Komponen: ConceptTableMapping

Elemen: ConceptTableMapping/mapConcept

Namespace http://schemas.google.com/dspl/2010
Anotasi Pemetaan ke ID kolom tabel yang berisi nilai konsep. Pemetaan ini dapat dihapus jika kolom tabel yang berisi nilai konsep memiliki ID yang sama dengan ID konsep.
Diagram Diagram dspl5.tmp#id61
konten: kompleks
minimum: 0
QName Jenis Tetap Default Gunakan Annotation
toColumn LocalId wajib ID kolom tabel yang dipetakan.
<xs:element name="mapConcept" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>A mapping to the id of the table column that contains the
            values of the concept.  This mapping may be omitted if the
            table column that contains the concept values has the same
            id as the concept id.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="toColumn" type="LocalId" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The id of the mapped table column.</xs:documentation>

Elemen: ConceptTableMapping/mapProperty

Namespace http://schemas.google.com/dspl/2010
Anotasi Pemetaan ke ID kolom tabel yang berisi nilai properti konsep. Pemetaan ini dapat dihapus jika kolom tabel yang berisi nilai properti konsep memiliki ID properti sebagai ID-nya. Satu properti dapat dipetakan ke beberapa kolom tabel (satu kolom per bahasa) dengan menentukan nilai yang berbeda untuk atribut bahasa.
Diagram Diagram dspl5.tmp#id63 dspl5.tmp#id64
konten: kompleks
minimum: 0
maxTerjadi: tanpa batas
QName Jenis Tetap Default Gunakan Annotation
lang opsional
referensi LocalId wajib ID properti konsep yang dipetakan.
toColumn LocalId wajib ID kolom tabel yang dipetakan.
<xs:element name="mapProperty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>A mapping to the id of the table column that contains the
            values of a property of the concept.  This mapping may be
            omitted if the table column that contains the concept
            property values has the property id as its id.

            A single property can be mapped to multiple table columns
            (one per language) by specifying different values for the
            language attribute.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="ref" type="LocalId" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The id of the mapped concept property.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="toColumn" type="LocalId" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The id of the mapped table column.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional">
        <xs:documentation>The language/locale of the values in the mapped column.
                See [BCP 47] for possible values of the xml:lang

Jenis Kompleks: ConceptTableMapping

Namespace http://schemas.google.com/dspl/2010
Anotasi Pemetaan ke tabel yang menyediakan data untuk konsep.
Diagram Diagram dspl5.tmp#id65 dspl5.tmp#id60 dspl5.tmp#id62
Digunakan oleh
Elemen Konsep/tabel
Model mapConcept{0,1} , mapProperty*
Anak-Anak mapConcept, mapProperty
QName Jenis Tetap Default Gunakan Annotation
referensi LocalId wajib ID tabel yang berisi data untuk konsep.
<xs:complexType name="ConceptTableMapping">
    <xs:documentation>A mapping to a table that provides data for a concept.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="mapConcept" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>A mapping to the id of the table column that contains the
            values of the concept.  This mapping may be omitted if the
            table column that contains the concept values has the same
            id as the concept id.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="toColumn" type="LocalId" use="required">
            <xs:documentation>The id of the mapped table column.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="mapProperty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>A mapping to the id of the table column that contains the
            values of a property of the concept.  This mapping may be
            omitted if the table column that contains the concept
            property values has the property id as its id.

            A single property can be mapped to multiple table columns
            (one per language) by specifying different values for the
            language attribute.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="ref" type="LocalId" use="required">
            <xs:documentation>The id of the mapped concept property.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="toColumn" type="LocalId" use="required">
            <xs:documentation>The id of the mapped table column.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional">
            <xs:documentation>The language/locale of the values in the mapped column.
                See [BCP 47] for possible values of the xml:lang
  <xs:attribute name="ref" type="LocalId" use="required">
      <xs:documentation>The id of the table that contains data for the concept.</xs:documentation>

Atribut: ConceptTableMapping / mapConcept / @toColumn

Namespace Tidak ada namespace
Anotasi ID kolom tabel yang dipetakan.
Jenis LocalId
gunakan: wajib
maxLength 64
Digunakan oleh
Elemen ConceptTableMapping/mapConcept
<xs:attribute name="toColumn" type="LocalId" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The id of the mapped table column.</xs:documentation>

Atribut: ConceptTableMapping / mapProperty / @ref

Namespace Tidak ada namespace
Anotasi ID properti konsep yang dipetakan.
Jenis LocalId
gunakan: wajib
maxLength 64
Digunakan oleh
Elemen ConceptTableMapping/mapProperty
<xs:attribute name="ref" type="LocalId" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The id of the mapped concept property.</xs:documentation>

Atribut: ConceptTableMapping / mapProperty / @toColumn

Namespace Tidak ada namespace
Anotasi ID kolom tabel yang dipetakan.
Jenis LocalId
gunakan: wajib
maxLength 64
Digunakan oleh
Elemen ConceptTableMapping/mapProperty
<xs:attribute name="toColumn" type="LocalId" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The id of the mapped table column.</xs:documentation>

Atribut: ConceptTableMapping / @ref

Namespace Tidak ada namespace
Anotasi ID tabel yang berisi data untuk konsep.
Jenis LocalId
gunakan: wajib
maxLength 64
Digunakan oleh
Jenis Kompleks ConceptTableMapping
<xs:attribute name="ref" type="LocalId" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The id of the table that contains data for the concept.</xs:documentation>

Dibuat menggunakan Editor XML OXygen.