Maps Static API Usage and Billing

SKU details and pricing for the Maps Static API

The following table shows the SKU details and pricing for the Maps Static API.

CategorySKU DetailsSKU Pricing
Essentials SKU: Static Maps Main pricing list
India pricing list

Other usage limits

To review and manage your quotas and usage limits for the Static Maps, see Quotas and quota alerts.

To set quota limits, see Set quota limits.

Authenticate requests

For customers using the pay-as-you-go pricing model, authenticating requests to the Maps Static API over the quota require an API key and a digital signature.

For more information, see Creating API keys.

Image sizes

Static Maps images can be returned in any size up to 640 x 640 pixels. If you need images with sizes larger than 640 x 640 pixels (or 640 x 640 pixels with a scale value of 2), follow the steps in Larger image sizes.

Terms of Use restrictions

For complete details on allowed usage, consult the License Restrictions section in the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.