Revision History

Revision History

e-Wallets v1 Specification Revision History

This is a revision history noting significant changes to the e-Wallets APIs.

Date API Version Change Description APIs Impacted
2024-04-09 1.7.6 Added TransactionInitiator field in CaptureRequest which indicates whether a transaction was initiated by Google or the customer capture
2024-04-01 1.7.5 Adding new refund result code: CAPTURE_USED_PROMOTIONAL_BALANCE refund
2023-07-10 1.7.4 Deprecates GoogleAccountAssertions and GoogleAccountAssertionsVerifiedPhoneNumber authenticateIdentity
2023-06-06 1.7.3 Added InstallmentPlan to ReserveFundsResponse. reserveFunds
2023-05-28 1.7.2 Added decline codes under GetBalanceAndLimitsResult in GetBalanceAndLimitsResponse getBalanceAndLimits
2023-03-27 1.7.1 Moved data fields under GetBalanceAndLimitsResult with type GetBalanceAndLimitsSuccess in GetBalanceAndLimitsResponse getBalanceAndLimits
2023-02-06 1.7.0 Added NOTIFICATION_EXPIRED result code in capture for funds transfer capture
2023-01-13 1.6.9 Add refreshToken method. refreshToken
2022-12-19 1.6.8 Fixed presentation of createmandate. createmandate
2022-12-16 1.6.7 Added CancelMandate support in Recurring Mandates. cancelMandate
2022-11-07 1.6.6 Added total_withholding_taxes field to RemittanceStatementDetailsResponse. remittanceStatementDetails
2022-09-20 1.6.5 Updated current_balance field to Optional from Required state in TopUpSuccess response under TopUpRedirectResponse Top-Up Redirect flow
2022-09-20 1.6.4 Added GOOGLE_PAYMENT_TOKEN_INVALIDATED_BY_USER Result Code in CreateMandate createMandate
2022-09-15 1.6.3 Added OTP_EXPIRED Result Code in AssociateAccountResponse associateAccount
2022-08-11 1.6.2 Add support for CaptureRequestCriteria for getDisputeInquiryReport method getDisputeInquiryReport
2022-06-30 1.6.1 Added OTP_EXPIRED Result Code in CreateMandate createMandate
2022-06-21 1.6.0 Defining a Get Balance And Limits Flow Get Balance And Limits
2022-06-16 1.5.1 Updated google_payment_token type in CreateMandate createMandate
2022-06-09 1.5.0 Defining a Top-Up Flow Top-up Redirects
2022-06-06 1.4.3 Add support for Recurring Mandates in Capture. Added CreateMandate, UpcomingTransactionNotification createMandate, upcomingTransactionNotification, capture
2022-05-04 1.4.2 Add FUNDING_SOURCE_UNAVAILABLE decline code for Capture capture
2022-04-12 1.4.1 Add currentBalance optional field to CaptureResponse capture
2022-03-07 1.4.0 Remove deprecated CONTACT_INTEGRATOR decline code for Capture and AssociateAccount capture, associateAccount
2022-01-24 1.3.8 Add NO_GOOD_FUNDING_SOURCE_AVAILABLE decline code for Capture capture
2021-09-29 1.3.7 Move base path concept to host string on Overview pages. Add basePath field and drop http scheme from OpenAPI spec files. All
2021-09-28 1.3.6 Deduplicate v1 Request and Response headers on ErrorResponse. All
2021-08-26 1.3.5 Add RISK_DECLINED response code to Capture API. capture
2021-08-25 1.3.4 Add PIAID segment to POST URLs. Google-hosted
2021-07-20 1.3.3 Update host documentation. All
2021-03-09 1.3.2 Link to v1 ErrorResponse type in service docs. All
2021-02-12 1.3.1 Drop references to RefreshToken. refreshToken
2018-10-03 1.2.2 Update OpenAPI specs to reflect latest documentation All
2018-10-02 1.2.1 Fix documentation on echo and remittanceStatementNotification methods echo, remittanceStatementNotification
2018-10-02 1.2.0 Major changes include: Add requestOriginator field to getDisputeInquiryReport method. Minor changes include: Fix documentation of exchangeRate field on remittanceStatementDetails method. getDisputeInquiryReport, remittanceStatementDetails
2018-07-31 1.1.3 Major changes include: Added AsynchronousCapture, DisburseFunds, GetAsynchronousCaptureResult, DisburseFundsResultNotification, GetDisputeInquiryReport. Minor changes include: Clarified the format of the requestId. asynchronousCapture, disburseFunds, getAsynchronousCaptureResult, disburseFundsResultNotification, getDisputeInquiryReport
2018-06-18 1.1.1 Minor changes include: Updated errorResponse object. All
2018-04-03 1.1.0 Major changes include: Added RefundResultNotification callback. Minor changes include: Added description of how versioning should be handled. refundResultNotification
