Jika Anda meminta laporan akun pengiklan atau akun mesin dalam jumlah kecil hingga dimoderasi, Anda dapat mengirim satu permintaan laporan sinkron saja. Sebagai respons terhadap permintaan tersebut, Search Ads 360 API akan menampilkan seluruh laporan dalam objek JSON. Permintaan sinkron:
- Hanya dapat menampilkan pengiklan dan laporan akun mesin
- Blokir klien Anda hingga Search Ads 360 membuat laporan
Jika Anda meminta laporan pengiklan atau akun mesin dalam jumlah besar, sebaiknya gunakan kolom asinkron pendekatan.
Untuk membuat permintaan sinkron
Telepon Reports.generate()
untuk menentukan jenis data yang Anda inginkan dalam laporan pengiklan atau akun mesin.
Search Ads 360 akan memvalidasi permintaan, membuat laporan, dan menampilkan laporan sebagai resource Reports di isi respons.
Contoh permintaan sinkron
Berikut adalah contoh Reports.generate()
POST https://www.googleapis.com/doubleclicksearch/v2/reports/generate Authorization: Bearer your OAuth 2.0 access token Content-type: application/json { "reportScope": { "agencyId": "12300000000000456", // Replace with your ID "advertiserId": "21700000000011523", // Replace with your ID "engineAccountId": "700000000073991" // Replace with your ID }, "reportType": "account", // This report covers all revenue and visits in the // engine account specified in reportScope. "columns": [ { "columnName": "date" }, // The date column segments the report by individual days. { "columnName": "dfaRevenue" }, // Here are some metric columns available for keyword { // reports. "columnName": "visits", "startDate": "2013-01-01", // Each metric column can optionally specify its own start "endDate": "2013-01-31", // and end date; by default the report timeRange is used. "headerText": "January visits" // Every column can optionally specify a headerText, which // changes the name of the column in the report. } ], "timeRange" : { "startDate" : "2012-05-01", // Dates are inclusive and specified in YYYY-MM-DD format. "endDate" : "2013-05-01" // Alternatively, try the "changedMetricsSinceTimestamp" or "changedAttributesSinceTimestamp" // options. See Incremental reports. }, "statisticsCurrency": "agency", // Required. See Currency for statistics. "verifySingleTimeZone": false, // Optional. Defaults to false. See Time zone. "includeRemovedEntities": false // Optional. Defaults to false. }
Gunakan skrip utilitas Search Ads 360 untuk mengirim permintaan ini
Untuk mengirim permintaan POST JSON mentah, Anda dapat menggunakan perintah sa360Api.py skrip sebagai berikut:
- Salin contoh objek JSON (semua yang ada di antara dan termasuk keduanya
kurung kurawal) menjadi file teks baru bernama
. - Ubah ID agensi yang ada di kode JSON menjadi ID agensi Anda sendiri.
- Hapus semua komentar, seperti
// The date column segments the report by individual days.
- Kumpulkan kredensial OAuth 2.0 Anda menjadi satu string yang dipisahkan koma sebagai
(Ini adalah string yang sama dengan yang dihasilkansa360Api.py
saat Anda menjalankansa360Api.py --login
seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Penyiapan Otorisasi.) - Panggil
sebagai berikut:
sa360Api.py --cred CREDENTIALS --server API-method --post < request.txt
Pada perintah di atas, ganti string yang disusun pada langkah sebelumnya denganCREDENTIALS
Ganti nama metode POST di kotak di bawah denganAPI-method
sa360Api.py --cred 123456789123.apps.googleusercontent.com,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR_abcdef,1/HIJklM01OPQR23NOP456rst890uvw --server https://www.googleapis.com/doubleclicksearch/v2/reports/generate --post < request.txt
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Doubleclicksearch service = getService(); // See Set Up Your Application. Report report = generateAccountReport(service); outputReport(report, "./"); } /** * Creates an account report using the synchronous Report.generate method. * * @throws IOException */ private static Report generateAccountReport(Doubleclicksearch service) throws IOException { try { return service.reports().generate(generateAccountRequest()).execute(); } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) { System.err.println("Report request was rejected."); for (ErrorInfo error : e.getDetails().getErrors()) { System.err.println(error.getMessage()); } System.exit(e.getStatusCode()); return null; // Unreachable code. } } /** * Creates a simple static request that lists the clicks and visits for an engine account. Use * your own agency ID, advertiser ID, and engine account ID. */ private static ReportRequest generateAccountRequest() { return new ReportRequest().setReportScope( new ReportScope() .setAgencyId(20700000000000451L) // Replace with your ID .setAdvertiserId(21700000000010391L) // Replace