixed JS error when showing a InfoWindow with a Map width of 0 in IE ( Issue 2536 )
Noticeable changes:
- On touch devices, we will now display a touch-friendly zoom control whether ZOOM_PAN or SMALL navigation control is requested. If the device supports multi-touch in the browser, no zoom control will be displayed, as zooming is accomplished through pinching.
December 9th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- InfoWindows now print nicely in IE ( Issue 1343 )
- Fixed opacity in IE8 for ImageMapType
Noticeable changes:
- A cross will be displayed beneath Markers with a custom icon when dragged, and raiseOnDrag is enabled
December 5th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Provide an interface for discovering the maximum zoom level at a given location for satellite imagery. ( Issue 2049 )
- Add an option (raiseOnDrag) to enable/disable animations when a marker is dragged. ( Issue 2910 )
Noticeable changes:
- Markers now lift when dragged, and bounce when dropped.
- Marker animations can be controlled programmatically with the setAnimation function.
November 28th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- maptypeid_changed no longer fires twice ( Issue 2449 )
- The "size" property of a MarkerImage object is now accessible ( Issue 2465 )
- Marker shape references the icon rather than the sprite ( Issue 2629 )
- Panning the map on marker drag has been improved for smaller maps ( Issue 2868 )
- Maps can now be printed without enabling printing of background images
- Fixed bug where draggable direction markers were draggable when 'draggable' was set to false
November 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2076 : Provide a way to give a InfoWindow to the DirectionsRenderer ( Issue 2076 )
- Issue 2524 : Implement streetViewControlOptions
- Issue 2557 : Add disable zoom to Street view
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug that caused a new window to open in FF when a marker if shift-clicked.
- Letter marker icons were lost when markerOptions were specified with the DirectionsRenderer
November 11th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where polygons were clipped/truncated with RTL on IE7/IE8
- Fixed bug that caused checkboxes to be hidden on Safari 5 because of 3d transformations
- Geodesic polylines that spanned the equator lacked detail
- Renamed control positions LEFT to LEFT_TOP, RIGHT to RIGHT_TOP, TOP to TOP_CENTER and BOTTOM to BOTTOM_CENTER
October 11th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2478 : Streetview - Compass Misalignment/Missing in some browsers
- Issue 2528 : ImageMapTypeOptions opacity broken in IE8
- Issue 2661 : Infowindow - Right click on an input field does not display context menu
- Issue 2741 : Marker placement not working on iOS 4 following map pan
Noticeable changes:
- Street View is enabled by default
- Fixed bug where 'this' wasn't being passed to .getTileUrl
- InfoWindow domready event is now triggered after the window is visible
September 28th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2712 : Memory Leaks (add/remove markers, show/hide markers, zoom/pan map)
Noticeable changes:
- V2 and V3 maps work better when both are on the same page
- Fixed error in HTML5 Street View when dragged quickly downwards
September 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2701 : Initial Street View Navigator Control Heading Doesn't Follow POV
September 14th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 157 : Support draggable driving directions
- Issue 1852 : 'rightclick' event on a google.maps.Marker is fired up without an argument
- Issue 2673 : Pegman disappears after position change
Noticeable changes:
- Marker performance has been improved
August 31st, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2658 : Tall Info Windows
Noticeable changes:
- Geodesics have been improved for higher zooms
August 24th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2648 : Trigger map resize event causes error in Firefox in V3.2.1
Noticeable changes:
- When zooming in or out repeatedly (such as when using a scroll wheel), we now load fewer tiles from the intermediate zoom levels.
August 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2416 : Apple Magic Mouse Panning and Zooming too Sensitive
- Issue 2606 : Setting draggable: false on a map disables links
- Issue 2640 : Memory not cleared with browser refreshes / onunload (IE)
Noticeable changes:
- StreetView markers are scaled according to their distance
- Zoom slider updates on pan
August 9th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Deprecated properties KMLMouseEvent.position and FusionTablesMouseEvent.position have been removed. Use .latLng instead
- Deprecated property StreetViewService.getNearestPanorama has been removed. Use .getPanoramaByLocation instead
September 28th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed issue where directions with the same origin and destination threw a JS error
August 9th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Changing an OverlayView's Map has been fixed
- Calling GroundOverlay.setMap(null) is fixed
- IE no longer leaks memory zooming/panning
August 5th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2588 : Calling setVisible(false) on Panorama object with a listener attached causes a JS error in IE
Noticeable changes:
- Markers disappearing in IE6 on zoom change has been fixed
Jul 29, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2337 : Lost Polyline
- Issue 2497 : Clickable option is not honored for Circle
Noticeable changes:
- Custom panorama 'originHeading' has been deprecated in favour of 'centerHeading'
- Korean hybrid tiles now display roads
- Clicks now pass though non-clickable polygons on the map
Jul 22, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 1856 : Support polygon rendering in Opera
- Issue 2159 : Dragend event is triggered after zoom using the scrollwheel
- Issue 2385 : At deeper zoom levels, GroundOverlay goes black in Internet Explorer
- Issue 2337 : Lost Polyline
- Issue 2427 : Dragging with an info window open on auto-pan causes "hanging" markers
- Issue 2493 : Markers aren't correctly cleared in IE7
- Issue 2500 : Cropped MarkerImage When Using !Marker.setIcon(<scaled MarkerImage>) for Existing Marker
- Issue 2549 : CSS for Google's dropdown menu generates warning
Noticeable changes:
- A click event is no longer fired when a polygon is dragged
- Clicking on a Form select element that expands outside of a InfoWindow no longer fires a map click
- Clicking on a KML overlay no longer fires a map click event
- Streetview is now automatically panned to fit an InfoWindow on screen
- KML and FusionTables MouseEvent LatLng changed from 'position' to 'latLng'
- Android zoom controls no longer pass click to the map
Jun 17, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2346 : Option to disable smooth animation
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed marker flicker bug
- InfoWindow domready event triggering has been improved
- DirectionsRoute.bounds is now exposed
Jun 11, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2389 : Street View doesn't work in IE7
- Issue 2460 : Bug in pegman positioning
- Fixed marker memory leak
- First geocode latency has been improved
- Provided access to the StreetViewService
May 18, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2037 : GPolylineOptions geodesic
- Fixed bug to correctly Google copyright on custom map type
- Added geodesic property to Polygons and Polylines
- Added clickable option to Polygons and Polylines
- Added clickable option to GroundOverlay
May 13, 2010
- Issue 1724 : Incorrect infoWindow size/margins when setting the content through an element, rather than string
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where ground overlays were cropped prematurely when crossing the dateline
- Marker setIcon now works with \ in the url
- Polygon and Polyline mouseout event triggers in IE
- Changing a marker icon no longer flickers
May 7, 2010
- Issue 1458 : Feature request: KML support in Google API v3
- Issue 1658 : Add Traffic Overlay
- Issue 2209 : Stack overflow
- Issue 2254 : Multiple calls "setMap(gMap)" and "setMap(null)" on Circle object changes it's stroke and fill opacity
Noticeable changes:
- Added KML and GeoRSS Layers
- Added Ground Overlays
- Added new layers: Traffic and Bicycling
- Added "suppressBicyclingLayer" property against DirectionsRendererOptions
- Fixed bug to ensure zoom layer is correctly referenced when MapType changes
- Renamed DirectionsResult property "start/end_point" to "start/end_location"
- Renamed DirectionsLeg property "start/end_geocode" with "start/end_address"
- Renamed DirectionsRoute "optimized_waypoint_order" property with "waypoint_order"
- Removed support for old directions property names (setTripIndex, getTripIndex, hideTripList, provideTripAlternatives) and continue logging warnings. Also removes conversion of routes to legs to steps and trips to routes to steps.
- Updated GeocoderGeometry.latLng to GeocoderGeometry.location
April 30, 2010
- Issue 2230 : Map initializes without intended custom projection
Noticeable changes:
- Clicking on the map now focuses the keyboard
- iPad pinch-to-zoom is now supported
April 26, 2010
- Issue 1826 : Add mouseover and mouseout events on Polygons and Polylines
- Issue 2177 : map.setZoom(z) not working properly during the 'maptypeid_changed' event
- Issue 2247 : hideRouteList option on DirectionsRenderer doesn't work as expected
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where custom icons disappear off the bottom of the map during pan
April 13, 2010
- Issue 2275 : MarkerImage cannot be reused
- Issue 2181 : When you add a google.maps.Marker and then use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out, the marker is hidden
April 11, 2010
No noticeable changes or changed issues.
April 5, 2010
- Issue 1976 : Custom icon & draggable marker issues
- Issue 2107 : Draggable marker vanishes when dragged off the map
- Issue 2181 : The projection property of the basemaps is not present
Noticeable changes:
- Exposed the directions overview polyline in DirectionsRoute as overview_path.
- Exposed the Map's current projection as a read only property.
Mar 23, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Elevation is now exposed in the API
- Improved tile loading for slow internet connections.
Mar 15, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Polygons now correctly repaint when styles are changed.
- Deprecated warning messages via console.log are given when old style 'Directions' are used.
Mar 10, 2010
- Issue 1801 : Polyline/polygon zIndex
- Issue 2144 : DirectionsRequest should provide avoidHighways option
- Issue 2207 : Bug: Polyline gets filled in IE
- Issue 2113 : Polylines broken in FF on high zoom levels after Jan release
Noticeable changes:
- Added bicycling directions !
- Added new DirectionsRequest options :
- Improved Polygon/Polyline rendering speeds
- Renamed the following Directions objects. Old names remain supported.
- DirectionsRoute to DirectionsLeg
- DirectionsTrip to DirectionsRoute
Mar 3, 2010
- Issue 2136 : Obfuscate Properties in google.maps.MarkerImage which should not be referenced
Noticeable changes:
- Map jump-jump bug fixed.
- Zooming twice in succession has been improved.
- Marker drag event .latLng is no longer obfuscated.
Feb 26, 2010
- Issue 1651 : mousemove / mouseover / mouseout for map canvas
- Issue 2142 : DirectionsRendererOptions should allow users to suppress markers entirely
- Issue 2148 : event.latLng Missing!
- Issue 2109 : Bug: NavigationControlStyle.ZOOM_PAN doesn't display correctly in IE8
- Issue 2153 : MVCArray.push() does not return new length
Noticeable changes:
- Add opacity to ImageMapType.
- Fixed the bug where rightclick on a rectangle/circle was not being fired.
- Info window's content events are no longer being removed on hide.
Feb 8, 2010
- Issue 2135 : Bug: If you reuse a Polygon's MVCArray in a Polyline, the Polyline is closed.
Noticeable changes:
- Added new Rectangle class
- Added new Circle class
- Fixed memory leak when creating then removing a marker.
- Stopped annotating the MVCArray of LatLngs to close Polygons, as that causes Polylines which share the same MVCArray to be closed too (see Issue 2135 )
- Fixed a bug which sometimes hid onscreen markers if the map's zoom was set to its current value.
- Fixed ImageMapType to display correctly on Android.
- Changed the polygon clipping scheme to allow polygons which contain the north or south pole.
- Increased the latitude range of MercatorProjection to the maximum possible subject to floating point precision.
January 28, 2010
- Issue 1367 : Feature Request: Expose LayoutManager for developers to place DIVs in the "control flow"
- Issue 1916 : Feature Request: Add ability to scale MarkerImage
- Issue 1443 : extend() and union() should return the LatLngBounds object
- Issue 1997 : Documentation of 'size' MapOption
- Issue 2074 : Map doesn't render when the world map fits the exact dimensions of the map container
Noticeable changes:
- Added support for Indic languages:
- bn, gu, kn, ml, mr, ta, te
- Added new static methods to the event namespace :
- addListenerOnce
- addDomListenerOnce
- Added new 'encoded_lat_lngs' property to the DirectionsStep object to expose the set of latlngs in compressed ASCII format
- Improved performance by removing offscreen marker DOM elements
- Fixed panning bug in Google Chrome
- Fixed pinch-zooming bug on the iPhone
January 19, 2010
- Issue 1422 : Feature Request: Let developers create custom map types
- Issue 1523 : Feature request: fromContainerPixelToLatLng (and vice versa)
- Issue 1443 : extend() and union() should return the LatLngBounds object
- Issue 1960 : bug: incomplete information using provideTripAlternatives
- Issue 1675 : Tutorial Documentation Error
- Issue 1676 : Tutorial Documentation Error - Control Options
- Issue 1856 : Polygons not rendering in Opera!!!
- Issue 1954 : The Bulgarian language localization is not correct.
- Issue 1976 : Bug: Custom icon & draggable marker issues
- Issue 2063 : Variable Name Collisions when Minifying OverlayView Subclasses
Noticeable changes:
- Released support for custom map types, including base map types, overlay map types, and projection:
- New ImageMapType object to support custom map tiles
December 17, 2009
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed initial jerk occurring before a map panning animation begins.
- Fixed map jumping to different location when zooming past the max zoom level using Scrollwheel or DoubleClick.
- Copyright, MapType and Navigation controls resizes to suit map size.
- Old style getters, setters, and event names are officially deprecated and no longer defined.
December 10, 2009
- Issue 1820 : Zoom in with scroll wheel seems to zoom beyond max zoom level and "skip/jump" the map's position
- Issue 1743 : Scroll zooming causes the map to move to a completely different location
Other noticeable changes:
- Added new method panToBounds .
- Added new map animation. Affects dragging, panning, zooming, and calls to setCenter/setZoom in all browsers.
- Added a console log warning message if deprecated methods are being used.
November 25, 2009
- Issue 1696 : Feature Request: map control placement
- Issue 1909 : getBounds corruption after map center changed
- Issue 1938 : map.setOptions fails to recognise control options
Other noticeable changes:
- Added RTL support to enable the following languages: Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew
- Exposed lat_lngs property for DirectionsResult steps.
November 11, 2009
- Issue 1742 : Custom icon marker always appears on top of default marker
Other noticeable changes:
- Added support for three new languages.
- Баскский
- Галиц
- Тагальский
October 29, 2009
- Issue 1421 : Feature Request: Add a Directions class to API v3
Other noticeable changes:
- Reference documentation updated with DirectionsRenderer and DirectionsService
October 26, 2009
- Issue 1647 : Feature Request: Provide an event for infowindow dom ready
- Issue 1710 : ability to cancel user zoom event on double click
Other noticeable changes:
- JS Error is thrown when invalid arguments are passed into new google.maps.LatLng()
- Fixed bug: static map was loading twice on map load
October 15, 2009
- Issue 1525 : get_bounds error at low zoom levels
- Issue 1757 : fitBounds() doesn't work across the 180 meridian
- Issue 1790 : map.setOptions cannot set the cursor
- Issue 1767 : BugProblem with event propagation
Other noticeable changes:
- Documentation updates:
- New method exposed: LatLngBounds.isEmpty()
- Sorted all methods, events, properties, and constants by name
- Fixed incorrect types in polyline and polygon option properties
September 28, 2009
- Improvements to poly rendering performance.
- Fixed issue with JS warning for SVGView.
