This includes services hosted by Payment Integrators for e-Wallets.
- REST Resource: integrator-base-path.e-wallets-v1
- REST Resource: integrator-base-path.e-wallets-v1.createMandate
To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.
Discovery document
A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming Google Standard Payments APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. This service provides the following discovery document:
Service endpoint
A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:
Methods | |
associateAccount |
POST /e-wallets-v1/associateAccount Associates the customer's account with the payment processor to the Google instrument being added. |
asynchronousCapture |
POST /e-wallets-v1/asynchronousCapture Triggers the start of a money movement operation between a customer's account and the integrator. |
authenticateIdentity |
POST /e-wallets-v1/authenticateIdentity Authenticates a user's account using data about the user's Google account and current context. |
cancelFundsReservation |
POST /e-wallets-v1/cancelFundsReservation Initiates canceling the funds that were reserved by a reserveFunds call. |
cancelMandate |
POST /e-wallets-v1/cancelMandate Initiates a mandate cancellation on the user's account with the integrator. |
capture |
POST /e-wallets-v1/capture Initiates money movement between a customer's account held with Google and the payment processor. |
captureFundsReservation |
POST /e-wallets-v1/captureFundsReservation Initiates a capture of the funds reserved by a reserveFunds call. |
echo |
POST /e-wallets-v1/echo Echos back the clientMessage that is passed in. |
getBalanceAndLimits |
POST /e-wallets-v1/getBalanceAndLimits Initiates a request for the current account balance associated with the association ID provided in the request. |
getTransferFundsTransactionStatus |
POST /e-wallets-v1/getTransferFundsTransactionStatus This method fetches the status of a TransferFunds transaction. |
refreshToken |
POST /e-wallets-v1/refreshToken Refreshes a payment token's expiration date. |
refund |
POST /e-wallets-v1/refund Refunds a portion of or the entire transaction initiated through capture . |
remittanceStatementNotification |
POST /e-wallets-v1/remittanceStatementNotification Notifies the integrator of a new remittance statement. |
reserveFunds |
POST /e-wallets-v1/reserveFunds Reserve funds on a token. |
sendOtp |
POST /e-wallets-v1/sendOtp Requests the integrator send an OTP to the phone number. |
simulateTransferFunds |
POST /e-wallets-v1/simulateTransferFunds Initiates a request to simulate a transfer from an account associated by the association ID for a given amount provided in the request. |
transferFunds |
POST /e-wallets-v1/transferFunds Initiates money movement between a customer's account held with Google and the payment processor. |
upcomingTransactionNotification |
POST /e-wallets-v1/upcomingTransactionNotification Requests the integrator notify the user of an upcoming transaction for a recurring mandate. |
verifyOtp |
POST /e-wallets-v1/verifyOtp Verifies an OTP value was sent by the integrator for the account. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /e-wallets-v1/createMandate Initiates a mandate creation on the user's account with the integrator. |