- Resource: Message
- JSON representation
- Card
- CardHeader
- ImageStyle
- Section
- WidgetMarkup
- TextParagraph
- Image
- OnClick
- FormAction
- ActionParameter
- OpenLink
- KeyValue
- Icon
- Button
- TextButton
- ImageButton
- CardAction
- CardWithId
- Card
- CardHeader
- ImageType
- Section
- Widget
- TextParagraph
- Image
- OnClick
- Action
- ActionParameter
- LoadIndicator
- Interaction
- OpenLink
- OpenAs
- OnClose
- OverflowMenu
- OverflowMenuItem
- Icon
- MaterialIcon
- DecoratedText
- Button
- Color
- Type
- SwitchControl
- ControlType
- ButtonList
- TextInput
- Type
- Suggestions
- SuggestionItem
- Validation
- InputType
- SelectionInput
- SelectionType
- SelectionItem
- PlatformDataSource
- CommonDataSource
- HostAppDataSourceMarkup
- ChatClientDataSourceMarkup
- SpaceDataSource
- DateTimePicker
- DateTimePickerType
- Divider
- Grid
- GridItem
- ImageComponent
- ImageCropStyle
- ImageCropType
- BorderStyle
- BorderType
- GridItemLayout
- Columns
- Column
- HorizontalSizeStyle
- HorizontalAlignment
- VerticalAlignment
- Widgets
- ChipList
- Layout
- Chip
- Carousel
- CarouselCard
- NestedWidget
- CollapseControl
- DividerStyle
- CardAction
- CardFixedFooter
- DisplayStyle
- Annotation
- AnnotationType
- UserMentionMetadata
- Type
- SlashCommandMetadata
- Type
- RichLinkMetadata
- RichLinkType
- DriveLinkData
- ChatSpaceLinkData
- Thread
- ActionResponse
- ResponseType
- DialogAction
- Dialog
- ActionStatus
- Code
- UpdatedWidget
- SelectionItems
- SlashCommand
- MatchedUrl
- EmojiReactionSummary
- DeletionMetadata
- DeletionType
- QuotedMessageMetadata
- AttachedGif
- AccessoryWidget
- Methods
Resource: Message
A message in a Google Chat space.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "sender": { object ( |
Fields | |
name |
Identifier. Resource name of the message. Format: Where If you set a custom ID when you create a message, you can use this ID to specify the message in a request by replacing |
sender |
Output only. The user who created the message. If your Chat app authenticates as a user, the output populates the user |
createTime |
Optional. Immutable. For spaces created in Chat, the time at which the message was created. This field is output only, except when used in import mode spaces. For import mode spaces, set this field to the historical timestamp at which the message was created in the source in order to preserve the original creation time. |
lastUpdateTime |
Output only. The time at which the message was last edited by a user. If the message has never been edited, this field is empty. |
deleteTime |
Output only. The time at which the message was deleted in Google Chat. If the message is never deleted, this field is empty. |
text |
Optional. Plain-text body of the message. The first link to an image, video, or web page generates a preview chip. You can also @mention a Google Chat user, or everyone in the space. To learn about creating text messages, see Send a message. |
formattedText |
Output only. Contains the message
For more information, see View text formatting sent in a message |
cards[] |
Deprecated: Use Rich, formatted, and interactive cards that you can use to display UI elements such as: formatted texts, buttons, and clickable images. Cards are normally displayed below the plain-text body of the message. |
cardsV2[] |
Optional. An array of cards. Only Chat apps can create cards. If your Chat app authenticates as a user, the messages can't contain cards. To learn how to create a message that contains cards, see Send a message. Design and preview cards with the Card Builder. Open the Card Builder |
annotations[] |
Output only. Annotations associated with the |
thread |
The thread the message belongs to. For example usage, see Start or reply to a message thread. |
space |
Output only. If your Chat app authenticates as a user, the output only populates the space |
fallbackText |
Optional. A plain-text description of the message's cards, used when the actual cards can't be displayed—for example, mobile notifications. |
actionResponse |
Input only. Parameters that a Chat app can use to configure how its response is posted. |
