请参阅我们的寻找支持实体店内购物和感应式购买的付款方式页面,查看支持 Google Pay 令牌的国家/地区列表以及每个国家/地区支持此类令牌 (CRYPTOGRAM_3DS) 的银行。该页面同时列出了受支持和不受支持的卡。
Google Play 应用内结算与 Google Pay API 之间的区别是什么?
在 Android 应用中销售数字商品和服务的 Google Play 开发者必须使用 Google Play 应用内购结算,如 Play 开发者政策中心中所指定。应用内结算的示例包括虚拟游戏商品、应用功能或内容以及云软件产品。请参阅 Google Play 结算服务概览页面,详细了解应用内购买结算。
当用在应用中时,Google Pay API 仅适用于实体商品和服务。
Google Pay 会收取费用吗?
Google Pay 不会因使用 Google Pay API 进行付款而向用户、商家和开发者收取额外费用。需要特别指出的是,商家会继续向其付款处理方支付处理费。
Google 如何验证凭据并防止欺诈?
添加到 Google 的所有卡都会通过验证授权来验证卡详细信息,包括银行卡验证码 (CVC)。Google 还会根据付款方式数据、Google 帐号个人资料、交易记录、位置和设备信息运行专有风险引擎。但是,商家必须继续使用当前的欺诈和风险评估工具处理 Google Pay 交易。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-10-16。"],[[["Google Pay API enables effortless and secure checkouts within apps and websites using cards saved to Google Accounts."],["Google Pay API supports recurring billing, donations, and various payment methods depending on the merchant's processor."],["Merchants must adhere to Google Pay API's Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, and specific policies for gambling, healthcare, and financial services."],["Comprehensive support resources are available including troubleshooting guides and contact options within the Google Pay & Wallet Console."],["Google Pay API integration requires a Google Merchant ID, obtained after website approval and domain verification through the Google Pay & Wallet Console."]]],["The Google Pay API allows customers to use saved cards for in-app and website checkouts. Merchants can receive support through the Google Pay & Wallet Console and utilize troubleshooting guides. The API supports recurring billing and auto-reloads without repetitive API calls, managing these through payment gateway APIs. Google Pay does not charge additional fees, but merchants still have processing costs. Merchants need to follow specific policies and provide documentation to collect donations or use services like gambling, healthcare and financial services.\n"]]