September 22, 2009
- Issue 1420 : Feature: Add Polyline class to API
- Issue 1371 : map.bounds_changed event fires repeatedly when the map is moving
- Issue 1700 : Incorrect location in click after zoom out in Firefox 3.5
- Issue 1702 : Incorrect latLng reported in click & dblclick events when there is a scroll offset in a parent element
- Issue 1723 : Map jumps when dragging on iPhone
Other noticeable changes:
- Launched polylines and polygons! These allow you to draw lines or filled regions on the map, specify stroke and fill styles, and support most mouse events (ie no mouseover yet). They work in all supported browsers (IE6.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.1+, Chrome), which includes supported mobile devices.
- Added two new sections to the developer guide for Polylines and Polygons .
- Added two new classes to the API Reference for Polylines and Polygons .
- Added new Map event "idle", fired when the map hasn't moved for a bit. Resolves Issue 1371 .
- Fixed incorrect LatLng values being returned from the click events.
- Fixed pinch zoom bug on the iPhone. See Issue 1723 .
September 10, 2009
- Issue 1659 : Incorrect latLng reported in click & dblclick events after panning, Firefox 3.5
- Issue 1621 : getting wrong location after click on map in ie8 with dooctype
- Issue 1642 : InfoWindow overflow:auto
- Issue 1531 : height of infoWindow grows with each open
Other noticeable changes:
- Syntax modified for get/set methods and event names as specified below. Old syntax remains supported to stay backwards compatible. Например:
- set_funBoat() => setFunBoat()
- get_funBoat() => getFunBoat()
- funBoat_changed => funboat_changed
- Added new method "onAdd" to the OverlayView interface, which gets called when panes and projection are first initialized. This addresses Issue 1377 .
- OverlayView interface's "remove" method has been renamed to "onRemove". Old name remains supported to stay backwards compatible.
September 2, 2009
- Issue 1525 : get_bounds error at low zoom levels
- Issue 1596 : Panning past the northern or southern edge of the world returns an error
- Issue 1643 : Bug: Map scroll wheels unnecessarily
- Issue 1379 : I can't see Korea map data in V3
Other noticeable changes:
- Enabled continuous scrollwheel and double-click zoom on Chrome, Safari 4, and Firefox 3.5
- Improved map dragging performance
- Double-click now centers the map after zooming
August 24, 2009
- Issue 1567 : map.set_center to a nearby location does not work.
- Issue 1605 : Scrolling the map scrolls the page too
- Issue 1467 : Pan Map Function + Animation
Other noticeable changes:
- Enabled scrollwheel zoom by default. To disable it, set Map option's scrollwheel property to false.
- Documentation updated to include panTo and panBy functions.
August 14, 2009
- Issue 1575 : Bug in draggable markers method set_draggable()
Other noticeable changes:
- Scrollwheel zoom has been enabled.
- Fixed issue affecting iPhones where map jumps occur after drag.
August 4, 2009
- Issue 1393 : Allow draggable markers
- Issue 1448 : Bug: API v3 needs a checkResize() function (or equivalent)
- Issue 1404 : Error with cursor in Opera
- Issue 1514 : MapType select arrow displayed incorrectly with HTML 4.01 strict
- Issue 1426 : InfoWindow z-index control
Other noticeable changes:
- Pinching and dragging on the iPhone should be more robust.
- Added zIndex setters and getters to InfoWindow objects.
Documentation changes:
- Marker get_draggable and set_draggable methods added
- Marker drag, dragstart, dragend, draggable_changed events added
- Marker draggable property added
- Info Window get_zIndex and set_zIndex methods added
- Info Window zIndex_changed event added
- Info Window zIndex property added
July 13, 2009
- Issue 1415 : infowindow content: selectable true/ false
- Issue 1432 : Mouseout event doesn't trigger after set_icon is called
- Issue 1365 : Map Type Controls render incorrectly with strict doctype
Other noticeable changes:
- Developers no longer need to specify size for a MarkerImage, the API will detect it when not provided. On a related note, the size, anchor, and origin arguments for MarkerImage are all optional.
- Developers no longer need to call OverlayView.call(this) in an OverlayView subclass's constructor.
- The OverlayView "changed" methods were removed from the interface. This should not affect developer's code, as these methods weren't actually used before.
- The partialmatch option was removed from Geocoder Request objects. If a developer continues to pass it, it will have no effect on the query.
June 12, 2009
Changed issues:
- Issue 1363 : Bug: Map click events are not dispatched on the iPhone
Other noticeable changes:
- Large zoom control is clickable in all browsers
- Infowindow "clears" the large zoom control, positioning itself fully inside the map and controls
- Mobile copyright uses pretty images
- Tiles load from the center instead of the top left
- Users can no longer select the text of the map type buttons, or any of the control images
- The main library is smaller by ~1.9 KB
Subscribe to these release notes.
The Maps JavaScript API team regularly updates the API with new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements. You can indicate which version of the API to load within your application by specifying it in the v
parameter of the Maps JavaScript API bootstrap request. Read more about versioning .
This changelog lists releases by date and version number, along with associated changes.
To receive updates on new Maps API versions, please subscribe to the google-maps-js-api-v3-notify group.
11 March, 2025
- Custom styles and background colors are applied to the specific map type and color scheme for which the style is defined (initially, this will be limited to Roadmap and Roadmap Dark). The Transit layer will maintain any custom styling for the selected map type.
3.60.3 (Rolled back)
5 марта, 2025
- Fixed a bug that caused the directions panel not to show up.
27 February, 2025
- Places: Added support for EV connector type NACS (SAE J3400).
- Released gmp-map and gmp-advanced-marker HTML elements to GA.
20 February, 2025
- [alpha channel]
now defaults toCLAMP_TO_GROUND
. - [alpha channel] A new
option onMap3DElement
has now to be set for 3D Map to be rendered (2 new valuesHYBRID
are available). The existingdefaultLabelsDisabled
option is removed, please set themode
to eitherHYBRID
. - [beta channel] Background color will return to default or color set in
if it was not specifically set for a particular map type. - [beta channel] Raster custom styles should apply only to the map type that the style has been assigned to.
- Fixed an issue where Advanced Markers would shift when dragged in fullscreen mode. Also fixed an issue with the StreetView pegman having an offset when dragged in fullscreen mode.
- Replace the default zoom control with the new camera control, which contains both pan and zoom buttons.
- Update the zoom button icons to align with the new pan button icons.
6 February, 2025
- Customers can now access TransitFare values as text.
- [alpha channel] Launched the new AirQualityMeterElement: <gmp-air-quality-meter>.
- [alpha channel] Using the PlaceAutocompleteElement will now require Places API (New) be enabled on the Google Cloud Project. .
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: The gmp-placeselect event is replaced by gmp-select, and provides a PlacePredictionSelectEvent object instead of a PlaceAutocompletePlaceSelect object.
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: The gmp-requesterror event is replaced by gmp-error, and provides an Event object instead of a PlaceAutocompleteRequestErrorEvent object.
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: componentRestrictions is replaced by includedRegionCodes.
- [alpha channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement: types is replaced by includedPrimaryTypes.
30 January, 2025
- [beta channel] Roadmap and dark-mode roadmap background colors set for custom styles should be rendered behind tiles and past map margins.
- [beta channel] A custom styled roadmap (or dark-mode roadmap) will maintain its custom styling when a transit layer is added, rather reverting back to the default base map style.
- Maps that are in dark mode will now remain in dark mode when the transit layer is added.
23 January, 2025
No public-facing changes.
16 January, 2025
- Fixed a bug which caused uncaught errors thrown when creating a custom Street View panorama.
9 January, 2025
- Fixed a bug which caused uncaught errors thrown when traffic layer is enabled.
- [beta channel] Resolves an issue where PlaceAutocompleteElement did not yield focus correctly.
- [beta channel] Atomic map features will be shown in supporting cities at z17 and deeper.
12 December, 2024
- Firebase App Check now available to use with Maps JS API and Places JS.
5 December, 2024
- [alpha channel] Atomic map features will be shown in supporting cities at z17 and deeper.
- Adds a usage attribution ID to the initializer, which helps Google understand which libraries and samples are helpful to developers, such as usage of a marker clustering library. To opt out of sending the usage attribution ID, it is safe to delete this property or replace the value with an empty string. Changes to this value after instantiation may be ignored.
- You can now use Firebase App Check to protect against malicious requests. Learn more about using App Check with Places and using App Check with Maps .
21 ноября 2024 года
- [beta channel] Fixed an issue where zoom control is missing from Street View.
- Fixed a bug where legacy markers that are not clickable still dispatch the click event.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Advanced Markers not to update the pixel position when switching to a custom map type.
- A console warning is now logged when applying default or custom map types and styles with a map ID. When a map ID is present, map styles are controlled via cloud console, and cloud styling is only currently supported on roadmap map types.
- Style camera control move buttons on hover in dark mode.
- Address fitBounds padding issue when using very small bounds.
31 October, 2024
- [beta channel] Fixed a bug that caused the StreetView pegman to be unusable on the web component map.
- Prevented screen readers from focusing on the scroll message when it's hidden on an Embed API map.
24 October, 2024
- Resolved an issue that caused an exception when accessing session storage.
3.58.9 (Rolled back)
17 October, 2024
- [alpha channel] Custom images and SVGs can now be used for markers rendered on 3D Maps.
10 October, 2024
- Removed an incorrect WebGLOverlayView console warning.
- Fixed an issue where Chrome was erroneously showing a blue focus line around the map if it was the first element on the page to be interacted with a pointer or mouse.
- Added ODRD vehicle and fleet location providers for Mobility Services JavaScript Fleet Tracking.
3 October, 2024
No public-facing changes.
25 September, 2024
- [alpha channel] Removed
properties fromPolyline3DElement
. Alpha values can be specified in corresponding*Color
properties using#rgba
,rgba(r, g, b, a)
orrgb(rgb / a)
color formats. - [alpha channel] Default UI controls, markers, 3D models and preset camera animation functions are now available to use with 3D Maps in the Experimental release.
- Fixed a bug that caused custom map types cannot be switched between each other on vector maps.
- Use high-DPI satellite imagery for devices with high pixel density.
19 September, 2024
No public-facing changes.
12 September, 2024
No public-facing changes.
5 September, 2024
No public-facing changes.
29 August, 2024
- The text glyph of the
now scales with thePinElement
and its default color matches the defaultglyphColor
of thePinElement
22 August, 2024
- [beta channel] Replace the Zoom control with the Camera Control by default. The Camera Control features both zoom and pan controls.
- Publish
properties toMapOptions
. - Allow color scheme (light or dark) to be set at map instantiation.
- Update Map types control to wrap to a new line if the map width is too small
- Integrated a new labeler for rendering the Vector Maps labels.
- The new basemap colors are now the default in the
channel for developers not using map IDs. See https://developers.google.com/maps/new-basemap-style-opt-in for more information.
8 August, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
1 August, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
- [beta channel] Allow color scheme (light or dark) to be set at map instantiation.
- Decrease latency of IconMouseEvent when a feature is clicked in vector maps
25 July, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
- Added several attributes for primary types and display names to the Place class.
18 July, 2024
- Improved the accessibility of the Street View pegman control.
11 July, 2024
No public-facing changes.
4 July, 2024
- Add EV options and fuel options to Place class properties. Enable EV search options for Place.searchByText.
27 June, 2024
No public-facing changes.
20 June, 2024
No public-facing changes.
13 June, 2024
- [beta channel] Integrated a new labeler for rendering the Vector Maps labels.
- InfoWindow has new property
to indicate if it is open on either a Map or Street View. - Fixed incorrect reference documentation for the Place Autocomplete
6 June, 2024
- [beta channel] Added Address Descriptors to Geocoding response for Reverse Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, and Place ID Lookup.
28 May, 2024
- Fixed a bug where map type control in web component doesn't open menus.
- Fixed a bug that caused AdvancedMarkerElement's drag indicator to be missing.
- Add autocomplete functionality to the new Place API.
- Map raster tiles are now served in WebP image format.
- Updated documentation for Place.searchByText and Place.searchNearby to point to the correct fields list.
- New InfoWindow close button and an optional header are now available in the weekly channel.
24 May, 2024
No public-facing changes.
9 May, 2024
- Fix a bug that caused
's drag indicator to be missing.
2 May, 2024
- [beta channel]
will now also default to vector mode when there is map ID set, but there is no explicit rendering type set on the map ID (eg DEMO_MAP_ID).
25 April, 2024
- [beta channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement's gmp-placeselect event now bubbles.
- [beta channel] New InfoWindow close button and an optional header are now available.
- [beta channel] Improved keyboard and single-pointer accessibility features for the Street View pegman control.
- Fixed the memory leak issue caused by removing Advanced Markers.
- Fixed an issue where circles didn't draw a smooth perimeter.
- Added API to set vector mode during google.maps.Map instantiation (mapId not required).
11 April, 2024
- Fixed a memory leak issue when using
4 April, 2024
- Add searchNearby function to the new Place class.
28 March, 2024
- [beta channel] Map raster tiles are now served in WebP image format.
- Fixed info window anchor positioning for on-map POIs on vector maps.
- Fixed a bug that displayed the
without a set position. - Added a "close" event to the InfoWindow API.
21 March, 2024
- [beta channel] The new basemap colors are now the default for developers not using map IDs. See https://developers.google.com/maps/new-basemap-style-opt-in for more information.
- Fixed the Info Window's base position for Vector Map's labels and icons.
14 March, 2024
No public-facing changes.
7 March, 2024
No public-facing changes.
22 February, 2024
- Fixed a documentation error in Place.searchByText's "fields" parameter.
- [beta channel] Creates a default slot in
and allows creating custom elements to wrap Maps JavaScript API Web Components. - Add parking options to the new Place class API.
- Deprecate google.maps.Marker. Please use google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement instead. At this time, google.maps.Marker is not scheduled to be discontinued, but google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement is recommended over google.maps.Marker. While google.maps.Marker will continue to receive bug fixes for any major regressions, existing bugs in google.maps.Marker will not be addressed. At least 12 months notice will be given before support is discontinued. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/deprecations for deprecation details.
- Add additional attributes to the new Place class API.
- Add payment options to the new Place class API.
15 February, 2024
- Prevent maps from automatically scrolling into view when clicked.
8 February, 2024
- [alpha channel] Removed inputElement property from PlaceAutocompleteElement.
- [alpha channel] Add CSS Parts for Place Autocomplete Element
- [beta channel] PlaceAutocompleteElement is now available in Preview (v=beta)
- Add accessibility options to the Places V2 API.
1 February, 2024
- [beta channel] Deprecate SearchByTextRequest.rankBy. Please use SearchByTextRequest.rankPreference instead.
- [beta channel] Place.findPlaceFromQuery and Place.findPlaceFromPhoneNumber are no longer available; use Place.searchByText instead.
- Fixing Usage tracking per channel.
- Enable traffic-aware polylines for Trip and Vehicle location providers in JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- The new Place class is now available in the weekly channel.
- Deprecate Place.openingHours. Please use regularOpeningHours instead.
