- 最好每隔一段时间请求一次完整的报告,以防某些增量更改丢失。例如,如果您在 1 月份请求每周增量报告,则应在 2 月底请求获取 1 月份的完整报告,以确保获取 1 月份的所有数据。
- 由于并非总是能够确定某些实体是否已更改,因此如果 Search Ads 360 甚至怀疑某个实体已更改,增量报表便会包含该实体已发生更改。这意味着增量报告可能包含没有变化的数据。
要请求增量报告,请指定以下 Reports.request.timeRange
请求自指定时间戳以来更改的指标。由于指标是按天进行存储的,并且可能在一天内发生变化,但在另一天不会,因此此类请求必须按天细分(必须存在 date
列)。例如,如果 keyword
报告包含 clicks
和 date
时间戳不得早于发出请求的时间的 8 天。如需捕获所有变化的指标,请确保每 7 天至少发出一次 changedMetricsSinceTimestamp
请求,并在指标稳定后为每个日期生成一份完整报告(至少等待 7 天是更安全的做法)。例如,您可以每天创建两份报告:一份增量报告,用于记录过去 36 小时内更改的指标,以及一份完整报告,用于记录 8 天前发生的指标。
请求只能包含属性列(不含指标列或细分列),并且不适用于原始事件报告(如 conversion
报告)。例如,包含 dailyBudget
和 campaignStartDate
列的 campaign
报告不会提取)的属性列通常具有“有效”前缀,例如 effectiveLabelIds
或 effectiveBidStartegy
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-12-14。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-12-14。"],[[["The new Search Ads 360 Reporting API offers increased flexibility for creating custom reports and integrating data into your workflows."],["Incremental reports allow you to retrieve only the data that has changed since your last request, making reports smaller and more efficient."],["It is recommended to periodically request full reports in addition to incremental reports to ensure all data is captured."],["Incremental reports can be requested based on either changed metrics or changed attributes using specific time range properties."],["While `changedAttributesSinceTimestamp` requests provide efficient updates for attributes, changes to parent attributes might not be reflected, necessitating awareness of potential data discrepancies."]]],["The new Search Ads 360 Reporting API allows users to build custom reports and integrate data into their applications. It offers incremental reports, which retrieve only data that has changed since the last request, reducing report size. Users can request changes in metrics (`changedMetricsSinceTimestamp`) or attributes (`changedAttributesSinceTimestamp`). Full reports are still recommended periodically to ensure no data is missed. For `changedMetricsSinceTimestamp`, data must be segmented by day and should be requested every seven days. Changed attributes only report changes to the attribute itself, not inherited changes from parent.\n"]]