- JSON representation
- ErrorResponseResult
- InvalidApiVersion
- RequestTimestampOutOfRange
- InvalidIdentifier
- InvalidFieldValue
- MissingRequiredField
Details about the error that occurred during the redirect payment.
JSON representation |
"errorDescription": string,
"errorResponseResult": {
object ( |
Fields | |
error |
OPTIONAL: Provide a description of this status for support reps to debug errors. Note that this is never shown to users. It can contain descriptive, non-sensitive text used for debugging. Note that some values for errorResponseCode should be accompanied by additional detail in this field. Warning: Do not include any tokens in this message unless they are defined as public. |
error |
REQUIRED: A code that captures the type of error that occurred. |
Error Codes
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field
invalid |
Used if the request's API version is unsupported. |
invalid |
Used if the signature of the payload is to an unknown or inactive key. |
invalid |
Used if the encryption of the payload is to an unknown or inactive key. |
request |
Used if the requestTimestamp is not ± 60s of now. |
invalid |
Used if an identifier sent in the request was invalid or unknown. This may include PIAID, captureRequestId, Google Payment Token, etc. |
idempotency |
Used if the request violates the idempotency requirements for the request. |
invalid |
Used if the request contains a value for a field that isn't in the set of supported values. |
missing |
Used if a field that is required is unset in the request. |
precondition |
Used if a constraint on the operation is violated (e.g. when a request for a refund amount exceeds the amount remaining on the transaction). |
user |
Used if the request cannot be processed at this time because it would interrupt an in-process user action which effectively acts as a system lock. This code must not be used to indicate failures due to implementation-specific internal concurrency errors. |
invalid |
Used if the request payload could be decrypted, but the resulting message could not be parsed. |
internal |
Internal errors. This means some invariants expected by underlying system has been broken. Analogous to HTTP error 500. |
unimplemented |
Operation is not implemented, supported or enabled in this service. Analogous to HTTP error 501. |
unavailable |
The service is currently unavailable. This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying. Analogous to HTTP error 503. |
gateway |
Deadline expired before operation could complete. For operations that change the state of the system, this error may be returned even if the operation has completed successfully. For example, a successful response from a server could have been delayed long enough for the deadline to expire. Analogous to HTTP error 504. |
forbidden |
Access to the requested resource is forbidden. Analogous to HTTP error 403. |
JSON representation |
{ "requestVersion": { object (Version) }, "expectedVersion": { object (Version) } } |
Fields | |
request |
REQUIRED: The invalid version that was specified on the request. |
expected |
REQUIRED: The expected version. |
JSON representation |
{ "requestTimestamp": { object (Timestamp) }, "serverTimestampAtReceipt": { object (Timestamp) } } |
Fields | |
request |
REQUIRED: The timestamp provided in the request |
server |
REQUIRED: The server time at receipt, used for comparison |
JSON representation |
{ "invalidIdentifierType": string } |
Fields | |
invalid |
REQUIRED: The type of identifier that was invalid, e.g. PIAID, captureRequestId, etc. |
JSON representation |
{ "invalidFieldName": string } |
Fields | |
invalid |
REQUIRED: The name of the field that was found to be invalid. |
JSON representation |
{ "missingFieldNames": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
missing |
REQUIRED: The names of the missing fields. |