25 January, 2024
- [beta channel] Fixes an issue where the keyboard shortcuts dialog couldn't be closed when pressing the
key onMapElement
. - Added a new URL parameter
to the bootstrap URL for direct script loading. This indicates that the Maps JavaScript API has not been loaded synchronously and that no JavaScript code is triggered by the script'sload
event. It is highly recommended to set this toasync
whenever possible, for improved performance.
18 January, 2024
- [alpha channel] Now sending session token as part of PlaceAutocompleteElement requests.
- [beta channel] Introduces a new property
. This is a breaking change for users who register thegmp-click
event usingaddEventListener()
in the beta channel. To receive thegmp-click
event on click, setgmpClickable
property totrue
or addgmp-clickable
attribute to theweb component. For users who use addListener()
to register thegmp-click
event, you don't need to make any change at this time.
11 January, 2024
- [beta channel] The
property ofAdvancedMarkerElement
now points to the instance ofAdvancedMarkerElement
. - [beta channel] Advanced Markers can now customize their content with child nodes.
- Fixes a bug where pan and zoom keyboard shortcuts didn't work after clicking on the map.
- Enable polyline customization for JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- [alpha channel] Add the types, requestedLanguage, requestedRegion, and name attributes to PlaceAutocomplete
- [beta channel] Fixed the bug that caused Advanced Marker element not to be created when calling
30 November, 2023
No public-facing changes.
23 November, 2023
- Fixed a bug that was causing style-related CSP errors in Street View
16 November, 2023
No public-facing changes.
8 November, 2023
- Fixed a bug that caused WebGLOverlayView not to render in certain situations.
2 November, 2023
- [alpha channel] Update Place Autocomplete to be a web component. This is a breaking change. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/places-widget#PlaceAutocompleteElement for updated usage info.
- [alpha channel] Update Place Autocomplete Element focus management
- [beta channel] Expose gmp-zoomchange event in MapElements
- Enable MapTypeControl HORIZONTAL_BAR to automatically handle RTL layout contexts.
26 October, 2023
- Fixed an issue where setting up controls on a map could throw an error.
- Add the ability to restrict Street View imagery to only official Google sources, via StreetViewLocationRequest and StreetViewControlOptions.
18 October, 2023
- [beta channel] MapElement now adjusts its controls layout automatically for left-to-right or right-to-left based on its computed
style. Slots are also available for adding custom controls. ControlPosition now supports logical values for LTR/RTL layout support. Maps Embed API also now adjusts its controls layout automatically for left-to-right or right-to-left based on the language. - [beta channel] MapElement now has delegatesFocus enabled
12 October, 2023
- [beta channel] Adds editorial summary to the Places v2 API.
28 September, 2023
- Added support for multiple location providers in Journey Sharing JavaScript.
21 September, 2023
- google.maps.FeatureLayer responds to mousemove events.
- Added google.maps.FeatureType.SCHOOL_DISTRICT, so School Districts are supported in data-driven styling.
14 September, 2023
- [beta channel] Fixed a bug that caused AdvancedMarkerElement's addEventListener() to be unavailable.
7 September, 2023
- The Google logo will not overlap with copyright info on the Map as often.
24 August, 2023
- Fixed bug in DirectionsRenderer where Map would not load if zoom and center was not set before rendering DirectionsResult.
18 August, 2023
- Upgrades Maps JavaScript API to support ECMAScript 2020 natively.
- Advanced Markers are now rendered more clearly.
- The map is disabled when Array.from is overridden with an implementation that does not support iterables.
- Fixed the focus which was lost when the zoom buttons were disabled at the limit levels.
27 July, 2023
- [beta channel] Attributions in the new Place class have been refactored.
is nowAuthorAttribution
is nowdisplayName
is nowuri
{?string} is now available onAuthorAttribution
is nowPhoto.authorAttributions
{?AuthorAttribution} replacesPhoto.author/authorURI/authorPhotoURI
. - [beta channel] Added required field
and deprecatingquery
in Place class searchByText() method. - Adjusted the info window's anchor offset for raster map's labels and icons.
20 July, 2023
- [beta channel] Added ODRD vehicle and fleet location providers for JavaScript Journey Sharing - Fleet tracking.
- Updated the warning message when the argument passed to the
constructor is ignored. - Deprecated
in favor ofAdvancedMarkerElement.collisionBehavior
13 July, 2023
- Function
now returnstrue
when the specified point is close enough to either the start or the edge of a polyline. - Adds an error log to let developers know when the vector map fails to load and falls back to a raster map.
15 June, 2023
- [alpha channel] Update the Place Autocomplete Element to better support screen readers and other assistive technologies.
1 June, 2023
- Allow passing Node element to Advanced Marker's
property. - Improved the performance of Advanced Markers collision behavior.
- Added a new field for DeliveryVehicleStop in JavaScript Journey Sharing.
24 May, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the flickering issue that happened on the vector map.
- Fixed incorrect Date calculation when accounting for different timezones in the getNextOpeningTime() place method.
- Corrected an erroneous type in VehicleJourneySegment for Journey Sharing.
18 May, 2023
- [alpha channel] Fixed a bug where Place autocomplete element would not restore original text if you used arrow keys to highlight a prediction and then clicked escape.
- [alpha channel] Updated Place Autocomplete Prediction Styles to ensure ellipsis shows on text overflow.
- [beta channel] Local Context now shows a notice that contextual information about places on the Local Context map will be going away soon.
- Fixed a bug where the StreetView pegman would not show a hover-on-drag preview unless it had been returned to the dock at least once first.
- Deprecated bounds, location, and radius for Place Autocomplete Service. Use locationBias and locationRestriction instead.
4 May, 2023
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling for Datasets is available
- [beta channel]
Web components are now available. - Added TimeWindow as a field to Task and TaskTrackingInfo in JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- AdvancedMarkerElement and PinElement released to the weekly channel.
- Data-driven styling for Boundaries released to weekly channel.
and themapcapabilities_changed
event are released to weekly channel.
27 April, 2023
- Updated Place Autocomplete Service to support locationBias and locationRestriction
- [beta channel] Published documentation on Place v2 toJSON method.
- [beta channel] Fixed Advanced Marker dragging when the map is wrapped.
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling PlaceFeature.fetchPlace displayNames will be in the end-user's language.
- [beta channel] AdvancedMarkerView and PinView have been renamed to AdvancedMarkerElement and PinElement.
- [beta channel] Fixed an issue where AdvancedMarkers and Pins would sometimes be available without explicitly loading them. Please remember to always load the "marker" library before accessing these classes.
- [beta channel] AdvancedMarker
now normalized to a LatLngAltitude. - [beta channel] Decommissions the Advanced Marker
property in favor ofgmpDraggable
13 April, 2023
- [beta channel] Changing the value of Place property "priceLevel" from a number to a string. Possible values for "priceLevel" are now: "FREE", "INEXPENSIVE", "MODERATE", "EXPENSIVE", "VERY_EXPENSIVE".
- [beta channel] Deprecate AdvancedMarkerView.draggable in favor of gmpDraggable.
- [beta channel] Removing 'icon' property and fieldname from Place class. Developers are encouraged to use 'svgIconMaskURI' instead.
- [beta channel] AdvancedMarkerView's title property now only accepts a string. Titles can be removed with an empty string.
- [beta channel] Add 'svgIconMaskURI' as a supported field name for Place.fromPlaceFrom methods.
- [beta channel] Changed the Place class property from
- Improved the printing of errors when logged to the console.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug where closing InfoWindow was causing an error.
6 April, 2023
- Added
as a public field of polling location providers in JavaScript Journey Sharing. - [beta channel] Changed the Place class JSON response from snake_case to lowerCamelCase.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Place Review's
were showing the wrong date. - Fixed an issue where creating custom elements would be globally broken.
- [beta channel] Fixed a bug that caused the Advanced Markers to disappear when the map is wrapping.
23 March, 2023
- [alpha channel] Place Autocomplete Widget (New) Experimental is released.
- Releases JavaScript Journey Sharing to the weekly channel.
16 March, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where TypeScript interfaces were empty for libraries used by importLibrary().
9 March, 2023
- [beta channel] Suppresses Advanced Marker's click event when a marker is being dragged.
2 March, 2023
- [beta channel] Adds TaskTrackingInfo entities for JavaScript Journey Sharing.
- [beta channel] Upgrades Maps JavaScript API to support ECMAScript 2020 natively.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a memory leak that could happen when adding and removing markers to/from the map.
- Fixes a bug that caused the interactive element to be clickable when beneath a clickable Advanced Marker on touch devices.
23 February, 2023
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling: Remove PlaceFeature.displayName property.
- [beta channel] Fix WebGLOverlayViews not being removed correctly when calling setMap(null)
- Fixed a bug that complains the
library is unknown. - Fixed a bug where the InfoWindow close button was invisible when in a shadow root.
- To improve Core Web Vitals and reduce unnecessary data transfer, Maps JS now defers the loading of map tiles until the map is nearing the viewport. Maps that are created within the page's initial viewport should see no difference.
16 February, 2023
- Adds the
function, which provides the ability to dynamically load libraries at runtime. - [beta channel] Enable InfoWindow's auto-pan feature when opened on an Advanced Marker.
- [beta channel] made certain fields in Journey Sharing library data objects non-nullable
- [beta channel] Data-driven styling: The NEIGHBORHOOD, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3, ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_4, and SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_1 FeatureTypes are deprecated. They will be removed in March 2023.
2 February, 2023
- Beta channel: Support rendering Advanced Markers on custom map types.
- The latest copy of the inline bootstrap loader will now reuse CSP nonces found elsewhere in the document.
26 January, 2023
- Beta channel: Data-driven styling: Added the fetchPlace method to get the display name of a PlaceFeature. The PlaceFeature.displayName property will be deprecated, and removed in February 2023.
19 January, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an issue with Advanced Markers, where removing a marker with collision from the map could sometimes result in a ghost marker element left behind in the DOM.
12 January, 2023
- Corrects the type of
on AdvancedMarkerView, PinView, and LocalContextMapView, fromElement
toHTMLElement | SVGElement
to more closely represent the requisite element type.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug when using an Advanced Marker with an InfoWindow, where the InfoWindow might not open after dragging the marker using the keyboard.
5 January, 2023
- Beta channel: Add new attributes to place class
- Beta channel: Data-driven styling FeatureMouseEvent.features array may contain more than one feature if there are multiple under the click, and all FeatureLayer click listeners under a click will be triggered.
- Beta channel: Throw error for invalid arguments to google.maps.Map.getFeatureLayer.
- Corrects the pixel position of Advanced Markers on a fullscreen map.
- Changes map mouse events to now ignore mouse button clicks that happen while another mouse button is already being pressed.
- Fixes a bug that caused the Advanced Markers to disappear when zooming in the map.
- Improves the performance when zooming in the map with many Advanced Markers.
- Updates StreetViewPanoramaOptions documentation to clarify that clickToGo is not available with custom panoramas.
- Improves performance when creating LatLngBounds, including via Map.getBounds().
- Updates the WebGLOverlayView reference for onAdd and onRemove.
- Adds fixed marker styling customization for Journey Sharing.
8 December, 2022
- Fixes a bug that caused a marker not to give up its keyboard focus when it's outside of the map viewport.
- Beta channel: Introduces the
class, a new simpler API supporting modern usage patterns such as Promises. The Place class includes some new data fields. - Beta channel: Fixes a bug that caused Advanced Markers not to render when passing a Map that is wrapped in a Proxy.
- Beta channel: Adds trip location provider marker customization for JavaScript Journey Sharing.
01 December, 2022
- Beta channel:
API is now available. - Beta channel: Deprecated : Local Context is deprecated, and no longer recommended for new websites. The feature will continue to work, and 12 months notice will be given before support is discontinued. If you are interested in building a Local Context-like experience yourself, we suggest that you check out the "Neighborhood Discovery" solution in Quick Builder or use the Places Library, Maps JavaScript API . Code samples and codelabs for the Places Library can help you.
- Beta channel: To improve Core Web Vitals and reduce unnecessary data transfer, Maps JS now defers the loading of map tiles until the map is nearing the viewport. Maps that are created within the page's initial viewport should see no difference.
- Beta channel: Adds an event for polling state changes for Journey Sharing location providers.
- Beta channel: Adds styling customization functions for Journey Sharing. Deprecated older setup methods.
- Adds keyboard accessibility to the steps of the directions panel. Directions can now be navigated with the tab key, and selected with the space or enter keys.
now acceptsLatLngBounds
can now be constructed with aLatLngBoundsLiteral
. - Adds
text to images inDirectionRenderer
's suggested routes panel.
17 November, 2022
- Beta channel: Place class in the Places Library is released.
- Beta channel: Adds styling customization functions for Journey Sharing. Older setup methods are deprecated.
- Internet Explorer 11 is now decommissioned in the Maps Embed API.
- The Google logo in the Maps Embed API changes style when using the Hybrid or Satellite map types for increased visibility
- Improved Advanced Markers load performance.
- Makes a drawing "undo" button keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- Makes directions renderer's markers keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- Adds an ARIA description to the Map scale control.
- Enable keyboard focus and interaction for the map's scale control.
- Introduces a language parameter to Geocoder JS API. Maps JS API no longer considers
as a default region in Geocoder if it's not explicitly specified. - Introduces a language parameter to Directions JS API.
- Introduces a language parameter to Distance Matrix JS API.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug that caused the keyboard focus to redirect to the marker when an info window is opened.
- Fixes a bug that caused markers not to be focusable.
16 November, 2022
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.51.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.50.
- Versions 3.49 and 3.48 are still available when requested by number.
7 November, 2022
- Fixes an issue where
have incorrectthis
03 November, 2022
- Beta channel: Advanced Markers now support altitude when used on oblique maps.
27 October, 2022
- Beta channel: An error is now logged when data-driven styling feature layers become unavailable.
- Beta channel: Performance improvements for default Advanced Markers loading.
20 October, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixes InfoWindow right and bottom padding on iOS.
13 October, 2022
- Selected steps are now highlighted in the directions panel.
- Fixes the TypeScript typing for the
constructor. - Fixes the TypeScript typing for the
constructor. - Updates the default marker icon image in
6 October, 2022
- Beta channel: Advanced Markers Preview is released.
- Beta channel: Introduces documentation for
on thegetMapCapabilities()
return object. - Adds "This field is read-only." to the API description of
and to theelement
property ofLocalContextMapViewOption
Bug fixes:
- Colors in JSON Custom Styles now use the default style's opacity rather than a forced 100% opacity.
29 September, 2022
- Screen reader now reads the instructions on how to interact with Map and Street View.
- Adds tilt and rotate keyboard shortcuts to the keyboard shortcuts dialog.
22 September, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug where Voice Over on iOS could navigate through elements underneath the keyboard shortcuts dialog.
- Adds alt text to the static map image.
- An error is now logged to the console when
is called, and has an error.
15 September, 2022
- Add MAX_BOUNDS constant for LatLngBounds to indicate the maximum LatLng bounds for maps
- Allows screen readers to perform click actions on default markers.