2018-02-21 1.0.2 Minor changes include: Wording tweaks. capture, paymentDisputeNotification, paymentInquiryNotification, remittanceStatementDetails
2017-09-07 1.0.1 Significant changes include: Deprecated all instances of user_message associateAccount, capture, refreshToken, echo, paymentDisputeNotification, paymentInqiuryNotification
2017-08-29 1.0.0 Significant changes include: Added full account nickname. Fixed URLs to be accurate in payment update service. Fixed date_due to be optionally not set iff the total due by integrator is greater than 0. Smaller changes include: Editorial changes. Documented apk translucency. All
2017-07-21 0.8.1 Significant changes include: Updated documentation around the positive and negative values for remittance details. Smaller changes include: Editorial changes. Documented maximum length for various identifiers and tokens. Updated URLs with a correct version field format. Updated Google URLs with a correct URL. All
2017-07-11 0.8.0 Significant changes include: Added pagination to the remittance statement details. Updated and added result codes for capture, refund, refresh and sendOtp. Smaller changes include: Editorial changes. Clarified an error in the remittanceStatementDetails method where refund values didn't have the correct sign. Clarified that the request timestamp is always in milliseconds from epoch. Clarified the use of the account id field. All
2017-06-23 0.7.0 Significant changes include: Made tokenExpirationTime optional. Clarified the use of accountId in the associateAccount Response. Added new decline codes for OTP results to associateAccount, refreshToken, sendOtp, verifyOtp. Removed bank account information from all remittance details. associateAccount, refreshToken, sendOtp, verifyOtp, remittanceStatementDetails
2017-06-19 0.6.1 Significant changes include: Removed accountPhoneNumberDestination parameter from the sendOtp response. sendOtp
2017-06-15 0.6.0 Significant changes include: Added Google Hosted OTP support. Added IP address to the capture request. Removed identity addresses and bank statement addresses in remittanceStatementNotification and remittanceStatementDetails reconciliation. Smaller changes include: Editorial changes. Changed the field chargeEvent to chargeEvents and refundEvent to refundEvents Added CHARGE_UNDER_LIMIT decline code for captures. Fixed errors in the OpenAPI specifications. capture, remittanceStatementNotification, remittanceStatementDetails
2017-05-03 0.5.0 Significant changes include: Added a paymentIntegratorErrorIdentifier to error responses. Added BillingPeriod to the remittanceStatementSummary. Fixed an issue around the direction of fees. Renamed Transaction to Event in remittanceStatementDetails. Added payment integrator IDs to the remittanceStatementDetails to ease reconciliation. Smaller changes include: Editorial changes. Removed companyId from authenticationRequest example. Removed accountReferenceToken from refreshToken example. Clarified various identity references in the remittance flows. Clarified various payment integrator identifiers. All
2017-04-10 0.4.2 Minor editorial fixes to the overview.
2017-03-22 0.4.1 Clarified remittance precision in the Remittance Flow. Fixed errors in remittanceStatementDetails method examples. Minor editorial fixes. remittanceStatementDetails
2017-03-17 0.4.0 Significant changes include: Added paymentInquiry and paymentDispute notifications. Added remittance statement notification delivery. Added remittance statement details method. Removed merchantCategoryCode from capture method. Smaller changes include: Various Payment Integrator identifiers in the responses are now required. Clarified result codes for idempotency. Removed companyId. paymentInquiry, paymentDispute, remittanceStatementNotification, remittanceStatementDetails
2016-02-09 0.3.0 Significant changes include: Restructured idempotency scheme. Added companyId. Removed ART in favor of associationId concept. Added ability to tie an authentication to a capture. Added flow documentation to help clarify purpose. Moved to All
2017-01-05 0.1.2 Fixed issue with authentication and association diagrams having AAT and ART in incorrect places. Added PaymentReversalNotification method. associateAccount, paymentReversalNotification
2016-12-19 0.1.1 Shared with early preview partners.
2016-12-15 0.1.0 Initial release to get early internal feedback.