Funds Transfer Flow

Funds Transfer Flow

The funds transfer flow is used to handle payments using a single message communication. In this flow, a single request is made to initiate money movement and a SUCCESS of this step starts the process to capture the funds.

This flow primarily revolves around a call to capture which is a method that is implemented by the Payment Integrator. This method attempts to initiate the capture of the funds and synchronously returns the result.

Funds Transfer

Acquirer reference number

The ARN (Acquirer Reference Number) is usually not known to the Payment Integrator until a few days after the capture is initiated. Once the value is known, the Payment Integrator must call the Google hosted setAcquirerReferenceNumberForCaptureNotification to provide the ARN to Google. Associating the ARN with this transaction allows Google to handle disputes and fraud related to this transaction.

Subsequent operations

After the funds are moved, the payment may be refunded by Google with a call to the Payment Integrator hosted asynchronousRefund method. The user or issuing bank can also start the chargeback process which is handled through the dispute flow.