1 September, 2022
- Beta channel: Updates JavaScript Journey Sharing's
class to include custom attributes. - Fixes a bug in which there was an incorrect LatLng in an event after a map was tilted.
25 August, 2022
- Beta channel: Changed
to accept a string delivery vehicle filter. - Updates the default marker icon image.
18 August, 2022
- Beta channel: Introduces map capability APIs (
event) to the beta channel. - Beta channel: Introduces a
parameter togoogle.maps.Geocoder
. - Beta channel: Introduces a
parameter togoogle.maps.DistanceMatrixService
. - Beta channel: Introduces a
parameter togoogle.maps.DirectionsService
. - Fixes a bug where a region code was ignored in multiple Places JS APIs. Introduces language and region parameters to various Place JS APIs.
- Removes support in the Maps JavaScript API Streetview for websites without googleapis.com domain in the Content Security Policy settings. Please consult the Content Security Policy Guide for more information.
4 August, 2022
- Adds
, a map ID which can be used for code samples that require a map ID. This map ID is not intended for use in production applications and cannot be used for features that require cloud configuration (such as Cloud Styling). - Clarify that
is needed to start tracking.
28 July, 2022
can now be referenced as a runtime enum.
21 July, 2022
- NaN values are rejected for width or height when validating marker icon size, marker icon scaled size, or infowindow size.
- Fixes a bug where the motion tracking control was not visible on iOS devices in Street View.
- Fixes a bug wher hover text for directions was cut off for RTL languages in the Embed API.
- Makes the transit Info Window more accessible and screen reader friendly.
14 July, 2022
- Clarifies the use of ID fields in Journey Sharing location providers.
7 July, 2022
- Makes Street View navigation links keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- Introduces a new
method onStreetViewPanorama
23 June, 2022
- Beta channel: Data-driven styling for Google boundaries is released.
Bug fixes:
- Makes the
enum accessible viagoogle.maps.places.BusinessStatus
16 June, 2022
- Adds a keyboard shortcuts control and dialog to Street View, improving the discoverability of keyboard shortcuts.
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug that caused a form to submit when closing Street View.
9 June, 2022
- Moves
, fractional zoom, andgetVisibleRegion
into the weekly channel. - The default Street View panorama for
now automatically manages focus when opened. This is the new default behavior. - The Street View panorama now automatically restores focus when closed (if possible).
- Street View can now be closed by pressing the ESC key (when the close button is enabled).
have been optimized for increased robustness and accuracy.
2 June, 2022
- Improved color contrast for the Street View motion tracking control.
- Made the motion tracking control in Street View keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- The
, andMapsServerError
classes are now publicly exposed and documented.
26 May, 2022
- Improved color contrast for the Street View motion tracking control.
- Made the motion tracking control in Street View keyboard accessible and screen reader friendly.
- The
, andMapsServerError
classes are now publicly exposed and documented.
19 May, 2022
- Beta channel: Fixes a bug where a region code was ignored in multiple Places JS APIs. Introduces language and region parameters to various Place JS APIs.
- Improves color contrast for full screen and compass controls in the dark mode.
- Makes Street View compass control, close button, and address link control, accessible and screen reader friendly.
12 May, 2022
- The weekly channel updates to version 3.49.
- The quarterly channel updates to version 3.48.
- Versions 3.47 and 3.46 are still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.45 is deleted, and can no longer be used.
28 April, 2022
- Place Autocomplete can now accept more types. Узнать больше .
was moved into the weekly channel.
14 April, 2022
- Beta Channel: Enables WebGL 2.0 for
. - Beta Channel: Includes the
library into the Maps JavaScript API TypeScript types, externs, and reference documentation. - The functions
are deprecated, and should not be used. Instead, use the standardaddEventListener()
method. These methods will continue to work and there is no plan to decommission them. - Adds
to Street View marker icon. - Adds
attribute to the Fullscreen control. - Improves the spacing of the dropdown for the Map Type control.
- Updates aria labels for the Map Type dropdown control.
Bug fixes:
- Removes a non-allowed
attribute from a default map type control.
7 April, 2022
- Improves color contrast on Maps JS API and Embed API Google logo.
31 March, 2022
- Beta Channel: Removes the deprecated WebGL Overlay View APIs.
- Enables updated basemap for Maps JavaScript API customers. The updated basemap, which is already in use on consumer Google Maps, provides a richer, more detailed basemap particularly with regard to natural features of the land.
Bug fixes:
- Reverts a previous fix for
(ease the viewport transition for short distances), pending analysis. - Fixes color contrast issues on the Map Type control in high color contrast mode.
- Matches accessible names of Map type control checkboxes with corresponding visual labels.
- Fixes color contrast issues on info windows in high color contrast mode.
24 March, 2022
- Fixes
to ease the viewport transition for short distances.
17 March, 2022
- Safari only: Ensures close button and content container are auto focused on
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a color contrast issue for the "View on Google Maps" link on s
s. - Fixes a color contrast issue for the "View on Google Maps" link on the
address control.
10 March, 2022
- Introduces a new
event forInfoWindow
. - Introduces a new
method onInfoWindow
3 марта 2022 года
- Beta Channel: Enables the new service calling style in the Maps JavaScript API Street View service. You may need to update your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are not blocked at browser-level.
- Introduced a new
property forInfoWindow
17 February, 2022
- Beta Channel: Added support for setting global experience IDs. Please see API reference documentation here .
- Beta Channel: The first and second parameters of fromLatLngAltitude will now be merged into a LatLngAltitude instead of a LatLng and a
. - Renamed LatLng 's
parameter tonoClampNoWrap
. - Screen reader now reads the instructions on how to navigate the markers when a marker receives focus.
- The Maps JavaScript API now reports telemetry information. You may need to update your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are not blocked at browser-level. For more information, please see the FAQ .
- This version does not support Internet Explorer. To continue supporting Internet Explorer 11, specify
which will be available until November 2022.
10 February, 2022
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.48.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.47.
- Versions 3.46 and 3.45 are still available when requested by number.
20 January, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the page scrolled to the top when the keyboard shortcuts control has focus.
6 January, 2022
- Beta Channel: WebGLOverlayView API update for Beta - deprecate all classes and methods with "gl" in their name in favor of new ones with "GL" in the name, deprecate WebglCameraParams in favor of the new CameraParams class (that subclasses CameraOptions).
- Updated PlaceOpeningHours method documentation to reflect that exceptional hours are not used in their calculations.
09 December, 2021
, andCircle
now accept an instance of the same class in the constructor.
02 December, 2021
is now allowed as a parameter whereverLatLng
is allowed for projections .
Bug fixes:
- Fixed some rendering issues which could occur at smaller scale values (less than 1.0).
18 November, 2021
is now allowed as a parameter whereverLatLng
is allowed in the geometry library. - Added a new onGIStateUpdateRequest API for WebGL support in the Maps JavaScript API.
- Fixed color contrast on the error screen.
- Internet Explorer 11 is now decommissioned in v=beta. The last version of the Maps JavaScript API to support Internet Explorer 11 is v3.47. Support for Internet Explorer 11 will be entirely discontinued in November 2022.
- Maps no longer receive Tab focus when the
map option is set tofalse
. - Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons are now disabled when the respective maximum or minimum zoom level is reached.
- Converted the
control to use semantic elements to improve the accessibility and screen reader experience in the Maps Embed API. - Added alt text to the icon on the error screen.
- Various general code health improvements.
Bug fixes:
- Replace non-WCAG-compliant
attributes with compliant data-* attributes.
11 November, 2021
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.47.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.46.
- Version 3.45 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.44 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
04 November, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Updated the Map Type menu bar with more accurate ARIA labels.
- Embed API: Added ARIA labels to several links, for an improved screen reader experience.
- Embed API: Fixed color contrast for some text items.
- Fixed the type of
in externs.
28 October, 2021
- Converted getters and setters to use goog.a11y.aria. This will help to protect against misspellings.
7 October, 2021
- Local Context: Removed attribution link from Local Context InfoWindow photos.
23 September, 2021
- Fixed a bug where the map cursor shows a hand when the map is not draggable.
16 September, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug with a color contrast ratio in the Place autocomplete widget.
02 September, 2021
- Scroll instructions are now displayed above open
s andCustomOverlay
26 August, 2021
- Beta Channel: Telemetry information is now reported. You may need to update your Content Security Policy to ensure these calls are not blocked at browser-level. For more information, please see the FAQ .
18 August, 2021
Version 3.46 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- Added two new fields to
. - The weekly channel was updated to version 3.46.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.45.
- Version 3.44 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.43 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
- Support for Internet Explorer is being deprecated. Beginning in August 2021 with Maps JavaScript API v3.46, Internet Explorer 11 users will see a warning message at the top of maps. The last version of the Maps JavaScript API to support Internet Explorer 11 is v3.47. Support for Internet Explorer 11 will be entirely discontinued in November 2022.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where a polygon's vertex was shifted at certain zoom levels.
- Fixed a bug where content of multiple Info Windows overlapped each other.
29 July, 2021
- Embed API: On embedded maps, the zoom level is retained after being redirected to the directions page.
22 July, 2021
- Support for IE11 is deprecated. Maps in IE11 will now display a banner in the beta channel.
- Updated the "Get Directions" link in embedded maps to be more accurate.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the
method could not retrieve features with an id of 0. - Fixed an issue where an
is thrown if theComponentRestriction
value is undefined or null.
15 July, 2021
- When opened, focus is now managed to the InfoWindow container when the first focusable control is not in the InfoWindow viewport or when
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where unfinished poly drawing is completed automatically when drawing manager is removed and re-added to the map.
- Fixed a bug where the string 'Directions' is truncated in 'Embed a map' pop-up in some languages.
01 July, 2021
- Updated URL for Maps Studio in typings and JS API.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an unhandled Promise rejection when providing callback.
24 June, 2021
- Fixed a bug that caused the keyboard shortcuts dialog to open on form submit.
- Fixed a bug where the "Keyboard shortcuts" button was out of alignment.
- Removed objects accidentally added to
(Spherical, PolylineCodec, PolyGeometry). These objects should be accessed at their fully qualified namespace instead.
16 June, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Updated
, so that focus does not move whenopen()
is called within the same run loop as map instantiation.
- Updated the
API reference section with more detailed information. - Fixed focus rings when using keyboard navigation (Tab + Option) in Safari.
10 June, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the Map Type control was not properly overlaid by the keyboard shortcut dialog's background in Embed API.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an error when loading font CSS styles.
- Fixed a bug where flickering could occur when panning the Map with an open InfoWindow.
- Added the
3 June, 2021
- Added documentation for animations, icons, label, and opacity properties to the Data.StyleOptions interface.
- Redesigned the copyright dialog for better accessibility support.
- InfoWindows will now automatically manage focus when opened. This represents the new default behavior.
- Added the InfoWindowOpenOptions API, allowing developers to control how focus is managed when opening InfoWindows.
- InfoWindows can now be closed by pressing the ESC key.
- InfoWindows are now announced as a "dialog" when using screen readers.
- Polyfill isolation is now enabled; this change prevents the Maps API internal polyfills from being installed on the host page.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where a map focus ring would appear when switching browser tabs.
- Fixed an issue where the focus ring for map controls, marker elements, and map type control submenu items, incorrectly appeared with mouse interaction in some browsers.
New features:
- Enabled support for Promises in Directions, Distance Matrix, Elevation, Geocoder, Maximum Zoom Imagery, StreetView, and
services. - Added keyboard shortcuts control and dialog on the map to improve discoverability of keyboard shortcuts.
- Vector maps are now available in the weekly channel (basic features only; WebGL features are available in the beta channel).
13 May, 2021
- A warning is now logged to the console when
is called without an associated Map or StreetView instance.
28 April, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where removed or hidden optimized markers are added back to the map after changing to a new map type.
Local Context:
- Added support for arrays that don't have an
method defined as a validplaceTypePreferences
20 April, 2021
- Improved performance for creating custom markers with Icon objects.
- Prevent focus from moving to the map type dropdown menus when hovering over a button.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where an error could occur when loading static markers prior to initializing the base map.
8 April, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Map controls were keyboard accessible when Street View is enabled.
1 April, 2021
- Local Context Library: Moved the Google logo in the Place Details View to the bottom of the contents.
25 March, 2021
- Keyboard focus now returns to the appropriate element when the InfoWindow is closed.
4 March, 2021
- 45° imagery is now available in a wider range of zoom levels, and the rotation control now includes both clockwise and anti-clockwise buttons.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a memory leak that could happen when rendering the map repeatedly.
- Fixed a memory leak that could happen when adding or removing circles or rectangles on the map.
25 February, 2021
- Fixed a bug where the Places Autocomplete
function call incorrectly points to the wrong endpoint in the beta channel.
18 February, 2021
- LocalContext Place Chooser buttons are now disabled when reloading the places shown.
- Non-optimized markers are now focusable and keyboard accessible.
- Beta Channel: Removed objects accidentally added to
). These objects should be accessed at their fully qualified namespace instead. - Turned on Polyfill Isolation in Beta channel. This means that the Maps JavaScript API will no longer install polyfills into the host page.
25 February, 2021
Only the quarterly channel was updated. Изменения:
- Fixed a memory leak issue when rendering a map multiple times
5 February, 2021
- Added beta support for Promises in
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where
with labels intercepted click events, even whenclickable
was set to false.
28 January, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed various issues related to the drawing of polylines.
21 January, 2021
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where geojson polygon holes were sometimes being filled in.
- Fixed a bug that caused the overlay disappear when switching between map and street view.
14 January, 2021
- Changed checkboxes in menus to be more accessible with screen readers.
- Increased the size of the floors buttons for indoor Street View panoramas.
- Fixed the position of mobile motion tracking controls in Street View.
Bug fixes:
- Keyboard menu button now triggers the
event. - Fixed a bug where the fullscreen control did not work properly when switching between the Map and Street View in some situations.
- Fixed an issue with screen readers not being able to navigate to markers within the map.
- Fixed a bug that caused the place icon to disappear in LocalContext's place marker.
9 December, 2020
- Renamed the
interface togoogle.maps.MapMouseEvent
and added adomEvent
property, providing direct access to the underlying event from the DOM. - Improved memory behavior of polygon overlays.
- Canvas memory is now explicitly released to avoid Safari memory issues.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the Fullscreen control stopped working when switching between Map and Street View in some situations.
- Fixed a bug where an error was logged in console on marker's
event. - Fixed a bug where the size of a marker's clickable area was drawn too large.
- Fixed a bug with polyfill conflicts that affected Symbols on IE11.
1 December, 2020
- Adds the
event, as a better alternative to therightclick
event. Thecontextmenu
event adds the capability to respond to ctrl-click on macOS. - Adds accessibility attributes to non-optimized markers when
are provided. - Adds more ARIA labels and roles for
controls, for an improved screen reader experience. - Improved screen reader support for
controls. When the user navigates away from the control, the dropdown menu automatically closes. - Corrects the number of items reported by screen readers in the dropdown menu; this prevents the line separator from being counted as a list item.
