
UNKNOWN_REASON Do not ever set this default value!
FRAUD Fraudulent transaction.
FAMILIAR_FRAUD Fraudulent transaction made by a family member, friend, or member of the household.
SUSPICIOUS Suspicious transaction.
CHARGE_NOT_RECOGNIZED The user does not recognize the charge on their bill.
CREDIT_NOT_PROCESSED The user was told they would get a refund but they never got it.
DUPLICATE_PAYMENT The user was charged twice for the same purchase.
SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELED The user canceled a subscription but was still charged.
INPUT_ERROR User input error.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS User didn't have sufficient funds.
NOT_DELIVERED Item was never delivered.
DEFECTIVE_OR_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED Merchandise was defective or not as described.
INCORRECT_MERCHANDISE The user received the wrong merchandise.
UNWANTED_MERCHANDISE The user was charged for and received merchandise they did not order.
UNCLEAR Missing or unclear signal. This should be used when the reason is unknown.
OTHER Other reasons that are not relevant as risk is concerned. Should be used if the reason is known but does not fit in a currently defined reason.
TRANSACTION_AMOUNT_DIFFER The amount that was charged to the user was not the amount they expected.
PAID_BY_OTHER_MEANS The user was charged for a transaction that they had already paid for by some other means, such as a different instrument.
LATE_PRESENTMENT The transaction was not submitted in time for processing.