
Once the Virtual Cards APIs have been implemented, it's time to test them. Google provides test cases that may aid you in this process.

Test cases

This section outlines the test cases expected to be executed to validate your Virtual Cards APIs implementation.

Outbound tests

Outbound tests refer to flow direction Google -> Integrator.

Common (applies to all outbound endpoints)

  1. Invalid encryption returns invalidPayloadEncryption
  2. Invalid signature returns invalidPayloadSignature
  3. Invalid JSON returns invalidDecryptedRequest
  4. Timestamp not within +/- 60 seconds returns requestTimestampOutOfRange (this requirement helps protect against replay attacks)
  5. RequestId missing returns missingRequiredField
  6. Invalid PIAID (paymentIntegratorAccountId) returns invalidIdentifier


  1. Happy Path (clientMessage is echoed in response)


  1. Happy Path
  2. PAN is not found returns unknownPan decline
  3. PAN is recognized but is no longer valid returns panNoLongerValid
  4. PAN is recognized but the card account has been closed returns cardAccountClosed
  5. PAN is not eligible returns cardIneligible decline
  6. PAN invalid format returns invalidFieldValue error
  7. Expiration date mismatch returns incorrectExpiration decline
  8. Red-path PAN* returns riskDeclined decline
  9. Externally-managed terms of service not accepted by user returns tosNotAccepted decline
  10. Externally-managed terms of service acceptance timestamp out of date returns tosAcceptanceOutdated decline
  11. Idempotency - Same requestId + same PAN returns success
  12. Idempotency - Same requestId + different PAN returns idempotencyViolation
  13. Different requestId + same PAN returns success (2nd enrollment)
    • This can happen if the same PAN is registered by multiple users (different hashedEmailAddress) or a single user (same hashedEmailAddress) with multiple payment profiles


  1. Green path* returns success
  2. Yellow path* returns challengeRequired decline
  3. Yellow path* (including valid challenge result) returns success
  4. Yellow path* (including INVALID challenge result) returns challengeResultInvalid decline
  5. Yellow path* (too many** attempts at challenge result) returns challengeResultVerificationLimitExceeded decline
  6. Yellow path* (including expired** OTP challenge result) returns challengeResultExpired decline
  7. Yellow path* (including expired** challenge option) returns challengeResultExpired decline
    • for example if the send OTP limit is 3, OTP timeout is 10 min, and the challenge option timeout is 15 min, the user could timeout the first OTP at 10 min but then timeout the whole challenge at 15 min
  8. Red path* returns riskDeclined
  9. Idempotency - Same requestId + same contents returns same response
    • Green path returns success
    • Yellow path returns challengeRequired decline
    • Yellow path (including valid challenge result) returns success
  10. Idempotency - Same requestId + different contents returns idempotencyViolation
  11. enrollmentRequestId not found returns invalidIdentifier error
  12. enrollmentRequestId that has been unenrolled returns invalidIdentifier error


  1. Happy Path
  2. Expired** challenge option returns challengeOptionExpired decline
  3. Too many** sendOtps returns sendLimitExceeded decline
  4. enrollmentRequestId has been unenrolled returns challengeOptionExpired
    • for example, if (1) retrieveVirtualCardNumber returns challengeRequired, (2) the card is unenrolled in virtual cards, and then (3) sendOtp is called.
  5. challengeOptionId not found returns invalidIdentifier error
  6. Idempotency - Same requestId + same contents returns same response
    • Does not cause sendLimitExceeded for multiple retries (send count only incremented once)
    • Does not resend SMS OTP if it was already sent
    • Does not change expiration result (example w/ 30 min expiration timer: first attempt at 29 minutes, retry (same request ID) at 31 minutes. It should return the same result from the first attempt, not challengeOptionExpired)
  7. Idempotency - same requestId + different contents returns idempotencyViolation
  8. enrollmentRequestId not found returns invalidIdentifier error


  1. getTransactions without transactionListContinuationToken returns all transactions for the maximum period prior to the request
  2. getTransactions with transactionListContinuationToken returns all transactions added or updated since the request represented by the token
  3. transactionListContinuationToken not found returns unknownTransactionListContinuationToken (not an ErrorResponse with invalidIdentifier like other APIs)
  4. Idempotency - Same requestId + same contents returns same transaction list and transactionListContinuationToken in response
  5. Idempotency - Same requestId + different contents returns idempotencyViolation
  6. enrollmentRequestId not found returns unknownEnrollment (not an ErrorResponse with invalidIdentifier like other APIs)


  1. Happy Path
  2. Idempotency - enrollmentRequestId that has already been unenrolled returns success

Inbound tests

Inbound tests refer to flow direction Integrator -> Google.


  1. Happy Path