Method: getTransferFundsTransactionStatus

This method fetches the status of a e-wallets-v1.transferFunds transaction.

An example request looks like:

  "requestHeader": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "major": 1,
      "minor": 0,
      "revision": 0
    "requestId": "liUrreQY233839dfFFb24gaQM",
    "requestTimestamp": "1502220434778"

An example response looks like:

  "responseHeader": {
    "responseTimestamp": "1481900013178"
  "result": { "success": {} },
  "transferFundsResult": { "success": {} }

HTTP request


Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "requestHeader": {
    object (RequestHeader)
  "transferFundsRequestId": string

object (RequestHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all requests.



REQUIRED: The requestId of the original e-wallets-v1.transferFunds transaction.

Response body

This method supports multiple return types. For additional information about what 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code to return with an ErrorResponse, consult the ErrorResponse object and HTTP status codes documentation.

Possible response messages
HTTP 200 Status

object (GetTransferFundsTransactionStatusResponse)

HTTP 4XX / 5XX Status

object (ErrorResponse)


Response object for e-wallets-v1.getTransferFundsTransactionStatus.

JSON representation
  "responseHeader": {
    object (ResponseHeader)
  "result": {
    object (GetTransactionStatusResult)

  // Union field transaction_status can be only one of the following:
  "transferFundsResult": {
    object (TransferFundsResult)
  "transactionDoesNotExist": {
    object (Empty)
  "resultNotKnownYet": {
    object (TransactionResultNotKnownYet)
  // End of list of possible types for union field transaction_status.

object (ResponseHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all responses.


object (GetTransactionStatusResult)

REQUIRED: Result of this GetTransactionStatus call.

Union field transaction_status. REQUIRED: The actual status of the transaction which is looked up. transaction_status can be only one of the following:

object (TransferFundsResult)

Result of the FundsTransfer operation.


object (Empty)

The transaction was not found in the system. This can happen if the call from Google to partner got dropped and the partner never received the original transaction. Now when Google tries to lookup the status, partner should return this error code to indicate that the transaction doesn't exist in the system. Google should mark the transaction as failed in that case. It is different than a Http 404 where the URL of GetTransactionStatus was not found in which case Google can't update the status of the transaction.


object (TransactionResultNotKnownYet)

Captures the scenario where the integrator itself doesn't have a definite status, maybe because they have not received it from the underlying payment network.


Result codes for GetTransactionStatus. This indicates the status of the lookup operation and not the actual transaction. If the transaction look up failed due to some internal error, the partner should return a non 200 Http error code.

JSON representation

  // Union field result can be only one of the following:
  "success": {
    object (Empty)
  // End of list of possible types for union field result.

Union field result.

result can be only one of the following:


object (Empty)

Successful lookup.