Komponen: ConceptInfo

Elemen: ConceptInfo / pluralName

Namespace http://schemas.google.com/dspl/2010
Anotasi Nama yang digunakan untuk merujuk pada kumpulan instance konsep (misalnya, pluralName "State" adalah "States").
Diagram Diagram dspl0.tmp#id10 dspl0.tmp#id12 dspl0.tmp#id9 dspl3.tmp#id8
Jenis Nilai
konten: kompleks
minimum: 0
Model value* | ConceptValue{0,1}
Anak-Anak conceptValue, value
  <value lang="">{0,unbounded}</value>
  <conceptValue concept="">{0,1}</conceptValue>
<xs:element name="pluralName" type="Values" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>A name used to refer to a collection of instances of
                the concept (e.g., pluralName of "State" is "States").</xs:documentation>

Elemen: ConceptInfo / totalName

Namespace http://schemas.google.com/dspl/2010
Anotasi Nama yang digunakan untuk merujuk pada semua instance konsep (misalnya, totalName untuk "State" adalah "All US").
Diagram Diagram dspl0.tmp#id10 dspl0.tmp#id12 dspl0.tmp#id9 dspl3.tmp#id8
Jenis Nilai
konten: kompleks
minimum: 0
Model value* | ConceptValue{0,1}
Anak-Anak conceptValue, value
  <value lang="">{0,unbounded}</value>
  <conceptValue concept="">{0,1}</conceptValue>
<xs:element name="totalName" type="Values" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>A name used to refer to all the instances of the
                concept (e.g., totalName for "State" is "All US").</xs:documentation>

Elemen: ConceptInfo / sinonim

Namespace http://schemas.google.com/dspl/2010
Anotasi Sinonim yang dapat digunakan untuk merujuk pada konsep ini.
Diagram Diagram dspl0.tmp#id10 dspl0.tmp#id12 dspl0.tmp#id9 dspl3.tmp#id8
Jenis Nilai
konten: kompleks
minimum: 0
maxTerjadi: tanpa batas
Model value* | ConceptValue{0,1}
Anak-Anak conceptValue, value
  <value lang="">{0,unbounded}</value>
  <conceptValue concept="">{0,1}</conceptValue>
<xs:element name="synonym" type="Values" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>A synonym that can be used to refer to this concept.</xs:documentation>

Jenis Kompleks: ConceptInfo

Namespace http://schemas.google.com/dspl/2010
Anotasi Informasi tekstual tentang konsep dalam set data. Ekstensi jenis Info dasar ini menambahkan beberapa kolom tambahan yang hanya berlaku untuk konsep.
Diagram Diagram dspl4.tmp#id7 dspl4.tmp#id14 dspl4.tmp#id15 dspl4.tmp#id6 dspl13.tmp#id40 dspl13.tmp#id41 dspl13.tmp#id42
Jenis ekstensi Info
Hierarki jenis
Digunakan oleh
Elemen Konsep/info
Model name , deskripsi{0,1} , url{0,1} , pluralName{0,1} , totalName{0,1} , sinonim*
Anak-Anak description, name, pluralName, sinonim, totalName, url
<xs:complexType name="ConceptInfo">
    <xs:documentation>Textual information about a concept in the dataset. This extension of
        the base Info type adds a few additional fields that only apply to
    <xs:extension base="Info">
        <xs:element name="pluralName" type="Values" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>A name used to refer to a collection of instances of
                the concept (e.g., pluralName of "State" is "States").</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="totalName" type="Values" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>A name used to refer to all the instances of the
                concept (e.g., totalName for "State" is "All US").</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="synonym" type="Values" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>A synonym that can be used to refer to this concept.</xs:documentation>

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