GMSFetchPlaceRequest Class Reference

GMSFetchPlaceRequest Class Reference


Request object to use with GMSPlacesClient to fetch a place.

Public Member Functions

(instancetype) - initWithPlaceID:placeProperties:sessionToken:
 Request object to use with GMSPlacesClient to fetch a place.


NSString * placeID
 Default init is not available.
NSArray< GMSPlaceProperty > * placeProperties
 Place properties to include in the GMSPlace response.
 Session token to associate request to a billing session.

Member Function Documentation

- (instancetype) initWithPlaceID: (NSString *)  placeID
placeProperties: (NSArray< GMSPlaceProperty > *)  placeProperties
sessionToken: (nullable GMSAutocompleteSessionToken *)  sessionToken 

Request object to use with GMSPlacesClient to fetch a place.

placeIDThe ID of the place to be requested.
placePropertiesThe properties of the place to be requested. Must not be empty. An empty list will result in an error when trying to send the request. Read more about Place Data Fields.
sessionTokenThe GMSAutocompleteSessionToken to associate request to a billing session.

Property Documentation

- (NSString*) placeID [read, copy]

Default init is not available.

Please use the designated initializer. Place ID of the place being requested.

- (NSArray<GMSPlaceProperty>*) placeProperties [read, copy]

Place properties to include in the GMSPlace response.

Must not be empty. An empty list will result in an error when trying to send the request.

Session token to associate request to a billing session.