argumentText |
Output only. Plain-text body of the message with all Chat app mentions stripped out. |
slashCommand |
Output only. Slash command information, if applicable. |
attachment[] |
Optional. User-uploaded attachment. |
matchedUrl |
Output only. A URL in |
threadReply |
Output only. When If the space doesn't support reply in threads, this field is always |
clientAssignedMessageId |
Optional. A custom ID for the message. You can use field to identify a message, or to get, delete, or update a message. To set a custom ID, specify the |
emojiReactionSummaries[] |
Output only. The list of emoji reaction summaries on the message. |
privateMessageViewer |
Optional. Immutable. Input for creating a message, otherwise output only. The user that can view the message. When set, the message is private and only visible to the specified user and the Chat app. To include this field in your request, you must call the Chat API using app authentication and omit the following: For details, see Send a message privately. |
deletionMetadata |
Output only. Information about a deleted message. A message is deleted when |
quotedMessageMetadata |
Output only. Information about a message that's quoted by a Google Chat user in a space. Google Chat users can quote a message to reply to it. |
attachedGifs[] |
Output only. GIF images that are attached to the message. |
accessoryWidgets[] |
Optional. One or more interactive widgets that appear at the bottom of a message. You can add accessory widgets to messages that contain text, cards, or both text and cards. Not supported for messages that contain dialogs. For details, see Add interactive widgets at the bottom of a message. Creating a message with accessory widgets requires app authentication. |
A card in a Google Chat message.
Only Chat apps can create cards. If your Chat app authenticates as a user, the message can't contain cards.
Design and preview cards with the Card Builder.
Open the Card BuilderJSON representation |
"cardId": string,
"card": {
object ( |
Fields | |
cardId |
Required if the message contains multiple cards. A unique identifier for a card in a message. |
card |
A card. Maximum size is 32 KB. |
Output only. Annotations associated with the plain-text body of the message. To add basic formatting to a text message, see Format text messages.
Example plain-text message body:
Hello @FooBot how are you!"
The corresponding annotations metadata:
"userMention": {
"user": {
JSON representation |
{ "type": enum ( |
Fields | |
type |
The type of this annotation. |
length |
Length of the substring in the plain-text message body this annotation corresponds to. |
startIndex |
Start index (0-based, inclusive) in the plain-text message body this annotation corresponds to. |
Union field metadata . Additional metadata about the annotation. metadata can be only one of the following: |
userMention |
The metadata of user mention. |
slashCommand |
The metadata for a slash command. |
richLinkMetadata |
The metadata for a rich link. |
Type of the annotation.
Enums | |
Default value for the enum. Don't use. |
A user is mentioned. |
A slash command is invoked. |
A rich link annotation. |
Annotation metadata for user mentions (@).
Enums | |
Default value for the enum. Don't use. |
Add user to space. |
Mention user in space. |
Annotation metadata for slash commands (/).
Fields | |
bot |
The Chat app whose command was invoked. |
type |
The type of slash command. |
commandName |
The name of the invoked slash command. |
commandId |
The command ID of the invoked slash command. |
triggersDialog |
Indicates whether the slash command is for a dialog. |
Enums | |
Default value for the enum. Don't use. |
Add Chat app to space. |
Invoke slash command in space. |
A rich link to a resource.
JSON representation |
{ "uri": string, "richLinkType": enum ( |
Fields | |
uri |
The URI of this link. |
richLinkType |
The rich link type. |
Union field data . Data for the linked resource. data can be only one of the following: |
driveLinkData |
Data for a drive link. |
chatSpaceLinkData |
Data for a chat space link. |
The rich link type. More types might be added in the future.
