Kolibri project

This page contains the details of a technical writing project accepted for Google Season of Docs.

Project summary

Open source organization:
Technical writer:
Project name:
Kolibri Grassroots Stories
Project length:
Long running (5 months)

Project description


The aim of this project is to present the benefits of the Kolibri Hardware Grant Program (KHGP) using detailed case stories from participating organizations. As there are a variety of audiences that will benefit from this information, I propose to present it in two different formats: a formal written report for stakeholders and an interactive web page with condensed information for potential applicants.

Topic Outline

The report will cover the following topics: *Introduction of Learning Equity, Kolibri, and the Kolibri Hardware Grant Program *Participating Organizations *Context (organization background/ mission, student population statistics, setting, challenges, need) *Hardware Information and Grantee Usage *Project Timeline (from outreach to successful setup) *Challenges and Troubleshooting *Outcomes *Overall Impact of the KHGP *Next Steps for Kolibri and KHGP

Project Timeline

This project will follow the 28-week timeline for long term projects from August 17, 2020 to March 8, 2021.I will commit 10 hours a week to completing the goals outlined below as well as weekly check-ins and status updates with mentors. However, this timeline is flexible and can be changed as necessary according to project needs.

Weekly Goals

  • Weeks 1-3: Introductory period. Finalize research goals. Create rough outline of report and web page structure
  • Weeks 4-5: Review all grantees and narrow down list for report
  • Weeks 6-10: Research grantee organizations and begin compiling data
  • Weeks 11-20: Write formal report outlining agreed upon headings and subheadings
  • Weeks 20-22: Mentor review period/ make appropriate changes to report
  • Weeks 23-26: Design grassroots webpage and condense data for readability
  • Weeks 27-28: Launch webpage and wrap up loose ends

Project Tools

I will use Google Docs to work on the report and VisualStudioCode, a free source-code editor created by Microsoft, to write and edit the code for the web page. I will use the existing Learning Equity website as a model for the web page so that the design will remain consistent. The Learning Equity website appears to have been developed using the Bootstrap framework, which I have experience working with (see my personal website: www.cindytran.info).

Project-specific task- OneAfricanChild Foundation for Creative Learning


OneAfricanChild Foundation for Creative Learning is a non-governmental organization based in Africa that empowers disadvantaged African children to become proactive agents of social change within their communities. Established in 2013, the organization is 100% youth led with a mission to “create a society that fosters creativity, education, and innovation among young Africans.” OneAfricanChild empowers its students by practicing Global Citizenship and Peacebuilding Education (GCED), a form of civil learning where students gain experience by actively participating in projects designed to address global social, political, economic, and environmental issues. Through GCED, the organization supports the development of ethical leadership skills and innovative and creative learning for the youths they serve. It also provides free safe spaces for youths to self-express and implement their lessons to address local change.

Environmental Context

OneAfricanChild currently has a physical presence in Nigeria, Kenya, and Benin Republic in Africa. Across the continent of Africa, many students face barriers to education for reasons such as: political crisis and/or instability, poverty, violent and unsafe living environments, outdated local attitudes and traditions, and poor education quality due to inadequate materials, lack of teacher training and poor school management. Barriers to education are especially prevalent for girls, children with disabilities, children from minority ethnic groups, and children living in areas of conflict.

Kolibri Hardware Grant

OneAfricanChild applied for and received the Kolibri Hardware Grant in 2019. Since the organization works with children from disconnected communities, the grant was used to set up a laptop server and implement a tablet client model for blended learning. In addition to the Kolibri grant, OneAfricanChild is also running an ongoing Education for Sustainable Development project which they hope that in conjunction with the grant will allow OneAfricanChild to reach and empower over 2500 youths in underserved communities. They also aim to reach over 500 teachers in Nigeria in their teacher training program over the next two years. Certain resources from the Kolibri studio, especially Sikina, TESSA, and Blocky Games, are expected to especially engage and support skills development for their targeted audience.


Since receiving the grant, OneAfricanChild has successfully implemented Kolibri into their organization and teachers use the versatile program to both creatively teach and assess their students. They have especially seen a rise in students’ math scores and a positive influence in students’ confidence in their skills. In one interview, OneAfricanChild teacher Ayobami Fagbemi shared his experience using Kolibri to instill confidence in his female students learning mathematics. Using Kolibri has helped students to not only access educational resources but to have fun with it as well. Furthermore, the organization’s facilitators use the Kolibri platform themselves to develop professional skills. In various interviews, teachers shared that having access to the hardware and Kolibri software has allowed them to learn computer skills. To extend these benefits, OneAfricanChild hosts virtual webinars to reach out and train interested teachers to use Kolibri.