with your ID .setEngineAccountId(700000000042201L)) // Replace with your ID .setReportType("account") .setColumns(Arrays.asList(new ReportApiColumnSpec[] { new ReportApiColumnSpec().setColumnName("date"), new ReportApiColumnSpec().setColumnName("dfaRevenue"), new ReportApiColumnSpec() .setColumnName("visits") .setHeaderText("January visits") .setStartDate("2013-01-01") .setEndDate("2013-01-31"),})) .setTimeRange(new TimeRange() .setStartDate("2012-05-01") .setEndDate("2013-05-01")) .setStatisticsCurrency("agency"); } /** * Outputs a synchronous report to a file. */ private static void outputReport(Report report, String localPath) throws IOException { FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(localPath, "Report")); final PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream); printStream.print(report); printStream.close(); }
def generate_report(service): """Generate and print sample report. Args: service: An authorized Doubleclicksearch service. See Set Up Your Application. """ request = service.reports().generate( body= { "reportScope "agencyId": "12300000000000456", // Replace with your ID "advertiserId": "21700000000011523", // Replace with your ID "engineAccountId": "700000000073991" // Replace with your ID }, "reportType": "account", "columns": [ { "columnName": "date" }, { "columnName": "dfaRevenue" }, { "columnName": "visits", "startDate": "2013-01-01", "endDate": "2013-01-31", "headerText": "January visits" } ], "timeRange" : { "startDate" : "2012-05-01", "endDate" : "2013-05-01" }, "statisticsCurrency": "agency", "verifySingleTimeZone": "false", "includeRemovedEntities": "false" } ) pprint.pprint(request.execute())
Contoh laporan
Respons terhadap permintaan sinkron adalah objek laporan.
Jika permintaan berhasil divalidasi, beberapa properti pertama dalam objek berisi metadata yang
menguraikan permintaan yang Anda kirimkan. Laporan ini sendiri berada dalam rows
saat ini.
{ "kind":"doubleclicksearch#report", "request":{ "columns":[ {"columnName":"date"}, {"columnName":"dfaRevenue"}, {"columnName":"visits","endDate":"2013-01-31","headerText":"visits last month","startDate":"2013-01-01"} ], "includeDeletedEntities":false, "reportScope":{ "agencyId":"12300000000000456", "advertiserId":"21700000000011523", "engineAccountId":"700000000073991" }, "reportType":"account", "rowCount":10000, "startRow":0, "statisticsCurrency":"agency", "timeRange":{ "endDate":"2013-05-01", "startDate":"2012-05-01" } }, "rowCount":366, "rows":[ { "date":"2012-05-01", "dfaRevenue":0.0, "visits last month":0.0 }, { "date":"2012-05-02", "dfaRevenue":0.0, "visits last month":0.0 }, { "date":"2012-05-03", "dfaRevenue":0.0, "visits last month":0.0 }, { "date":"2012-05-04", "dfaRevenue":0.0, "visits last month":0.0 }, ... ] }
Jika validasi gagal
Jika laporan tidak lulus validasi, Search Ads 360 akan menampilkan respons 400
dengan objek error. Misalnya, contoh permintaan di atas tidak menentukan
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "statisticsCurrency: the agency in scope does not have a valid currency. Please make sure the agency is properly initialized in Search Ads 360." } }
Memisahkan laporan sinkron menjadi beberapa respons
Secara default, permintaan sinkron menampilkan 10.000 baris pertama. Untuk mengubah perilaku tersebut,
gunakan Reports.request.startRow
dan Reports.request.rowCount
properti untuk mengambil bagian tertentu
dari laporan dengan setiap permintaan.
Contoh pemisahan laporan sinkron
Misalnya, permintaan ini akan mengembalikan seratus baris pertama (0 hingga 99) dari laporan agensi yang disegmentasikan berdasarkan hari:
{ "reportScope": { "agencyId": "12300000000000456", // Replace with your ID "advertiserId": "21700000000011523", // Replace with your ID "engineAccountId": "700000000073991" // Replace with your ID }, "reportType": "account", "columns": [ { "columnName": "date" }, { "columnName": "dfaRevenue" } ], "timeRange" : { "startDate" : "2012-05-01", "endDate" : "2013-05-01" }, "startRow":"0", "rowCount":"100", "statisticsCurrency": "agency", "verifySingleTimeZone": false, "includeRemovedEntities": false }
Anda dapat mengikuti permintaan ini dengan permintaan lain untuk baris 100 hingga 199:
{ "reportScope": { "agencyId": "12300000000000456", // Replace with your ID "advertiserId": "21700000000011523", // Replace with your ID "engineAccountId": "700000000073991" // Replace with your ID }, "reportType": "account", "columns": [ { "columnName": "date" }, { "columnName": "dfaRevenue" } ], "timeRange" : { "startDate" : "2012-05-01", "endDate" : "2013-05-01" }, "startRow":"100", "rowCount":"100", "statisticsCurrency": "agency", "verifySingleTimeZone": false, "includeRemovedEntities": false }