Complete Redirect API Doc

Complete Redirect Flow

As part of a redirect payment the user will be redirected to complete a payment in a partner's website. Once the payment is completed, the user should be redirected back to Google via the integrator. If the payment was completed on the issuer's portal, the user should be redirected to the integrator first, which in turn should redirect the user to Google.

The integrator must redirect the user to callbackUrl, which is part of the Begin Redirect request payload. The integrator must implement an HTTPS protocol using GET. The GET parameters, outlined in Redirect Response Parameters, will contain information about the completed redirect payment.

The integrator must support URL lengths of 2,048 chars. This includes the scheme, host, port, path and parameters. All parameters will be UTF-8 encoded prior to being URL-encoded.

Redirect Response

Here's an example of the URL to which the user will be redirected as part of the Complete Redirect flow (also known as redirect response):

The URL-decoded value of the redirectRequestId parameter in this example is cmVxdWVzdDE. The URL-decoded value of the paymentIntegratorAccountId parameter in this example is InvisiRedirectPaymentUSA_USD

The redirectResponse parameter is encrypted and signed using PGP or JWE+JWS before being base64url-encoded.

Redirect Response Parameters

The HTTPS GET response must have the following query parameters:

Query parameter name Property value
redirectRequestId string

REQUIRED: The requestId sent in the original/initiating redirect payment request. Google will verify this matches the sent requestId, and the Complete Redirect flow will fail if it doesn't match.
paymentIntegratorAccountId string

REQUIRED: This is the payment integrator account identifier that identifies contractual constraints around this transaction.
redirectResponse RedirectResponse

REQUIRED: The RedirectResponse should be encrypted and signed using PGP or JWE+JWS. Further, this value should be web-safe base64 encoded.