SAS Portal API 可让您在 CBRS 网络中创建、查看、更新或删除以下资源:
用户 ID
用户 ID 是 CBSD 运营商的唯一标识符。SAS 使用用户 ID 将设备分配给客户。每个 SAS 客户在设置客户帐号时必须至少提供一个用户 ID。您稍后可以添加其他用户 ID。
SAS Portal API 支持对 CBSD 进行多步注册。对于需要由认证的专业安装程序 (CPI) 安装的设备,您可以通过以下两种方法启动多步注册流程:
无论您使用哪种选项,此过程都会为 SAS 中的设备创建一个非活跃配置。然后,CBSD 向 SAS 发送注册请求。如果成功,设备状态将更改为“REGISTERED”。
对于不需要验证 CPI 的 CBSD,请使用 CreateDevice()
对于使用 CPI 编码数据的单步注册,请使用 WInnForum 定义的 SAS-CBSD API。
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
最后更新时间 (UTC):2022-09-26。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2022-09-26。"],[[["The SAS Portal API enables management of User IDs and Devices within your CBRS network, including creation, viewing, updating, and deletion."],["User IDs uniquely identify CBSD operators and are used for device assignment to customers."],["Devices can be registered through a multi-step process involving CPI validation or a single-step process for devices without CPI requirements."],["Device registration can be initiated by a CPI or any user with appropriate permissions, ultimately leading to a \"REGISTERED\" status upon successful CBSD registration request."],["Users' ability to manage resources is determined by their assigned role and inherited permissions."]]],["The SAS Portal API allows managing User IDs and Devices within a CBRS network. User permissions are role-based and inherit from parent resources. Devices can be registered via a multi-step process involving CPI validation, either initiated with a CPI account using `ValidateInstaller()` and `SignDevice()` methods, or with any account using `CreateSigned()`. Non-CPI validated devices use `CreateDevice()`. After creating an inactive device configuration, a successful CBSD registration request changes its status to \"REGISTERED.\" Single-step registration uses the SAS-CBSD API.\n"]]