- Adds a focus ring within the
element, to indicate keyboard focus when focused via keyboard interaction. - Adds additional keyboard controls to the
controls. The dropdown options now automatically close when the control loses focus. The up and down arrow keys open the dropdown, and the Escape button closes it. Home and End keys move to the first and last items in the dropdown, respectively.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where canceling a marker animation could, under some circumstances, cause that particular marker to terminate future animations early.
20 November, 2020
- Adds a
property to theMarkerLabel
interface to set the CSS class of thelabel
element. - Adds beta support for Promises in the Maximum Zoom Imagery Service .
- Add beta support for Promises in the StreetView service.
- Added accessibility text to non-optimized markers when
are provided. - Removed the
label from theMapType
control dropdown menu button, to improve accessibility. - Converted
to sematic elements to improve accessibility. - Changed copyright element text to meet color contrast standards.
- Dropdown menus can now be opened and closed by using the enter key or the space bar.
- Dropdown menu items can now be focused.
- Local Context Library: Carousel control buttons are now disabled when they would have no effect, and no longer overlap the first or last item in the list.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that could happen when
cross the 180 degree meridian. - Keyboard shortcuts are no longer disabled by default when
is set totrue
. - Fixed a bug where screen reader text was incorrect for map toggle buttons.
- Adds accessibility name and type to
. - Fixed interface documentation that incorrectly showed some optional properties as required.
- Fixed a bug where the
constructor param, was ignored when passed aLatLngLiteral
18 November 2020
Version 3.43 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.43.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.42.
- Version 3.41 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.40 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
15 October, 2020
- Fixed a bug where a wrong checkbox's state was communicated by a screen reader.
- Fixed an issue with Map controls, where the Tab/Shift+Tab was in the wrong order.
- Converted map buttons from
to native button, for improved accessibility. - Tilt is now restricted depending on zoom level for WebGL maps.
- Fixed fullscreen button partially disappearing on Internet Explorer when
is less than 27.
7 October, 2020
- Added beta support for promises in the Directions service .
- Geocoder
now performs validation checks for empty strings. - Fixed a bug where the marker label was covered by the custom marker symbol on Safari.
Support for updated Place icons
1 October, 2020
The icons returned with Place Details and Place Search requests have been updated to use new icon glyphs . No action is required, the new glyphs will display automatically.
29 September, 2020
- Fixed a bug where the word order was wrong for RTL (right-to-left) languages on the "Report a map error" control tooltip.
- Centered marker label for RTL text direction.
21 September, 2020
- Added beta support for promises in the Distance Matrix service .
16 September, 2020
- Updated
method to handle cases when two bounds are over 180 degrees.
8 September 2020
- An error is now logged to the console when an invalid
implementation is detected. - Added beta support for Promises in Elevation service methods.
- Introduced a new
property for specifying the minimum width for anInfoWindow
. - Fixed a bug where directions routes became blurred after changing the destination.
19 August 2020
Version 3.42 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- InfoWindows now have a default max width of 648px which can be overridden by setting the InfoWindow maxWidth property. The width of an InfoWindow can now exceed 648px but will still be limited by the width of the map. (Previously, Infowindows were always restricted to the lesser of 648px or the map width.)
- Prevent flickering of the default-styled render while rendering large GeoJson data sets.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.42.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.41.
- Version 3.40 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.39 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
22 July 2020
- Fixed a bug where setting the
property tofalse
had no effect when using Cloud Styling.
6 July 2020
- Fixes trusted types violation.
27 May 2020
- The Places field
in the Places Library, Maps JavaScript API is deprecated .
20 May 2020
Version 3.41 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.41.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.40.
- Version 3.39 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.38 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
28 April 2020
- Adds a new field,
, to Place Search and Place Details results. Use this field instead ofpermanently_closed
. - Fixes an incorrect console warning when requesting (new)
; a warning is now returned forPlaceResult.utc_offset
, which has been deprecated .
14 April 2020
- Map now throws an easier to diagnose InvalidValueError if passed a mapDiv that is not an Element.
- The Chrome browser autofilling an address into
should no longer trigger an autocomplete request to the server (which will avoid billing). - Made the
property more accurate. Before this change, if you specified themaxWidth
of anInfoWindow
to be 100, the actual maximum width of theInfoWindow
would be 94px. After this change the maximum width would actually be 100px. - Fixes a memory leak issue with paint request builder when using markers and map bounds.
24 March 2020
- Fixed the truncated text in the travel time field for IE11.
10 March 2020
- Fixes bug where calling
twice would skew the Map.
23 February 2020
- Hidden iframe within Map removed from tab navigation.
18 February 2020
- Do not warn about InvalidVersion for v=beta.
- Fixes a problem with scrolling when Street View is displayed.
11 February 2020
Version 3.40 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.40.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.39.
- Version 3.38 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.37 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
08 January 2020
Version 3.39.6 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- For Directions requests,
are now logged to the console, and no longer result in an error log.
20 November 2019
Version 3.39 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- Internet Explorer 10 is no longer supported (3.38 was the last version to support it).
now returns the straight-line distance to the selected place, from the specified origin lat/lng.
- The Places fields
are deprecated as of November 20, 2019, and will be turned off on February 20, 2021. See Places Field Migration to learn more.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.39.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.38.
- Version 3.37 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.36 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
20 August 2019
Version 3.38 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.38.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.37.
- Version 3.36 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.35 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
- Fusion tables can no longer be used (3.37 was the last version to support it).
- Support for Internet Explorer 10 is now deprecated, and will end between November 2019 and May 2020 depending on the release channel or version number you use.
15 May 2019
Version 3.37 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.37.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.36.
- Version 3.35 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.34 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
- Internet Explorer 9 can no longer be used (3.34 was the last version to support it).
14 February 2019
Version 3.36 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- New features added:
- You can now change the size of map controls, using MapOption.controlSize .
- You can now restrict map bounds, using MapOptions.restriction .
- Infowindow has been improved.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.36.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.35.
- Version 3.34 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.33 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
29 January 2019
- The API can now return the total number of reviews for each place.
- Added support for Plus codes . Plus codes are short codes that provide an address for every location in the world, even in areas where traditional street addresses don't exist.
- Internet Explorer 9 is no longer supported.
- The
parameter forAutocomplete
is deprecated. - The Fusion Tables Layer in the Maps JavaScript API is deprecated as of December 3, 2018. The Fusion Tables Layer will be completely turned off on December 3, 2019, and will no longer be available after that date. Узнать больше .
13 November 2018
Version 3.35 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.35.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.34.
- Version 3.33 is still available when requested by number.
- Version 3.32 was deleted, and can no longer be used.
14 августа 2018 года
Version 3.34 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available. See the Versioning guide.
- New version names have been implemented. You can now specify release channels or version numbers:
- The weekly channel was updated to version 3.34.
- The quarterly channel was updated to version 3.33.
- Version 3.32 is still available.
- Version 3.31 was deleted, and can no longer be used. Customers specifying versions 3.0 to 3.31 will receive their default channel instead, either the weekly channel or the quarterly channel (see the Versioning guide).
- A larger control UI is now enabled. With the increase in touch operations on various devices, we adjusted the control UI to fit for both finger touches and mouse clicks. (It's possible to opt out by loading the API with v=quarterly, v=3.33, or v=3.32.)
11 June 2018
- Place Details requests now support using fields to specify the types of place data to return.
- Two new Find Place requests are now available:
- Place autocomplete now supports session-based billing.
16 May 2018
Version 3.33 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
13 February 2018
13 February 2018
- Make the first 256 Markers DOM Markers by default, then make subsequent markers Tile Markers. Current default is all Tile Markers.
- At high zoom levels (zoomed in) when dragging Pegman, prefer the
, rather than the Google-selectedBEST
panorama. -
gestureHandling: none
now works the same asdraggable: false
when changed inside a mousedown handler (it now takes effect onmousedown
21 November 2017
Version 3.31 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The
field is now returned with Place Details requests.
16 August 2017
Version 3.30 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The fullscreen button is now enabled by default on desktop.
- This version introduces the
property for desktop applications that enable user interaction using a mouse scroll wheel or touchpad. To control how users interact with a map, it is recommended that you use thegestureHandling
property instead of thescrollwheel
, anddraggable
16 May 2017
Version 3.29 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- The format of the pano ID for user generated (custom) Street View panoramas has changed due to underlying infrastructure updates. This slightly increases the number of available panoramas.
- Requests for user generated (custom) panoramas using the old pano ID in the Maps JavaScript API still work. If you try to find a panorama using the
property of theStreetViewPanoramaOptions
object, your result will contain the new pano ID. There is no requirement to map the old and new pano IDs, as both will remain valid. - If you depend on pano ID parsing and/or verification logic, note that the format of pano IDs may change.
- You can report any issues using the issue tracker .
- Updates on the
method of thegoogle.maps.Map
class. - To change the viewport while a map is hidden, you can now set the map to visibility: hidden , thereby ensuring that the map div has an actual size.
18 April 2017
The draggable
property of the MapOptions
object is deprecated . To disable dragging of the map on desktop devices, use the gestureHandling
property and set it to none
15 February 2017
Version 3.28 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. See the guide to API versioning .
- Signed-in maps are no longer supported in version 3.28 and higher of the Maps JavaScript API.
2 February 2017
- Issue 11331 : text inside InfoWindow cannot be selected
10 January 2017
You can now restrict Autocomplete predictions to only surface from multiple countries. You can do this by specifying up to 5 countries in the componentRestrictions
field of the AutocompleteOptions
15 November 2016
Version 3.27 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
- A new
option in theMapOptions
object helps you optimise your users' experience when interacting with the map on mobile devices. The available values are:-
: The map always pans (up or down, left or right) when the user swipes (drags on) the screen. In other words, both a one-finger swipe and a two-finger swipe cause the map to pan. -
: The user must swipe with one finger to scroll the page and two fingers to pan the map. If the user swipes the map with one finger, an overlay appears on the map, with a prompt telling the user to use two fingers to move the map. View the sample above on a mobile device to see cooperative mode in action. -
: The map is not pannable or pinchable. -
(default): The behavior is eithercooperative
, depending on whether the page is scrollable or not.
For more details and examples, see the developer's guide .
- The fullscreen control is visible by default on mobile devices, so users can easily enlarge the map. When the map is in fullscreen mode, users can pan the map using one or two fingers. Note: iOS doesn't support the fullscreen feature. The fullscreen control is therefore not visible on iOS devices.
Signed-in maps deprecated
6 October 2016
The signed-in feature is deprecated . Versions 3.27 and earlier of the Maps JavaScript API continue to support signed-in maps. A future version will no longer support signed-in maps, but will continue to support features that save a place to Google Maps using an info window or the SaveWidget
. Read more about signed-in maps .
Change in via waypoints in Directions service response
29 August 2016
The via_waypoints
field in the Directions service response contains an array of waypoints that were not specified in the original request. The via_waypoints
field will continue to appear in the draggable directions response, but is deprecated in the alternative route response . Version 3.27 will be the last version of the API that supports via_waypoints
in alternative routes.
The recommended approach is to request alternative routes, then display all routes as non-draggable plus the main route as draggable. Users can drag the main route until it matches an alternative route. The via_waypoints
field is available on the resulting route (dragged by the user).
18 August 2016
Version 3.26 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
- A new Street View renderer brings rendering improvements, including smoother transitions and animations, improved object modeling, better support for mobile, and clearer controls. See the details on the Google Geo Developers Blog .
- The API now supports device orientation events in Street View, so users on mobile devices can look around by moving their phones. As a developer, you can enable or disable this feature. See the developer's guide for details.
25 May 2016
Version 3.25 of the Maps JavaScript API is now available as the experimental version. (See the guide to API versioning .)
Internet Explorer 9 support ends
2 May 2016
As of April 30th, 2016, Internet Explorer 9 is no longer officially supported by the Maps JavaScript API. See the list of supported browsers .
14 April 2016
- You can now disable the clickability of map icons. A map icon represents a point of interest, also known as a POI. See the
method ongoogle.maps.Map
31 March 2016
- Issue 9507 : Links in Street View now work again in Safari.
28 March 2016
- Issue 9394 : Info windows automatically close when the user opens an info window for a base map icon, and vice versa.
- Show a white Google logo when the base map is styled using the
property on the map (previously, the logo became white only when applying a style using a StyledMapType).
18 March 2016
- Issue 9424 :
new LatLng({lat: 0, lng: 0})
- Fixed mouse panning with the new Street View renderer (with
google.maps.streetViewViewer = 'photosphere'
15 February 2016
- The ability to opt out of the new controls using
google.maps.controlStyle = 'azteca'
has been removed.
18 January 2016
- This release includes a new full-screen control for the map. Users can click the control to maximize the map so that it takes up the entire screen. By default, this control is turned off. You can enable it in
, and configure it using theFullscreenControlOptions
. Its default position isRIGHT_TOP
. - The full-screen control for Street View is enabled by default. You can disable it via
and configure it using theFullscreenControlOptions
. Its default position is nowRIGHT_TOP
4 January 2016
- Issue 9009 : When synthesizing mouse events from touch, use the left button instead of the middle button, for compatibility with jQuery.
- Issue 4201 : The API no longer makes use of
. Therefore, it is now possible to use the API without theunsafe-eval
Content Security Policy directive.
21 December 2015
- Map Option to disable the sign in button for signed in maps (it will show the avatar for logged in users, it will still allow to sign in via signed in actions (eg starring) but it will no longer have the button to sign in on the map when this option is set).
- The interface for text search requests has changed. The
parameter is deprecated as of March 1, 2016, replaced by a newtype
parameter which only supports one type per search request. Additionally, theestablishment
, andgrocery_or_supermarket
types will no longer be supported as search parameters (however these types may still be returned in the results of a search). Requests using the legacytypes
parameter will be supported until March 1, 2017, after which all text searches must use the new implementation.
2 December 2015
- The
constructor verifies that it is given an input element. - Base map point of interest info windows show the same content in non-signed-in mode as signed-in mode.
- Google Maps API externs for the Closure Compiler now specify a type (number or string) for enums.
25 November 2015
- Added
methods toLatLng
objects. These are intended to be used viaJSON.stringify()
19 November 2015
- White google logo for styled maps
- Issue 8674 : Bug: Protect against img { max-width: 100%; }
7 January 2016
- Issue 9009 : When synthesizing mouse events from touch, use the left button instead of the middle button, for compatibility with jQuery.
10 November 2015
- The Directions service and the Distance Matrix service now return the predicted time in traffic (in response field
) when the travel mode is driving. To receive predicted travel times, include adrivingOptions
object literal in the request, specifying a current or futuredepartureTime
. You can also specify atrafficModel
of optimistic, pessimistic, or best guess (default), to influence the assumptions used when calculating the travel time. For details, see the developer's guide for the Directions service and the Distance Matrix service . Note: Theduration_in_traffic
is available only to Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers.
- The
request field is now deprecated . It was previously the recommended way for Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers to specify whether the result should include a duration that takes into account current traffic conditions. You should now use thedrivingOptions
field instead.
