Contains additional information relevant to processing the payment.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field processing_network_type . REQUIRED: Indicates the user's preference on which network type the payment should be processed. processing_network_type can be only one of the following: |
userSelectedProcessingNetworkType |
User-provided preference for network type. |
userSelectedProcessingNetworkTypeNotApplicable |
User selection not relevant to this card or transaction. |
Union field electronic_commerce_indicator_option . REQUIRED: The numeric ECI value to be sent to the network. electronic_commerce_indicator_option can be only one of the following: |
electronicCommerceIndicator |
The Electronic Commerce Indicator representing a numeric value defined by the card network. This should be sent to the network with the transaction. |
electronicCommerceIndicatorNotApplicable |
An ECI is not used for this transaction. |
Union field authentication_details . REQUIRED: This union contains the authentication details of the payment processed. authentication_details can be only one of the following: |
threeDSecureAuthenticationDetails |
Proof of a successful 3DS2 authentication. |
threeDSecureNotAppplicable |
3DS2 was not performed for this transaction. |
Union field stored_credentials . REQUIRED: Information pertaining to the usage of stored credentials. stored_credentials can be only one of the following: |
storedCredentialTransactionInformation |
Information pertaining to the usage of stored credentials within the CIT/MIT framework. |
storedCredentialTransactionInformationNotApplicable |
Stored credential information is not applicable for this payment. |
Union field sca_exemption_type . OPTIONAL: Provides information about the type of SCA exemption that is requested for this transaction from the issuer. sca_exemption_type can be only one of the following: |
scaExemptionNotApplicable |
No exemption is requested for this transaction. |
scaLowValueTransaction |
A low value exemption is requested for this transaction. |
Used to indicate the desired network type for the transaction to be processed on.
Enums | |
Do not ever set this default value! |
The payment should be processed on a credit network. |
The payment should be processed on a debit network. |
Contains 3-D Secure v2 Authentication details relavent to payment processing.
JSON representation |
{ "directoryServerTransactionId": string, "cavv": string, "threeDsVersion": string, "threeDsServerTransactionId": string, "transStatus": string } |
Fields | |
directoryServerTransactionId |
REQUIRED: Unique transaction identifier assigned and returned by the directory server as a part of successful authentication result. As per the EMVCo 3-D Secure spec v2, this is a UUID following IETF RFC 4122. |
cavv |
REQUIRED: Cardholder Authentication Verification Value, the proof of authentication, returned by the ACS and is in Base64 format. |
threeDsVersion |
REQUIRED: The version of 3DS v2 used to process the authentication. The field is populated with the value returned by the ACS. |
threeDsServerTransactionId |
OPTIONAL: Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS Server to identify a single transaction. |
transStatus |
OPTIONAL: The final status of the 3DS flow which resulted in the cardholder authentication information associated with this request. Refer to EMVCo's 3DS specifications for additional details. |