Merchant API

Programmatically manage your Merchant Center Accounts.


To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.

Discovery document

A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery documents:

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:


REST Resource: reports_v1beta.accounts.reports

search POST /reports/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/reports:search
Retrieves a report defined by a search query.

REST Resource: quota_v1beta.accounts.quotas

list GET /quota/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/quotas
Lists the daily call quota and usage per group for your Merchant Center account.

REST Resource: promotions_v1beta.accounts.promotions

get GET /promotions/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/promotions/*}
Retrieves the promotion from your Merchant Center account.
insert POST /promotions/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/promotions:insert
Inserts a promotion for your Merchant Center account.
list GET /promotions/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/promotions
Lists the promotions in your Merchant Center account.

REST Resource: products_v1beta.accounts.productInputs

delete DELETE /products/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/productInputs/*}
Deletes a product input from your Merchant Center account.
insert POST /products/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/productInputs:insert
Uploads a product input to your Merchant Center account.

REST Resource: products_v1beta.accounts.products

get GET /products/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/products/*}
Retrieves the processed product from your Merchant Center account.
list GET /products/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/products
Lists the processed products in your Merchant Center account.

REST Resource: notifications_v1beta.accounts.notificationsubscriptions

create POST /notifications/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/notificationsubscriptions
Creates a notification subscription for a business.
delete DELETE /notifications/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/notificationsubscriptions/*}
Deletes a notification subscription for a merchant.
get GET /notifications/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/notificationsubscriptions/*}
Gets notification subscriptions for an account.
list GET /notifications/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/notificationsubscriptions
Gets all the notification subscriptions for a merchant.
patch PATCH /notifications/v1beta/{*/notificationsubscriptions/*}
Updates an existing notification subscription for a merchant.

REST Resource: lfp_v1beta.accounts.lfpInventories

insert POST /lfp/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/lfpInventories:insert
Inserts a LfpInventory resource for the given target merchant account.

REST Resource: lfp_v1beta.accounts.lfpSales

insert POST /lfp/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/lfpSales:insert
Inserts a LfpSale for the given merchant.

REST Resource: lfp_v1beta.accounts.lfpStores

delete DELETE /lfp/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/lfpStores/*}
Deletes a store for a target merchant.
get GET /lfp/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/lfpStores/*}
Retrieves information about a store.
insert POST /lfp/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/lfpStores:insert
Inserts a store for the target merchant.
list GET /lfp/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/lfpStores
Lists the stores of the target merchant, specified by the filter in ListLfpStoresRequest.

REST Resource: inventories_v1beta.accounts.products.localInventories

delete DELETE /inventories/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/products/*/localInventories/*}
Deletes the specified LocalInventory from the given product in your merchant account.
insert POST /inventories/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*/products/*}/localInventories:insert
Inserts a LocalInventory resource to a product in your merchant account.
list GET /inventories/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*/products/*}/localInventories
Lists the LocalInventory resources for the given product in your merchant account.

REST Resource: inventories_v1beta.accounts.products.regionalInventories

delete DELETE /inventories/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/products/*/regionalInventories/*}
Deletes the specified RegionalInventory resource from the given product in your merchant account.
insert POST /inventories/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*/products/*}/regionalInventories:insert
Inserts a RegionalInventory to a given product in your merchant account.
list GET /inventories/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*/products/*}/regionalInventories
Lists the RegionalInventory resources for the given product in your merchant account.

REST Resource: datasources_v1beta.accounts.dataSources

create POST /datasources/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/dataSources
Creates the new data source configuration for the given account.
delete DELETE /datasources/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/dataSources/*}
Deletes a data source from your Merchant Center account.
fetch POST /datasources/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/dataSources/*}:fetch
Performs the data fetch immediately (even outside fetch schedule) on a data source from your Merchant Center Account.
get GET /datasources/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/dataSources/*}
Retrieves the data source configuration for the given account.
list GET /datasources/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/dataSources
Lists the configurations for data sources for the given account.
patch PATCH /datasources/v1beta/{*/dataSources/*}
Updates the existing data source configuration.

REST Resource: datasources_v1beta.accounts.dataSources.fileUploads

get GET /datasources/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/dataSources/*/fileUploads/*}
Gets the latest data source file upload.