5 November 2015
- The AdSense library has been deprecated since May 2015, and is no longer available in the experimental version of the Maps JavaScript API. The library will be removed from the release and frozen versions of the API soon. An alternative solution is Google AdSense. See the guide to creating an AdSense ad unit .
22 September 2015
- Added support for place IDs when making directions and distance matrix requests:
now accept Place objects, andDistanceMatrixRequest.origins
now accept an array of Place objects.
15 September 2015
- The default position and appearance has changed for many of the controls on the map and on Street View panoramas. The user experience is now consistent regardless of whether a map is using signed-in mode mode or not, and is also more consistent with the Google Maps website. If you want to continue using the earlier set of controls for a while, you can set
google.maps.controlStyle = 'azteca'
in v3.22. - The new Full Screen control in Street View allows the user to open the Street View panorama in fullscreen mode.
- The Overview Map control is no longer available.
- The Pan control on the map is no longer available. To pan the view, users click and drag, or swipe, the map. (Note that the Pan control in Street View remains available.)
- The Zoom control is available in only one style, and
is therefore no longer available.
1 September 2015
- Added LatLngBounds literals
- Fixed issue with overly broad CSS classes
- Improved tile loading after the map is resized
Internet Explorer 8 support ends
31 August 2015
As of August 31st, 2015, Internet Explorer 8 is no longer officially supported by the Maps JavaScript API. See the list of supported browsers . For information on Microsoft's browser support policy, see the IEBlog post of August 7, 2014 .
5 August 2015
- Performance improvement: only load visible tiles
- Numerous docs improvements
21 July 2015
- Markers with Labels launched
- Fixed: iOS7 Out of Memory Error for poly on very high definition screens
- Touch Event Fixes on IE10+
- Error verification on Developer provided inputs now output to the console rather than throwing an error.
6 July 2015
- Issue 8159 : Bug: incorrect rendering of StrokePosition.OUTSIDE
17 June 2015
- Fixed: Issue 6321 : Bug: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined" only in Android/iOs browsers
2 June 2015
- Deprecated: CloudLayer, PanoramioLayer
- Fixed: Issue 8098 : Bug: Weighted Heatmap does not render correctly with one point
2 June 2015
- adds ability to Geocode a placeId to an address/latlng
- returns placeIds via the Geocoding API
28 May 2015
- Fixed: Issue 6358 : SVG Path Notation does not render correctly on HDPI devices
19 May 2015
- Issue 7673 : Controls loose position after map type dropdown used
- Issue 7589 : Pegman jumps when the map is resized.
24 April 2015
- Increase in terrain max zoom and loading high dpi tiles even at max zoom.
13 April 2015
- Issue 7820 : Cursors not working on pages loaded from file://
- Issue 7591 : Bug: StreetViewService.getPanoramaByLocation fails when radius argument is not an integer
25 March 2015
- Issue 7733 : Bug: KML Ground/Images- Overlays are Suddenly Very Low Resolution
- Save Widget text better aligned with star icon
17 March 2015
- Issue 7756 : Bug: Safari 8 performance regression
- Removed demographics layer
- Improvements to InfoWindow chrome
17 February 2015
The current Maps JavaScript API experimental version (3.19) will become the release version.
Version 3.17 will be removed. Requests for 3.17 or any prior version will now be served version 3.18.
Versioning documentation is available at: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/versions
Available versions after rollover:
Experimental: 3.20
Release: 3.19
Frozen: 3.18
24 April 2015
- Cursors in signed-in mode.
19 March 2015
- Issue 7756 : Bug: Safari 8 performance regression
20 January 2015
- Issue 7475 : Bug: phantomjs TypeError: Unable to delete property
13 on January 2015
- tiles are now hidden from screen readers
17 December 2014
- Issue 6917 : Bug: Shapes don't respect map's 'draggable' property
- Issue 7445 : Bug: Presentation faults when using the signed-in feature of the v3 Maps API
02 December 2014
- Issue 7390 : Bug: weather.com hyperlinks not working
- Issue 7376 : Bug: WebGL has been turned off (now re-enabled)
- ES6 naming clash with Symbol
25 November 2014
- Issue 7333 : Bug: caret of infowindow is broken in IE9
04 December 2014
- Issue 7390 : Bug: weather.com hyperlinks not working
18 September 2014
- Issue 7136 : Multiple marker titles not working in Firefox
09 September 2014
- Issue 7098 : Setting streetview POV heading throws an error
26 August 2014
3.18 released to experimental.
3.17 is now stable.
20 August 2014
- Issue 6937 : Regression in 3.17: Cannot read property "remove" of undefined (in Places)
12 August 2014
- Issue 6968 : Bug: Keyboard arrow keys not working with v=3.exp
31 July 2014
- Map Panes given explicit documentation for how DOM events propagate through them.
pane added.
07 July 2014
added to Data Layers and individual Data Layer Features, allowing export of geometry to GeoJSON.
24 June 2014
, a unique identifier for a place, added to the Places Library for Autocomplete and Place Details. -
added toDirectionsRoute
, providing an encoded polyline representing the entire course of the route.
26 May 2014
parameter is no longer required in the Maps API URL.
20 May 2014
3.17 released to experimental.
15 April 2014
- Markers now have opacity that matches other geometry types - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#MarkerOptions
08 April 2014
- Map pans on mouse move while drawing.
- Accept LatLngLiteral in more locations.
- InfoWindow resizes itself when Roboto has finished loading ( Issue 5713 )
31 March 2014
- Semi-transparent KML layers no longer transparent on IE 8 ( Issue 6540 )
26 March 2014
- Removed event.returnValue calls in Chrome to prevent console warnings.
- Pinch-to-zoom does not work in IE11 ( Issue 5747 )
18 March 2014
- Data Layer launched - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/datalayer
12 March 2014
- LatLngLiteral support in most places where google.maps.LatLng is accepted - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#LatLngLiteral
24 February 2014
- Support for ferries in Distance Matrix and Directions services.
17 February 2014
3.16 released to experimental.
03 March 2014
- Reenable hardware acceleration in Chrome Windows and Linux now that Chrome bug is fixed ( https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=336676 )
10 February 2014
- Disable all tile hardware acceleration on Chrome/Linux to work around larger Chrome hardware acceleration issue.
03 February 2014
- Scroll wheel does not work in IE 11 ( Issue 5944 )
29 January 2014
- Disable all tile hardware acceleration on Chrome/Windows to work around larger Chrome hardware acceleration issue. ( Issue 6219 )
22 January 2014
- Temporarily disable hardware acceleration on Chrome/Windows when the drawing manager is loaded to work around Chrome issue: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=336676 ( Issue 6224 )
16 January 2014
- Visual Refresh CSS made less specific to override fewer user-set styles.
27 November 2013
- Creating marker after instantiating map throws 'contains' undefined error ( Issue 5798 )
19 November 2013
- Directions panel maneuver icons are not properly displayed in Firefox
10 September 2013
- Links in official Google info windows do not open in new tabs/windows ( Issue 5794 )
15 August 2013
- Visual refresh becomes the default map rendering mode in release version of the API.
- DynamicMapsEngineLayer: feature reporting for vector, imagery, and KML layers
25 June 2013
- DynamicMapsEngineLayer
11 June 2013
- 'disableDefaultUI' option to StreetViewPanoramaOptions
- Bug: Custom Street View panoramas and 90 degrees down ( Issue 4875 )
04 June 2013
- Infowindow domready doesn't fire when visualRefresh=true ( Issue 5415 )
- Bug: visualRefresh info windows on iOS ( Issue 5396 )
15 May 2013
- Google Maps visual refresh: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/basics#VisualRefresh
29 April 2013
- Removed markers stay on the map on Android and Dolphin browsers
19 February 2013
- Changing DrawingMode while drawing causes error
- Clicking on steps in the directions panel changes zoom
12 February 2013
- Undraggable polygon can be dragged through a draggable polygon with touch input ( Issue 4868 )
- Transit icons incorrect in Route Alternatives Panel when travelMode switched ( Issue 4581 )
- panTo(latLng) does not always center map exactly at latLng under some conditions
29 January 2013
- added StreetViewCoverageLayer for adding the coverage layer programmatically
- Exposed StreetViewPov for StreetViewPanoramas
- Increased memory usage when using V3.8 of Google Maps JavaScript leads to a crash (observed in IE 9, Chrome, etc.) ( Issue 4162 )
- Drop-down (select) menu in InfoWindow won't follow map pan on Firefox
22 January 2013
- draggable option to polylines, polygons, circles, rectangles
- price_level field in PlaceResult
15 January 2013
- Repeating Polyline icons are drawing incorrectly for some polylines ( Issue 4333 )
07 January 2013
- Scrolling the map scrolls the page too ( Issue 1605 , Issue 3652 )
17 December 2012
- New Languages: Urdu & Icelandic
- blurred/hazy maps in IE9 after navigation ( Issue 3875 )
17 December 2012
- New Languages: Urdu & Icelandic
- blurred/hazy maps in IE9 after navigation ( Issue 3875 )
10 December 2012
- ability to load images with the crossorigin attribute set
- issues showing markers with remote images in closeups ( Issue 4616 )
- JS error when reshowing symbols on polylines on IE 7/8
03 December 2012
- Markermanager library not working with the Maps API JS v3 ( Issue 4543 )
27 November 2012
- using High DPI canvas on High DPI devices for optimized markers
- MapTypeControl did not clear styles ( Issue 4588 )
04 February 2013
- Increased memory usage when using V3.8 of Google Maps JavaScript? leads to a crash (observed in IE 9, Chrome, etc.) ( Issue 4162 )
25 September 2012
- Indoor Street View
- fixedRotation option to IconSequence
- "Time in Current Traffic" to Directions
11 September, 2012
- Added StrokePosition to polygons, rectangles, circles
- computeOffsetOrigin to geometry library
- Four new languages to the API: Afrikaans, Amharic, Swahili, Zulu
28 August, 2012
- types to Places API textSearch
- Symbol object cannot be passed to MarkerOptions under GWT
- Regression: Pinch to zoom on iOS 5 when page scrolled ( Issue 4046 )
14 August, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Modify the interface to KmlLayer to accept url as an MVC property, rather than a constructor argument.
10 September 2012
- Symbol object cannot be passed to MarkerOptions under GWT
- Regression: Pinch to zoom on iOS 5 when page scrolled ( Issue 4046 )
9 August, 2012
- Syntax error on Android 3.x
31 July, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Hide Street View overlay on custom projections
- Marker symbols do not fire events on safari when the scale is > 35
- click event not raised for markers on a custom map (map type + projection)
25 July, 2012
- componentRestrictions on Autocomplete ( Issue 4302 )
17 July, 2012
- Text box is not clickable in InfoWindow on IE
- bounds_changed should fire before zoom_changed ( Issue 1399 )
- Map option backgroundColor not preserved after Streetview invoked
- Switching from Styled map to satellite unnecessarily loads the map tiles
- Map draggable/scrollwheel properties ignored in drawing mode ( Issue 4012 )
- LatLngBounds should return a full longitude range when more than one copy of the world is shown
- Don't draw empty shape when double clicking ( Issue 3964 )
- Superfluous marker events on click ( Issue 3911 )
Noticeable changes:
- Renamed search and query endpoints to nearbySearch and textSearch
10 July, 2012
Noticeable changes:
- Make google.maps.event.removeListener() accept null as argument
27 June, 2012
- TRANSIT DirectionsMode: http://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2012/06/public-transit-routing-and-layer-now.html
- Pagination, Reviews, textSearch to Places API: http://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2012/07/add-flexible-search-and-google-reviews.html
Noticeable changes:
- Recognize 'transparent' as a color.
23 June, 2012
- Символы
- HeatmapLayer
- New styler options "weight" and "color":
15 May, 2012
- Country restriction for Autocomplete (AutocompleteOptions.componentRestrictions) ( Issue 3899 )
- Regions and Cities type filters
1 May, 2012
- Deleted markers sometimes reappear ( Issue 4087 )
- Marker shadows sometimes do not render ( Issue 3993 )
23 April, 2012
- Pegman stays on map with custom map type after closing Street View ( Issue 4076 )
- Removed animated markers cannot be re-added to the map ( Issue 4052 )
18 April, 2012
- Weather info window always shows raining icon on Firefox ( Issue 4063 )
- orderBy, limit and offset for FusionTablesLayer ( Issue 3557 )
10 April, 2012
- Aerial imagery shown even if aerial not available for whole viewport ( Issue 3913 )
3 April, 2012
- WeatherLayer and CloudLayer ( Issue 3555 )
- DemographicsLayer
- Tile boundaries visible for polys on IE 9 Quirks
- Markers jumping around when panning in Canvas Street View
28 March, 2012
- Use lowercase tag names to be XHTML compliant ( Issue 3868 )
- Changed the zooming behavior for Apple trackpads to make it less sensitive ( Issue 2416 )
20 March, 2012
- Creating a marker with a shadow image that doesn't exist causes errors ( Issue 4014 )
- Click-to-go/Click-to-zoom in Street View ( Issue 2447 )
Noticeable changes:
- Disabled double-click to zoom by default in Street View
6 March, 2012
- Error in OverviewMapControl when zooming in very quickly ( Issue 3882 )
- Error in IE when map div removed from page ( Issue 3971 )
- Scaled markers rendering incorrectly on IE < 9 ( Issue 3912 , Issue 3908 )
- opacity to GroundOverlay ( Issue 2767 )
- utc_offset and opening_hours to PlaceResult ( Issue 2431 )
- clickToGo option to StreetViewPanoramaOptions ( Issue 2447 )
21 February, 2012
- Blurry maps on IE 9 ( Issue 3875 )
- Polyline consisting of collinear edges in LatLng space incorrectly simplified ( Issue 3739 )
- google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation() and isLocationOnEdge() ( Issue 1978 )
February 15, 2012
- Regression: Scaled markers rendered incorrectly with invalid "size" parameter ( Issue 3908 )
- Map stuck in editing mode when setEditable(false) called while user is dragging control point ( Issue 3842 )
Noticeable changes:
- Cross-fade between Street View panoramas.
February 7, 2012
- Marker flickers at final position before drop animation ( Issue 3608 )
- Opening InfoWindow and setting zoom at the same time results in incorrect map center ( Issue 3738 )
- Ignore right click when dragging markers ( Issue 3237 )
- Marker title sometimes does not appear on Firefox ( Issue 3773 )
Noticeable changes:
- Scaled markers now rendered in Canvas where available
- setOpacity() for ImageMapType ( Issue 3125 )
- setOpacity() for GroundOverlay ( Issue 2767 )
- "tilesLoaded" event for ImageMapType ( Issue 1744 )
- stop() to MouseEvent, which stops event propagation ( Issue 2172 )
January 31, 2012
- Fixed: Wrong Korean tiles after panning around the world ( Issue 2722 )
- Fixed: Cannot drop pegman accurately to display StreetView ( Issue 3861 )
- Added "visible" property for polys ( Issue 2861 )
- panTo and panBy animated even when viewports far apart (Regression)
January 24, 2012
- Mouse events bubble through an InfoWindow ( Issue 3573 )
- Enabled CSS transforms on IE9
- Added imageDateControl to StreetViewPanorama
- Enabled Canvas Street View on IE 9, Opera and Safari/Windows
January 16, 2012
- Pegman should not be draggable in drawing mode
- Correctly fire events, respecting zIndex of polys and other layers
- Add KmlLayer "status" property ( Issue 3015 )
January 10, 2012
- Show pegman if disableDefaultUI is true and streetViewControl is true
December 7, 2011
- Controlled access highways can be styled separately from highways (road.highway.controlled_access)
- place_changed fired when user presses "Enter" on Autocomplete ( Issue 3407 )
November 28, 1011
- Reposition Autocomplete when window resized. "resize" event can be triggered on Autocomplete object.