Enums | |
Default value for the enum. Don't use. |
A Google Drive rich link type. |
A Chat space rich link type. For example, a space smart chip. |
Data for Google Drive links.
JSON representation |
"driveDataRef": {
object ( |
Fields | |
driveDataRef |
A DriveDataRef which references a Google Drive file. |
mimeType |
The mime type of the linked Google Drive resource. |
Data for Chat space links.
JSON representation |
{ "space": string, "thread": string, "message": string } |
Fields | |
space |
The space of the linked Chat space resource. Format: |
thread |
The thread of the linked Chat space resource. Format: |
message |
The message of the linked Chat space resource. Format: |
A thread in a Google Chat space. For example usage, see Start or reply to a message thread.
If you specify a thread when creating a message, you can set the messageReplyOption
field to determine what happens if no matching thread is found.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "threadKey": string } |
Fields | |
name |
Identifier. Resource name of the thread. Example: |
threadKey |
Optional. Input for creating or updating a thread. Otherwise, output only. ID for the thread. Supports up to 4000 characters. This ID is unique to the Chat app that sets it. For example, if multiple Chat apps create a message using the same thread key, the messages are posted in different threads. To reply in a thread created by a person or another Chat app, specify the thread |
Parameters that a Chat app can use to configure how its response is posted.
JSON representation |
{ "type": enum ( |
Fields | |
type |
Input only. The type of Chat app response. |
url |
Input only. URL for users to authenticate or configure. (Only for |
dialogAction |
Input only. A response to an interaction event related to a dialog. Must be accompanied by |
updatedWidget |
Input only. The response of the updated widget. |
The type of Chat app response.
Enums | |
Default type that's handled as NEW_MESSAGE . |
Post as a new message in the topic. |
Update the Chat app's message. This is only permitted on a CARD_CLICKED event where the message sender type is BOT . |
Update the cards on a user's message. This is only permitted as a response to a MESSAGE event with a matched url, or a CARD_CLICKED event where the message sender type is HUMAN . Text is ignored. |
Privately ask the user for additional authentication or configuration. |
Presents a dialog. |
Widget text autocomplete options query. |
Contains a dialog and request status code.
JSON representation |
{ "actionStatus": { object ( |
Fields | |
actionStatus |
Input only. Status for a request to either invoke or submit a dialog. Displays a status and message to users, if necessary. For example, in case of an error or success. |
Union field action . Action to perform. action can be only one of the following: |
dialog |
Input only. Dialog for the request. |
Wrapper around the card body of the dialog.
JSON representation |
"body": {
object ( |
Fields | |
body |
Input only. Body of the dialog, which is rendered in a modal. Google Chat apps don't support the following card entities: |
Represents the status for a request to either invoke or submit a dialog.
JSON representation |
"statusCode": enum ( |
Fields | |
statusCode |
The status code. |
userFacingMessage |
The message to send users about the status of their request. If unset, a generic message based on the |
The canonical error codes for gRPC APIs.