REST Resource: conversions_v1beta.accounts.conversionSources

create POST /conversions/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/conversionSources
Creates a new conversion source.
delete DELETE /conversions/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/conversionSources/*}
Archives an existing conversion source.
get GET /conversions/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/conversionSources/*}
Fetches a conversion source.
list GET /conversions/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/conversionSources
Retrieves the list of conversion sources the caller has access to.
patch PATCH /conversions/v1beta/{*/conversionSources/*}
Updates information of an existing conversion source.
undelete POST /conversions/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/conversionSources/*}:undelete
Re-enables an archived conversion source.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts

createAndConfigure POST /accounts/v1beta/accounts:createAndConfigure
Creates a standalone Merchant Center account with additional configuration.
delete DELETE /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*}
Deletes the specified account regardless of its type: standalone, MCA or sub-account.
get GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*}
Retrieves an account from your Merchant Center account.
list GET /accounts/v1beta/accounts
Lists accounts accessible to the calling user and matching the constraints of the request such as page size or filters.
listSubaccounts GET /accounts/v1beta/{provider=accounts/*}:listSubaccounts
List all sub-accounts for a given multi client account.
patch PATCH /accounts/v1beta/{*}
Updates an account regardless of its type: standalone, MCA or sub-account.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.autofeedSettings

getAutofeedSettings GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/autofeedSettings}
Retrieves the autofeed settings of an account.
updateAutofeedSettings PATCH /accounts/v1beta/{*/autofeedSettings}
Updates the autofeed settings of an account.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.businessIdentity

getBusinessIdentity GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/businessIdentity}
Retrieves the business identity of an account.
updateBusinessIdentity PATCH /accounts/v1beta/{*/businessIdentity}
Updates the business identity of an account.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.businessInfo

getBusinessInfo GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/businessInfo}
Retrieves the business info of an account.
updateBusinessInfo PATCH /accounts/v1beta/{*/businessInfo}
Updates the business info of an account.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.emailPreferences

getEmailPreferences GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/users/*/emailPreferences}
Returns the email preferences for a Merchant Center account user.
updateEmailPreferences PATCH /accounts/v1beta/{*/users/*/emailPreferences}
Updates the email preferences for a Merchant Center account user.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.homepage

claim POST /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/homepage}:claim
Claims a store's homepage.
getHomepage GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/homepage}
Retrieves a store's homepage.
unclaim POST /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/homepage}:unclaim
Unclaims a store's homepage.
updateHomepage PATCH /accounts/v1beta/{*/homepage}
Updates a store's homepage.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.issues

list GET /accounts/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/issues
Lists all account issues of a Merchant Center account.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.onlineReturnPolicies

get GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/onlineReturnPolicies/*}
Gets an existing return policy.
list GET /accounts/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/onlineReturnPolicies
Lists all existing return policies.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.programs

disable POST /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/programs/*}:disable
Disable participation in the specified program for the account.
enable POST /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/programs/*}:enable
Enable participation in the specified program for the account.
get GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/programs/*}
Retrieves the specified program for the account.
list GET /accounts/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/programs
Retrieves all programs for the account.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.regions

create POST /accounts/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/regions
Creates a region definition in your Merchant Center account.
delete DELETE /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/regions/*}
Deletes a region definition from your Merchant Center account.
get GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/regions/*}
Retrieves a region defined in your Merchant Center account.
list GET /accounts/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/regions
Lists the regions in your Merchant Center account.
patch PATCH /accounts/v1beta/{*/regions/*}
Updates a region definition in your Merchant Center account.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.shippingSettings

getShippingSettings GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/shippingSettings}
Retrieve shipping setting information.
insert POST /accounts/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/shippingSettings:insert
Replace the shipping setting of a merchant with the request shipping setting.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.termsOfServiceAgreementStates

get GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/termsOfServiceAgreementStates/*}
Returns the state of a terms of service agreement.
retrieveForApplication GET /accounts/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/termsOfServiceAgreementStates:retrieveForApplication
Retrieves the state of the agreement for the application terms of service.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.accounts.users

create POST /accounts/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/users
Creates a Merchant Center account user.
delete DELETE /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/users/*}
Deletes a Merchant Center account user.
get GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=accounts/*/users/*}
Retrieves a Merchant Center account user.
list GET /accounts/v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/users
Lists all users of a Merchant Center account.
patch PATCH /accounts/v1beta/{*/users/*}
Updates a Merchant Center account user.

REST Resource: accounts_v1beta.termsOfService

accept GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=termsOfService/*}:accept
Accepts a TermsOfService.
get GET /accounts/v1beta/{name=termsOfService/*}
Retrieves the TermsOfService associated with the provided version.
retrieveLatest GET /accounts/v1beta/termsOfService:retrieveLatest
Retrieves the latest version of the TermsOfService for a given kind and region_code.