November 22, 2011
- InfoWindow content size now computed taking into account cascading styles
- Aerial map rotation control doesn't match the heading on map creation
November 7, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- New visual style of default controls
- Editable shapes (polygons, polylines, circles, rectangles)
- New DrawingManager for adding new overlays
- New PlaceResult fields: website and international_phone_number
- New ElevationResult field: resolution
- Start and end icons in directions results now render with transparent background in IE 7+
October 31, 2011
- Error when Maps API used with Prototype Library on IE7
October 25, 2011
- Errors when KmlLayer map changed before layer finished loading
- Memory leak in IE when adding and removing polys
October 18, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Added keyword field to PlaceSearchRequest
- Removed road lines from Street View
October 10, 2011
- Address is too long in the Street View preview
September 27, 2011
- Overview map control updates center and zoom together if zoom has changed
September 27, 2011
- Double-fetch of initial tiles in Chrome
- Memory leaks while panning
- Don't drop Street View pegman when panning to area out of coverage
- Regression: GroundOverlays that cross -180 longitude disappearing
- Regression: Map center incorrect when opening info window while panning and zooming
Noticeable changes:
- Show Street View previews while pegman is dragged
September 20, 2011
- Memory leak in Chrome/Windows when rendering markers using Canvas
- Marker rendering for aerial view with heading of 90 or 270 degrees
Noticeable changes:
- Default Google map types cannot be accessed through the map type registry (prevents access to map tiles)
- Rotation animations when leaving and entering aerial imagery
September 12, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Marker stuck in raised position after tooltip appears on Firefox 4+ ( Issue 3334 )
Noticeable changes:
- GeocoderResult.formatted_address not documented
September 6, 2011
- Select element (drop down) info window does not follow map pan in Firefox
- Tiles in Korea on some mobile devices
August 29, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Allow custom controls to have a higher z-index than API controls
- Links take users to correct language version of maps.google.com
- Do not open an InfoWindow over a KML feature if there is no info window html, name, or description.
- Fixed Regression: high DPI tiles broken
August 24, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Hardware acceleration disabled for Chrome/Mac: fixes marker rendering issue and overlay clicking ( Issue 3544 , Issue 3551 )
- Pinch-to-zoom fixed for Android when the page has been scrolled ( Issue 3373 )
Noticeable changes:
- Business icons are now on by default.
August 17, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Clickable map icons for points of interests.
- Styles can be set in MapOptions and applied across all default map types.
- Pegman appears on custom map types unless explicitly disabled.
August 10, 2011
- Markers stuck in drag up position when dragged to horizon in Street View
- Street View not resizing when map or window resized
- Street View with a shared InfoWindow crashes browser
August 2, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Hyperlinks in info window on IE don't work ( Issue 3503 )
- Scale control does not print ( Issue 2966 )
- Regression: Error when using OverviewMapControl with styled maps ( Issue 3489 )
Noticeable changes:
- Context menu on most controls now disabled on right click.
- Street View Panorama/Map inside an InfoWindow does not pan when mousing over InfoWindow
- Now possible to scroll an InfoWindow on iPad
July 18, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Event LatLng incorrect when page is scrolled on iOS >= 4.1 ( Issue 3373 )
July 11, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed:
not clickable within infowindow on touch device ( Issue 3232 ) - Fixed: Click not fired on map after right click if MapOptions.draggable is false ( Issue 3071 )
Noticeable changes:
- Markers with same z-index are now ordered consistently across tile boundaries
- Now possible to to scroll in infowindow on iOS
- Markers and polys are now repainted when the map's projection changes
July 5, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Marker cursor not displayed when map is not draggable ( Issue 3120 )
Noticeable changes:
- Added ability to style the Places Autocomplete control and dropdown
- Places Autocomplete widget preserves description returned by server after user selects a suggestion
June 30, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Initial map tiles would be double fetched
- Fixed: maptypeid_changed event was fired multiple times when the map was created after 3.4 ( Issue 3051 )
Noticeable changes:
- Places autocomplete was changed to append to the body rather than the inputs parent
- BOTTOM_RIGHT now positions correctly
June 8, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Zoom no longer animated if change in zoom level greater than 2 ( Issue 3033 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: OverlayView.set('map', foo) is now the same as OverlayView.setMap
- Removed GeocoderRequest's "language" option
17 мая 2011 года
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Streetview rendering issue in IE7 ( Issue 3272 )
Noticeable changes:
- Enabled fade transitions for map tiles when loading and changing map type.
May 7, 2011
No noticeable changes.
May 7, 2011
No noticeable changes.
May 6, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Street view panorama does not display in IE7 ( Issue 3272 )
- Fixed: Semi-transparent PNG with ImageMapType loses transparency in IE7 and IE8 ( Issue 3275 )
Noticeable changes:
- Distance Matrix Service
April 14, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Support named CSS colors for poly strokeColor and fillColor
- Fixed: Polygon not visible if the strokeOpacity is set to 0.0 ( Issue 3241 )
- Fixed: Errors in IE8 upon panning with AdUnit visible ( Issue 3159 )
- Allow Terrain and Hybrid map without Map and Satellite in the map type control ( Issue 3089 )
- High DPI tiles are loaded for high DPI screens ( Issue 2614 )
Noticeable changes:
- Aerial tilt defaults to 45 degrees when aerial imagery is enabled and available
- Pinch behavior has been improved on the iPad
- Renamed DirectionsTravelMode and DirectionsUnitSystem to TravelMode and UnitSystem (old names remain backwards compatible)
April 14, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed: Marker icon and shadow no longer transparent on IE6
- Fixed: Markers no longer flicker on zoom
- Fixed: Rendering of polygons across tile boundaries near the north/south poles
Noticeable changes:
- Polylines and Polygons now rendered in Canvas where possible.
- LatLngs for events on polylines and polygon borders now snap to the nearest point on the line.
April 5, 2011
Resolved issues:
- panTo doesn't animate on touch devices ( Issue 3066 )
- Marker.MAX_ZINDEX is undefined ( Issue 3184 )
March 28, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Can't change heading in Street View when in satellite mode ( Issue 3174 )
- Map broken when VML disabled ( Issue 3119 )
Noticeable changes:
- Street view road overlay now shows in obliques mode
March 22, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Pegman shows in custom map types ( Issue 3154 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: Giant markers are clipped at tile boundaries
- Fixed: Street view overlay in obliques mode
- Fixed: Overview map control shows in print mode
March 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- 45 Degree imagery ( Issue 2412 )
- Overview map control ( Issue 1470 )
- Support animated gifs - 'optimized' option added ( Issue 3095 )
- Marker.getVisible() returns undefined ( Issue 3114 )
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed: Circles and rectangles ignore zIndex
- Fixed: Mouse events trigger events twice when Marker is animating
- Fixed: Styled maps do not use styles if map type added to registry after map type id set
- Fixed: Non-styled map types adopt the style of a Styled Map Type
- Markers now fire MouseEvents, not DOM events
March 11, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Double clicking on a marker no longer zooms the map ( Issue 3090 )
- Anchor point with custom marker shadow now works ( Issue 3112 )
Noticeable changes:
- Panoramio Layer
- Directions marker z-indexing fixed
- Default shadow position fixed
March 2, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- Markers now rendered in Canvas/VML where available
- Bigger click targets for polylines, polygons, KML on touch-enabled devices
February 22, 2011
Resolved issues:
- InfoWindow anchor exposed via 'anchorPoint' MVC property ( Issue 2860 )
- Fixes Hybrid at zoom level 0 and 1 ( Issue 3062 )
- Circle/Rectangle fixed if added/removed quickly to map ( Issue 3052 )
- draggable: false fixed on touch devices ( Issue 3044 )
February 18, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Markers in Street View are only shrunk, not enlarged ( Issue 2969 )
- Draggable directions now work when routeIndex is not 0 ( Issue 2995 )
- Conflict between Flash and map dragging fixed ( Issue 2956 )
- When mapTypeId is changed in maptypeid_changed listener, the map type control is now consistent
Noticeable changes:
- Labels are now on by default when Satellite mode clicked from map type control
February 8, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- New hierarchical map type controls - they're touch-friendly!
- New logo ( Issue 2574 )
- MarkerShape.coord renamed to MarkerShape.coords to match HTML
coords attribute
March 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Polygon not rendering
February 8, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Tile requests not being cancelled in Chrome ( Issue 3011 )
- rightclick event not being fired in FF/Mac ( Issue 2920 )
- Text rendering issues in Safari/Mac ( Issue 3024 )
- Directions maps not printing in IE correctly
January 21, 2011
Noticeable changes:
- MVCArrays are now accepted in spherical geometry library
- Fix cross showing under a marker while being dragged in IE6
- z-index is no longer set on the map container div
January 17, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Fixed an issue where incorrect timing for zoom_changed caused incorrect results for fromLatLngToContainerPixel ( Issue 2539 )
January 6, 2011
Resolved issues:
- Geometry library added - provides spherical geometry and polyline encoding utilities ( Issue 2540 , Issue 2595 , Issue 2246 )
- Ability to set the min/max zoom level on the map ( Issue 1624 )
Noticeable changes:
- Zoom and pan controls have been separated (no more navigation control). These can be configured separately.
- New touch-friendly zoom control on touch devices
- Contents of an MVCArray can now be cleared by calling clear()
- Fixed memory leak when adding and removing markers in IE8
- Faster rendering of polys with improved simplification algorithm
December 23rd, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Waypoint click handlers fixed in draggable directions ( Issue 2871 )
December 21st, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Added momentum to the map when dragging ( Issue 2592 )
- Fixed CSS error in Street View ( Issue 2666 )
- Fixed JS error when showing a InfoWindow with a Map width of 0 in IE ( Issue 2536 )
Noticeable changes:
- On touch devices, we will now display a touch-friendly zoom control whether ZOOM_PAN or SMALL navigation control is requested. If the device supports multi-touch in the browser, no zoom control will be displayed, as zooming is accomplished through pinching.
December 9th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- InfoWindows now print nicely in IE ( Issue 1343 )
- Fixed opacity in IE8 for ImageMapType
Noticeable changes:
- A cross will be displayed beneath Markers with a custom icon when dragged, and raiseOnDrag is enabled
December 5th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- Provide an interface for discovering the maximum zoom level at a given location for satellite imagery. ( Issue 2049 )
- Add an option (raiseOnDrag) to enable/disable animations when a marker is dragged. ( Issue 2910 )
Noticeable changes:
- Markers now lift when dragged, and bounce when dropped.
- Marker animations can be controlled programmatically with the setAnimation function.
November 28th, 2010
Resolved issues:
- maptypeid_changed no longer fires twice ( Issue 2449 )
- The "size" property of a MarkerImage object is now accessible ( Issue 2465 )
- Marker shape references the icon rather than the sprite ( Issue 2629 )
- Panning the map on marker drag has been improved for smaller maps ( Issue 2868 )
- Maps can now be printed without enabling printing of background images
- Fixed bug where draggable direction markers were draggable when 'draggable' was set to false
November 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2076 : Provide a way to give a InfoWindow to the DirectionsRenderer ( Issue 2076 )
- Issue 2524 : Implement streetViewControlOptions
- Issue 2557 : Add disable zoom to Street view
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug that caused a new window to open in FF when a marker if shift-clicked.
- Letter marker icons were lost when markerOptions were specified with the DirectionsRenderer
November 11th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where polygons were clipped/truncated with RTL on IE7/IE8
- Fixed bug that caused checkboxes to be hidden on Safari 5 because of 3d transformations
- Geodesic polylines that spanned the equator lacked detail
- Renamed control positions LEFT to LEFT_TOP, RIGHT to RIGHT_TOP, TOP to TOP_CENTER and BOTTOM to BOTTOM_CENTER
October 11th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2478 : Streetview - Compass Misalignment/Missing in some browsers
- Issue 2528 : ImageMapTypeOptions opacity broken in IE8
- Issue 2661 : Infowindow - Right click on an input field does not display context menu
- Issue 2741 : Marker placement not working on iOS 4 following map pan
Noticeable changes:
- Street View is enabled by default
- Fixed bug where 'this' wasn't being passed to .getTileUrl
- InfoWindow domready event is now triggered after the window is visible
September 28th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2712 : Memory Leaks (add/remove markers, show/hide markers, zoom/pan map)
Noticeable changes:
- V2 and V3 maps work better when both are on the same page
- Fixed error in HTML5 Street View when dragged quickly downwards
September 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2701 : Initial Street View Navigator Control Heading Doesn't Follow POV
September 14th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 157 : Support draggable driving directions
- Issue 1852 : 'rightclick' event on a google.maps.Marker is fired up without an argument
- Issue 2673 : Pegman disappears after position change
Noticeable changes:
- Marker performance has been improved
August 31st, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2658 : Tall Info Windows
Noticeable changes:
- Geodesics have been improved for higher zooms
August 24th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2648 : Trigger map resize event causes error in Firefox in V3.2.1
Noticeable changes:
- When zooming in or out repeatedly (such as when using a scroll wheel), we now load fewer tiles from the intermediate zoom levels.