Sometimes multiple error codes may apply. Services should return the most specific error code that applies. For example, prefer OUT_OF_RANGE
if both codes apply. Similarly prefer NOT_FOUND
Enums | |
OK |
Not an error; returned on success. HTTP Mapping: 200 OK |
The operation was cancelled, typically by the caller. HTTP Mapping: 499 Client Closed Request |
Unknown error. For example, this error may be returned when a HTTP Mapping: 500 Internal Server Error |
The client specified an invalid argument. Note that this differs from HTTP Mapping: 400 Bad Request |
The deadline expired before the operation could complete. For operations that change the state of the system, this error may be returned even if the operation has completed successfully. For example, a successful response from a server could have been delayed long enough for the deadline to expire. HTTP Mapping: 504 Gateway Timeout |
Some requested entity (e.g., file or directory) was not found. Note to server developers: if a request is denied for an entire class of users, such as gradual feature rollout or undocumented allowlist, HTTP Mapping: 404 Not Found |
The entity that a client attempted to create (e.g., file or directory) already exists. HTTP Mapping: 409 Conflict |
The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation. HTTP Mapping: 403 Forbidden |
The request does not have valid authentication credentials for the operation. HTTP Mapping: 401 Unauthorized |
Some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space. HTTP Mapping: 429 Too Many Requests |
The operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution. For example, the directory to be deleted is non-empty, an rmdir operation is applied to a non-directory, etc. Service implementors can use the following guidelines to decide between HTTP Mapping: 400 Bad Request |
The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue such as a sequencer check failure or transaction abort. See the guidelines above for deciding between HTTP Mapping: 409 Conflict |
The operation was attempted past the valid range. E.g., seeking or reading past end-of-file. Unlike There is a fair bit of overlap between HTTP Mapping: 400 Bad Request |
The operation is not implemented or is not supported/enabled in this service. HTTP Mapping: 501 Not Implemented |
Internal errors. This means that some invariants expected by the underlying system have been broken. This error code is reserved for serious errors. HTTP Mapping: 500 Internal Server Error |
The service is currently unavailable. This is most likely a transient condition, which can be corrected by retrying with a backoff. Note that it is not always safe to retry non-idempotent operations. See the guidelines above for deciding between HTTP Mapping: 503 Service Unavailable |
Unrecoverable data loss or corruption. HTTP Mapping: 500 Internal Server Error |
For selectionInput
widgets, returns autocomplete suggestions for a multiselect menu.
JSON representation |
{ "widget": string, // Union field |
Fields | |
widget |
The ID of the updated widget. The ID must match the one for the widget that triggered the update request. |
Union field updated_widget . The widget updated in response to a user action. updated_widget can be only one of the following: |
suggestions |
List of widget autocomplete results |
List of widget autocomplete results.
JSON representation |
"items": [
object ( |
Fields | |
items[] |
An array of the SelectionItem objects. |
A slash command in Google Chat.
JSON representation |
{ "commandId": string } |
Fields | |
commandId |
The ID of the slash command invoked. |
A matched URL in a Chat message. Chat apps can preview matched URLs. For more information, see Preview links.
JSON representation |
{ "url": string } |
Fields | |
url |
Output only. The URL that was matched. |
The number of people who reacted to a message with a specific emoji.
JSON representation |
"emoji": {
object ( |
Fields | |
emoji |
Output only. Emoji associated with the reactions. |
reactionCount |
Output only. The total number of reactions using the associated emoji. |
Information about a deleted message. A message is deleted when deleteTime
is set.
JSON representation |
"deletionType": enum ( |
Fields | |
deletionType |
Indicates who deleted the message. |
Who deleted the message and how it was deleted. More values may be added in the future. See Edit or delete a message in Google Chat for details on when messages can be deleted.
Enums | |
This value is unused. |
User deleted their own message. |
A space manager deleted the message. |
A Google Workspace administrator deleted the message. Administrators can delete any message in the space, including messages sent by any space member or Chat app. |
A Chat app deleted its own message when it expired. |
A Chat app deleted the message on behalf of the creator (using user authentication). |
A Chat app deleted the message on behalf of a space manager (using user authentication). |
A member of the space deleted the message. Users can delete messages sent by apps. |
Information about a quoted message.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "lastUpdateTime": string } |
Fields | |
name |
Output only. Resource name of the quoted message. Format: |
lastUpdateTime |
Output only. The timestamp when the quoted message was created or when the quoted message was last updated. |
A GIF image that's specified by a URL.
JSON representation |
{ "uri": string } |
Fields | |
uri |
Output only. The URL that hosts the GIF image. |
One or more interactive widgets that appear at the bottom of a message. For details, see Add interactive widgets at the bottom of a message.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field action . The type of action. action can be only one of the following: |
buttonList |
A list of buttons. |