Further Account Linking Guidance

Once a merchant has accepted the OAuth scope, an access & refresh token is generated for the merchant. If the MCA refresh token has been stored, an API request can be made using accounts.link with an AccountsLinkRequest object. The action should be "request".

Conversely, an API request then can be made immediately after using the subaccount's token, with an AccountsLinkRequest object. The action type should be "approved". This enables a streamlined account linking workflow for your merchants joining your platform.

Assume you have the following example accounts:

Account Purpose
111111111 MCA Account
2222222 Other Subaccount
3333333 New Onboarding Account

The account.link resource for LINK REQUEST would have the following for its parameters:

Parameter Value
merchantID 111111111
accountID 2222222

And the AccountLinkRequest body would have the following properties:

Property Value
linkType eCommercePlatform
linkedAccountId 3333333
action request

MCA Account

Conversely, the account.link resource for LINK APPROVE would have the following for its parameters:

Parameter Value
merchantID 3333333
accountID 3333333

And the AccountLinkRequest body would have the following properties:

Property Value
linkType eCommercePlatform
linkedAccountId 2222222
action approve
eCommercePlatformLinkInfo.externalAccountId your external identifier for the customer
services shoppingAdsProductManagement
