- HTTP request
- Request body
- Response body
- MandateDetails
- MandateWithNotificationDetails
- CaptureContext
- TransactionInitiator
- CaptureResponse
- CaptureResultCode
Initiates money movement between a customer's account held with Google and the payment processor. The combination of requestId
within the header and paymentIntegratorAccountId
is the idempotency key and uniquely identifies this transaction. All mutations on this transaction (refunds) populate the requestId
value in the captureRequestId
If the endpoint encounters an error while processing the request, the response body from this endpoint should be of type
An example request looks like:
"requestHeader": {
"protocolVersion": {
"major": 1,
"minor": 0,
"revision": 0
"requestId": "bWVyY2hhbnQgdHJhbnNhY3Rpb24gaWQ",
"requestTimestamp": "1502220196077"
"paymentIntegratorAccountId": "InvisiCashUSA_USD",
"googlePaymentToken": "ZXhhbXBsZSB1bmlxdWUgcGF5bWVudCB0b2tlbiB2YWx1ZQ",
"transactionDescription": "Google - Music",
"currencyCode": "INR",
"amount": "728000000",
"captureContext": {}
An example response looks like:
"responseHeader": {
"responseTimestamp": "1481900013178"
"result": "SUCCESS",
"paymentIntegratorTransactionId": "aW50ZWdyYXRvciB0cmFuc2FjdGlvbiBpZA"
HTTP request
POST https://www.integratorhost.example.com/integrator-base-path/e-wallets-v1/capture
Request body
The request body contains data with the following structure:
JSON representation |
{ "requestHeader": { object ( |
Fields | |
requestHeader |
REQUIRED: Common header for all requests. |
paymentIntegratorAccountId |
REQUIRED: This is the payment integrator account identifier that identifies contractual constraints around this transaction. |
transactionDescription |
REQUIRED: This is the description of the transaction that can be put on the customer's statement. Localized to the userLocale found in the |
currencyCode |
REQUIRED: ISO 4217 3-letter currency code |
amount |
REQUIRED: The amount of the purchase, in micros of the currency unit. |
captureContext |
REQUIRED: Context about this capture. |
transactionInitiator |
OPTIONAL: Indicates whether this transaction was initiated by Google or the customer. |
Union field fopDetails . REQUIRED: FOP Details for this Capture transaction. fopDetails can be only one of the following: |
googlePaymentToken |
Token that both companies will use to identify the account for purchases between each other. |
mandateDetails |
Payment details specific to mandates. |
mandateWithNotificationDetails |
Payment details specific to mandates, where an |
Union field
authenticationRequestId |
OPTIONAL: If this is present then the user was authenticated immediately preceding this call, or was authenticated when an automated payment schedule was set up. |
otpVerification |
OPTIONAL: Data necessary to verify an OTP generated from |
Response body
This method supports multiple return types. For additional information about what 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code to return with an ErrorResponse
, consult the ErrorResponse
object and HTTP status codes documentation.
Possible response messages | |
HTTP 200 Status |
HTTP 4XX / 5XX Status |
Details about the mandate to capture from.
JSON representation |
{ "mandateId": string } |
Fields | |
mandateId |
REQUIRED: The Google generated mandate ID that was sent during the |
Details about the mandate to capture from, along with required notifications details.
JSON representation |
{ "mandateId": string, "upcomingTransactionNotificationId": string } |
Fields | |
mandateId |
REQUIRED: The Google generated mandate ID that was sent during the |
upcomingTransactionNotificationId |
This object provides context about how the capture was requested.
JSON representation |
{ "userIpAddress": string } |
Fields | |
userIpAddress |
OPTIONAL: This is the IP address of the user's device if the purchase was made by a user in session. If the user was not in session this will empty. If the particular contract doesn't stipulate the need for this field it will always be empty. |
Indicates whether a transaction was initiated by Google or the customer.
Fields | |
Union field transaction_initiator . Indicates whether a transaction was initiated by Google or the customer. transaction_initiator can be only one of the following: |
google |
Indicates that this transaction is initiated by Google System on behalf of the customer. |
customer |
Indicates that this transaction is initiated by the customer. |
Response object for the capture method.
JSON representation |
{ "responseHeader": { object ( |
Fields | |
responseHeader |
REQUIRED: Common header for all responses. |
paymentIntegratorTransactionId |
OPTIONAL: This identifier is specific to the integrator and is generated by the integrator. This is the identifier that the integrator knows this transaction by. For convenience, this identifier is included with in the remittance details |
userMessage |
DEPRECATED: A description of the result to be displayed to the user if the result is not |
result |
REQUIRED: Result of this capture. |
rawResult |
OPTIONAL: Raw result of this capture. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the This value is required if the |
transactionLimit |
OPTIONAL: If Result is This must be a limit relative to the |
currentBalance |
OPTIONAL: If Result is This value must be in the same currency as the |
Result codes for capture.
Enums | |
Do not ever set this default value! |
Successful capture, deliver the goods. |
This capture request's amount exceeds per-transaction limit. If this code is used populate the transactionLimit field for user messaging purposes. |
This account cannot be used for purchases right now as it has exceeded its daily limits. |
This account cannot be used for purchases right now as it has exceeded its monthly limits. |
This capture request's amount does not meet the minimum transaction amount. |
This account does not have sufficient funds to guarantee this capture. |
This account does not support the requested currency. |
The user's account held with the integrator has been closed. Returning this value will cause the user's instrument to be closed with Google. The user will be forced to add a new instrument by going through the association flow again. |
The user's account with the integrator has been closed, suspected account take over. Returning this value will cause the user's instrument to be closed with Google. The user will be forced to add a new instrument by going through the association flow again. |
The account is on hold. |
The user's account held with the integrator has been closed because of fraud. Returning this value will cause the user's instrument to be closed with Google. The user will be forced to add a new instrument by going through the association flow again. |
The account is active, but the GPT has been invalidated by the user on the integrator's side. Returning this value will cause the user's instrument to be closed with Google. The user will be forced to add a new instrument by going through the association flow again. |
Returning this requires the user to go through a refresh flow. |
OTP did not match what the integrator sent. |
OTP was already used. |
The transaction was declined due to a risk check on the integrator's side. This is a permanent failure for this payment, but does not cause the user's instrument to be closed at Google. |
The user does not have any working funding source configured on their account that is able to pay for the transaction. For example, the funding source the user has configured is not functioning properly and they need to fix it or add a new one. |
The underlying issuer or source of funds is unavailable and retrying this exist payment will not succeed if retried. Google will retry payments that when a 4xx or 5xx response code is returned by an partner. Because of this, partners should normally return one of those response codes if a retry of this same payment may succeed when the underlying source of funds is again available. But, if there are technical reasons where Google retrying the payment will continue to fail, the partner can return "FUNDING_SOURCE_UNAVAILABLE" as a way to tell Google that it should not retry this same payment. Note: Google still may retry this payment, but just with a different requestId, but this payment request will be marked as Declined. |
The mandate used for this capture is no longer active. This return value will cause the user's mandate instrument to be closed with Google. |
The notification that was sent to the user for a recurring mandate payment was expired. |