August 16th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2416 : Apple Magic Mouse Panning and Zooming too Sensitive
- Issue 2606 : Setting draggable: false on a map disables links
- Issue 2640 : Memory not cleared with browser refreshes / onunload (IE)
Noticeable changes:
- StreetView markers are scaled according to their distance
- Zoom slider updates on pan
August 9th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Deprecated properties KMLMouseEvent.position and FusionTablesMouseEvent.position have been removed. Use .latLng instead
- Deprecated property StreetViewService.getNearestPanorama has been removed. Use .getPanoramaByLocation instead
September 28th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed issue where directions with the same origin and destination threw a JS error
August 9th, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Changing an OverlayView's Map has been fixed
- Calling GroundOverlay.setMap(null) is fixed
- IE no longer leaks memory zooming/panning
August 5th, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2588 : Calling setVisible(false) on Panorama object with a listener attached causes a JS error in IE
Noticeable changes:
- Markers disappearing in IE6 on zoom change has been fixed
Jul 29, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2337 : Lost Polyline
- Issue 2497 : Clickable option is not honored for Circle
Noticeable changes:
- Custom panorama 'originHeading' has been deprecated in favour of 'centerHeading'
- Korean hybrid tiles now display roads
- Clicks now pass though non-clickable polygons on the map
Jul 22, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 1856 : Support polygon rendering in Opera
- Issue 2159 : Dragend event is triggered after zoom using the scrollwheel
- Issue 2385 : At deeper zoom levels, GroundOverlay goes black in Internet Explorer
- Issue 2337 : Lost Polyline
- Issue 2427 : Dragging with an info window open on auto-pan causes "hanging" markers
- Issue 2493 : Markers aren't correctly cleared in IE7
- Issue 2500 : Cropped MarkerImage When Using !Marker.setIcon(<scaled MarkerImage>) for Existing Marker
- Issue 2549 : CSS for Google's dropdown menu generates warning
Noticeable changes:
- A click event is no longer fired when a polygon is dragged
- Clicking on a Form select element that expands outside of a InfoWindow no longer fires a map click
- Clicking on a KML overlay no longer fires a map click event
- Streetview is now automatically panned to fit an InfoWindow on screen
- KML and FusionTables MouseEvent LatLng changed from 'position' to 'latLng'
- Android zoom controls no longer pass click to the map
Jun 17, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2346 : Option to disable smooth animation
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed marker flicker bug
- InfoWindow domready event triggering has been improved
- DirectionsRoute.bounds is now exposed
Jun 11, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2389 : Street View doesn't work in IE7
- Issue 2460 : Bug in pegman positioning
- Fixed marker memory leak
- First geocode latency has been improved
- Provided access to the StreetViewService
May 18, 2010
Changed issues:
- Issue 2037 : GPolylineOptions geodesic
- Fixed bug to correctly Google copyright on custom map type
- Added geodesic property to Polygons and Polylines
- Added clickable option to Polygons and Polylines
- Added clickable option to GroundOverlay
May 13, 2010
- Issue 1724 : Incorrect infoWindow size/margins when setting the content through an element, rather than string
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where ground overlays were cropped prematurely when crossing the dateline
- Marker setIcon now works with \ in the url
- Polygon and Polyline mouseout event triggers in IE
- Changing a marker icon no longer flickers
May 7, 2010
- Issue 1458 : Feature request: KML support in Google API v3
- Issue 1658 : Add Traffic Overlay
- Issue 2209 : Stack overflow
- Issue 2254 : Multiple calls "setMap(gMap)" and "setMap(null)" on Circle object changes it's stroke and fill opacity
Noticeable changes:
- Added KML and GeoRSS Layers
- Added Ground Overlays
- Added new layers: Traffic and Bicycling
- Added "suppressBicyclingLayer" property against DirectionsRendererOptions
- Fixed bug to ensure zoom layer is correctly referenced when MapType changes
- Renamed DirectionsResult property "start/end_point" to "start/end_location"
- Renamed DirectionsLeg property "start/end_geocode" with "start/end_address"
- Renamed DirectionsRoute "optimized_waypoint_order" property with "waypoint_order"
- Removed support for old directions property names (setTripIndex, getTripIndex, hideTripList, provideTripAlternatives) and continue logging warnings. Also removes conversion of routes to legs to steps and trips to routes to steps.
- Updated GeocoderGeometry.latLng to GeocoderGeometry.location
April 30, 2010
- Issue 2230 : Map initializes without intended custom projection
Noticeable changes:
- Clicking on the map now focuses the keyboard
- iPad pinch-to-zoom is now supported
April 26, 2010
- Issue 1826 : Add mouseover and mouseout events on Polygons and Polylines
- Issue 2177 : map.setZoom(z) not working properly during the 'maptypeid_changed' event
- Issue 2247 : hideRouteList option on DirectionsRenderer doesn't work as expected
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed bug where custom icons disappear off the bottom of the map during pan
April 13, 2010
- Issue 2275 : MarkerImage cannot be reused
- Issue 2181 : When you add a google.maps.Marker and then use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out, the marker is hidden
April 11, 2010
No noticeable changes or changed issues.
April 5, 2010
- Issue 1976 : Custom icon & draggable marker issues
- Issue 2107 : Draggable marker vanishes when dragged off the map
- Issue 2181 : The projection property of the basemaps is not present
Noticeable changes:
- Exposed the directions overview polyline in DirectionsRoute as overview_path.
- Exposed the Map's current projection as a read only property.
Mar 23, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Elevation is now exposed in the API
- Improved tile loading for slow internet connections.
Mar 15, 2010
Noticeable changes:
- Polygons now correctly repaint when styles are changed.
- Deprecated warning messages via console.log are given when old style 'Directions' are used.
Mar 10, 2010
- Issue 1801 : Polyline/polygon zIndex
- Issue 2144 : DirectionsRequest should provide avoidHighways option
- Issue 2207 : Bug: Polyline gets filled in IE
- Issue 2113 : Polylines broken in FF on high zoom levels after Jan release
Noticeable changes:
- Added bicycling directions !
- Added new DirectionsRequest options :
- Improved Polygon/Polyline rendering speeds
- Renamed the following Directions objects. Old names remain supported.
- DirectionsRoute to DirectionsLeg
- DirectionsTrip to DirectionsRoute
Mar 3, 2010
- Issue 2136 : Obfuscate Properties in google.maps.MarkerImage which should not be referenced
Noticeable changes:
- Map jump-jump bug fixed.
- Zooming twice in succession has been improved.
- Marker drag event .latLng is no longer obfuscated.
Feb 26, 2010
- Issue 1651 : mousemove / mouseover / mouseout for map canvas
- Issue 2142 : DirectionsRendererOptions should allow users to suppress markers entirely
- Issue 2148 : event.latLng Missing!
- Issue 2109 : Bug: NavigationControlStyle.ZOOM_PAN doesn't display correctly in IE8
- Issue 2153 : MVCArray.push() does not return new length
Noticeable changes:
- Add opacity to ImageMapType.
- Fixed the bug where rightclick on a rectangle/circle was not being fired.
- Info window's content events are no longer being removed on hide.
Feb 8, 2010
- Issue 2135 : Bug: If you reuse a Polygon's MVCArray in a Polyline, the Polyline is closed.
Noticeable changes:
- Added new Rectangle class
- Added new Circle class
- Fixed memory leak when creating then removing a marker.
- Stopped annotating the MVCArray of LatLngs to close Polygons, as that causes Polylines which share the same MVCArray to be closed too (see Issue 2135 )
- Fixed a bug which sometimes hid onscreen markers if the map's zoom was set to its current value.
- Fixed ImageMapType to display correctly on Android.
- Changed the polygon clipping scheme to allow polygons which contain the north or south pole.
- Increased the latitude range of MercatorProjection to the maximum possible subject to floating point precision.
January 28, 2010
- Issue 1367 : Feature Request: Expose LayoutManager for developers to place DIVs in the "control flow"
- Issue 1916 : Feature Request: Add ability to scale MarkerImage
- Issue 1443 : extend() and union() should return the LatLngBounds object
- Issue 1997 : Documentation of 'size' MapOption
- Issue 2074 : Map doesn't render when the world map fits the exact dimensions of the map container
Noticeable changes:
- Added support for Indic languages:
- bn, gu, kn, ml, mr, ta, te
- Added new static methods to the event namespace :
- addListenerOnce
- addDomListenerOnce
- Added new 'encoded_lat_lngs' property to the DirectionsStep object to expose the set of latlngs in compressed ASCII format
- Improved performance by removing offscreen marker DOM elements
- Fixed panning bug in Google Chrome
- Fixed pinch-zooming bug on the iPhone
January 19, 2010
- Issue 1422 : Feature Request: Let developers create custom map types
- Issue 1523 : Feature request: fromContainerPixelToLatLng (and vice versa)
- Issue 1443 : extend() and union() should return the LatLngBounds object
- Issue 1960 : bug: incomplete information using provideTripAlternatives
- Issue 1675 : Tutorial Documentation Error
- Issue 1676 : Tutorial Documentation Error - Control Options
- Issue 1856 : Polygons not rendering in Opera!!!
- Issue 1954 : The Bulgarian language localization is not correct.
- Issue 1976 : Bug: Custom icon & draggable marker issues
- Issue 2063 : Variable Name Collisions when Minifying OverlayView Subclasses
Noticeable changes:
- Released support for custom map types, including base map types, overlay map types, and projection:
- New ImageMapType object to support custom map tiles
December 17, 2009
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed initial jerk occurring before a map panning animation begins.
- Fixed map jumping to different location when zooming past the max zoom level using Scrollwheel or DoubleClick.
- Copyright, MapType and Navigation controls resizes to suit map size.
- Old style getters, setters, and event names are officially deprecated and no longer defined.
December 10, 2009
- Issue 1820 : Zoom in with scroll wheel seems to zoom beyond max zoom level and "skip/jump" the map's position
- Issue 1743 : Scroll zooming causes the map to move to a completely different location
Other noticeable changes:
- Added new method panToBounds .
- Added new map animation. Affects dragging, panning, zooming, and calls to setCenter/setZoom in all browsers.
- Added a console log warning message if deprecated methods are being used.
November 25, 2009
- Issue 1696 : Feature Request: map control placement
- Issue 1909 : getBounds corruption after map center changed
- Issue 1938 : map.setOptions fails to recognise control options
Other noticeable changes:
- Added RTL support to enable the following languages: Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew
- Exposed lat_lngs property for DirectionsResult steps.
November 11, 2009
- Issue 1742 : Custom icon marker always appears on top of default marker
Other noticeable changes:
- Added support for three new languages.
- Баскский
- Галиц
- Тагальский
October 29, 2009
- Issue 1421 : Feature Request: Add a Directions class to API v3
Other noticeable changes:
- Reference documentation updated with DirectionsRenderer and DirectionsService
October 26, 2009
- Issue 1647 : Feature Request: Provide an event for infowindow dom ready
- Issue 1710 : ability to cancel user zoom event on double click
Other noticeable changes:
- JS Error is thrown when invalid arguments are passed into new google.maps.LatLng()
- Fixed bug: static map was loading twice on map load
October 15, 2009
- Issue 1525 : get_bounds error at low zoom levels
- Issue 1757 : fitBounds() doesn't work across the 180 meridian
- Issue 1790 : map.setOptions cannot set the cursor
- Issue 1767 : BugProblem with event propagation
Other noticeable changes:
- Documentation updates:
- New method exposed: LatLngBounds.isEmpty()
- Sorted all methods, events, properties, and constants by name
- Fixed incorrect types in polyline and polygon option properties
September 28, 2009
- Improvements to poly rendering performance.
- Fixed issue with JS warning for SVGView.
September 22, 2009
- Issue 1420 : Feature: Add Polyline class to API
- Issue 1371 : map.bounds_changed event fires repeatedly when the map is moving
- Issue 1700 : Incorrect location in click after zoom out in Firefox 3.5
- Issue 1702 : Incorrect latLng reported in click & dblclick events when there is a scroll offset in a parent element
- Issue 1723 : Map jumps when dragging on iPhone
Other noticeable changes:
- Launched polylines and polygons! These allow you to draw lines or filled regions on the map, specify stroke and fill styles, and support most mouse events (ie no mouseover yet). They work in all supported browsers (IE6.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.1+, Chrome), which includes supported mobile devices.
- Added two new sections to the developer guide for Polylines and Polygons .
- Added two new classes to the API Reference for Polylines and Polygons .
- Added new Map event "idle", fired when the map hasn't moved for a bit. Resolves Issue 1371 .
- Fixed incorrect LatLng values being returned from the click events.
- Fixed pinch zoom bug on the iPhone. See Issue 1723 .
September 10, 2009
- Issue 1659 : Incorrect latLng reported in click & dblclick events after panning, Firefox 3.5
- Issue 1621 : getting wrong location after click on map in ie8 with dooctype
- Issue 1642 : InfoWindow overflow:auto
- Issue 1531 : height of infoWindow grows with each open
Other noticeable changes:
- Syntax modified for get/set methods and event names as specified below. Old syntax remains supported to stay backwards compatible. Например:
- set_funBoat() => setFunBoat()
- get_funBoat() => getFunBoat()
- funBoat_changed => funboat_changed
- Added new method "onAdd" to the OverlayView interface, which gets called when panes and projection are first initialized. This addresses Issue 1377 .
- OverlayView interface's "remove" method has been renamed to "onRemove". Old name remains supported to stay backwards compatible.
September 2, 2009
- Issue 1525 : get_bounds error at low zoom levels
- Issue 1596 : Panning past the northern or southern edge of the world returns an error
- Issue 1643 : Bug: Map scroll wheels unnecessarily
- Issue 1379 : I can't see Korea map data in V3
Other noticeable changes:
- Enabled continuous scrollwheel and double-click zoom on Chrome, Safari 4, and Firefox 3.5
- Improved map dragging performance
- Double-click now centers the map after zooming
August 24, 2009
- Issue 1567 : map.set_center to a nearby location does not work.
- Issue 1605 : Scrolling the map scrolls the page too
- Issue 1467 : Pan Map Function + Animation
Other noticeable changes:
- Enabled scrollwheel zoom by default. To disable it, set Map option's scrollwheel property to false.
- Documentation updated to include panTo and panBy functions.
August 14, 2009
- Issue 1575 : Bug in draggable markers method set_draggable()
Other noticeable changes:
- Scrollwheel zoom has been enabled.
- Fixed issue affecting iPhones where map jumps occur after drag.
August 4, 2009
- Issue 1393 : Allow draggable markers
- Issue 1448 : Bug: API v3 needs a checkResize() function (or equivalent)
- Issue 1404 : Error with cursor in Opera
- Issue 1514 : MapType select arrow displayed incorrectly with HTML 4.01 strict
- Issue 1426 : InfoWindow z-index control
Other noticeable changes:
- Pinching and dragging on the iPhone should be more robust.
- Added zIndex setters and getters to InfoWindow objects.
Documentation changes:
- Marker get_draggable and set_draggable methods added
- Marker drag, dragstart, dragend, draggable_changed events added
- Marker draggable property added
- Info Window get_zIndex and set_zIndex methods added
- Info Window zIndex_changed event added
- Info Window zIndex property added
July 13, 2009
- Issue 1415 : infowindow content: selectable true/ false
- Issue 1432 : Mouseout event doesn't trigger after set_icon is called
- Issue 1365 : Map Type Controls render incorrectly with strict doctype
Other noticeable changes:
- Developers no longer need to specify size for a MarkerImage, the API will detect it when not provided. On a related note, the size, anchor, and origin arguments for MarkerImage are all optional.
- Developers no longer need to call OverlayView.call(this) in an OverlayView subclass's constructor.
- The OverlayView "changed" methods were removed from the interface. This should not affect developer's code, as these methods weren't actually used before.
- The partialmatch option was removed from Geocoder Request objects. If a developer continues to pass it, it will have no effect on the query.
June 12, 2009
Changed issues:
- Issue 1363 : Bug: Map click events are not dispatched on the iPhone
Other noticeable changes:
- Large zoom control is clickable in all browsers
- Infowindow "clears" the large zoom control, positioning itself fully inside the map and controls
- Mobile copyright uses pretty images
- Tiles load from the center instead of the top left
- Users can no longer select the text of the map type buttons, or any of the control images
- The main library is smaller by ~1.9 KB